Almighty Creator
Theres God
Theres Love
Theres Appreciation
Theres Human Beings to make the proper choice and live with your Heart. Be kind.
Updates: July 29, 2003; January 7, 2004; May 28, 2005.
The place of his birth is not historically known simply because he was Francis Bacon and never died since, more on this later. It is claimed that in childhood he lived in the home of one of the last of the Medici and that he was educated at the University of Siena. This is not true.
From 1710 to 1822 was known in various parts of Europe under the names of the Marquis of Montferrat, the Count Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Chevalier Weldon, Count Solticoff, Graf Tzarogy and Prince Rakoczi or Rakoczy and some identified him as the last Commander of the Knights of Malta. Throughout Europe he was recognized as a diplomat, scholar and linguist. His knowledge of other languages was impressive: he was highly proficient in Latin, Greek, Arabic, Sanskrit and Chinese and had fluency in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. His ability to acquire a new language was so great that after coming in contact with a group for a short time started speaking their own language. He was the emissary par excellence because of his multilingual skills, knowledge of places through extensive traveling, acquaintance with international law and advocacy for peace.
Far above average were his abilities in art and music. The Countess Genlis in her memories wrote enthusiastically of the extraordinary effect achieved by the quality of his color, especially when painting jewels and ornaments in his pictures. So great was his interest in gems, according to the Countess, that he willingly sacrificed his pictures as a whole to make the gems seem real. His pictures may have been signed but with a pseudonym. In music very little has been known except by some compositions bearing the name Giovannini, supposedly an Italian composer, that have been discovered to be Count St. Germain's compositions. Of his literary work few has survived except for a copy kept in the French city of Troyes of the original manuscript by St. Germain called "La Tres Sainte Trinosophia" ["The Most Holy Threefold Wisdom"]. The Count destroyed the original. Divided in twelve sections, suggesting the divisions of the Zodiac and the conditions and life experiences of the candidate, this work describes the stages of progress and initiation from the neophyte to the final stage of perfection as this enfoldment progresses through the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water. The manuscript is filled with hieroglyphs and symbolic pictures that present difficulties of interpretation even to advanced students.
Because of his unusual activities, permanent youth, his mysterious remarks about his origin, the extravagances people believed and repeated about him, St. Germain was called "Wonder Man" and the "man who never died." His age was the most mysterious thing since for more than a hundred years he seemed to look about forty five years old. In 1710, when he already looked forty five and was already known in social circles of Holland, he was in Venice and met with Countess von Georgy. One interesting detail to mention here, referred to by Franz Graeffer in his book "Recollections of Vienna", is that the mentioned Countess, now elderly, in coming face to face with Count St. Germain stepped back in surprise, saying that fifty years ago in Venice with her husband, then Ambassador, she had known the Count. It seemed incredible to her that he could have changed so little in appearance, nevertheless St. Germain confirmed to her that he was the same person she had known fifty years earlier.
His knowledge of the courts and of events that happened fifty, sixty or more years ago was so detailed that people were convinced that he actually experienced those circumstances. For instance, he could describe scenes of the court of Francis I and depict the king with high degree of exactness, even imitating his voice, language and mannerisms. (Here referring to Francis I, German Emperor from 1745 to 1765, father of Marie Antoinette.)
Napoleon III is said to have ordered a complete documentation of everything belonging to the Count. The material then collected was destroyed by fire when the building in which it was deposited was burned during the Commune.
In 1735 he was in Holland again. Between 1737 to 1742 he was at the court of the Shah of Persia. From 1743 to 1745 he was active in England during the Jacobite Revolution. At this time he was arrested in London during his diplomatic efforts on the grounds of being a spy.
In 1745 St. Germain left London for Vienna where he was known as a mystic and philosopher. He became intimate friend of Emperor Francis I's chief Minister, Prince Ferdinand von Lobkowitz. Through this friendship he met the Marshal of France, the Duc de Belle-Isle, special emissary of Louis XV of France at the Viennese Court. In 1757 Duc de Belle-Isle took Saint-Germain to Paris and, being the Minister of War and associated with the high class, the Duc of Belle-Isle most likely introduced the Count to the Court Circles of France and to both Louis XV and Madame Pompadour. Count St. Germain became well known to the court of Louis XV who in 1758 assigned him a spacious apartment in the castle Chateau de Chambord on the river Loire. The king regarded him as one of his friends. At this Chateau the Count wrote much and performed important Alchemical experiments. There he built a Rosicrucian laboratory and set aside various rooms for his secret meetings with mystical councils of Rosicrucian leaders and representatives of various parts of Europe who came there to confer with the Count. Among these were Baron de Gleichen, Marquise d'Urfé and the Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, the mother of Catherine II of Russia.
In 1760 Louis XV sent Count Saint-Germain on a diplomatic mission to The Hague and from there he went to England. Two or three years later he was in St. Petersburg and at the end of 1763 he met the well-known Casanova at Tournay in Belgium. Count Cobenzl in a letter written in 1763 said that St. Germain had performed "under my own eyes ... the transmutation of iron into a metal as beautiful as gold". From 1764 to 1768 the Count was in Berlin. There he closely associated himself with the Abbé Pernety, Princess Amelie, the old Baron Knyhausen and Madame de Troussel. In 1770 he went to Tunis with the Comte Maximilian de Lamberg and to Leghorn while the Russian fleet was there.
From 1774 to 1776 he met several Rosicrucian and alchemists at Triesdorf. In the later part of 1776 he attended a high council meeting of Rosicrucians at Leipzig, and next year he helped to establish a Rosicrucian College and Alchemical laboratory at Dresden. During the signing of the American Constitution the continental congress assembled with doors locked was indecisive to sign the proclamation of independence when a "stranger" appeared among them and delivered a passionate speech exhorting them to sign with the commanding words: "Sign that document." This stranger was St. Germain. In 1779 he was in Hamburg to consult with a group of Rosicrucians and then he visited the home of Prince Karl of Hesse, who was then the Grand Master of the Rosicrucians in Germany. Around that time he paid a visit to the Castle of the Duc of the Medici which had an archive for the preservation of the Rosicrucian material from all parts of Europe. Here was the place for many Rosicrucian conventions and for the addition of Rosicrucian material.
In 1785 and 1786 he had a conference with the Empress of Russia, he visited the Princess de Lamballe while she stood before the tribunal only shortly before she was killed by a bullet. In 1788, according to the Comte de Challons, St. Germain conversed with him in St. Mark's square in Venice. In 1793 the Count appeared to Jeanne Du Barry while she waited for the scaffold to be guillotined.
Frivolous as their life may seem, members of nobility needed mystical truth to be imparted to their souls and unfolding Inner selves. And so St. Germain set himself to give guidance and instruction of high spiritual level to some of these leaders or leaders-to-be who were tired of the fictitious and hypocritical manners and etiquette of social life and whose education was rigid and shallow and, in that sense, deprived of natural spontaneity. He also contacted -and contacts- Rosicrucians and mystics of the highest degrees to help them with their social manners and ethical development. In conjunction with other ascended masters associated with the sacred violet flame, he trains and activates this energy in their bodies. His typical appearance is of medium height, of soft pleasing voice, piercing eyes and wearing a velvet violet coat highly embroidered, with vest of velvet, a ruffled lace front and fancy cuffs. He wears a powdered wig, making him look as a personage of the eighteenth century.
(Click here to read a description of the current physical appearance of Saint Germain.)
He ascended on May 1, 1684.
There is an excellent channeling he gave through Claire Heartsong where he talks about his life as Sir Francis Bacon, he said: [Allison Heartsong poses clarifying questions to St. Germain.]
"Indeed, my mother was Queen of England [referring to Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), daughter of Henry VIII] who epitomized the colonization of nations, which was part of her soul memory of 'star wars'. Indeed beloveds, it is true —Queen Elizabeth was a grand fiery-haired one, to be sure, with a grand heart and a grand mind and a grand vision and a grand knowingness. She conceived that which be I and she sent me off onto other parentage, the home of the Bacons, where I became quite a boar [the boar was one of the Francis Bacon's signature codes.]
"Allison Heartsong: So you are confirming that Francis Bacon was a son of Queen Elizabeth who gave her son to one of the ladies in waiting. [Francis Bacon was an English Renaissance philosopher (1561-1626 (?)]
"Indeed."And so you became Francis Bacon?
"Quite a rowdy, to be sure and not altogether boring. I did gather to myself the ways and means of impressing others in the high places and a way of being quite witty and quite wondrous with verbiage. Yet do you know my beloveds, deep within my soul was a knowingness of who I be and of the design of my coming. The miracles occurred, appearances and 'encounters of the close kind'. Though I was yet a youngster, I was made aware as Francis Bacon of the knowingness of the ancients and where I had hidden certain treasures. I did find all of that, which was quite exciting —to open the box of myself, the time capsule, and to come into a completion in ascension in that lifetime.
I staged the death (of Francis Bacon), that still has some scratching their heads, and continued on to work upon the European scene with a grand vision of union, a grand vision to be in the footsteps of that One who was my son, the One you call Jesus."A.H. As I understand it, you are saying that even during your youth as Francis Bacon you became aware of soul memory, including your life as Joseph?
"Indeed, not only soul memory, beloved, but that which I had buried in a variety of different places, actual tangible records that I had laid up for myself for a later time."
A.H.: So in the middle of your life as Francis Bacon, you has awareness that you had these previous lifetimes and you had awareness of your mission, including the United States of America?"Indeed, what the planet was coming into, the shift from the Piscean understanding to the Aquarian and to the Era of God."A.H.: ...that you were laying the foundation for that shift."Yes, it burned brightly within me. I was entorched with the passion of it and so was that which was my mate, whose name was Portia."A.H.: And do I understand you mean that at the end of the life of Francis Bacon an ascension or expansion of consciousness into seventh level occurred that did not involved physical death and reincarnating in a body, but simply staging a false death and burial so that your could continue as the embodiment of Francis Bacon now ascended as a seventh level ascended master and that you moved to Europe to continue as St. Germain?"Indeed."A.H.: Approximately how long was it from the time you staged the artificial death of Francis Bacon and moved from England to the European continent, before your met Portia?"We knew one another before."
A.H.: Was she in a physical embodiment or in an ethereal..?"In an embodiment. We knew —she knew better than I— we knew the purpose of the ascension was for Union."
A.H.: You mean while you were living the life of Francis Bacon, you met Portia?"Yes. She too ascended in that timing. She lifted her frequency into a grand understating of who she be, so that we might facilitate one another..."
[If you want to know the rest of the story, buy the book. See Reference 3.]
He has reincarnated previously as:
His twin flame is Portia, the Goddess of Justice who serves on the Karmic Board, his master is Master Rakoczi, of the First Ray, the Great Divine Director, the Manu of the Seventh Root Race, the founder of the Rakoczi dynasty.
With respect to the reincarnation as a ruler of the Golden Age civilization in the Sahara Desert, St. Germain says through Candace Frieze (see the complete discourse in St. Germain on NESARA & Money):
"In my distant past I learned personally the hard way, as most do in Earth, the follies of misusing of money. I headed up a very large civilization that came to an end 50,000 years ago in the area which is now the Sahara Desert. I practiced personally at the time money management, much as the Federal Reserve does today. My peoples lost their sense of spirituality because they became so engulfed in money, wealth, and materialism.
"My society failed from my mismanagement. The money became worthless, just as is what is happening now, on a large scale basis over much of the world. My society collapsed, and had nothing to fall back on, when the money became worthless. We basically just printed and spent, and developed little other skills that we could fall back on, for survival. I learned much then. I did not do this to bring about collapse and control. I did this because I wanted the peoples to be happy and comfortable. They were too comfortable. But I learned much about how money works in that venture.
"Over the last 200 years I have worked behind the scenes to get electronic money up and running. Well, it wasn't electronic then the way it is now, but I did start the banking up that has become what it is today. I did not start up the Federal Reserve System, this mess is the work entirely of the BBB&G’s [Big Bad Boys & Girls]. But electronic transfer of money is efficient and makes it easy to use..."
His physical sacred sites are as follows:
1. Mount Shasta, in Northern California, USA;
2. His Cave of Symbols in Table Mountain, near Jackson Hole in the State of Wyoming, USA, where he has a chair of ascension of his own invention;
3. The Retreat of the Great Divine Director, the Rakoczi Mansion in Transylvania, Romania (on the etheric plane there has been established there the Sacred Temple of the Maltese Cross);
4. Royal Teton Retreat at the Grand Tetons mountains in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA.;
5. The Cave of Light in India, in the Himalayas;
6. An etheric Celestial City located over the Sahara Desert;
7. An office in Maryland, USA, where he coordinates mainly all the NESARA activities and the prosperity program fund distribution.
8. A UFO-type spaceship within the solar system where he coordinates operations with the Galactic Federation.
His teachings, being known also as the I AM Presence, are today presented worldwide by various mystical and metaphysical organizations not associated with each other. No one can claim ownership of these teachings as no one can claim ownership of the air you breath or the law of gravity, since the violet flame is a universal solvent and agent, a spiritual law available to anyone.
As sponsor of the Aquarian Age, Saint-Germain brings the Violet Flame teachings for peace, freedom and enlightenment to humankind. The Violet Flame is the ideal tool to heal emotional and physical problems, improve relationships and help grow spiritually. This flame is invoked using decrees or mantras said rhythmically while utilizing meditation and visualization techniques.
In a three dimensional world of the present paradigm the law of polarity and duality manifests implacable as Karma in human affairs. The Violet Flame being a higher spiritual law of the fourth dimensional world and beyond is able to overcome this lower law of cause and effect by transmuting the negative energy and even erasing memories of past mistakes. This flame changes negative into positive and darkness into light.
For each lower law there is always a higher law that supersedes it. For the law of gravity, there is the law of levitation, for the law of karma, there is the law of forgiveness and compensation through the violet flame, dispensations, intercessions and other meditative techniques and actions. The omnipotence of the Supreme Director always prevails over his/her laws. If you do your daily prayers and meditations with the violet flame in humbleness, with clear intention and devotion, you will discover that what was written in that arcane forgotten manuscript that seemed so incredible, miraculous and magic will come to be true word by word and line by line...
This biography would be incomplete without mentioning that Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain helped Alan Greenspan, the Head of the Federal Reserve, write the NESARA Law draft. St. Germain is the main coordinator of the Celestial Extraterrestrial Forces, the Ascended Masters and the Earth Allies (White Knights) in the conception and writing of the law, its announcement, the protection of allied terrestrial forces during the preannouncement period, the implementation of NESARA and the funding and distribution of the prosperity programs. See information on NESARA here: http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/NESARA_law.htm .In the navigation bar see several articles about St. Germain and his involvement with this US Law. He also predicted the Fall from power of the Illuminati and their Evil Empire as is covered in the article "NESARA Foreseen by St. Germain" at http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/NESARA_foreseen_by_st_germain.htm . NESARA ushers in the Aquarian Golden Age and marks the crumbling, arrest and trial of the Evil Illuminati who for centuries have positioned themselves in power and in control of the monetary system of the world. For the coordination of all these activities St. Germain has an office in Maryland, USA.
Count Saint-Germain
The Ascended Master that brings the Violet Flame of Healing and Transmutation for the Aquarian Age is St. Germain. I am going to give some facts about the life of this Rosicrucian master and mystic as presented in Rosicrucian literature and other sources.
His complete name is Violinio Germaine, yes, with final "e", however, it is spelt more commonly as "Germain." He is affectionately called "The Lavender Lad."The place of his birth is not historically known simply because he was Francis Bacon and never died since, more on this later. It is claimed that in childhood he lived in the home of one of the last of the Medici and that he was educated at the University of Siena. This is not true.
From 1710 to 1822 was known in various parts of Europe under the names of the Marquis of Montferrat, the Count Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Chevalier Weldon, Count Solticoff, Graf Tzarogy and Prince Rakoczi or Rakoczy and some identified him as the last Commander of the Knights of Malta. Throughout Europe he was recognized as a diplomat, scholar and linguist. His knowledge of other languages was impressive: he was highly proficient in Latin, Greek, Arabic, Sanskrit and Chinese and had fluency in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. His ability to acquire a new language was so great that after coming in contact with a group for a short time started speaking their own language. He was the emissary par excellence because of his multilingual skills, knowledge of places through extensive traveling, acquaintance with international law and advocacy for peace.
Far above average were his abilities in art and music. The Countess Genlis in her memories wrote enthusiastically of the extraordinary effect achieved by the quality of his color, especially when painting jewels and ornaments in his pictures. So great was his interest in gems, according to the Countess, that he willingly sacrificed his pictures as a whole to make the gems seem real. His pictures may have been signed but with a pseudonym. In music very little has been known except by some compositions bearing the name Giovannini, supposedly an Italian composer, that have been discovered to be Count St. Germain's compositions. Of his literary work few has survived except for a copy kept in the French city of Troyes of the original manuscript by St. Germain called "La Tres Sainte Trinosophia" ["The Most Holy Threefold Wisdom"]. The Count destroyed the original. Divided in twelve sections, suggesting the divisions of the Zodiac and the conditions and life experiences of the candidate, this work describes the stages of progress and initiation from the neophyte to the final stage of perfection as this enfoldment progresses through the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water. The manuscript is filled with hieroglyphs and symbolic pictures that present difficulties of interpretation even to advanced students.
Because of his unusual activities, permanent youth, his mysterious remarks about his origin, the extravagances people believed and repeated about him, St. Germain was called "Wonder Man" and the "man who never died." His age was the most mysterious thing since for more than a hundred years he seemed to look about forty five years old. In 1710, when he already looked forty five and was already known in social circles of Holland, he was in Venice and met with Countess von Georgy. One interesting detail to mention here, referred to by Franz Graeffer in his book "Recollections of Vienna", is that the mentioned Countess, now elderly, in coming face to face with Count St. Germain stepped back in surprise, saying that fifty years ago in Venice with her husband, then Ambassador, she had known the Count. It seemed incredible to her that he could have changed so little in appearance, nevertheless St. Germain confirmed to her that he was the same person she had known fifty years earlier.
His knowledge of the courts and of events that happened fifty, sixty or more years ago was so detailed that people were convinced that he actually experienced those circumstances. For instance, he could describe scenes of the court of Francis I and depict the king with high degree of exactness, even imitating his voice, language and mannerisms. (Here referring to Francis I, German Emperor from 1745 to 1765, father of Marie Antoinette.)
Napoleon III is said to have ordered a complete documentation of everything belonging to the Count. The material then collected was destroyed by fire when the building in which it was deposited was burned during the Commune.
In 1735 he was in Holland again. Between 1737 to 1742 he was at the court of the Shah of Persia. From 1743 to 1745 he was active in England during the Jacobite Revolution. At this time he was arrested in London during his diplomatic efforts on the grounds of being a spy.
In 1745 St. Germain left London for Vienna where he was known as a mystic and philosopher. He became intimate friend of Emperor Francis I's chief Minister, Prince Ferdinand von Lobkowitz. Through this friendship he met the Marshal of France, the Duc de Belle-Isle, special emissary of Louis XV of France at the Viennese Court. In 1757 Duc de Belle-Isle took Saint-Germain to Paris and, being the Minister of War and associated with the high class, the Duc of Belle-Isle most likely introduced the Count to the Court Circles of France and to both Louis XV and Madame Pompadour. Count St. Germain became well known to the court of Louis XV who in 1758 assigned him a spacious apartment in the castle Chateau de Chambord on the river Loire. The king regarded him as one of his friends. At this Chateau the Count wrote much and performed important Alchemical experiments. There he built a Rosicrucian laboratory and set aside various rooms for his secret meetings with mystical councils of Rosicrucian leaders and representatives of various parts of Europe who came there to confer with the Count. Among these were Baron de Gleichen, Marquise d'Urfé and the Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, the mother of Catherine II of Russia.
In 1760 Louis XV sent Count Saint-Germain on a diplomatic mission to The Hague and from there he went to England. Two or three years later he was in St. Petersburg and at the end of 1763 he met the well-known Casanova at Tournay in Belgium. Count Cobenzl in a letter written in 1763 said that St. Germain had performed "under my own eyes ... the transmutation of iron into a metal as beautiful as gold". From 1764 to 1768 the Count was in Berlin. There he closely associated himself with the Abbé Pernety, Princess Amelie, the old Baron Knyhausen and Madame de Troussel. In 1770 he went to Tunis with the Comte Maximilian de Lamberg and to Leghorn while the Russian fleet was there.
Louis XV, King of France (1710-1774), painting by F. H. Drouais
In 1773 he traveled to Mantua after meeting his pupil Cagliostro in Paris. In 1774, after the death of Louis XV on May 10, the Count went to The Hague as diplomat representing several governments. From there he may have made a trip to Schwalbach and returned to Holland.From 1774 to 1776 he met several Rosicrucian and alchemists at Triesdorf. In the later part of 1776 he attended a high council meeting of Rosicrucians at Leipzig, and next year he helped to establish a Rosicrucian College and Alchemical laboratory at Dresden. During the signing of the American Constitution the continental congress assembled with doors locked was indecisive to sign the proclamation of independence when a "stranger" appeared among them and delivered a passionate speech exhorting them to sign with the commanding words: "Sign that document." This stranger was St. Germain. In 1779 he was in Hamburg to consult with a group of Rosicrucians and then he visited the home of Prince Karl of Hesse, who was then the Grand Master of the Rosicrucians in Germany. Around that time he paid a visit to the Castle of the Duc of the Medici which had an archive for the preservation of the Rosicrucian material from all parts of Europe. Here was the place for many Rosicrucian conventions and for the addition of Rosicrucian material.
In 1785 and 1786 he had a conference with the Empress of Russia, he visited the Princess de Lamballe while she stood before the tribunal only shortly before she was killed by a bullet. In 1788, according to the Comte de Challons, St. Germain conversed with him in St. Mark's square in Venice. In 1793 the Count appeared to Jeanne Du Barry while she waited for the scaffold to be guillotined.
Frivolous as their life may seem, members of nobility needed mystical truth to be imparted to their souls and unfolding Inner selves. And so St. Germain set himself to give guidance and instruction of high spiritual level to some of these leaders or leaders-to-be who were tired of the fictitious and hypocritical manners and etiquette of social life and whose education was rigid and shallow and, in that sense, deprived of natural spontaneity. He also contacted -and contacts- Rosicrucians and mystics of the highest degrees to help them with their social manners and ethical development. In conjunction with other ascended masters associated with the sacred violet flame, he trains and activates this energy in their bodies. His typical appearance is of medium height, of soft pleasing voice, piercing eyes and wearing a velvet violet coat highly embroidered, with vest of velvet, a ruffled lace front and fancy cuffs. He wears a powdered wig, making him look as a personage of the eighteenth century.
(Click here to read a description of the current physical appearance of Saint Germain.)
He ascended on May 1, 1684.
There is an excellent channeling he gave through Claire Heartsong where he talks about his life as Sir Francis Bacon, he said: [Allison Heartsong poses clarifying questions to St. Germain.]
"Indeed, my mother was Queen of England [referring to Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), daughter of Henry VIII] who epitomized the colonization of nations, which was part of her soul memory of 'star wars'. Indeed beloveds, it is true —Queen Elizabeth was a grand fiery-haired one, to be sure, with a grand heart and a grand mind and a grand vision and a grand knowingness. She conceived that which be I and she sent me off onto other parentage, the home of the Bacons, where I became quite a boar [the boar was one of the Francis Bacon's signature codes.]
"Allison Heartsong: So you are confirming that Francis Bacon was a son of Queen Elizabeth who gave her son to one of the ladies in waiting. [Francis Bacon was an English Renaissance philosopher (1561-1626 (?)]
"Indeed."And so you became Francis Bacon?
"Quite a rowdy, to be sure and not altogether boring. I did gather to myself the ways and means of impressing others in the high places and a way of being quite witty and quite wondrous with verbiage. Yet do you know my beloveds, deep within my soul was a knowingness of who I be and of the design of my coming. The miracles occurred, appearances and 'encounters of the close kind'. Though I was yet a youngster, I was made aware as Francis Bacon of the knowingness of the ancients and where I had hidden certain treasures. I did find all of that, which was quite exciting —to open the box of myself, the time capsule, and to come into a completion in ascension in that lifetime.
I staged the death (of Francis Bacon), that still has some scratching their heads, and continued on to work upon the European scene with a grand vision of union, a grand vision to be in the footsteps of that One who was my son, the One you call Jesus."A.H. As I understand it, you are saying that even during your youth as Francis Bacon you became aware of soul memory, including your life as Joseph?
"Indeed, not only soul memory, beloved, but that which I had buried in a variety of different places, actual tangible records that I had laid up for myself for a later time."

A.H.: Was she in a physical embodiment or in an ethereal..?"In an embodiment. We knew —she knew better than I— we knew the purpose of the ascension was for Union."
A.H.: You mean while you were living the life of Francis Bacon, you met Portia?"Yes. She too ascended in that timing. She lifted her frequency into a grand understating of who she be, so that we might facilitate one another..."
[If you want to know the rest of the story, buy the book. See Reference 3.]
He has reincarnated previously as:
- A ruler of a Golden Age civilization in the Sahara Desert;
- A High Priest of Atlantis;
- Prophet Samuel;
- Saint Joseph —Essene and protector of Jesus—;
- Saint Alban;
- Proclus, the last major Greek Neoplatonic philosopher;
- Merlin;
- Roger Bacon;
- Christopher Columbus, and,
- Francis Bacon
His twin flame is Portia, the Goddess of Justice who serves on the Karmic Board, his master is Master Rakoczi, of the First Ray, the Great Divine Director, the Manu of the Seventh Root Race, the founder of the Rakoczi dynasty.
With respect to the reincarnation as a ruler of the Golden Age civilization in the Sahara Desert, St. Germain says through Candace Frieze (see the complete discourse in St. Germain on NESARA & Money):
"In my distant past I learned personally the hard way, as most do in Earth, the follies of misusing of money. I headed up a very large civilization that came to an end 50,000 years ago in the area which is now the Sahara Desert. I practiced personally at the time money management, much as the Federal Reserve does today. My peoples lost their sense of spirituality because they became so engulfed in money, wealth, and materialism.
"My society failed from my mismanagement. The money became worthless, just as is what is happening now, on a large scale basis over much of the world. My society collapsed, and had nothing to fall back on, when the money became worthless. We basically just printed and spent, and developed little other skills that we could fall back on, for survival. I learned much then. I did not do this to bring about collapse and control. I did this because I wanted the peoples to be happy and comfortable. They were too comfortable. But I learned much about how money works in that venture.
"Over the last 200 years I have worked behind the scenes to get electronic money up and running. Well, it wasn't electronic then the way it is now, but I did start the banking up that has become what it is today. I did not start up the Federal Reserve System, this mess is the work entirely of the BBB&G’s [Big Bad Boys & Girls]. But electronic transfer of money is efficient and makes it easy to use..."
His physical sacred sites are as follows:

As sponsor of the Aquarian Age, Saint-Germain brings the Violet Flame teachings for peace, freedom and enlightenment to humankind. The Violet Flame is the ideal tool to heal emotional and physical problems, improve relationships and help grow spiritually. This flame is invoked using decrees or mantras said rhythmically while utilizing meditation and visualization techniques.
In a three dimensional world of the present paradigm the law of polarity and duality manifests implacable as Karma in human affairs. The Violet Flame being a higher spiritual law of the fourth dimensional world and beyond is able to overcome this lower law of cause and effect by transmuting the negative energy and even erasing memories of past mistakes. This flame changes negative into positive and darkness into light.
For each lower law there is always a higher law that supersedes it. For the law of gravity, there is the law of levitation, for the law of karma, there is the law of forgiveness and compensation through the violet flame, dispensations, intercessions and other meditative techniques and actions. The omnipotence of the Supreme Director always prevails over his/her laws. If you do your daily prayers and meditations with the violet flame in humbleness, with clear intention and devotion, you will discover that what was written in that arcane forgotten manuscript that seemed so incredible, miraculous and magic will come to be true word by word and line by line...
This biography would be incomplete without mentioning that Beloved Ascended Master St. Germain helped Alan Greenspan, the Head of the Federal Reserve, write the NESARA Law draft. St. Germain is the main coordinator of the Celestial Extraterrestrial Forces, the Ascended Masters and the Earth Allies (White Knights) in the conception and writing of the law, its announcement, the protection of allied terrestrial forces during the preannouncement period, the implementation of NESARA and the funding and distribution of the prosperity programs. See information on NESARA here: http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/NESARA_law.htm .In the navigation bar see several articles about St. Germain and his involvement with this US Law. He also predicted the Fall from power of the Illuminati and their Evil Empire as is covered in the article "NESARA Foreseen by St. Germain" at http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/NESARA_foreseen_by_st_germain.htm . NESARA ushers in the Aquarian Golden Age and marks the crumbling, arrest and trial of the Evil Illuminati who for centuries have positioned themselves in power and in control of the monetary system of the world. For the coordination of all these activities St. Germain has an office in Maryland, USA.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Uranus in Aries: The Revolution of Consciousness
Was found posted in the Galactic Federation Skype Room
Uranus in Aries: The Revolution of Consciousness
The greatest revolution in human history begins March 11th, 2011 with the planet Uranus' entrance into the constellation of Aries. This is a pinnacle moment in human history that will come to be known as the Revolution of Consciousness.
Unlike revolutions of old, this revolution will be centered in the hearts and minds of the men, women, and children that inhabit the planet Earth. What is about to unfold is nothing less than the most brilliant period of not only our lifetimes, but of all lifetimes - and it starts in just a few short weeks!
The first 'shot' of this revolution will be a metaphysical one, fired from a Divinely awakened quantum gateway in the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. This gateway will unleash powerful, higher-dimensional energy that has never before been felt on Earth. This radical new energy will totally immerse the planet, affecting an instant evolution of consciousness in the spiritually awakened; a quantum leap of the mind that has never before been experienced on Earth.
This new level of consciousness, sourced from God, is of course universal in nature. As such, it will provide the foundation for the acceptance of extraterrestrial life, which brings us to a major aspect of what the upcoming Uranus transit entails: mainstream acceptance of extraterrestrial life. Humanity will soon become intimately aware that not only does extraterrestrial life exist, but it has been influencing events on Earth for quite some time. This singular aspect of the coming Uranus transit alone is enough to exact an instant, global, paradigm shift, and that is exactly the nature of this transit's energy: instant paradigm shift.
Mainstream acceptance of extraterrestrial life will instantly shatter paradigms of the past and create a new way of thinking and feeling in us all. We will no longer accept the artificially-maintained status quo that we have for so long. Exotic new technologies will begin to go public as if a science fiction movie had become reality. Free energy technology will be a major part of this, as well as revolutionary advances in medicine, agriculture, communications, computer sciences, optics, magnetics, and terraforming. This technology will transform the way we live and interact with one another forever.
The coming explosion in technology and innovation will spur levels of humanitarianism the world has never seen. A tremendous global movement to eradicate poverty, uplift the nations, and heal the ecosystems of the world will begin to manifest. Hundreds of millions of passionate, altruistic, like-minded souls will begin to connect, collaborate, and push projects to success that in years past would have never come to fruition. Imagine dormant neurons in a brain, flashing into life and connecting billions of times over until the entire mind is illuminated, totally beaming with light - that is where we are going as a civilization.
I must warn that this astrological movement also signals the beginning of the greatest amount of political and economic turmoil the world has ever known. As a revolutionary spirit inflames the globe, we will experience wide-spread instability, manifesting in a variety of ways. The newly awakened society will begin to revolt in such massive ways that they will absolutely cripple 'the system.' First World nations will be swept with peaceful protests, sit-ins, and demonstrations while Third World nations will erupt with war-like violence. The world over, corrupt government agendas will come to a screeching halt by the will of the people.
Within the first year of this transit as people begin to awaken, it will become understood that the extraterrestrial elements that have been embedded deep in human society haven't been playing a positive role in our evolution as a civilization. This understanding will kindle a united, warrior-like attitude among global citizens that will serve as the most important driving factor in the coming revolution. Make no mistake that the power structure of Earth is currently 'operating from the shadows', but that the time of their authority has expired by Divine Decree and in perfect timing with Cosmic Order.
Intervention has and will continue to happen in strategic, surgical strikes that will ultimately lead to their defeat. This battle will be most intense during the summer months of 2012 as the planet Uranus squares the planet Pluto. By winter of 2012, it will become clear that humanity is free, After December 21st, 2012, as many of the world's most infamous prophecies come to a crossroads, mankind's Golden Age will finally commence.
An aspect of astrology that I find absolutely beautiful is that as events happen on a global or macrocosmic level, they also happen on a personal, microcosmic level - in exact synchronicity. This upcoming Uranus transit is no different, and soon we will all be going through our own personal revolutions, albeit in unique ways, all in accordance with God's Divine Plan for each of us. This is where the Sacred Science of Astrology can enlighten so brilliantly; it can identify the source and the expression of the coming revolutions in our lives, with mind-boggling accuracy.
On a cultural level people will start to openly embrace and seek out the profound wisdom of the Occult Sciences, which are rooted in the higher dimensional nature of existence. People will realize that there is a hidden, perfect order to creation. In times of great change, they will increasingly want to understand, at the deepest levels, exactly what their role is in this perfect symphony that they may navigate through the coming changes and manifest the highest outcomes. The best way to create personal security and abundance during the coming times will be identifying, accepting, and properly expressing one's personal revolutionary energy.
This personal revolution, which will manifest for many as the development of extraordinary, even Biblical-level spiritual and metaphysical gifts, will be the answer to all our present and future problems. It is up to each of us to totally embrace the shocking changes in order to fulfill our destinies in the coming global revolution. Those who succumb to fear and resist these changes will do so at their own peril. Those who embrace the changes will skyrocket to prominence and success. This can be a very frightening thought to entertain, which brings me to the significance of Uranus being in the constellation of Aries, the archetype of the warrior.
Attunement to archetypal energies is an extremely important concept to understand and integrate. In simplistic terms, one must 'vibe' with the virtues of the sign to manifest the greatest outcomes of the transit or placement. With Uranus being in Aries, we can manifest magnificence in our lives by cultivating and expressing bravery, confidence, fearlessness, independence, and novelty in the area of our life (and natal chart) where Aries energy lies. This is a time where a warrior will be born in all of us, though it's up to us to decide what to do with this new energy.
As this fiery, Uranian energy blasts through the collective consciousness, the values of people will be changed and elevated in an instant. The lust for the trivial will be transmuted into the yearning for spiritual and metaphysical talents. Materialism will be replaced by spiritualism. The so-called celebrities of today will fade into obscurity as a new breed of celebrities, deriving their power from spiritual development and humanitarian passion will be catapulted into the limelight. These will be the heroes and heroines of the New Age that is being birthed before our eyes.
Uranus in Aries: The Revolution of Consciousness
The greatest revolution in human history begins March 11th, 2011 with the planet Uranus' entrance into the constellation of Aries. This is a pinnacle moment in human history that will come to be known as the Revolution of Consciousness.
Unlike revolutions of old, this revolution will be centered in the hearts and minds of the men, women, and children that inhabit the planet Earth. What is about to unfold is nothing less than the most brilliant period of not only our lifetimes, but of all lifetimes - and it starts in just a few short weeks!
The first 'shot' of this revolution will be a metaphysical one, fired from a Divinely awakened quantum gateway in the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. This gateway will unleash powerful, higher-dimensional energy that has never before been felt on Earth. This radical new energy will totally immerse the planet, affecting an instant evolution of consciousness in the spiritually awakened; a quantum leap of the mind that has never before been experienced on Earth.
This new level of consciousness, sourced from God, is of course universal in nature. As such, it will provide the foundation for the acceptance of extraterrestrial life, which brings us to a major aspect of what the upcoming Uranus transit entails: mainstream acceptance of extraterrestrial life. Humanity will soon become intimately aware that not only does extraterrestrial life exist, but it has been influencing events on Earth for quite some time. This singular aspect of the coming Uranus transit alone is enough to exact an instant, global, paradigm shift, and that is exactly the nature of this transit's energy: instant paradigm shift.
Mainstream acceptance of extraterrestrial life will instantly shatter paradigms of the past and create a new way of thinking and feeling in us all. We will no longer accept the artificially-maintained status quo that we have for so long. Exotic new technologies will begin to go public as if a science fiction movie had become reality. Free energy technology will be a major part of this, as well as revolutionary advances in medicine, agriculture, communications, computer sciences, optics, magnetics, and terraforming. This technology will transform the way we live and interact with one another forever.
The coming explosion in technology and innovation will spur levels of humanitarianism the world has never seen. A tremendous global movement to eradicate poverty, uplift the nations, and heal the ecosystems of the world will begin to manifest. Hundreds of millions of passionate, altruistic, like-minded souls will begin to connect, collaborate, and push projects to success that in years past would have never come to fruition. Imagine dormant neurons in a brain, flashing into life and connecting billions of times over until the entire mind is illuminated, totally beaming with light - that is where we are going as a civilization.
I must warn that this astrological movement also signals the beginning of the greatest amount of political and economic turmoil the world has ever known. As a revolutionary spirit inflames the globe, we will experience wide-spread instability, manifesting in a variety of ways. The newly awakened society will begin to revolt in such massive ways that they will absolutely cripple 'the system.' First World nations will be swept with peaceful protests, sit-ins, and demonstrations while Third World nations will erupt with war-like violence. The world over, corrupt government agendas will come to a screeching halt by the will of the people.
Within the first year of this transit as people begin to awaken, it will become understood that the extraterrestrial elements that have been embedded deep in human society haven't been playing a positive role in our evolution as a civilization. This understanding will kindle a united, warrior-like attitude among global citizens that will serve as the most important driving factor in the coming revolution. Make no mistake that the power structure of Earth is currently 'operating from the shadows', but that the time of their authority has expired by Divine Decree and in perfect timing with Cosmic Order.
Intervention has and will continue to happen in strategic, surgical strikes that will ultimately lead to their defeat. This battle will be most intense during the summer months of 2012 as the planet Uranus squares the planet Pluto. By winter of 2012, it will become clear that humanity is free, After December 21st, 2012, as many of the world's most infamous prophecies come to a crossroads, mankind's Golden Age will finally commence.
An aspect of astrology that I find absolutely beautiful is that as events happen on a global or macrocosmic level, they also happen on a personal, microcosmic level - in exact synchronicity. This upcoming Uranus transit is no different, and soon we will all be going through our own personal revolutions, albeit in unique ways, all in accordance with God's Divine Plan for each of us. This is where the Sacred Science of Astrology can enlighten so brilliantly; it can identify the source and the expression of the coming revolutions in our lives, with mind-boggling accuracy.
On a cultural level people will start to openly embrace and seek out the profound wisdom of the Occult Sciences, which are rooted in the higher dimensional nature of existence. People will realize that there is a hidden, perfect order to creation. In times of great change, they will increasingly want to understand, at the deepest levels, exactly what their role is in this perfect symphony that they may navigate through the coming changes and manifest the highest outcomes. The best way to create personal security and abundance during the coming times will be identifying, accepting, and properly expressing one's personal revolutionary energy.
This personal revolution, which will manifest for many as the development of extraordinary, even Biblical-level spiritual and metaphysical gifts, will be the answer to all our present and future problems. It is up to each of us to totally embrace the shocking changes in order to fulfill our destinies in the coming global revolution. Those who succumb to fear and resist these changes will do so at their own peril. Those who embrace the changes will skyrocket to prominence and success. This can be a very frightening thought to entertain, which brings me to the significance of Uranus being in the constellation of Aries, the archetype of the warrior.
Attunement to archetypal energies is an extremely important concept to understand and integrate. In simplistic terms, one must 'vibe' with the virtues of the sign to manifest the greatest outcomes of the transit or placement. With Uranus being in Aries, we can manifest magnificence in our lives by cultivating and expressing bravery, confidence, fearlessness, independence, and novelty in the area of our life (and natal chart) where Aries energy lies. This is a time where a warrior will be born in all of us, though it's up to us to decide what to do with this new energy.
As this fiery, Uranian energy blasts through the collective consciousness, the values of people will be changed and elevated in an instant. The lust for the trivial will be transmuted into the yearning for spiritual and metaphysical talents. Materialism will be replaced by spiritualism. The so-called celebrities of today will fade into obscurity as a new breed of celebrities, deriving their power from spiritual development and humanitarian passion will be catapulted into the limelight. These will be the heroes and heroines of the New Age that is being birthed before our eyes.
9/19/91 SANANDA
Greetings my precious little sister, Druthea. I AM Sananda. You may refer to me as Jesus Christ, Esu, or Immanuel. You are the children, lost and found, of Our Father, whom we The Hosts call Aton (The One Light) and whom you may call God. I come in the service and glory of God/Aton, THE ONE Creator, the Mind-Cause of all Creation. I AM sent to reclaim His lambs who so desire to move "closer" through KNOWING within the I AM presence of The ONE.
We of God's Hosts are many who come to bring you The Word. We come to bring you The Word. We come from many dimensions, both "seen" and "unseen" by Earth physical human. We come to show you the way out of the dark abyss of "illusion" of separation called "physical" and into the glory and power of UNITY of purpose and desire.
Unity: 1. The state or fact of being one. 2. Something that is wholly united and complete within itself. 3. A state or quality of mutual understanding and harmony. 4. The harmonious agreement of parts or elements into one united whole.
Can you attain this "quality of mutual understanding and harmony" on earth physical? Most certainly you can and with much emphasis I say YOU MUST in order to conquer your adversaries who plan to murder and/or enslave you humans on Earth.
Remember this statement? If not, I suggest you go find it and read it completely. You must understand HOW your adversaries have diligently worked to develop DIVISION among YOU, The People. There are so many separate factions of self-interested groups and organizations that you have now a nation of people who cannot agree on ANYTHING, and then individuals who could CARE less as long as their own "needs" are met.
You have division between males and females, which in itself has nearly destroyed your species because of the disharmony and unbalance which disunited sexed pairs in Creation will ALWAYS cause. Many ones of you are plainly and simply confused about your own sex identity and how it relates to its equal and opposite sex-mate pair.
Homosexuality is not a "natural" nor is it a balanced paired relationship when the physical sexual act is practiced. God did not create male-male sexed pairs in His divided thinking, nor did He create female-female sexed pairs in His divided thinking. He created by His KNOWING through His One desire of Creation in motion, MALE-FEMALE sexed pairs in ALL of His Creation. My beloved brother Hatonn discusses much more thoroughly about the workings of sexed-pairs (charge and discharge) in thePHOENIX JOURNAL, God Said: LET THERE BE LIGHT.... I strongly suggest that you carefully study it as well as the rest of The Pleiades Connection series. I quote therefrom:
"...All of the work of the universe is performed as a result of that desire in unbalanced matter to seek rest in a balanced condition.
This is a sexed electric universe in every effect of motion, whether it be in the heart of a giant sun or in the petal of a meadow violet. Every action of motion in the universe is a result of sex desire for motion from a state of rest, or for rest from a state of motion.
These two sex desires of electric action and reaction are the result of the two desires of the Father to manifest His One Light through the extended father/mother lights which interweave His idea of Creation into the multiple forms of that idea and void them periodically for the purpose of repeating them.
The desire for two-way motion is equal action and reaction as reflected in the dual electric desire to give for regiving, and to unfold for refolding."
The point I am making is that the male-female pairs are EQUAL OPPOSITES, charge and discharge. Without this division of thought by MIND of Creator, there would be no Creation. Creation is EFFECT caused by the opposition of male-female mate-pairs seeking balance again which only occurs when UNITY is achieved in GOD ONENESS.
Until men and women completely understand and respect their differences and co-creative responsibilities as sex-paired equal opposites, your species will not create the balance it needs to survive physically and spiritually in harmony.
You cannot continue as you are in the roles of conqueror and conquered and succeed in achieving balanced co-creation with God. You cannot continue to have a war between the sexes, a war between races and creeds, and a war between cultures and religions and find peace, which only UNITY with a COMMON (shared equally) purpose can bring. You must rise above the need to dominate and conquer or surrender and be conquered for in this manner of existence, no balance will be found. When God is shut out by the harboring of feelings such as hatred, greed and intolerance, your opportunity to receive God-knowing and power is quite diminished.
God cannot regive unto man who only takes from His Creation and gives nothing back to God. For man who is dominated by his physical senses, who remains God-unaware feels like he is in quicksand, helpless and powerless to control his destiny. And so he is.
So as a nation and a planet with two sexes, thousands of religious doctrines and dozens of races, creeds and cultures, how do you create unity?
First there must be created by each participating human THE DESIRE for UNITY with UNITY representing a shared vision of EQUAL giving and regiving in all transactions and relationships with one another. Only those with a well-defined shared vision can accomplish their objective.
Next you must define your objective. Let us say that your defined OBJECTIVE is: Total freedom from tyranny (dominance and surrender existence) and global and individual inner peace, balance and harmony.
Now how do you go about creating your above objective?
First, you must locate the tools and talents you already possess. For example, The Republic of The United States still has The U.S. Constitution and BIll of Rights which were documents designed to prevent TYRANNY within the government and guarantee the individual the opportunity to pursue happiness. Your adversaries cannot conquer you completely until they do away with these documents and the freedoms guaranteed under them.
Every human in this land called America, whether they be a she, or a Christian, Buddhist, Judean or Atheist; or whether they be a Native Indian, White, Asian, Hispanic or Black person will all reap the horrendous consequences of allowing the LOSS of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. You will become a nation of slaves ruled by tyrants and so, too, will the rest of your world become slaves.
Secondly, You must ALL become knowledgeable about your freedoms granted under the Constitution so that you have achieved UNITY OF MIND understanding about what you must work to reclaim exactly.
Thirdly, you must plan and agree upon a course of action, with each sharing responsibility for actions which work to achieve your shared objective of reclaiming and preserving this, your Constitution of the United States.
Fourthly, in order to truly BE SUCCESSFUL, there must be an understanding outlined in which ALL operate under High Moral Integrity which, of course, involves a basic inner understanding and knowledge of THE LAWS OF GOD governing Human. For if you seek to ruthlessly fight fire with fire in ways which defy BALANCE, you will die by fire and gain nothing but sorrow for your objective will be blown away as a feather in the wind.
In order to achieve your first objective as a Nation Created Under GOD, you must first DESIRE UNITY between ALL peoples. In order to do this you can no longer see yourselves as male versus female, Christian versus Buddhist, Black versus White, Republican versus Democrat. For you are ALL related and there is ONLY ONE CREATOR.
Only men and women who remain superstitiously attached to their ignorance of God-truth and God-knowledge will continue to develop intolerance and disunity and remain as tools of the adversary. It is your choice, my chelas.
Can you give love to ALL your brethren as God does? Do you think your SOUL essence is more or less important to God? There is a saying, "God is 'color' blind". I say, GOD CREATED ALL"ILLUSIONS" OF COLOR. Do you think that he cares one whit more or less about the color of YOUR skin? He only cares about the REAL you (your soul-essence) which is a part of Him as He is a part of you.
It is written in the "so-called" Holy Bible that I, Immanuel, Sananda said, "I and My Father Are One." I ask that you meditate upon that statement in THE LIGHT of HOLY God's presence and you WILL be given TO KNOW the meaning as it relates to YOU, IF that truly be your soul desire.
The term "Israel" is used frequently and erroneously in your "so called" Holy Bible. Why do I say this? Because in your Bible, it refers to a specific race or "so called" race of people. They call themselves "Jews". This term was created by your adversary in the 1700's. There actually exist two very different groupings under this title. They are Hebrew Judeans and Khazar Zionists. Most Hebrew Judeans believe in and worship God. Most Khazar Zionists are satanic atheists as is often demonstrated by their amoral and evil actions and behaviors. This subject of the Khazars, Commander Hatonn has outlined most comprehensively in several of the PHOENIX JOURNALS, so I will not comment further, except to say this: God would never CHOOSE and entire race of human-developed religion above another. For EACH individual's soul-growth is judged based upon THE WORKS he or she accomplishes--balanced or unbalanced.
The term "israel" spelled with the "i" in lowercase is the correct term meaning "God's chosen". It does not signify a place of tyranny and corruption taken BY FORCE from another group of people which is now called "Israel", located in your Middle East.
The REPUBLIC of the United States of America represents the true "israel" because of the document which was created to have a government run FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. NO other country on your globe was given the opportunity for divine freedom and the pursuit of happiness such as was outlined in your Constitution and Bill of Rights. Your country is a nation created UNDER GOD, with many cultures, races and religions experiencing and sharing these God-given opportunities together.
You were also given RESPONSIBILITY for maintaining the checks and balances of your sovereignty. It was NEVER designed to be TAKEN FOR GRANTED. You forefathers knew the nature of their adversary who would enslave them. They WARNED "you, the people" endlessly about the threats which were and would be made to the freedoms and instruction for government operation and state sovereignty which they outlaid. HAVE YOU LISTENED? It is apparent that MOST of you have not even had an inkling of the evil tyranny perpetrated against you by your would-be enslavers. The question remains: WILL YOU LISTEN NOW AND TAKE THE NECESSARY ACTION IN BEHALF OF YOURSELVES AND YOUR COUNTRY?
LOVE: This I define as absolute, unconditional God-love, equal giving and regiving. For hu-man (higher universal man) it is the required component of co-creation with GOD. Love one another as God Loves you all. This has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the "sexual" act. When you manifest God-love giving and regiving you WILL create balanced transactions.
KNOWLEDGE: This I define as GOD-Knowledge and a subheading called, Human Circumstance Knowledge. GOD-Knowledge: Desire is the key. Desire to KNOW and SERVE God who dwells WITHIN you. Learn to listen to His whispers and shouts. Your success can be measured according to the level and intensity of your desire. "The call compels the answer," so KNOW your desires. They are felt as SOUL awareness. You ones may refer to it as, "My Heart says this..." or my "Intuition is telling me that...", or "My conscious tells me this is wrong". TUNE IN. SEEK TO KNOW THE WHY-CAUSE. Then you must wait upon God to reveal it to you. It is best not to have PRE-conceptions about where and how the answers will come. KNOW THEY WILL COME AND BE READY TO RECEIVE THEM.
Human Circumstance Knowledge: There is much information you must have in order to conduct and plan your service to God and Country. For example, you must KNOW who your adversaries are and what they plan and plot in order to control, enslave and destroy you.
Besides this source (THE PHOENIX JOURNALS and EXPRESS), you can find truth from a FEW other brave souls whom we have mentioned in earlier works. We bring truth which you can validate if you so choose. Each of you will need to become investigators on your own in your areas of interest to verify that which we give. Some info will be difficult, but not impossible to verify. Always you must measure information you receive within the presence of God's Light so that you will KNOW instantly what the appropriate next step must be, if for example there is the probability of an earthquake near your home, you must make necessary decisions of preparations as you are guided to do so within.
RESPECT: I will explain what I explicitly mean by this term. To have high regard for and appreciation of worth. And also to honor each being, creature and creation as the equal fragment or portion of God's divided thinking, which has been created from the still Light of His Knowing. To create UNITY, you individuals must respect and honor your differences, as long as they (your differences) do not defy the Laws of God and Creation. Does this mean you will always agree or do things in the same way or see things from the same point of perception? Certainly not...(until of course, you attain spiritual perfection and become One With God in your KNOWING). Remember this: Your deepest and most profound spiritual challenges come from your inter-actions with your fellow brethren on physical earth incarnations.
TOLERANCE: As with RESPECT, you must exercise TOLERANCE when you encounter differences in regard to how another thinks, perceives, looks, responds and behaves. That is, as long as their behavior does not defy God's Laws or infringe upon your freedom of development of your co-creative potential. In no manner do I use this term to imply BLIND TOLERANCE to allow all to DO and SAY whatever they choose and call it "freedom of expression" or as so often referred to "rights" which blatantly disregard the Laws of God. Also, never must you sanction behavior which is evil when you KNOW it to be evil. Never either must you turn your back on your adversary! Face evil within God's presence and evil will cower and fall away...unless you turn the other cheek and allow evil to intimidate you! It will, if YOU allow it!
Can you force another to NOT defy God's laws? No. You can, however, encourage them to not do something and explain WHY you do not sanction their choice or behavior. Ultimately they will DO what they will do, and unless they attempt to do something against you or your family, you cannot use force to stop them, for example, from having an abortion (which is murder).
CHARITY: What I mean by charity is sharing brotherly LOVE. Giving and sharing Good Will with your brethren. Generosity given to the deserving by allowing God within to measure/judge how and to whom He will regive. Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat the sick and poor and spiritually ignorant people with dignity, generosity, patience and compassion that they may feel worthy and are given an example of how to, perhaps, create the desire to move their awareness beyond their suffering and neediness. Always be generous with The Light which YOU carry to assist another. You see, my precious chelas, generosity often really has little to do with money or physical "things", although sharing with others and giving food and other items when needed is most commendable when it is truly done for LOVE and not obligation, social recognition of expectation.
All you need ever do is ask Our Father who dwells within you: "What is the Highest and best response to this situation?" or "Please show me the right and balanced response to this circumstance. Not my will, Father, let thine will be done. In this way can you raise your spiritual character to the heights of some 8000 years past when in Egypt, for a time, the Egyptians lived with the Highest Moral Character of your recent civilization, and put their fellow men and women before self, with the desire to love and be loved in all their interchanges. My beloved brother, Walter Russel, wrote of this way of life, as has Germain in the recentPLEIADES CONNECTIONS series. We call it RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE. So be it.
I will close this document. Thank you Druthea, for your service. You have done well this day. Be at peace, chela, for I am always with thee. I AM SANANDA, One With God. Walk gently with one another in Peace and Love. Salu.
Source: THE PHOENIX EXPRESS, October 1991, Volume 16, Number 12.
Phoenix Journal #47 "PRE-FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PHOENIX " VOL 1 , Chaper 23, pp. 148-157 http://fourwinds10.com/journals/pdf/J047.pdf
Thank you, Rocky Montana
In the return from the mini stasis, Candace and several known reporters will be on television. I won’t give more details about the replacements in government at this time. If things work out, I will also after a few days be on Television myself. And possibly also there will be Mohammed, Krishna and Maitreya, but these ones will be on in those regions of the world that match the religions founded after their visits. United States and Western Christians in general are not going to accept them at this time. We may have these others on in some places in Europe where there has been a large Muslim migration, if possible. We have to reduce some of the fear where we can.
We hope to have a week or more on the public media before the big stasis. This depends on both conditions and acceptance of our work.
Now, that is the general updating for our AH readers. The larger purpose of this short message is to our dark readers. As we have constantly said, you WILL be removed, and your time is most short. In fact, as the shift becomes more obvious, we have some “clones” that will be in some of your places so that the people “think” their elected ones are in service during this coming frightening time.
Do not even continue to play the game you started this morning with shooters near the Pentagon. Despite what is put out, there were several, and some of them were your goodly “marines” at their best. We broke in and stopped the worst of this. Nor will you attack Pakistan over your fake Osama bin Laden being found there. The man is long dead. And I assure you, your current “Obama” and the tapes you have produced with him once again as an actor in a beard will NOT be shown on television. We have our contacts who will notify us immediately of any such activity, and if we have to, we will disable said satellites used. You are NOT creating another war here. Period.
Also, you are not closing any banks and playing your currency game at this time. The people, although ignorant, are not going to further suffer your games.
Now Casper, Ben Fulford, and Sheldan Nidle, your packies and all this other disinfo you are involved in, to get rich, are not going to manifest either. The Amero, Ben, is also NOT going to manifest. As far as the “banking” goes, the people of this world will see exactly NO change in the banking, except for banks left with problems due to, say, broken internet cables and phone service, or other destruction from the ensuing earth changes.
I could sign this “Namaste” for your dark ones, but this has nothing to do with the God within me to the God within you, because you have NO god within you. I AM however directly in charge of the current activities in the prevention of your schemes. I AM ESU KUMARA, SON of SANAT KUMARA and not on my time will you cause any more trouble, as I am also walking this planet behind the scenes right now. Some of you are going to be getting a strong glimpse of me and you will know it is ME.
I will however say Namaste to the good readers of AbundantHope! Be in Peace. Esu.
May the farce be with you, but not for long.
—Michael Moore, www.michaelmoore.com, mmflint@aol.com
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Message from SaLuSa for 21 February 2011
Message from SaLuSa for 21 February 2011
SaLuSa 21-February-2011
Let no one put you off your path, and be resolute and determined to achieve what you know inwardly is your life plan. This lifetime is the most important one that you will have entered in recent times. You have built up towards it with the object of ascending, and what better success could you possibly have knowing that this cycle is coming to an end. If you cannot yet equate with such an achievement, consider the possibility that you are still in a karmic situation and not totally free from lessons to be learnt. However, whilst time is becoming short you can still aspire to being part of Ascension, and can incorporate it into your life. Be assured that once you express the intent to do so, you will receive immense help. Doing so will give you the opportunity to leave the old ways behind, and become a free soul unhindered by the constant presence of the lower energies. You will never regret moving on from the present dimension, as it is not your true reality and far from the higher ones where you came from.
What many have been telling you about the changes, is in front of you and they have only just begun. As you have already seen they are beginning to manifest in other countries where oppression has been the order of the day. Do not think that because you live in a modern society that changes are unnecessary, as we are talking about all that is necessary to give you back your rights as a Sovereign Being. Life should have, and could have been much, much better than what you have experienced. There has always been sufficient wealth and resources in the world for everyone to live an abundant and happy life. The fact you have not is because you were deliberately denied your entitlement and kept down in a constant state of need. To describe your position as slaves to the establishment is by no means far fetched, except that many people do not realize that they are not free.
Soon you will taste freedom as the changes come into being but naturally it requires your cooperation, as it is not meant to place anyone above another. Equality, opportunity and the status of all beings will be raised up so that you become one nation that works for the good of all. The divisive means that are presently used to keep you separated will be removed, and there will be a coming together of politics, science and religion. Each will remove whatever proves to be without a true foundation, and with it an allowance for free expression. In part our coming will assist to these ends, as we will enlighten you as the where the changes need to be introduced. Much information and teachings are quite inappropriate for the New Age that is rapidly approaching. However, we leave you as individuals to follow your own beliefs, as there is no pressure applied by us but simply a placing before you what is considered to be the truth.
All of what is happening is part of a greater plan to raise your Universe to a higher level, and is overseen the energy that you call God carrying out the desires of the Supreme Creator. Your little blue planet is in one way insignificant at the far reaches of the Universe, yet it holds such great importance from a spiritual point of view. It has been a very special one where you the Great Beings are fully protected from outside interference as you see out the final chapter of duality. We acknowledge your brave acceptance of losing contact with your true Self, that is your Higher Self, to experience the lower vibrations. You could in different circumstances have remained in a separated state for eons of time, and experienced a loss of memory as to whom you really were. You are receiving our accolades for keeping to your task to rise up into the Light. We and many other Beings have worked tirelessly to help you awaken, and our patience has been rewarded by your recent response. Your success has meant that your levels of consciousness have risen sufficiently, to overcome the final assaults against you by the Illuminati and their minions.
The situation cannot now be reversed as you hold the ascendant position, and progress is speeding ahead. The powerful energies you are giving out are your assurance that the dark Ones will have no option but to give up their plan. They are obstinately holding on and having their last gasps hoping for some revival of their fortunes, but it is not to be. Those Beings who work with us and for us, are waiting for a signal to carry out their assignment and are ready to spring into action. This is certainly no time to lose faith or allow fear to creep into your lives. Raise your sights onto the path you see opening up before you, and give no succour to the dark Ones now that they are rapidly losing their power. There will no retribution on our part as justice is an issue that will come into being of its own accord. Every single soul that set out to experience duality is of the Light, and those that have fallen are just as much in need of the Love and Light as any other soul. There is always a way back if the desire exists to return to the Light, and there are great Beings who work from levels of pure Light that hold out a helping hand. No one wants to see a soul dig itself into a bottomless pit, as we are All One and each soul is intended to eventually return to the Source.
Foremost think of yourselves as Spiritual Beings, and see your human experience as a great step up in your evolution. You will never stop learning albeit when in the Light of the higher realms, it is at a much slower pace because the challenges are not as fierce or difficult as when in duality. In time you will remember your success, and the attachment to your lower experiences will fade away so that only beauty and harmony will surround you. You are not meant to carry the burden of every single experience, and certainly not when you have been in the league with the dark Ones. Oh yes Dear Ones, you have been from one extreme to the other as part of your experience. How else would you have grown and moved beyond duality unless you understood it.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bit by bit we have given you the truth of your time on Earth, the importance of understanding Mother Earth, and how you may ensure your release from the lower vibrations. We as the Galactic Federation have followed your progress for eons of time, and your success is also ours. We greet you back home from a victory over the darkness that has been a great adventure for us all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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SHELDAN NIDLE, M.A. is a representative of the Galactic Federation of Light and author of the best-selling books: You Are Becoming A Galactic Human, Your First Contact, and Your Galactic Neighbors.
Sheldan's galactic contacts communicate with him directly (without channeling) to provide weekly updates on Earth's true history and destiny and on extraterrestrial science, culture and spirituality. Sheldan is the founder of Planetary Activation Organization. PAO's mission is to prepare Earth for full consciousness, first contact, galactic society, and Earth stewardship.
Due to Sheldans extensive education and research, he is able to bring an astute, rational and scientific approach to this controversial subject. Sheldan has advanced degrees in Political Science: Southeast Asian Government, American Politics, and International Public Administration and also has a background in science and Tesla technology.
A Biographical Sketch
Sheldan Nidle was born in New York City on Nov. 11, 1946, and grew up in Buffalo, New York. His first extraterrestrial and UFO experiences began shortly after his birth and were highlighted all through his childhood by various modes of contact phenomena, as well as accompanying manifestations - light- form communications, extraterrestrial visitations, and teaching/learning sessions on board spacecraft.
During most of his life, he has enjoyed ongoing telepathic communications with the Galactic Federation of Light via etheric and physical implants. Sheldan has visually observed and physically experienced spacecraft throughout the years. What makes his information unique is that it is transmitted to him directly without channeling, scientific when necessary, and encoded with a spiritual language.
Around the age of fourteen, Sheldan requested that the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies discontinue communications with him because he was experiencing overwhelming conflict between their scientific and societal knowledge and that which he was learning here on Earth. They left, but the Sirians and their Galactic Federation of Light Allies told him that they would be back when it was time to complete his mission for planet Earth and her people. In high school, he was placed in advanced science programs in subject areas such as physics, chemistry, and calculus. Due to Sheldans education in science, the social sciences as well as extensive research in Nikola Teslas alternative energy technologies, etc., he is able to bring a rational and scientific approach to this controversial subject.
Education BA in Political Science, University at Buffalo, (1968) MA in Southeast Asian Government, Ohio University (1970) MA in American Politics and International Public Administration, University of Southern California where he was also a PhD candidate (1974-1976).
Sheldan is a lecturer, author, and founder of Planetary Activation Organization (PAO), an organization with over 2,000 registered groups worldwide. PAOs philosophy is to empower the individual in order to transform the world. Under PAOs sponsorship, small semi-autonomous groups called Planetary Activation Groups (PAGs) prepare for full consciousness, first contact, galactic society, and Earth stewardship.
PAGs are inner-guided and self-organizing in the way they serve and activate their communities. Sheldan is the author of the best- selling You Are Becoming A Galactic Human (1994), Your First Contact (2001), Selamat Ja! A Guide For Galactic Humans (2001) and Your Galactic Neighbors (2004).
In the 1970s, with Syntar Productions, he co-created a documentary on the life and accomplishments of Nikola Tesla, the genius who invented the technology of the twentieth century. From the 1970s through the mid- 1980s Sheldan did scientific research on alternative sources of electrical energy.
In the mid-1980s, his ET contacts resumed and subsequently led him to the spiritual and galactic information this is provided in his weekly website updates, videotapes, books, radio and television interviews, workshops and lectures.
Lectures and Workshop Subjects
Preparing for Your First Contact/Mass Landings; Photon Belt and Our Planets Transformation; Earth Guardianship Role: Cetaceans, Spiritual Hierarchy, and Humans; Extraterrestrial ContactThe Genesis Story; The Galactic Federation of Light: Mission and Objectives; Planetary Seeding and Celestial Evolution; ET Origins and Cosmology; Lemuria and Atlantis; Our Holographic Universe; Galactic Time and Mayan Calendar; Galactic Humans; Planetary Activation; Fluid Group Dynamics, Earth Changes; Genetic Mutation; Journey to Full Consciousness; Creating a Galactic Society.
In early Autumn 2002, Carlos Barrios journeyed North from his home in Guatemala to the Eastern edge of the Four Corners. In Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the tail of the Rocky Mountain spine of North America, Mr. Barrios spoke in a knowledgeable manner about the Mayan tradition and the fabled Mayan calendars.
The Mayan calendars are an object of intense interest for many thousands of people right now, because they focus upon the watershed date of Dec. 21, 2012. Everything changes by then, it is said.
With a cultural heritage including thousands of pyramids and temples, and a calendar that has proven itself to be astronomically accurate over millions of years, the Maya tradition is widely considered to be a mystic key to the soul of Turtle Island (North America).
In public talks and in private interviews, Mr. Barrios laid out his account of the history and future of the Americas, and the larger world, based on his understanding of the Mayan tradition as both an anthropologist and an initiate. He spoke also about the path he sees ahead from now until the Winter Solstice of 2012.
The range of teachings and insights offered by Mr. Barrios must be considered in the context of the realpolitik in his American homeland. The Maya of Guatemala, their pyramids, and their calendar have endured not in a new-age Shambhala of love and light, but in a milieu of treachery, beatings, torture, rape, and mass murder.
The range of teachings and insights offered by Mr. Barrios must be considered in the context of the realpolitik in his American homeland. The Maya of Guatemala, their pyramids, and their calendar have endured not in a new-age Shambhala of love and light, but in a milieu of treachery, beatings, torture, rape, and mass murder.
Decades of DarknessFor 30 long years right-wing Guatemalan governments — supported both overtly and covertly by the US government — waged a terrorist war against the people of the land, murdering over 200,000 citizens, many of them indigenous Mayan people.
When the war finally wound down in the 1990s, the United Nations Truth Commission conducted an 18-month investigation.* The UN found massive violations of human rights by the government of Guatemala with the complicity of the US government. The UN report stated that acts of "aggressive, racist and extremely cruel" violence descended to the level of genocide directed against the country's indigenous Mayan population.
When the war finally wound down in the 1990s, the United Nations Truth Commission conducted an 18-month investigation.* The UN found massive violations of human rights by the government of Guatemala with the complicity of the US government. The UN report stated that acts of "aggressive, racist and extremely cruel" violence descended to the level of genocide directed against the country's indigenous Mayan population.
When Amnesty International studied the Guatemalan situation in recent years, they came to an arresting conclusion. They wrote that real peace could come only through confronting Guatemala's "Corporate Mafia State."*
They described this corporate Mafia state as an "unholy alliance" of certain national and international economic actors, who work alongside sectors of the police and military and common criminals to control ‘black’ industries such as drugs, arms trafficking, money laundering, car theft rings, illegal adoptions, and kidnapping for ransom."
About the great dark shadow that has hung over the south-most part of Turtle Island, Mr. Barrios observes: "These injustices began five hundred years ago and continue to this very day in all the Americas. The Indian Wars have never ended...I think the power holders in the developed world see it as necessary to destroy the indigenous peoples, or at least to destroy their culture, because they are not ‘consumers.’ The American Dream is built on the back of the Third World...But that is a false distinction for there is no Third World. There is only one world. We are all part of that one world, and we are all due respect."
While Guatemala has ostensibly been at peace for the last eight years, it is a disturbed peace. The war continues to have a residual impact on the people. Human rights violations still occur regularly, and even international human-rights monitors have been under threat.
Still, in the view of Mr. Barrios who came of age during the war, there have been improvements. "There are no armed guerillas, and the police and army are more decent, more respectful," he observed. "Because there is more human respect now, we can try to find a new life."
One eventual consequence of Guatemala’s long-enduring climate of terrorism, has been mistrust and criticism. From this few are immune. Accusations are often aimed at people who purport to speak of the Mayan traditions. Mr. Barrios is enmeshed in this matrix of uncertainty. He criticizes others, and he is criticized himself. He has become a figure of controversy for some traditional Mayan elders.
The World will Not EndCarlos Barrios says he was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the old ways on Turtle Island (North America). They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant.
The World will Not EndCarlos Barrios says he was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the old ways on Turtle Island (North America). They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant.
According to Mr. Barrios, he is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator. After studying with traditional elders for 25 years since the age of 19, Barrios says he has also become a Mayan Ajq'ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, Eagle Clan.
Years ago, along with his brother, Gerardo, Carlos initiated an investigation into the different Mayan calendars. He studied with many teachers. He says his brother Gerardo interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to widen their scope of knowledge.
"Anthropologists visit the temple sites," Mr. Barrios says, "and read the stelas and inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It’s just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed. The indigenous have the calendars, and know how to accurately interpret it, not others."
The CalendarsMayan comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different calendars, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years.
The calendar that has steadily drawn global attention since 1987 is called the Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij. Devised ages ago and based on the cycle of the Pleiades, it is still held as sacred.
Mayan Cholq'ij - an image of the Mayan Tzolkin calendar used on the Altiplano. Image courtesy of Saq'be.
With the indigenous calendars, native people have kept track of important turning points in history. For example, the daykeepers who study the calendars identified an important day in the year One Reed, Ce Acatal as it was called by the Mexica. That was the day when an important ancestor was prophesied to return, "coming like a butterfly."
The One Reed date correlates to the day that Hernando Cortez and his fleet of 11 Spanish galleons arrived from the East at what is today called Vera Cruz, Mexico. When the Spanish ships came toward shore, native people wereS waiting and watching to see how it would go. The billowing sails of the ships did indeed remind the scouts of butterflies skimming the ocean surface.
In this manner was a new era initiated, an era they had anticipated through their calendars. The Maya termed the new era the Nine Bolomtikus, or Nine Hells of 52 years each. As the nine cycles unfolded, land and freedom were taken from the native people. Disease and disrespect dominated.
What began with the arrival of Cortez, lasted until August 16, 1987 – a date many people recall as Harmonic Convergence. Millions of people took advantage of that date to make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a smooth transition to a new era: the World of the Fifth Sun.
From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, we have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth. We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition.
As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes. All this, Mr. Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars.
"It will change," Mr. Barrios observes. "Everything will change." He said Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from — and signified by — the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.
As John Major Jenkins has written in Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, at sunrise on December 21, 2012 — for the first time in 26,000 years — the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic, describing in the sky a great cross of stars and planets. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life — a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual traditions.
Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration. This process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested. "Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate."
If the people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much of the Earth, Mr. Barrios said, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way.
A Picture of the Road AheadFrom his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr. Barrios offered a picture of where we are at and what may lie on the road ahead:
A Picture of the Road AheadFrom his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr. Barrios offered a picture of where we are at and what may lie on the road ahead:
- The date specified in the calendar — Winter Solstice in the year 2012 — does not mark the end of the world. Many outside people writing about the Mayan calendar sensationalize this date, but they do not know. The ones who know are the indigenous elders who are entrusted with keeping the tradition.
- "Humanity will continue," he contends, "but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human."
- We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions, are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action.
- Many powerful souls have reincarnated in this era, with a lot of power. This is true on both sides, the light and the dark. High magic is at work on both sides.
- Things will change, but it is up to the people how difficult or easy it is for the changes to come about.
- The economy now is a fiction. The first five-year stretch of transition — from August 1987 to August 1992 — was the beginning of the destruction of the material world. We have progressed ten years deeper into the transition phase by now, and many of the so-called sources of financial stability are in fact hollow.
- The banks are weak. This is a delicate moment for them. They could crash globally if we don’t pay attention. One critical period is October and November 2002. If the banks crash in these months then we will be forced to rely on the land and our skills. The monetary systems will be in chaos, and we must then rely on our direct relationship with the Earth for our food and shelter.
- The North and South Poles are both breaking up. The level of the water in the oceans is going to rise. But at the same time, land in the ocean, especially near Cuba, is also going to rise.
A Call for Fusion
As he met with audiences in Santa Fe, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony.
As he met with audiences in Santa Fe, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony.
The elder delivered a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come together in support of life and light. Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way.
Reflecting on this, Mr. Barrios explained: "We live in a world of polarity: day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance. Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012."
"On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group’s understandings, are the key. There’s a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus."
As Mr. Barrios sees it, the dark side works to block fusion through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want fusion. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level.
The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It’s too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun.
Mr. Barrios said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of earth, air, fire and water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun: ether.
The dictionary defines ether as the rarefied element thought to fill the upper regions of space, the Heavens. Ether is a medium that permeates all space and transmits waves of energy in a wide range of frequencies, from cell phones to human auras. What is "ethereal" is related to the regions beyond earth: the heavens.
Ether — the element of the Fifth Sun — is celestial, and lacking in material substance, but is no less real than wood, wind, flame, stone or flesh.
"Within the context of ether there can be a fusion of the polarities," Mr. Barrios said. "No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted fusion. But right now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are organized to block it. They seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be unready for the alignment in 2012. We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and fusion now, to confront the other side and preserve life."
To Be Ready for this Moment in HistoryMr. Barrios told his audiences in Santa Fe that we are at a critical moment of world history. "We are disturbed," he said. "We can’t play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action."
"Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an important purpose. This is a hard, but a special time. We have the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in history."
Mr. Barrios offered a number of suggestions to help people walk in balance through the years ahead. "The prophesized changes are going to happen," he said, "but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are."
- We need to act, to make changes, and to elect people to represent us who understand and who will take political action to respect the earth. Meditation and spiritual practice are good, but also action.
- It’s very important to be clear about who you are, and also about your relation to the Earth.
- Develop yourself according to your own tradition and the call of your heart. But remember to respect differences, and strive for unity.
- Eat wisely. A lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways. Pay attention to what you are taking into your body.
- Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy.
- Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have mastery of your breath.
- Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots.
- We live in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything: people, plants, animals. This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element ether – the realm where energy lives and weaves.
- Go to the sacred places of the earth to pray for peace, and respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our work.
- According to Mr. Barrios’ reading of the Mayan calendar, if war happens in November 2002 or after, then it’s bad, but not catastrophic. But if it happens between April and November 2003, it will be catastrophic. Really bad. It could eventually result in the death of two-thirds of humanity. "So stay active," he said. "If we are active, we can transform the planet. The elders watch to see what happens."
- Many Mayan elders and knowledge keepers may be eliminated in the next few years. For the first half of the current Katun (20-year period) the dark side has a lot of power. But that will pass 3 to 4 years from now. The tide can turn. Amazing things are going to happen.
- One simple but effective prayer technique is to light a white or baby-blue colored candle. Think a moment in peace. Speak your intention to the flame and send the light of it on to the leaders who have the power to make war or peace.
We Have Work to Do
According to Mr. Barrios this is a crucially important moment for humanity, and for earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to do balancing the planet.
He said the elders have opened the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world to receive the tradition. The Maya have long appreciated and respected that there are other colors, other races, and other spiritual systems. "They know," he said, "that the destiny of the Mayan world is related to the destiny of the whole world."
"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity," Mr. Barrios advised before leaving Santa Fe. "Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It’s not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It’s encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."
Dratzo! We return! Much has happened, and we arrive at a most critical juncture in the transformation of you and your reality. A grand final accounting is in progress, and when this two-step operation is completed, the global abundance deliveries and the much-needed change of governments can commence. These changes are the final requisites before the UFO cover-up can be sent packing! Accordingly, we are working very hard to see that these events happen as Heaven so decrees. Lord Surea has set forth a series of divine proceedings that will see the start of a vast transformation of your solar system's reality, which is even now quite evident in the increasing and unusual activities that are taking place from the Sun to the outer edges of your solar system. And yet these changes are only a pale intimation of what Heaven is preparing to do: she is to transform your reality from a limited-conscious dipolar one to a fully conscious monopolar one. In the end, your solar system will bear only a slight resemblance to its present form.
This physical transformation is to create the environment in which you will carry out your role as true physical Angels in this Milky Way Galaxy. You will be responsible for sustaining your living world and for maintaining the vital life energies that flow throughout the solar system. Yet these tasks are not limited to simply keeping up your planetary homes; they extend to helping other groups of physical Angels maintain this galaxy and all others that are part of physicality. We understand that at this time this can seem rather overwhelming to you, but it will, in truth, be only one of the many tasks you will perform each day. Surrounding and supporting you will be a planetary galactic society, made up of many major 'clans' that allow your society to function at its fullest potential. Next, you are in contact with fellow associates from other worlds scattered throughout this galaxy. Together you have formed the Galactic Federation to be the vehicle through which you can all fulfill your primary duties to Heaven and to each other. Furthermore, you have reached out to other galaxies and created similar organizations to manifest the divine plan.
The above scenario actually describes our experience four million years ago. Since that time, we have been integrating hundreds of thousands of galactic societies into our Federation from the farthest reaches of this galaxy. As we welcome these newly awakened star-nations, we learn much about the stunning diversity that the Creator has spread among us. You, too, are in for a magnificent treat as you begin your own journey of consciousness. We have come here to oversee the procedures that will return you to full consciousness, despite our Science and Exploration fleet's assessment that you were far from ready for our arrival. Inspired by Heaven's pronouncements we assembled a first-contact command and came in joyful anticipation to your shores. Over the past two decades we watched and learned, and then incrementally (as allowed) participated in those actions that are now leading you to full consciousness. These actions have now reached a stage where a synopsis would be useful; it is important that you comprehend that we are not in violation of your free will.
The Creator sent us here with a broad mandate which we are now to discuss with you. This mandate is divided into two parts: first contact, and the wider implications of this for each one of you, starting with your history which can be divided roughly into three parts: the first is your arrival on Lemuria; the second is the rise of Atlantis and your fall into limited consciousness; the third is your protracted odyssey through the dark realms and your rise back to full consciousness. From this bird's eye view, you can understand that this time span is composed of a sequence of what many on your planet call Grand Cycles. Each of these cycles is approximately 26,000 years. Since the beginning of Lemuria over 900,000 years ago, you have completed 34 such cycles and are poised to complete the 35th. This grand cycle is to conclude in the coming solar (or galactic) year of 8 Manik. This is when a special series of galactic events is slated to occur after your Sun crosses the Galactic Equator.
The principle reason for our arrival in great numbers is, quite simply, that this special time in your history has arrived. The tumultuous events happening all across your planet are a result of the fact that you are completing this 35th grand cycle. We come to welcome you and to assist, both as mid-wife and as mentor, in your transformation into full consciousness. This moment was pegged way back in your history as the time for this wondrous change in consciousness. The Anunnaki, at that time affiliated to the dark continuum Anchara, were well aware of this and had intended to circumvent this eventuality by means of a series of dastardly deeds, but this was short-circuited by the abrupt change of allegiance and subsequent pacifist declarations of Anchara. This led in the mid-1990s to a peace treaty with the Galactic Federation, which profoundly altered the wars in this galaxy. It brought forth the great peace that had been ordained by the Divine many eons ago.
In this time of galactic peace, we have come to complete a prophecy that is pivotal to that peace. Gaia (Mother Earth) contains the source for this galaxy. She is therefore vitally important to that peace, since the Peace of Anchara is dependent on Mother Earth wholly returning to full consciousness. This places the onus on us to complete this historic mission successfully. For a time the dark cabal delayed this goal, and so we must now hurry things along more rapidly than first intended. To this end we have brought to the attention of the dark cabal's regimes the fact that our patience has run thin. Several actions have been taken to reinforce this point to the cabal's leaders, thus bringing the various objectives we are responsible for to the brink of manifestation.
At present we are in the midst of finishing those tasks that precede the grand changes that we have touched on in many messages to you. Gaia, in tandem with your global reality, is at that point where her vast transformation can commence; the rising turbulence in your atmosphere and oceans, and the rumblings of your land are signs of this. This indicates that your reality has arrived at that decisive point where it requires either enhanced bolstering, or the go-ahead for the dramatic calamities to begin. We know that these portents show clearly that further delay will only increase the intensity of these changes. The moment for the great changes to be unveiled has arrived, and the time for action is now. Great deeds to spearhead this imperative for change are now urgently required.
Our first contact team is preparing for action. For too long we have let the forces on your world control the extent of our actions but this policy has now passed into history. The moment to don the mantle of the 'galactic option' has come. Until now, our task regarding the heads of the dark cabal was to read them the riot act; this has been done. The next phase is to take the timetable they have long been apprised of and enact it.
The requisites for implementing the new financial and monetary system are in place, and we have foregathered those who are to create the interim caretaker governments. The timetable is ticking and about to sound the alarm. Our fleet and personnel are agog and fully prepared to carry out the mission which will change the course of human history!
Today, we discussed what is happening and what we intend to do about it. Supreme moments in Creation are marked by valiant and just deeds which unfold the divine plan, giving sovereignty and liberty back to those who have temporarily been divested of these God-given rights. We come as instruments of the Divine, ready to unfurl the next chapter in your history. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Some people believe that to be religious means to be spiritual and vice versa. They might go to church regularly, and have a great knowledge and understanding of scriptures, and believe this is what it means to be spiritual. They may even treat people badly or even live like the devil, but because they go to church and know scriptures they believe they are spiritual. Information gleaned from near-death accounts show that spirituality is very different from being religious. Perhaps the best way to distinguish religion and spirituality is to say that religion is the outward formula for guiding people inward to the spiritual force of love and compassion for others. In fact, religion and spirituality are so different, you probably know somebody who is so religious they're not very spiritual.
The Spirituality of the NDE
The following information is a summary of the insights concerning spirituality gleaned from the near-death accounts on this website:
According to near-death accounts, the reason for our very existence is to attain spiritual growth. We are more of a spiritual being than we are a physical being. We assume a body of flesh out of a desire for spiritual growth, to complete a mission for God, to qualify for higher spirit realms, to test our spiritual ideas we had before we were born to see if we actually possess these ideals, to obtain a level of self-realization, to re-discover higher knowledge in physical ways, to be more of a companion of God, to find the kingdom of heaven within, to achieve our goal of evolving into the higher spirit beings we once were, but with individuality, to make God stronger by spreading love which is God, to bring light in a world of darkness, but more importantly, to play, love, laugh, and live for the sole purpose of it because this is the way to holiness.
Love is God and loving others and everything is all that really matters. Everything else, our achievements and material wealth, is totally irrelevant. The important thing is to love people, nature, animals, and everything in creation. Whether people realize it or not, love is what we seek and need to sustain us. Although love is too immense and profound to be fully known in one lifetime, without love we are nothing. To love everyone as ourselves, we must love ourselves else our love for others is false. It is impossible to be really happy if we only have love for ourselves. Until we give attention to others, we will not be able to grow spiritually. Our choice is between the spirit of God (self-love, love for others) and the spirit of self (selfishness, love only for self). By conquering self, we can change and grow easily, and know ourselves to be ourselves, yet one with the Whole. When we do unto others, the same will be done unto us.
All paths eventually lead back to God - love. Love is the hard lesson we are here to learn more about and apply ourselves. While in a physical body, the kingdom of God is located within. Part of our mission is to manifest the kingdom into the world. Our goal is to attain a human-divine unity. As spirit beings, our core is perfect love - a spark of divinity. When our human nature fully recognizes the divinity within, self-divine-realization is the result. Part of this realization is that everyone is connected together through divine love - God. What one person does, affects everyone else. We are all of one spirit and to change the world we only need to change ourselves. One simple act of unselfish love affects everyone else. A simple smile has the power to alter the course of human history. The good we do for others will eventually come back to us. The important things is that we are to help each other rise to a higher level of love. Life is about people, not pursuits. It is about loving people, not things. To know love is not enough. It must be expressed. Whatever we become in life is meaningless unless it is done for the benefit of others. The ideal is to love others completely, unconditionally, more even than we love ourselves. It is the little things that count: a small act out of unconditional love.
Religious dogma means nothing on the other side. True religion is to love others as ourselves. It is what's inside that counts. Love, not religious dogma, creates spiritual growth. What is important is what comes from the heart, not what one professes with their lips. Love in action is what lasts. The more we live in love, the closer we are to God. The way to heaven is through the practice of love. Love is the law of the universe and holds the universe together. The Golden Rule is the governing principle in the spirit world. Our state in the spirit realm is determined by our level of spiritual maturity. This is often attained through hardships that challenge us and help us grow and stay compassionate. Before we can really feel joy, we must know sorrow. This world is the tough course that helps create within us the tough love of God. Life is a cycle of improvements that ultimately leads to perfection.
Once we leave the physical world, we will step into the spirituality we have cultivated within ourselves. We then will view reality from an inward perspective instead of an outward one. Heaven and hell are not locations but are spiritual states of being. We grow to heaven. We don't go to heaven. The spiritual state of being we attained on Earth is the spiritual state we take with us. We are all at various degrees of light which corresponds to various levels representing different stages of spiritual growth. The central factor determining our level of spiritual growth is the degree to which we have lived for the sake of others. Our ability to accept truth, to live by it, governs our progress in the spirit, and it determines the degree of light we possess. The higher our spiritual maturity, the brighter the light will shine from our spirit.
The chief purpose for returning to the physical world is for instruction that leads to the advancement of our souls in spiritual maturity. We are given all the opportunities it takes, as many lifetimes as it takes, to achieve it. Then, like the prodigal son, we return to our true home. Once we have learned the lessons needed in the physical world, we do not need to return.
Lost Secrets of the Ark;The Real Power of GOLD
1:20:39 - 2 years ago
The Book of the Dead refers to hyper-dimension realm called the Field of Mfkzt, which is now determined as a superconductive energy field of high-spin metallurgy. With modern physicists, Laurence Gardner has ascertained that mfkzt(monatomic gold) was the secret of the pharaoh's rite of passage to Afterlife, and was directly associated with the pyramids and the biblical Ark of the Covenant,as revealed by inscriptions at the Sinai mountain temple of Moses. With the old science now rediscovered,GOLD is fast becoming established as a logistically placed source material to the detriment of its traditional value as a currency reserve. As Laurence Gardner details, the advantages of the revived technology are astounding,especially in the fields of medicine and space travel, but the political and social implications of IMF-approved national bullion sales could be very threatening if not contained. No reason is given in the Bible as to why the Ark of the Covenant was so richly contrived.It is portrayed as having awesome and deadly powers,but these are not explained. What was the Ark of the Covenant? Where is the Ark? What were its relationships to the Golden Fleece and the Philosopher's Stone? What is the Philosopher's Stone and how does it work? By accessing Rosicrucian, Templar and Royal Society archives, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark reveal the secret of Royal Arch Freemasonry. In quantum mechanics, NASA scientists have recently confirmed that matter can indeed be in two places at once. In fact,through quantum entanglement, particles millions of light-years apart can be connected without physical contact. Space-time can now be manipulated;teleportation is becoming a reality; gravity-resistant material is now heralded for air transport, and virtual science has led to a greater understanding of hyper-dimensional existence. In Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Laurence Gardner reveals that the keys to all this are: A-mfkzt -referred to by the Institute of Advanced Studies as "exotic monatomic matter", and B-the amazing technology of Superconductivity -acclaimed by the Center for Advanced Study as the most remarkable physical property in the universe. It is clear however that the attributes of superconductors and gravity defiance were known in a distant world of priestly levitation, godly communication and the phenomenal power of the Electrikus.«
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