11-18-2010 11:16 pm - John W. Wallace
The following is a list of U.S Senators and the Bribes (I mean campaign contributions) that these Senators received from Special Interest Groups to either support or oppose S.510 - The FDA Food Safety and Modernization Act. Money received by elected officials from Special Interest groups to vote a certain way on a bill or bills is nothing less than Bribery. I have listed the names of the Senators, the Party and State, and the amount of Special Interest Bribes (I mean campaign contributions) that they received thus far:
Name of Senator - Party & State - Bribe For S.510 or Bribe Against S.510
Daniel Akaka - D HI - Bribe For: $27,690 - Against: $700
Lamar Alexander - R TN - Bribe For: $190,421 - Against: $4,850
John Barrasso - R WY - Bribe For: $31,350 - Against: $27,500
Max Baucus - D MT - Bribe for: $123,803 - Against: $55,980
Evan Bayh - D IN - Bribe For: $45,200 - Against: 8,250
Mark Begich - D AK - Bribe For: $23,050 - Against: $2,000
Michael Bennet - D CO - Bribe For: $38,509 - Against: $22,050
Robert Bennett - R UT - Bribe For: $105,530 - Against: $10,000
Jeff Bingaman - D NM - Bribe For: $31,498 - Against: $8,450
Christopher Bond - R MO - Bribe For: $49,550 - Against: $5,200
Barbara Boxer - D CA - Bribe For: $120,000 - Against: $13,650
Sherrod Brown - D OH - Bribe For: $57,800 - Against: $6,600
Samuel Brownback - R KS - Bribe For: $20,950 - Against: $13,500
Jim Bunning - R KY - Brobe For: $20,700 - Against: $2,000
Richard Burr - R NC - Bribe For: $328,086 - Against: $32,292
Roland Burris - D IL - Bribe For: $0 - Against: $0
Maria Cantwell - D WA - Bribe For: $93,541 - Against: $2,750
Benjamin Cardin - D MD - Bribe For: $72,200 - Against: $0
Thomas Carper - D DE - Bribe For: $83,150 - Against: $0
Robert Casey - D PA - Bribe For: $80,576 - Against: $4,600
Saxby Chambliss - R GA - Bribe For: $557,694 - Against: $108,041
Thomas Coburn R OK - Bribe For: $64,400 - Against: $14,200
Thad Cochran - R MS - Bribe For: $50,144 - Against: $22,000
Susan Collins - R ME - Bribe For: $157,438 - Against: $7,800
Kent Conrad - D ND - Bribe For: $41,650 - Against: $29,612
Bob Corker - R TN - Bribe For: $298,639 - Against: $8,850
John Cornyn - R TX - Bribe For: $286,648 - Against: $254,730
Michael Crapo - R ID - Bribe For: $64,199 - Against: $14,350
Jim DeMint - R SC - Bribe For: $149,935 - Against: $5,000
Christopher Dodd - D CT - Bribe For: $36,400 - Against: $4,500
Byron Dorgan - D ND - Bribe For: $28,200 - Against: $6,000
Richard Durbin - D IL - Bribe For: $151,050 - Against: $19,000
John Ensign - R NV - Bribe For: $76,297 - Against: $10,500
Michael Enzi - R WY - Bribe For: $87,394 - Against: $21,450
Russell Feingold - D WI - Bribe For: $53,854 - Against: $2,200
Dianne Feinstein - D CA - Bribe For: $168,189 - Against: 25,314
Kirsten Gillibrand - D NY - Bribe For: $98,210 - Against: $10,650
Lindsey Graham - R SC - Bribe For: $101,272 - Against: $5,700
Charles Grassley - R IA - Bribe For: $112,150 - Against: $25,500
Judd Gregg - R NH - Bribe For: $26,000 - Against: $0
Kay Hagan - D NC - Bribe For: $36,250 - Against: $3,500
Thomas Harkin - D IA - Bribe For: $138,135 - Against: $40,600
Orrin Hatch - R UT - Bribe For: $102,215 - Against: $11,600
(See comment received from Senator Hatch's Office below)
Kay Hutchison - R TX - Bribe For: $127,811 - Against: $103,386
James Inhofe - R OK - Bribe For: $66,744 - Against: $36,430
Daniel Inouye - D HI - Bribe For: $26,350 - Against: $11,200
John Isakson - R GA - Bribe For: $280,995 - Against: $10,100
Mike Johanns - R NE - Bribe For: $159,259 - Against: $59,785
Tim Johnson - D SD - Bribe For: $26,850 - Against: $15,000
Edward Kaufman - D DE - Bribe For: $0 - Against: $0
John Kerry - D MA - Bribe For: $14,406 - Against: $250
Amy Klobuchar - D MN - Bribe For: $149,778 - Against: $16,250
Herbert Kohl - D WI - Bribe For: $300 - Against: $0
Jon Kyl - R AZ - Bribe For: $363,660 - Against: $58,906
Mary Landrieu - D LA - Bribe For: $73,622 - Against: $2,250
Frank Lautenberg - D NJ - Bribe For: $37,883 - Agqinst: $3,550
Patrick Leahy - D VT - Bribe For: $13,800 - Against: $2,750
Carl Levin - D MI - Bribe For: $49,900 - Against: $2,000
Joseph Lieberman - I CT - Bribe For: $121,075 - Against: $0
Blanche Lincoln - D AR - Bribe For: $347,526 - Against: $125,297
Richard Lugar - R IN - Bribe For: $153,579 - Against: $21,000
John McCain - R AZ - Bribe For: $118,070 - Against: $21,525
Claire McCaskill - D MO - Bribe For: $48,950 - Against: $7,650
Mitch McConnell - R KY - Bribe For: $439,593 - Against: $42,244
Robert Menéndez - D NJ - Bribe For: $183,850 - Against: $250
Jeff Merkley - D OR - Bribe For: $27,350 - Against; $3,300
Barbara Mikulski - D MD - Bribe For: $52,165 - Against: $1,000
Lisa Murkowski - R AK - Bribe For: $164,713 - Against: $5,800
Patty Murray - D WA - Bribe For: $136,500 - Against: $3,150
Ben Nelson - D NE - Bribe For: $254,906 - Against: $44,950
Bill Nelson - D FL - Bribe For: $205,471 - Against: $35,748
Mark Pryor - D AR - Bribe For: $115,550 - Against: $16,565
John Reed - D RI - Bribe For: $29,350 - Against: $0
Harry Reid - D NV - Bribe For: $133,985 - Against: $10,000
James Risch - R ID - Bribe For: $56,750 - Against; $36,050
Pat Roberts - R KS - Bribe For: $167,294 - Against: $65,186
John Rockefeller - D WV - Bribe For: $21,250 - Against: $1,000
Bernard Sanders - I VT - Bribe For: $7,800 - Against: $4,200
Charles Schumer - D NY - Bribe For: $175,185 - Against: $14,200
Jefferson Sessions - R AL - Bribe For: $65,303 - Against: $16,800
Jeanne Shaheen - D NH - Bribe For: $17,090 - Against: $7,300
Richard Shelby - R AL - Bribe For: $73,616 - Against: $10,000
Olympia Snowe - R ME - Bribe For: $78,136 - Against: $2,000
Arlen Specter - D PA - Bribe For: $209,124 - Against: $9,400
Debbie Ann Stabenow - D MI - Bribe For: $84,941 - Against: $14,482
Jon Tester - D MT - Bribe For: $21,250 - Against: $61,550
John Thune - R SD - Bribe For: $218,900 - Against: $55,625
Mark Udall - D CO - Bribe For: $34,435 - Against: $45,050
Tom Udall - D NM - Bribe For: $27,102 - Against: $51,900
David Vitter - R LA - Bribe For: $188,225 - Against: $8,500
George Voinovich - R OH - Bribe For: $103,850 - Against: $185
Mark Warner - D VA - Bribe For: $116,450 - Against: $8,600
Jim Webb - D VA - Bribe For: $25,300 - Against: $7,700
Sheldon Whitehouse- D RI - Bribe For: $27,025 - Against: $1,500
Roger Wicker - R MS - Bribe For: $147,650 - Against: $16,250
Ron Wyden - D OR - Bribe For: $58,700 - Against: $4,900
Here's a list of the Special Interest Groups that support S.510 and how much they bribed (I mean donated) to Senators:
Restaurants & drinking establishments $3,217,767
Food and kindred products manufacturing $1,753,503
Milk & dairy producers $1,717,687
Food stores $1,473,532
Beverages (non-alcoholic) $744,551
Vegetables, fruits and tree nut $709,238
American Veterinarian Medical Association $551,750
Beverage bottling & distribution $289,725
Food wholesalers $284,900
Food & Beverage Products and Services $281,137
Fishing $277,984
Chambers of commerce $219,234
Manufacturing $207,740
Food catering & food services $171,835
Confectionery processors & manufacturers $96,438
Consumer groups $6,100
Farm bureaus $0
Here's a list of Here's a list of the Special Interest Groups that sopposed S.510 and how much they bribed (I mean donated) to Senators:
Milk & dairy producers $1,717,687
Livestock $1,561,207
Farm organizations & cooperatives $412,976
Consumer groups $6,100
Farmers, crop unspecified $0
We should pay close attention to how the Senators vote when the bill reaches the floor of the Senate for a final Yes or No vote. Will those Senators who received a significant amount of money from Special Interest groups that support this anti-Liberty bill, vote Yes? We will find out shortly.
truth about fluoride
02:25 - 5 years ago
Is the water your drinking killing you? It is if it's fluoridated! Drink Natural spring water instead. You can usually buy a gallon for under a dollar. Make sure there is no fluoride in it! Also, don't use regular toothpaste (it contains around 1,000 ppm of fluoride). They even tell you on the side of the toothpaste tube to "contact a poison control center immediately" if you swallow your toothpaste. Other search word: Conspiracy
Vaccine Dangers, Pathogens & Obama Care Mar 10/11
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
"We the people have not been warned, advised or consulted but are certainly vulnerable to the outcomes." Lightwatcher.com "Biologic components have been reported in airborne samples that include: modified molds, desiccated red blood cells and exotic strains of bacteria" Additionally, award winning investigative reporter, Will Thomas, has reported findings of over 300 types of virally mutated fungi in the chemtrail fall out.
The Idaho Observer has reported findings of 26 metals including barium, aluminum and uranium, a variety of infectious pathogens and chemicals and drugs including sedatives in chemtrail fallout. Dr. R. Michael Castle reports the finding of cationic polymer fibers. Dr Hildegarde Staninger and Dr. Rahim Karjoom have reported findings of tiny parasitic nematode eggs of some type encased in the fibers.
Additionally Drs. Staninger and Karjoom and researcher Jan Smith have reported findings of self-replicating nano-machines and rivers of silicon running wild through the bodies of the Morgellons infected. Researcher Clifford Carnicom has reported finding chemtrails fibers & abnormal blood cells that are an exact match with the bizarre fibers & blood cells found in those suffering from Morgellons Disease. Welcome to the brave new world of toxic skies, weather control, mind control and population control through the use of chemtrails modulated with electromagnetic frequencies generated by HAARP.
Our health is under attack as evidenced by the skyrocketing rates of chemtrail induced lung cancer, asthma and pulmonary/respiratory problems as well as the emergence of a bizarre and frightening new plague, Morgellons Disease, an infection with a previously unknown agent that appears to be a synthesis of a bio lab created pathogen combined with self-replicating nano-technology.
Over 60,000 families in the U.S. are now infected with Morgellons. I am one of the infected. My health and the health of my family has already been drastically affected.
There is a main-stream media blackout on this subject so the only way to get the word out is by word of mouth. Realized or not people are already dying from chemtrail related illnesses. People are dying from Morgellons Disease. During this time of chemtrails a shocking drop in general life expectancy in the U.S. has occurred. This situation presents an immediate and serious threat to you, your family and loved ones.
We must join together to stop this insane program of chemtrail spraying now. Some of you reading this may be in a position of influence and power to take significant action to bring chemtrails to a halt. Everyone can do something to help. Whatever your position or realm of influence please do whatever you can to bring an end to the aerosol spray program popularly known as Chemtrails. ADDED 7/13/2009 FUND RAISING FOR A CURE At this point just stopping the chemtrails will not be nearly enough.
It is becoming increasingly apparent to researchers that virtually the entire population has most likely been infected by chemtrail pathogens that cause Morgellons Disease. The government to date has basically done nothing to fund research to find a cure for the Morgellons problem. Scientist, Clifford Carnicom has proven himself to be a dedicated and formidable researcher into Chemtrails/Morgellons for over a decade.
Working on his own without funding he has managed to make many important discoveries about the nature of Morgellons disease and about the effects of chemtrails on the environment and the population. If you wish to donate to fund research for a cure The Carnicom Institute would be an excellent place to start. Copyright Glenn Boyle 2009
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin produced in the body when ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike the skin. At least 75 per cent of the body’s supply comes from conversion of 7-dehydro-cholesterol in the skin. This molecule is then converted in the liver to 25-OH vitamin D3, the major form circulating in the blood. Functioning as an endocrine gland, the kidneys further process 25-OH vitamin D3 to its active metabolite, 1α,25-OH-D3. Receptors for this hormone-like substance are present in nearly every organ. Lack of exposure to sunlight is the main cause of vitamin D deficiency.
What is a Virus ? Don't fall for the the vaccine scam.
Posted By: Steve
Date: Saturday, 22-Jan-2011 08:09:16
Well folks sometimes the truth is a little hard to digest when it comes to giving up the ingrained belief that we have all been conned into accepting that the alleged ‘pathogenic viruses’ are really out there and are the sole cause of many human diseases. However, until proven otherwise Dr Stefan Lanka’s claim that no natural human disease causing viruses have ever been physically isolated to date by ANYBODY remains unrefuted (despite all objections). That also applies to the viral constituents of the MMR vaccine which is alleged to be based on ‘a mixture of live, weakened viruses from measles, mumps and rubella’. First of all how can dead bits of nucleic acid (a chemical) wrapped in a protein coat (another chemical) miraculously be alive in a vaccine????????????. Viruses are NOT living biological organisms (check it out) they are chemicals pure and simple – dead bits of RNA or DNA mainly with a protein coat. No scientist to date has ever physically isolated a human disease causing virus dead or alive, that’s right,NOT ONE.This may come as a shock to most people including the so-called ’scientists’ who perpetuate the myth, but that’s the truth as far as can be determined. Here’s an example of what is tantamount to scientific fraud.
According to various past reports Dr Jeffrey Taubenberger, a molecular pathologist at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Rockville, Md., and his team toiled for 10 years to piece together the alleged deadly Spanish Flu virus in a high-security laboratory at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
They obtained samples from small pieces of lung tissue, preserved in wax after the autopsies of two soldiers among the Spanish flu’s 675,000 American victims, and from the frozen body of an Inuit woman who died from the virus in November 1918 and was buried in the Alaska permafrost.
The claim is then made that although the alleged virus’ eight gene segments, or strands of RNA, were in fragments (selected from numerous ‘other’ fragments), Taubenberger’s team was able to piece them back together using gene sequencing and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) — a biochemical multiplication method of creating copies of specific fragments of DNA.
The glaring problem here is that the ‘Spanish Flu virus’ has NEVER been physically isolated, photographed and biochemically characterized in the first place scientifically by ANYONE to date. Taubenberger et al had to rely on a purely speculative conceptual ‘model’ and the magical PCR technique that produces something out of nothing – short bits of gene substance that were NEVER demonstrated to exist in the corpses in question!
How is it possible to know what to look for and be able to identify and determine the Spanish Flu virus precisely from ‘virus-like particles’ such as cell debris and other organic contaminants if the model Taubenberger et al used was NEVER based on a real physically isolated and biochemically characterized virus?
Thus with the magical PCR method it’s not only possible to multiply arbitrarily so that one detects only small fragments of new nucleic acid sequences that did not previously exist in the tissue samples from the corpses. It also means that a positive PCR is not proof for the existence of a whole genome (‘viral’ or otherwise).
Dr Stefan Lanka has also commented on Taubenberger’s fiasco thus:
If viruses had been present, then these could have been isolated, and out of them their gene substance could have been isolated too; there would have been no necessity for anyone to produce laboriously, by means of PCR technique- with clearly a swindle intention – a patchwork quilt of a model of the genetic substance of the idea of an influenza virus.
Finally, and notwithstanding all this. PCR reproducibility and specificity have never been effectively determined using any isolated human pathogenic virus as a ‘gold standard’. Moreover, Kary Mullis (a biochemist), who received a Nobel Prize for inventing PCR, says that it is being misused in HIV research. It is a method for studying genetic code fragments and matching them to similar fragments, not for identifying viruses as the cause of AIDS or ANY OTHER ILLNESS [emphasis mine]. He says that humans are full of retroviruses, which have never been shown to kill anybody, and that the mystery of ‘HIV’ has been generated by the $2 billion a year being spent on it (FOTI, Roberts p. 191).
In the case of influenza the problem thus remains. What is it that is producing the flu-like symptoms that are invariably credited to the so-called human ‘pathogenic viruses’ if none of them have ever been proven to physically exist let alone to have been effectively isolated and biochemically characterized to this day? What we have been led to believe about these viruses is Alice in Wonderland phantasy along with the standard textbook pictures and speculative computer models of their alleged genome sequences. The same applies to measles, mumps and rubella symptom complexes and the alleged ‘pathogenic viruses’ that are blamed for their cause.
Dr Tom Lankering made a recent comment in The Aspen Times (24.12.10) regarding the effectiveness of flu vaccines:
In my recent studies I have been enlightened by some interesting information about the flu vaccines. A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo in that group.
A JAMA study showed the incidence of clinical influenza in the vaccinated group was 2 percent but in the un-vaccinated group it was only 3 percent. This means that out of 100 people, one person was attributed with avoiding the flu because of the vaccine.
Thank you Tony.
1977 Senate Hearing found that U.S. government had infected hundreds of cities with biological agents
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Prison Planet.com
Monday, January 3, 2011
A mass die off of birds and fish in Arkansas which prompted a response by U.S. Environmental Services has residents asking questions about the cause – could secret government testing be responsible for the carnage?
Around 2,000 red-winged blackbirds, as well as ducks, fell to their deaths over a 1-mile area of Beebe, Arkansas on Friday night. U.S. Environmental Services workers wore hazmat suits and gas masks as they picked up the dead birds on Sunday.
An area used by the birds to roost was unaffected, leading officials to conclude that the birds could not have died from an illness or have been targeted for poisoning. Lightning, fireworks and high-altitude hail have been forwarded as possible culprits.
“I’ve been to Iraq and back and not seen nothing like this,” Beebe resident Jeff Drennan told local Fox16 News on Sunday.
“You know my kids are out here playing and you don’t know, is it safe?” he added. “They’re walking around with chemical suits picking them up with gas masks and everything.”
In a related story, 100,000 fish were found dead in Northwest Arkansas. “They were found along a 20-mile stretch between the Ozark Dam and Highway 109 Bridge in Franklin County,” reports Today’s THV 11.
Scalar weapons that can artificially manipulate the environment could be responsible for the mass die offs. We know for a fact that over a decade ago the U.S. Military Industrial Complex was aware of and involved in the testing of such technology.
In 1997, Defense Secretary William Cohen stated, “Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counter terrorism] efforts.”
The fact that illness or poisoning has been ruled out points to some form of secret testing being behind the mass die-offs.
The U.S. government has been repeatedly caught engaging in illegal bio-weapons tests over American skies that have maimed and killed not just animals, but humans. The history of US government biological testing includes deliberately infecting Americans with syphilis, malaria and other bacteriological agents.
From the 1950′s onwards, the U.S. government deliberately engaged in open air tests, spraying major cities like San Francisco and New York with Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii. In 1955, the CIA also released a a bacteria withdrawn from the Army’s biological warfare arsenal over Tampa Bay, Fl in order to test its ability to infect human populations with biological agents.
In 1966, the U.S. Army dispensed Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. 1977 Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research confirmed that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis.
In August 1994, residents in the Oakville, Washington area reported tiny blobs of gelatinous goo raining from the sky, and in 1997 residents in the Everett area of Washington State reported similar a phenomenon.
Given the history of governments across the world performing unwitting experiments on their populations, the number one suspect in such cases should always be government. Just a few months ago is came to light that in the late 1940′s, “American public health doctors deliberately infected nearly 700 Guatemalans — prison inmates, mental patients and soldiers — with venereal diseases.”
Indeed, the EPA’s own policy states that government and industry scientists can treat children as human guinea pigs in chemical experiments, which allows pesticides to be tested on mentally handicapped children and orphans.
In Alex Jones’ seminal film Endgame, which can be viewed below, we document countless examples of biological testing and other unwitting experiments conducted by governments in pursuit of bacteriological warfare and population control, including Project SHAD, plague bombs, and the atomic soldiers controversy.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.
News, Alex Jones on Food Safety S.510
Food safety bill invokes Codex harmonization and grants FDA authority to police food safety of foreign nations
Mike Adams
December 29, 2010
Of all the talk about S.510, virtually no one has actually read the language in the bill — especially not those lawmakers who voted for it. The more you read from this bill, the more surreal it all becomes. For example, did you know there’s a global FDA power grab agenda hidden in the Food Safety Modernization Act? Keep reading and I’ll quote text straight out of the bill itself.
The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory.
Section 305 is entitled “BUILDING CAPACITY OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS WITH RESPECT TO FOOD SAFETY” and it gives the FDA authority to set up offices in foreign countries and then dictate the food safety plans of foreign governments. It says, specifically, on page 217 of the bill (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-…):
(a) IN GENERAL. – The Secretary shall establish offices of the Food and Drug Administration in foreign countries selected by the Secretary.
It then goes on to say:
(a) The Secretary shall, not later than 2 years of the date of enactment of this Act, develop a comprehensive plan to expand the technical, scientific, and regulatory food safety capacity of foreign governments, and their respective food industries, from which foods are exported to the United States.
Huh? The FDA is now going to run the food safety programs of foreign governments? Look out, world: I’m from the FDA and I’m here to help!
Homeland Security and U.S. Treasury also involved
So who is involved in creating this? Believe it or not, the global “food safety” plan is to be developed under consultation to the Department of Homeland Security as well as the U.S.
Treasury. As the bill states:
(b) Consultation – In developing the plan under subsection (a), the Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the United States Trade Representative, and the Secretary of Commerce, representatives of the food industry, appropriate foreign government officials, nongovernmental organizations that represent the interests of consumers, and other stakeholders.
You might reasonably wonder “What does the Department of Homeland Security have to do with the FDA’s food safety plan?” Or “Why is the U.S. Treasury involved in the food supply?” Learn more about the Federal Reserve and you’ll have the answers to these questions. I don’t have space for all the details here, but read Ed Griffin’s book and visit http://www.realityzone.com if you really want to know what’s behind a lot of this.
Codex harmonization, data sharing and more
So what does this global food safety plan actually entail? It’s all spelled out right in the language of the law. You can view this yourself on page 195 of the bill text in the PDF file at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-…
(c) Plan – The plan developed under subsection (a) shall include, as appropriate, the following:
• “Provisions for secure electronic data sharing.”
This is so that the FDA can electronically track and monitor the food production activities of foreign nations. That way, if somebody in Spain tries to sell raw almonds to the USA, the FDA can make sure those almonds get irradiated or fumigated with chemicals first. Because raw almonds are so dangerous they have actually been outlawed in America (http://www.naturalnews.com/021776.html).
• “Training of foreign governments and food producers on United States requirements for safe food.”This is designed to shove the FDA’s “dead food” agenda down the throats of other nations. The FDA, you see, believes that the only safe food is dead food — that’s why, along with the USDA, they have declared war on raw milk, raw almonds and many raw vegetables (http://www.naturalnews.com/023015_f…).
Now, with this law, the FDA will begin pushing its dead foods agenda globally, essentially exporting the FDA’s agenda of death and disease by making sure other nations destroy the nutritive qualities of their food supply in the same way the U.S. is doing. It’s all great for the global Big Pharma profiteers, of course. The more disease they can spread around the world, the more money they’ll make from selling medications.
Codex Alimentarius is also promoted in the bill
The “Plan” described in this bill continues with the following:
• “Recommendations on whether and how to harmonize requirements under the Codex Alimentarius.”
This is included so that the FDA will “harmonize” the U.S. food and dietary supplement industries with global Codex requirements which outlaw virtually all healthy doses of vitamins and minerals. Under full Codex “harmonization,” America will be left with a dead food supply and the health food stores will be virtually stripped bare of dietary supplements. Selling vitamin D at a reasonable dose such as 4,000 IU per capsule will be criminalized and products will be seized and destroyed by FDA agents who recruit local law enforcement to bring in the firepower.
All this will, of course, ensure a diseased, nutritionally-deficient U.S. population. This actually seems to be the goal the FDA has been trying to achieve all along because the more diseased the population, the more money gets collected by Big Pharma for “treating” sick people with medication and chemotherapy.
It’s all right in the bill!
The text mentioned in this article is taken straight from the bill itself. You can search for it at http://thomas.loc.gov by searching for “S.510″ as the bill number.
It makes me wonder why some food book authors so wholeheartedly supported this bill. Why were so many progressives on the left so enamored with this law? Didn’t they realize this was a huge FDA power expansion that would destroy many small farms and put farmers out of business while subjecting the USA to possible Codex harmonization?
Did they even know the FDA is now on a global food-killing agenda that will seek to pasteurize, fumigate, cook or kill virtually every piece of food that enters the United States?
Did they not know that the bill does absolutely nothing to limit the use of chemical pesticides on imported food? According to the FDA’s stance on all this, foods laced with DDT and other pesticides are perfectly “safe” for human consumption, but foods teeming with probiotics — such as raw milk — are deadly and dangerous! (Seriously…)
How is it that popular food book authors and food documentary producers could possibly support this bill? Do they also think small dairy farmers who sell raw milk should be criminalized? Do they agree with the Codex harmonization agenda? Do they think the FDA should run the world’s food safety systems and that the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Treasury should be shaping our global food safety agenda?
You really just have to shake your head and wonder about the true intentions of some people. I just have to ask: Were the supporters of this bill really so naive that they could somehow believe the FDA would actually seek to protect small, local organic farms? What about raw milk producers? What about the single-family farms that must now apply to the FDA for exemption status by authoring research reports, collecting tax returns and producing a pile of documentation the FDA will soon require?
Let me just say it bluntly: The Food Safety Modernization Act is the destroyer of local organic farming. It will gut small farms and local farms, greatly increasing the price of local organic food while decreasing America’s food security. Farmers’ Markets will be targeted by FDA agents who raid the operations of local farmers and imprison them for not having the right paperwork. Families will be destroyed, and those who have been successful at local food production will scale back their operations in a desperate effort to duck under the $500,000 / year rule (which can easily be surpassed by producing just ten acres of organic carrots, by the way).
The real agenda behind the bill
From another point of view, however, this bill is doing exactly what it was supposed to do: Destroy small farms, wipe out family farm operations, imprison raw milk producers and centralize food production in the hands of the big corporate food producers whose operations are steeped in pesticides and soil degradation.
This bill should have been called the “Big Agriculture Monopoly Act” because that’s what it does. It will ensure that America’s food supply will be controlled by Monsanto, DuPont and other agricultural giants who have been at odds with small organic farms for years.
The global food control agenda is a conspiracy, not a theory
It’s all part of the global food control agenda that we now know to be 100% true based on the leaked Wikileaks cables which revealed that the U.S. government conspired to push GMOs into Europe and “create a retaliatory target list” for any nation that resisted GMOs (such as France). Read that full report right here on NaturalNews: http://www.naturalnews.com/030828_G…
Thanks to Wikileaks, we now know that the global GMO conspiracy is quite real. It’s something that U.S. diplomats and government officials scheme on in order to appease their corporate masters in the agriculture industry. Now, with the Food Safety Modernization Act, this global conspiracy extends beyond GMOs and encompasses the global food supply, too.
It has become clear that U.S. lawmakers and bureaucrats will not stop until they have killed the entire global food supply, rendering living foods, raw foods and dietary supplements illegal or impossibly difficult to grow. You can thank your U.S. Congresspeople and Senators for all this, of course. In the end, every Senator in office today caved in and voted to pass this bill. You can also thank those who publicly promoted this bill even while having no real idea of the horrors they were supporting.
Such begins a new era of global food destruction headed by what can only be called the most dangerous government agency in North America: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration. If they do to your food what they’ve done to prescription drugs, annual food deaths will increase to over 100,000 a year.
Watch for the FDA to now set up enforcement offices in nations all around the world and start outlawing living foods on a global scale (if they can get away with it).
Also, watch for a new push for Codex harmonization which is a truly evil agenda to criminalize healing foods and nutritional supplements that prevent and even reverse chronic disease.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030863_food_safety_bill_Codex_Alimentarius.html#ixzz19VWY93Yi
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thanks Nesara Now and Natural News
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In the dark of night, the US Senate passed S.510 last night with a unanimous consent voice vote (not a single US Senator opposed it).
It's now headed back to the House for a possible vote on Tuesday.
We need your help to oppose this dangerous bill that could destroy small, local organic farmers and reduce the availability of local fresh produce.
If you enjoy farmers' markets or buy food from a CSA, your food supply is now in danger due to HR 2751 in the House of Representatives! (See more talking points below...)
Take Action Now to Protect Small Local Farms
Action item #1) Sign our petition at:
(This will automatically email your appropriate representatives in Washington.)
Action item #2) Read our article (and forward it to others) at:
Action item #3) Read the Natural Solutions Foundation article and petition at:
Action item #4) Read the urgent action alert from the Farm-To-Consumer Legal Defense Fundat:
Here are the talking points from FTCLDF on why this fake food safety bill is so dangerous to our future:
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act is fundamentally flawed and is not in the best interest of small farmers, especially those who produce raw milk. The Act is a major threat to the local food movement.
1. FDA does not respect individuals' rights to obtain healthy, quality foods of their choice. The agency has stated, as a matter of public record that:
"There is no absolute right to consume or feed children any particular food."
"Plaintiffs' assertion of a 'fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families' is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish."
FDA has even participated in armed raids on small-scale co-ops and membership organizations. This agency should not be given any additional power.
2. FDA has adequate powers under existing law to ensure food safety and effectively deal with foodborne illness outbreaks. FDA has power to inspect, power to detain product and can readily obtain court orders to seize adulterated or misbranded food products or enjoin them from being sold. The problem isn't that FDA needs more power; it's that FDA does not effectively use the power it currently has. The agency has power to inspect imported food yet inspects only 1% of food coming into this country from outside our borders.
3. S.510 does nothing to address many significant food safety problems in this country, such as those resulting from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and various contaminants (e.g., BPA, pesticides, herbicides, etc.).
4. FDA has used its existing power to benefit the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries at the expense of public health (e.g., allowing the overuse of antibiotics in confined animal feeding operations and refusing to require labeling for genetically-modified foods). This bill does not address the fundamental problems at this agency in order to truly protect public health.
5. S.510 will expand FDA's involvement in regulating food in intra-state commerce, further interfering with local communities. State and local governments are more than capable of handling any problems related to food in intrastate commerce. All the major outbreaks of foodborne illness involve either imported food or food in inter-state commerce.
6. S.510 will hurt our ability as a nation to be self-sufficient in food production because it has more lenient inspection requirements for foreign than domestic producers creating an unfair advantage for food imports. Giving an advantage to foreign producers will only increase the amount of food imported into this country that does not meet our domestic standards. S.510 does not address food security -- the ability of a country to produce enough food to meet its own needs.
OCTOBER 9TH, 2010 4:54
Professor Emiritus Hal Lewis Resigns from American Physical Society
The following is a letter to the American Physical Society released to the public by Professor Emiritus of physics Hal Lewis of the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Sent: Friday, 08 October 2010 17:19 Hal Lewis
From: Hal Lewis, University of California, Santa Barbara
To: Curtis G. Callan, Jr., Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society
6 October 2010
Dear Curt:
When I first joined the American Physical Society sixty-seven years ago it was much smaller, much gentler, and as yet uncorrupted by the money flood (a threat against which Dwight Eisenhower warned a half-century ago).
Indeed, the choice of physics as a profession was then a guarantor of a life of poverty and abstinence—it was World War II that changed all that. The prospect of worldly gain drove few physicists. As recently as thirty-five years ago, when I chaired the first APS study of a contentious social/scientific issue, The Reactor Safety Study, though there were zealots aplenty on the outside there was no hint of inordinate pressure on us as physicists. We were therefore able to produce what I believe was and is an honest appraisal of the situation at that time. We were further enabled by the presence of an oversight committee consisting of Pief Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf, and Hans Bethe, all towering physicists beyond reproach. I was proud of what we did in a charged atmosphere. In the end the oversight committee, in its report to the APS President, noted the complete independence in which we did the job, and predicted that the report would be attacked from both sides. What greater tribute could there be?
How different it is now. The giants no longer walk the earth, and the money flood has become the raison d’être of much physics research, the vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the support for untold numbers of professional jobs. For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society.
It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.
So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it. For example:
1. About a year ago a few of us sent an e-mail on the subject to a fraction of the membership. APS ignored the issues, but the then President immediately launched a hostile investigation of where we got the e-mail addresses. In its better days, APS used to encourage discussion of important issues, and indeed the Constitution cites that as its principal purpose. No more. Everything that has been done in the last year has been designed to silence debate
2. The appallingly tendentious APS statement on Climate Change was apparently written in a hurry by a few people over lunch, and is certainly not representative of the talents of APS members as I have long known them. So a few of us petitioned the Council to reconsider it. One of the outstanding marks of (in)distinction in the Statement was the poison word incontrovertible, which describes few items in physics, certainly not this one. In response APS appointed a secret committee that never met, never troubled to speak to any skeptics, yet endorsed the Statement in its entirety. (They did admit that the tone was a bit strong, but amazingly kept the poison word incontrovertible to describe the evidence, a position supported by no one.) In the end, the Council kept the original statement, word for word, but approved a far longer “explanatory” screed, admitting that there were uncertainties, but brushing them aside to give blanket approval to the original. The original Statement, which still stands as the APS position, also contains what I consider pompous and asinine advice to all world governments, as if the APS were master of the universe. It is not, and I am embarrassed that our leaders seem to think it is. This is not fun and games, these are serious matters involving vast fractions of our national substance, and the reputation of the Society as a scientific society is at stake.
3. In the interim the ClimateGate scandal broke into the news, and the machinations of the principal alarmists were revealed to the world. It was a fraud on a scale I have never seen, and I lack the words to describe its enormity. Effect on the APS position: none. None at all. This is not science; other forces are at work.
4. So a few of us tried to bring science into the act (that is, after all, the alleged and historic purpose of APS), and collected the necessary 200+ signatures to bring to the Council a proposal for a Topical Group on Climate Science, thinking that open discussion of the scientific issues, in the best tradition of physics, would be beneficial to all, and also a contribution to the nation. I might note that it was not easy to collect the signatures, since you denied us the use of the APS membership list. We conformed in every way with the requirements of the APS Constitution, and described in great detail what we had in mind—simply to bring the subject into the open.
5. To our amazement, Constitution be damned, you declined to accept our petition, but instead used your own control of the mailing list to run a poll on the members’ interest in a TG on Climate and the Environment. You did ask the members if they would sign a petition to form a TG on your yet-to-be-defined subject, but provided no petition, and got lots of affirmative responses. (If you had asked about sex you would have gotten more expressions of interest.) There was of course no such petition or proposal, and you have now dropped the Environment part, so the whole matter is moot. (Any lawyer will tell you that you cannot collect signatures on a vague petition, and then fill in whatever you like.) The entire purpose of this exercise was to avoid your constitutional responsibility to take our petition to the Council.
6. As of now you have formed still another secret and stacked committee to organize your own TG, simply ignoring our lawful petition.
APS management has gamed the problem from the beginning, to suppress serious conversation about the merits of the climate change claims. Do you wonder that I have lost confidence in the organization?
I do feel the need to add one note, and this is conjecture, since it is always risky to discuss other people’s motives. This scheming at APS HQ is so bizarre that there cannot be a simple explanation for it. Some have held that the physicists of today are not as smart as they used to be, but I don’t think that is an issue. I think it is the money, exactly what Eisenhower warned about a half-century ago. There are indeed trillions of dollars involved, to say nothing of the fame and glory (and frequent trips to exotic islands) that go with being a member of the club. Your own Physics Department (of which you are chairman) would lose millions a year if the global warming bubble burst. When Penn State absolved Mike Mann of wrongdoing, and the University of East Anglia did the same for Phil Jones, they cannot have been unaware of the financial penalty for doing otherwise. As the old saying goes, you don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. Since I am no philosopher, I’m not going to explore at just which point enlightened self-interest crosses the line into corruption, but a careful reading of the ClimateGate releases makes it clear that this is not an academic question.
I want no part of it, so please accept my resignation. APS no longer represents me, but I hope we are still friends.
Harold Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, former Chairman; Former member Defense Science Board, chmn of Technology panel; Chairman DSB study on Nuclear Winter; Former member Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Former member, President’s Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee; Chairman APS study on Nuclear Reactor Safety Chairman Risk Assessment Review Group; Co-founder and former Chairman of JASON; Former member USAF Scientific Advisory Board; Served in US Navy in WW II; books: Technological Risk (about, surprise, technological risk) and Why Flip a Coin (about decision making)
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Around 15 million patients are candidates for the swine flu jab
Thursday September 30,2010
By Victoria Fletcher, Health Editor
Have your say(14)
PATIENTS who refused to have the swine flu jab last year will be vaccinated against it anyway during this autumn’s seasonal flu campaign.
Health officials have said this year’s jab will protect against three types of flu including H1N1 or swine flu.
Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/202569/Patients-to-get-Swine-Flu-jab-even-if-they-don-t-want-itPatients-to-get-Swine-Flu-jab-even-if-they-don-t-want-it#ixzz19OKFU0xK
The decision was made after scientists said swine flu will still be circulating this winter and could pose a threat to health.
But many patients may be left feeling upset that a vaccine they did not want to have has been combined with one they did.
Announcing the annual flu campaign yesterday, officials also said that pregnant women would be offered the seasonal flu jab for the first time to protect them against swine flu.
Pregnant women were hit particularly hard by the H1N1 virus and experts are keen to protect as many as possible before further winter outbreaks.
Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/202569/Patients-to-get-Swine-Flu-jab-even-if-they-don-t-want-itPatients-to-get-Swine-Flu-jab-even-if-they-don-t-want-it#ixzz19OK5qpuO
The seasonal flu jab is routinely offered to everyone over 65 as well as younger patients who have long-term conditions such as asthma and diabetes.
It is redesigned annually to ensure it protects against the strains of flu in circulation, which tend to change every few years. Up to 15million people have the jab, which can reduce the risk of catching flu and especially the health complications it can cause. Although there is no evidence that the H1N1 vaccine is unsafe, many patients simply do not wish to have it. But they will not be able to protect themselves against the other two circulating forms of seasonal flu without being given the swine flu jab.
Professor David Salisbury, of the Department of Health said: “This year the swine flu virus will be one of the most common types of flu going around, and it is important to remind people to remember to get their annual flu jab.
“People should not underestimate the effects of seasonal flu. It is not the same as getting a cold. It can seriously affect your health and the risks of developing complications are greater if you have certain pre- existing medical conditions.
“If you are in any of the identified at-risk groups, my advice is to visit your local GP surgery and get the vaccination as soon as possible.”
However anti-vaccine campaigners said it was not fair to force patients to be vaccinated against swine flu if they only wanted protection against the other two. Jackie Fletcher from the vaccine campaign group JABS said: “At the very least there should be consumer choice so that patients can get what they want rather than this one-size fits all.
“We also want to know that the Department of Health carefully examine every adverse reaction to swine flu jabs, so we can be reassured the jab is safe”.
Figures show that there are 8,000 flu-related deaths in the winter months in England and Wales that could be avoided.
Unlike other countries, many in the UK are worried about vaccines. Of the 14million patients who were advised to have the swine flu jab, only around five million took up the offer.
Some refused because they were afraid it could increase their risk of a rare immune disorder known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome but studies have suggested this is not true.
Others were put off the swine flu jab over fears it could actually make them suffer swine flu. Again, experts have dismissed these claims.
Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/202569/Patients-to-get-Swine-Flu-jab-even-if-they-don-t-want-itPatients-to-get-Swine-Flu-jab-even-if-they-don-t-want-it#ixzz19OJny600
GMO Trilogy - Unnatural Selection (part 1 of 5)
59:46 - 3 years ago
This explosive exposé reveals what the biotech industry doesn't want you to know - how industry manipulation and political collusion, not sound science, allow dangerous genetically engineered food into your daily diet. Company research is rigged, alarming evidence of health dangers is covered up, and intense political pressure applied. Chapters read like adventure stories and are hard to put down: * Scientists were offered bribes or threatened. Evidence was stolen. Data was omitted or distorted. * Government employees who complained were harassed, stripped of responsibilities, or fired. * Laboratory rats fed a GM crop developed stomach lesions and seven of the forty died within two weeks. The crop was approved without further tests. * The only independent in-depth feeding study ever conducted showed evidence of alarming health dangers. When the scientist tried to alert the public, he lost his job and was silenced with threats of a lawsuit. Read the actual internal memos by FDA scientists, warning of toxins, allergies, and new diseases - all ignored by their superiors, including a former attorney for Monsanto. Learn why the FDA withheld information from Congress after a genetically modified supplement killed nearly a hundred people and disabled thousands. The GMO Trilogy's was released in April 2006 in conjunction with Earth Day (April 22) and International GMOpposition Day (April 8)—a coordinated 30-nation campaign to raise awareness about genetically modified (GM) food. The three-disc set includes: Set 1: Unnatural Selection (part 1- 5) Set 2: Hidden Dangers in Kids’ Meals: Genetically Engineered Foods (part 1-3) Set 3: You’re Eating WHAT? (Audio)«