
Mike Chechanowicz

RECENTLY I LISTENED TO OTHER RECORDINGS- OPPT... felt it was a level in awakening and felt conversations gave me questions...I also posted 5 videos yesterday....if you would of listened you would of had the same thoughts I did..... The good thing is as with any group it is Important to comprehend all ALL sides...


Discernment is advised.
Also: December 11, 2012 - ANNOUNCEMENT: An offer to the people of the world from the holder of Global Prosperity funds

Reader Mike Chechanowicz writes and sends to Rayelan for all of us:
I hope you find this meaningful and in some way can use it to help defragment the process.
The link under is a 52-minute audio with Adnan Sakli – voicing concerns for the integrity of the funding aspects behind most all freedom movements.
This is a response to ongoing releases from OPPT as well as other organizations.
You are well served to download and listen. The intention is not to harm, but protect the people that have good intentions. Its not a personal thing and not intended to offend, but educate and provide solutions.
[Sakli mentions OPPT specifically at about 23:30 and again at about 46:00.]
The following was added to the conversation from the audiolink provided above.
BBC Documentary | The Money Trap | How Banks Control the World Through Debt - about 40 minutes

ADNAN: This is what they want to continue and these are the structured plans as laid by the Harvard club members and the Yale club members in the USA and UK as well as elsewhere.
This is the same people that are behind the OPPT to entrap people with a new form of Trust and debt. The highway for this is the Global open market commission as the functional body that actuates these things.

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