The United States exists in two forms: The original United States that was in operation until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority.
The original United States has been usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than Common/Private Law.
The original Constitution was never removed; it has simply been dormant since 1871. It is still intact to this day. This fact was made clear by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by giving the following dissenting opinion: “Two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.”
The Restore America Plan reclaimed the De Jure institutions of government of the 50 State Republics in order to restore Common Law that represents the voice of the people and ends Corporate Law that ignores the voice of the people while operating under Maritime/Admiralty/International Law. This occurred when warrants were delivered to all 50 Governors on March 30, 2010.
The rewritten Constitution of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION bypasses the original Constitution for the United States of America, which explains why our Congressmen and Senators don’t abide by it, and the President can write Executive Orders to do whatever he/she wants. They are following corporate laws that completely strip sovereigns of their God given unalienable rights. Corporate/Commercial/Public Law is not sovereign (private), as it is an agreement between two or more parties under contract. Common Law (which sovereigns operate under) is not Commercial Law; it is personal and private.
To understand this document, you need to understand some basic terms. Visit www.usavsus.info for complete understanding.
The basic terms are:
De Jure – Existing by right or according to law; original, lawful. Common Law operates under De Jure terms.
De Facto – In practice but not necessarily ordained by law; in fact, in reality. Corporate Law operates under De Facto terms.
Sovereign – A real person. Sovereigns can own property while Citizens/Subjects cannot. According to the original Constitution, all government comes from the Sovereign Individual. Without the Sovereign Individual, there is no government.
U.S. Citizen/Subject – A corporate fictitious entity that merely represents the real person. It acts as a “strawman.” [To call oneself a “sovereign citizen” or “sovereign subject” is an oxymoron, since “sovereign” and “citizen/subject” are mutually exclusive of each other.] When asked if you are a “U.S. Citizen” on corporate legal documents, if you check “yes,” you agree to the terms of Corporate Law and unknowingly relinquish your sovereign status and transfer all of your rights to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION since you are now under contract.
Corporation – A non-human, fictitious entity. Corporate fictitious entities are denoted in all caps. This includes the names of Citizens/Subjects. Your fictitious “strawman” entity is addressed in all caps, i.e. JOHN SMITH, rather than John Smith.
Common Law – God’s law. Common Law and the system of De Jure Juries apply to sovereigns in disputes. In Common Law, contracts must be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.
Admiralty/Maritime Law/International Law – The King’s law. Deals with criminal acts that only apply to international contracts. Under this law, the people are no longer sovereign. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) that the United States practices is based on Admiralty Law. Under the UCC, contracts do not have to be entered into knowingly. Simple agreements can be binding, and as long as you exercise the benefits of that “agreement,” you must meet the obligations associated with those benefits. If you accept the benefit offered by the government, then you MUST follow, to the letter, each and every statute involved with that benefit. That “benefit” is the Federal Reserve Notes (U.S. dollars). By paying for things with U.S. dollars you are unknowingly giving up all of your Constitutional rights and are legally obligated to follow all of the UCC statues. But you were NEVER told this.
Lawful – A term used in Common Law.
Legal – A term used in the UCC which applies to Corporate Law.
(note by Panama Legal: These are the basic premises adhered to by the people in the movement and the people in the Sovereign movement. The Government is a Corporation actually functioning as the Federal Government. Thus it does not have to follow the constitution. Also it does not matter if Obama is not a natural born citizen since it is a corporation he is the head of. The corporation gets the permission of the people to reign over them by deceit. This is done by wording in the Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, driving Licenses, IRS forms, Marriage Licenses and other documents. They always refer to the “person” in all capital letters. This means the name represents a corporate entity. This is how the corporation courts get jurisdiction over you. Their courts do not fly the “reaL” American flag. They use the military or admiralty flag. For a discourse on this try this website: http://www.usavsus.info/
What the theory is goes like this. When you enter a US Courtroom there is a military or admiralty flag flying. The US Military does not have the protection of the constitution, neither does this apply to admiralty laws with ships at sea. When you enter a court room and cross through that little wooden gate they have and go to the area where the plaintiff (prosecutor) and defendant sit along with judge, court reporter, you are entering a “ship” or a foreign country as evidenced by the admiralty or military flag flying thus the constitution has no applicability and you are under equity law not common law. The flaw with their scheme is that there is no full disclosure to the people about any of this. This is brief over simplified synopsis of the scam run by the federal corporation. End of our comment.)
Here is a Timeline of events that lead to the current United States.
- In 1788 (January 1), The United States was officially bankrupt.
- In 1790 (August 4), Article One of the U.S. Statues at Large, pages 138-178, abolished the States of the Republic and created Federal Districts. In the same year, the former States of the Republic reorganized as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions, absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each state for a vote…the new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people “Citizens” of the new Corporate States. A Citizen is also defined as a “corporate fiction.”
- In 1845, Congress passed legislation that would ultimately allow Common Law to be usurped by Admiralty Law.www.barefootsworld.net/admiralty.html explains this change. The yellow fringe placed at the bottom of court flags shows this is still true. Before 1845, Americans were considered sovereign individuals who governed themselves under Common Law.
- In 1860 – Congress was adjourned Sine Die – Lincoln could not legally reconvene Congress.
- In 1861, President Lincoln declared a National Emergency and Martial Law, which gave the President unprecedented powers and removed it from the other branches. This has NEVER been reversed.
- In 1863, the Lieber Code was established taking away your property and your rights.
- From 1864-1867, Several Reconstruction Acts were passed forcing the states to ratify the 14th Amendment, which made everyone slaves.
- In 1865, the capital was moved to Washington, D.C., a separate country – not a part of the United States of America.
- In 1871, The United States became a Corporation with a new constitution and a new corporate government, and the original constitutional government was vacated to become dormant, but it was never terminated. The new constitution had to be ratified by the people according to the original constitution, but it never was. The whole process occurred behind closed doors. The people are the source of financing for this new government.
- In 1917, the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) was passed. This insightful video from [link to movielocker.com/4084)] states the following: “This act was implemented to deal with the countries we were at war with during World War I. It gave the President and the Alien Property Custodian the right to seize the assets of the people included in this act and if they wanted to do business in this country they could apply for a license to do so. By 1921, the Federal Reserve Bank (the trustee for the Alien Property Custodian) held over $700,000,000 in trust.” Understand that this trust was based on our assets, not theirs.
- In 1933, 48 Stat 1, of the TWEA was amended to include the United States Person because they wanted to take our gold away. Executive Order 6102 was created to make it illegal for a U.S. Citizen to own gold. In order for the Government to take our gold away and violate our Constitutional rights, we were reclassified as ENEMY COMBATANTS.”
- In 1933, there was a second United States bankruptcy. In the first bankruptcy the United States collateralized all public lands. In the 1933 bankruptcy, the U.S. government collateralized the private lands of the people (a lien) – they borrowed money against our private lands. They were then mortgaged. That is why we pay property taxes.
From a speech in Congress in The Bankruptcy of the United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993, Vol. 33, page H-1303, Speaker Representative James Trafficant Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House states:
“…It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 – Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States…
Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the Federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. Citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the Federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets, and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States Corporation all of the credit “money substitute” it needed.
Like any debtor, the Federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the Federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves,” the U.S. Citizens, as collateral against the federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks, forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.
Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another.”
- In 1944, Washington D.C. was deeded to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the Breton Woods Agreement. The IMF is made up of wealthy people that own most of the banking industries of the world. It is an organized group of bankers that have taken control of most governments of the world so the bankers run the world. Congress, the IRS, and the President work for the IMF. The IRS is not a U.S. government agency. It is an agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)
“The Supreme Court has said the De Jure Government offices still exist but the people have failed to occupy them.
Remember Downs v. Bidwell and the dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan? He said that two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions. This is one that We the people need to force our elected public officials to occupy – De Jure rule.
We need to change that by organizing Grand Juries and putting our officials back under De jure rule and out of the Corporate (or Military) Rule that they are currently operating under.
Our elected officials will then have to operate under the limits of their Oath of office to uphold the U.S. and State Constitutions, circa 1860. When they violate the Oath it’s a capital crime.
The reason we go back to 1860 is because that is the last time we had lawful laws in this country.
Where do the people get their power to convene a Grand Jury? The Magna Carta, 1215.
Our Founding Fathers looked back to history for precedent when they decided they wanted to change their government. What they found was the Magna Carta Liberatum, the Great Charter of Freedoms. It set a precedent that changed the face of England forever, by establishing that the King was not above the law.
King John of England signed the Magna Carta after immense pressure from the Church and his barons (the people). The King often lived above the law, violating both Feudal and Common Law, and was heavily criticized for his foreign policy and actions in England. The Barons, with the support of the Church, pressured King John to spell out a list of their rights and guarantee that those rights would be enforced. The Barons provided a draft, and after some negotiation, King John put his seal to the Magna Carta in Runnymede, in June of 1215.
Section 61 set rules for establishing the Grand Jury. It states: Since we have granted all these things for God, for the better ordering of our kingdom, and to allay the discord that has arisen between us and our barons (people), and since we desire that they shall be enjoyed in their entirety, with lasting strength, forever, we give and grant to the barons the following security: The barons shall elect twenty-five of their number to keep, and cause to be observed with all their might, the peace and liberties granted and confirmed to them by this charter. If we, our chief justice, our officials, or any of our servants offend in any respect against any man, or transgress any of the articles of the peace or of this security, and the offense is made known to four of the said twenty-five barons, they shall come to us.”
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Ousted Emergency Manager speaks out on corruption in Franklin County
January 20 was the last day on the job for James "Tim" Turner, who was ousted from his position as Franklin County Emergency Management Director in a "reorganization" of the county's emergency management department. The reorganization, which did not appear on the public agenda, was passed by the County Commissioners at their January 6 meeting. There was no public comment and no comment by the Commissioners, aside from Commissioner Clarence Williams stating it was a cost cutting move. Commissioner Bevin Putnal cast the sole dissenting vote.
Turner's four-year tenure was notable for his stand against controversial developments, including illegal high density development in the Coastal High Hazard Area. He
presented numerous emergency management-based objections to St. Joe Company's "SummerCamp" project in eastern Franklin County. In 2002 Turner ran unsuccessfully for County Commission, failing to unseat incumbent Jimmie Mosconis.
In the reorganization of the Emergency Management department, the director's position will be a part-time job, to be held by Alan Pierce. Alan Pierce serves as Administrative Aide to the County Commission and has been head of the Planning and Zoning Department during the time the developments were approved. Turner requested to be considered for the part-time position, but reports that he was told by Pierce that "Cheryl Sanders said no way, it was a done deal."
Full text of Turner's letter follows:
Franklin County Emergency Management
34 Forbes Street, Suite #1
Apalachicola, FL 32320
January 19, 2004
To: Cheryl Sanders -- Chairperson -- Franklin County Board of County Commissioners
From: Tim Turner -- Emergency Management Director
RE: Termination from Job
Commissioners Sanders,
This letter is being written to address the board's decision to terminate me from my position as Emergency Management Director of Franklin County. I read the article in the Apalachicola Times and found that this board and Alan Pierce has misrepresented the truth again. Commissioner Williams mentioned in the article that this decision would save the county money. Simply put, he knows better. The Emergency Management program is funded through state and federal reimbursement grants. If we do not spend the money for the Emergency Management program we forfeit that portion of the grant money. It would be foolish for this board of commissioners to give back grant money that is to be used to provide programs and plans that protect the people in our county. Commissioner Williams, that dog won't hunt. It was also stated that my termination had nothing to do with politics. Someone needs to inform Alan Pierce of that. When I asked him why he wanted me to resign back in October of 2003, he stated, "We have no specific reason, it's just politics." You guys really need to get together on your stories before going public. You haven't had any problems violating the sunshine laws in the past, why worry about it now. Mr. Pierce told me the decision was made to terminate me before the holidays. He decided to wait until the holidays were over to tell me about it. I wasn't invited to that meeting and I doubt anyone else was. I guess firing someone during the holidays could be bad for your public image, especially if you are planning to run for public office soon after. It's a good possibility that politics had a lot to do with it.
I have to ask, if my termination wasn't for saving money or because of politics then there had to be another reason. Let's explore some other possibilities. Is it possible that I was terminated because I didn't support Mr. Pierce and this board's agenda to build what I believe to be illegal developments for certain developers and large corporations that I won't name because they are "NO ORDINARY JOE" and they might not like it. One large scale development that planned 499 homes in the east end of the county, which I won't name, violated almost every law, statute, regulation, and ordinance at the federal, state, and local level. The board of commissioners voted on this with full knowledge that they were violating these laws. I know because I wrote the letter that outlined all of this in detail. I was asked to do this by Commissioner Sanders in June of 2002. She asked me to research the laws concerning this development because she felt that this development was not good for the people of Franklin County. She claimed that she was offered a new Lincoln to vote for this project by an official of this unnamed corporation. She further stated that Commissioners Jimmy Mosconis, Eddie Creamer, and County Manager Alan Pierce were trying to push this project through quickly and quietly. I did the research as she asked and presented the letter to the board at a public meeting in July 2002. Chairman Eddie Creamer treated me very rudely. His reaction told me volumes about his intentions. It is rumored that Commissioner Creamer ordered Alan Pierce to fire me the next day. I wonder why? Could it be current laws may affect the property values on his real estate holdings, which are rumored to be substantial? I have to ask isn't it a conflict of interest for a commissioner to vote on issues that can affect his bottom line? It is also rumored that Mr. Pierce has interest along with a number of contractors and developers in more than 50 properties. That is just in his real name. I bet the county property records would be some interesting reading. Mr. Mosconis is also rumored to have his share also.
Let's get back to my story. A little while after I presented and read the letter to the board I received a visit from Attorney Doug Gaidry, the attorney for the City of Carrabelle. He paid me a friendly visit to tell me that this was a dirty little place that they liked to call Peyton Place. He stated "We like it that way and people who buck the system here die." He went on to say "I guess you heard about the couple on Magnolia Bluff who committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head. That was no suicide." I wonder how he knows? Mr. Gaidry told me that this couple was writing a book about the corruption in Franklin County. I wonder who sent him to tell me that and why?
Soon after, I started having problems with the food program that I had been running for more than 8 years. I was falsely accused of all sorts of bad things. Commissioner Williams paid me a visit and told me it was politics that was causing the problem. Mr. Mosconis was my opponent in the district 4 county commission race at that time. I would hope that he wouldn't do something that despicable, but someone did. I guess it was also a coincidence that Mr. Mosconis' priest, Joe Knight, visited me twice and asked me to drop out the race about this same time. What are the odds of all of this happening by accident? I should have played the lottery, I was on a roll.
The next punishment I received was form my supervisor Alan Pierce, two days after I lost the election to Mosconis. I had been successfully working a 4-day week for about 18 months, like several others in the County still do. Mr. Pierce told me I had to go back to work 5 days each week. He also told me I could not send any kind of communication without his permission. I guess they didn't like my letter asking the state to review our development practices to make sure we were complying with the law. He was almost like a cat trying to cover up poo poo.
The next problem was that the Emergency Management building was costing the county too much to maintain. The only problem is that the money to maintain the EOC was supplied from my state grant. I never asked the county for any money for maintenance. When I explained this to the board, Mr. Pierce stated that they needed to move me to the new courthouse annex so they could keep an eye on me. I didn't realize the truth was so unpopular among our elected officials. I told that truth and have done my job well. I supported the local people in every action that I took as Emergency Management Director. The next complaint was that I liked to help people too much. I guess they got me there. I have to confess that I am guilty of that. If that is Mr. Pierce's attitude, Shame On Him. He is being paid with our tax dollars and he should be working to help benefit the people of Franklin County. It is my opinion that he works much harder for special interest groups than he does for us.
I have had a few rough spots with Mr. Pierce and the commissioners over the last few years. This did not stop me from performing the duties of my job. Sometimes I had to do it without their help.
They have been little or no support to the Emergency Management Program in the 4+ years that I have been Director. Not one of our commissioners had attended an annual Public Officials Conference that I invited them to. They didn't even respond to my letters. To be fair I do have to say that Commissioner Putnal was worked with me to help the local people. He is the only one. This clearly demonstrates their concern for the safety and welfare of their constituents. If this is the way that they are going to continue to operate the Emergency Management Program they need to shut it down and give back the grant money.
It is my opinion that the commissioners got rid of me to cover up the facts. All I have ever asked is that they make decisions that are good for the local people and not what is most profitable for themselves and their friends. I also believe if Alan Pierce becomes Director of Emergency Management he will not do the job and will manipulate the grant money to support his agenda. I am of the opinion that grant money is abused frequently in this county. Mr. Pierce told me himself that $750,000 that we received from FEMA road grants was deposited in the county general fund by the commissioners and the roads were not repaired. What happens to this money? I doubt that this is an isolated incident.
In closing I would like to ask the people of Franklin County to stand up with me and demand accountability of this board and Alan Pierce. We need a full investigation into ethical as well as criminal violations of this board of county commissioners. We also need to hire a professional private investigator to gather the facts for the people so we can monitor this investigation so the political machine can't manipulate the investigation. You can help by signing a petition to demand this investigation. The petition will be available very soon.
James T. Turner
Emergency Management Director
Franklin County
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Republic of the united States – Update 1/28/11
Thanks for writing Panama law
Things to Look Forward to - Well we are all waiting for a few things right now. Big things. We all need to exercise a little patience as things begin to unravel. One is the seating of the last state republic – Delaware. Next is the results of the National Grand Jury meeting to be decided and acted on by the Republic Supreme Court. This should soon be made public. Another is the letter of notice to go out to the 5500 law enforcement agencies in the land. Another is the release of the Sovereign Intent Declaration which has not yet been released. I expect all of this will happen in the next two weeks. Things are about to become very exciting. The de facto and all their legal machinations is soon to be exposed to the world.
New Republic News Site – The republic has a new news site that will be used to broadcast numerous interviews and updates as we move ahead into these exciting times in the next few days. The new site is here:
Explaining the Republic to the De Facto Employees – In the next few days we will all be ambassadors of the republic as we move out into the forefront. The Republic will begin to have legal interactions with the de facto government agencies. You may find yourself being in the position of having to explain the republic historically, legally and morally. Most of us know these arguments already so I am not going to go over these again with you. The republic is preparing some videos that will do a fine job of explaining this to you I am sure. What I am going to show you is a way to really get the attention of the de facto people by showing them the threat to their financial security. I think this will get them in the mood to pay attention to the other arguments regarding the republic.
Below follows a letter from the de facto Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. The letter is dated Jan.6, 2011.
Download: Treasury Secretary Letter
The letter is a description of the US Treasury defaulting on its financial obligation is the debt ceiling is not raised by congress. Congress may not raise the debt ceiling. This forces the fed to resort to budget cuts. Yikes! What does that mean? Well it could mean closing government offices, programs, layoff etc. Another thing the govt can do is dip into the federal pension plan money it has. They can be running the government on your pension money. The US Treasury just reduced it's deposit at the Federal Reserve Bank for emergencies from $200 billion to $5 billion. The Republicans are actually talking about a spending cut of some $125 billion dollars. The democrats are in the $50 billion dollar range. If they compromise it will be around $80 to 100 billion. They will not default on the debt and they will keep the military spending going. Closing government offices and laying off workers are a possibility. Cutting government programs is another possibility.
The idea is to show the de facto employees how at risk their jobs and pensions are. Remind them that the government can borrow from their government retirement pension funds. Ask them if they ever think the government will ever have enough of a surplus to pay it back. The last time there was a surplus was in the 1970's.
Ask them if they ever saw the Treasury Secretary writing such a letter to Congress threatening to not be able to pay people, pay retirement, make payroll, pay social security, pay medical benefits, etc. Carry a copy of this letter around and show it to them. Ask the de facto guy or gal to take a copy of the letter back to their office and give a copy to everyone. Ask him or her if they are afraid they would lose their job or security clearance for doing such a thing even though it was written by the Treasury Secretary. Tell them to ask their co-workers if there is cause for alarm. How do you know the de facto will not just sell you out one day soon. So this is one way to get their attention. Then I think you will have an easier time getting them to listen regarding the Republic. Remember when you explain these things emphasize what is in it for them. Things like we have funding for you to keep your job, Cut the banksters out of your home and keep your home free and clear. Be free. End senseless economic oil wars. Put the people back to work and build up the economy. Don't just explain things about the republic, explain it in such a way that they can see the benefits of life in the republic. What's in it for them.
Thank You Panama Legal for writing the article, your on top of it....
Where Are We? – I was just told that the postponed notification letters to Law Enforcement agencies, all 5500, will be going out by the end of this week. There was some delay. I expect the amount of data and work is overwhelming. The notification letter has been written and will be going out this week. We see this as a milestone because the Republic will be officially interacting in lawful process with the de facto government. The next big event will be a meeting of the National Grand Jury. They will hear representative cases on IRS issues (liens, levies, seizures, confiscations), mortgage foreclosures, I believe Chemtrails and something else is scheduled. The national grand jury will hear the cases and probably return a finding. This kicks the matter to the Federal Supreme Court which currently has no back log
People Opposing the Republic – Earlier this week we were missing four states which should be in position by the end of this week or on the weekend. We just lost a state that was recently reseated. Possibly the trouble makers impersonated people like us and joined only to then resign causing us delay. Possibly they tried to scare the newly seated government with their unfounded rumors. Minor delay but that is all they can do. They would rather have Chemtrails, TSA, IRS, Wars, GMO, ObamaCare & Obama than the Republic as evidenced by their actions. Makes you wonder who these people serve doesn't it? I am seeing them as enemies of the Republic and freedom. They keep saying Tim Turner is going to be arrested. Never happens does it. They scare others with this arrest fear as well. If any arrests were going to be made would have happened a long time ago. Please bear in mind Tim Turner is not the Republic he is just an office holder. What about the fifty State Republics and the Governors, Representatives, Senators, Jurors etc. We have seen no objective proof or evidence about the republic causing us fear. Because the Republic has not yet completed some of it's tasks does not mean it will fail. If the antis really thought the Republic was going to fail they would not be working so hard to stop it would they? No they know it is so very close to completion they are doing all they can to keep us under the de facto Chemtrails, GMO, Foreclosures, FRN's and all. They are actually a testimony to the success of the Republic. Turner is not a king, monarch or anything else like that. I personally am committed to the fact that Mr. Turner is not a muslim from Kenya which is a lot more than I can say for the person the antis favor by default. Makes sense doesn't it. Also remember the interim offices are only for six months. If these antis really wanted change why don't they join the Republic and position themselves to run for office in a few short months? Makes one wonder. They would prefer to keep Obama there. Since there is no other viable movement that means they are okay with Obama there for another year! So what kind of people are these. They are aware of the Federal reserve, the Gulf poisoning, GMO, Vaccines, ObamaCare, the senseless economic wars, 9/11 and they still want the de facto to remain for at least another year. They have no other movement that is even 2% as viable as the republic. Problem is life under Obama and the de facto is going to come to an end anyway if there hypothetically was no republic. Problem is the ending will be most painful. The cities, counties, states and fed are running out of money. This is common knowledge. The fed is not bailing out the municipalities. The states are asking permission to file bankruptcies. Millions are going to be wiped out when they lose their pensions. Muni bonds will be defaulting wiping out buyers. Lots of payments for goods and services will be defaulted on wiping out small local businesses. Foreclosures will be continuing. The picture is dismal. If the antis resent the thought of a Republic founded on common law and the word of God then I seriously have some real suggestions for you, regarding places that you can easily move to where you may be happier, see below.
Places to Go to get away from De Facto and Avoid the Republic - There are countries you can go to and have a decent life. The republic is seating and will be operative any day now. You know this and that is why you are trying so hard to interfere in these last days before the seating. We may not understand you or agree with you but we do not hate you. We understand you will hate living in a Constitutional Common Law country that uses the Bible as a reference. We will never force anyone to follow our faith. We won't let you force us to follow your faith either by hook or crook. We do know there are pagan images on the buildings in Washington, D.C that are just put there without telling the people they are pagan images paying respect to pseudo Gods foreign to “we the people”. This is de facto trickery and the republic will never do such a thing to any persons and of course the republic is not a pagan nation as it appears the de facto is. We will never force you to stop any practice or lifestyle as long as it causes no harm or damage to others. Once again you will not be able to force us to pay homage to your lifestyle either as the de facto does by unilaterally installing their silly pagan images on their de facto buildings with money taken from “we the people” and they do such things in many other areas. It is a distinct possibility that you may be happier living outside of the republic. Seriously. If this offends you, sorry but it appears this way. We see no other reason why you oppose the republic with such vigor especially in the last days preceding the seating of the republic. You seem desperate in fact and grasping at straws that are not even there. Logical action would be running for office in the seated Republic. Surely you know this can be done.You cannot do this with the de facto and they are killing you in many ways right now today yet you favor them over the republic. Another movement is like what at least one year away or more? Then comes funding, military etc. You surely do not think chemtrails and the gulf waters are a myth and can be ignored? The logical deduction is life under the Republic would be simply awful for you or you so perceive this to be the case. Of course your conclusions are conjecture only since none of us has ever lived under the republic. This is a deduction based on your actions. Here are some suggestions that are real, for places to live. The list is not exhaustive but should give you some ideas regarding possibilities. None of these countries would be likely to set up a Republic based on Common law using the bible anytime soon. If you do not think this is on point or of value then disregard it and please do not be offended. If the seating of the republic will cause you to be unhappy as evidenced by your actions, then please look at some places where you might be happier. The Republic will seat with or without your resistance efforts. This is just a suggestion that may lead to more peace for those who seem to resist anything the Republic does. Unlike yourselves I think life under the de facto is at best a miserable existence but you do not seem to mind it or you would follow the path of working inside the republic to run for elected office, instead of leaving the de facto to continue. These other countries do not have Chemtrails, some have laws against GMO food (Ecuador), they do not push vaccines and they do not go around poisoning oceans, etc.
Bolivia – The leader of this country is powerful and hates the de facto USA. An expat is not shunned. They do not exchange information with USA on anything tax, criminal, civil or anything else. The US Embassy probably at best has a handful of staff, not a large apparatus. You can rent a very nice condo in Santa Cruz for $600 a month. Oh two or three bedrooms 1500 sq feet +. A nice steak dinner in a restaurant would be about $10.00. You can easily file a residency. After two years as a resident (yes you have to actually live there) they will grant you a full citizenship which means you can get a passport, vote etc. When you get your residency you will be able to use those documents to open up a Bolivia bank account without your USA passport. It would be easy to live on $1500 a month there. Medical is cheap, think $25 for a MD house call. Most drugs will be available for about 35% of USA prices without a prescription. Christianity is not a dominant religion and the government certainly does not follow the bible. It is not hard to start a business. They have decent internet, satellite TV etc. They do speak Spanish.
Venezuela – This is similar to Bolivia. The place to go is Isla Margarita. It is an island resort. Beautiful. Great beaches. Chavez sort of leaves this place alone. Cost of living about same as Bolivia. Takes five years for a passport. Do not go there if you have children or if you are military age in that you could get drafted. Gasoline is about $0.15 a gallon. You could let your car run all night long with the A/C so it is cool when you wake up in morning
Paraguay – Here the USA de facto is very unpopular. You can be a citizen in three short years. Residences come easy. The residency will let you cross by land into the other Mercosur countries like Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay. This means you can travel by land on your Paraguay ID only as a resident and get lost between the cracks. Christianity is not a dominant religion and the government certainly does not follow the bible. Living is cheap. Language is Spanish. They have official gun control but there is a large flourishing inventory of underground (illegal) gun sales. They sell AK'47's and RPG's in the markets as a back room item. As a resident/citizen of Paraguay you can spend much time in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.
Ecuador – Here you can get a citizenship in three years with residencies easy and fast. Many expats live in Ecuador. They are fairly left wing. Prices are high there but it is an option. Nice country.
Cambodia – Here is another option. Citizenship will come after some years of (3-5) residency. Cheap to live. Interesting people. USA has little influence there.
There are some nations in Africa that are cheap to live in with a number of ex pats there. You might want to look at Thailand and Vietnam as well.
The Republic of the united States website is:
The year 1776 marked America’s victory in the war for independence. The lawful right to re-inhabit is inherent in The Declaration of Independence circa 1776. The Declaration, one of our founding documents, declares our right to change, alter or abolish any system of government that we believe is contrary to the safety and security of the American people. In concern for all of humanity, “We the People” re-inhabited our lawful de jure (meaning “by right of legal establishment”) government on March 30, 2010, by serving notice on the de facto corporation, known as the “UNITED STATES”. A lawful grand jury in each of the fifty republic free states created a new Declaration of Independence that was lawfully served on the corporate UNITED STATES informing them that the original de jure government was restored. We have claimed our right to exist as a free and independent people on our land, thus exercising our God-given unalienable rights as defined in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
On July 21, 2010 “We the People” of the de jure government proclaimed worldwide and made our “Declaration of Sovereignty for the Republic for the united States of America” to The Hague (a.k.a. the International Court of Justice), the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the United Nations (UN).
On September 23, 2010, the first session of congress was convened by the united free state Republics of the re-inhabited united States of America. The seating of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Republic government were successfully established. This was completed by more than the required two-thirds majority vote of “We the People” on the land of the independent free state Republics. Delegates from more than 42 free state Republics attended, and officers for all three branches of our government have been officially sworn into office, lawfully electing interim President James Timothy Turner and interim Vice President Charles Eugene Wright, along with other established cabinet members with a presiding majority vote of 94% approval. Thus, the Republic government is officially re-inhabited and staffed for the first time since 1868 by the will of “We the People”.
The de facto UNITED STATES CORPORATION was unlawfully established by the forty-first congress in 1871 by deceptive means and without proper consent from “We the People”. The American people were placed under involuntary servitude by a “Legal” system of CORPORATE DEMOCRACY laws that have continually violated the original Republic“Constitution for the united States of America”, “Bill of Rights” and the “Declaration of Independence”. The corporate constitution was changed from the original form, wherein Amendments were unlawfully added and removed without the people’s consent. Since 1871, the abuses of this corporation upon both the international community as well as the American people are inestimable and unconscionable. De facto Congress has repeatedly violated their Oaths of Office, fiduciary responsibilities, and in many cases, committed treasonous acts against “We the People” of the united States of America and the world.
We humbly come forward apologizing for the numerous atrocities we have unknowingly allowed the U.S. CORPORATION to carry out upon the international community. It is our mission to establish the American image of truth, honesty, integrity and honor around the world. Our plan is to rebuild our economy and support other economies around the world, fulfilling humanitarian needs. We will allow our military to withdraw from unnecessary conflicts around the world and promote world peace and prosperity. We intend to follow God the Creator’s command to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and care for the sick, irrespective of creed, religion or race. There is no law against these things.
We are calling on the support of all Nations around the world to help us end the tyranny that has been perpetrated by the unlawful actions of the UNITED STATES CORPORATE DEMOCRACY government. We shall achieve this goal PEACEFULLY AND LAWFULLY, with boldness, integrity and truth, so help us God.
Executive Order 6102 required U.S. citizens to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve, in exchange for $20.67 per troy ounce. Under the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, as amended on March 9, 1933, violation of the order was punishable by fine up to $10,000 ($167,700 if adjusted for inflation as of 2010) or up to ten years in prison, or both. Most citizens who owned large amounts of gold had it transferred to countries such as Switzerland.[citation needed]
Order 6102 specifically exempted "customary use in industry, profession or art"—a provision that covered artists, jewelers, dentists, and sign makers among others. The order further permitted any person to own up to $100 in gold coins ($1,677 if adjusted for inflation as of 2010; a face value equivalent to 5 troy ounces (160 g) of Gold valued at about $6200 as of 2010). The same paragraph also exempted "gold coins having recognized special value to collectors of rare and unusual coins." This protected gold coin collections from legal seizure and likely melting.
The price of gold from the Treasury for international transactions was thereafter raised to $35 an ounce ($587 in 2010 dollars). The resulting profit that the government realized funded the Exchange Stabilization Fund established by the Gold Reserve Act in 1934.
The regulations prescribed within Executive Order 6102 were modified by Executive Order 6111 of April 20, 1933, both of which were ultimately revoked and superseded by Executive Orders 6260 and 6261 of August 28 and 29, 1933, respectively.
[edit]Invalidation and reissue
There was only one prosecution under the order, and in that case the order was ruled invalid by federal judge John M. Woolsey, on the technical grounds that the order was signed by the President, not the Secretary of the Treasury as required.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
REPUBLIC - Response to Tim Turner Exposed/Feedback
Rumormill News
Republic's response to this dis-info attempt
Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Saturday, 22-Jan-2011 01:47:02
The free state / republic of South Carolina responds to the dis-info attempt (once again) with a national republic report found at panamalaw.com site.
This is getting old & they can't even come up with anything new to try and smear the name of Tim Turner or the republic for which he stands.
This person again claims we have no funding or military support.
Both are false claims.
The fact is the De Facto government under Obama and the Federal Reserve are the ones who are broke...not the new republic.
And so far as the military support...you will find that out very soon "in your face".
If in fact there were some problems in the Florida republic group with insubordination within the ranks...as the leader of the republic I would hope Tim Turner would see to it that any rats were removed from the ship.
Now, I wasn't there so I can't say for sure what happened, but I trust TT & have no problems with his business.
That is a hell of a lot more than I can say for Obama...who pushed his healthcare scam right through passage without our vote or opinion. And I hear he just did this again without the Congress approval on some other legislation???
So go here & read the response to your attempt to derail the republic. (which BTW will not happen) Mr.Ed >>>
INTERESTING STUFF...................
The World Global Settlement Funds
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Page update: 20.01.11
Situation update from Al Clifton Hodges - Friday 14th January 2011
(Below, 'ER' is short for "Economic Release".)
Update 14th January 2011 from attorney Al Hodges regarding both the WGS, the Dinar revaluation as well as the CMKX payout.
Of particular note is the date that this is all supposed to happen: January the 21st.
As we all know, things can change, but at this moment in time, this is the current game plan.
1. There is a train for all this and the following is on the train... I have had this confirmed by one of the white knights who has been giving us information... you can believe this or not, it does not matter, but IT IS FACT... and matters not...
THE ENGINE...===THE WHITE KNIGHTS AND CHINESE... they are pulling the train and the cars are: WGS..---THE NATIONS FIRST CAR====Prosperity Programs==Humanitarian Programs SECOND CAR====THE DINAR===REVALUE AND TURNS ON THE NEW BANKING SYSTEM THIRD CAR AND CABOOSE====CMKX... and the white knight said i understand this and those who don't understand should pay attention to what i am trying to say and help... LAST IS THE DINAR... that starts the new banking system which turns on everything... and all gets paid at once... And all those who bought dinars, well they cash out... and thus more money to help out the economies of the world...
If this is not done now, the USA and Europe will collapse with the rest of the world in 4, 5 months the most...make 1929 a picnic... this is very serious... pixie gets it... and understands...
2. Tramp understands very well what’s been going on; he is not alone – Pixie gets it, Deltadon gets it, Chucky gets it, etc. etc. etc.
3. I understand that you may not be happy with what’s going on. However, it is a fact and we are only a very small part of the pay-out scheme. We have had a great deal of ‘headwind’ in the past 6 to 9 months.
Unfortunately that is putting it altogether too mildly. We have confronted, with added pressure from the “lien-holders” without which we could not have succeeded, the vilest, most contemptible, well financed forces for evil on the planet – we have won!
A life changing event it will be for CMKX shareholders; more importantly, the world financial markets will be essentially re-constituted from the currency level up.
4. To put it another way, the World Global Settlements, including the US Dollar Refunding Project, are real. They are the instruments of change. They are part of a world wide re-distribution of wealth which includes some 20 countries revaluation [up and down] of their currency, which will become asset-backed currency.
Yes, this does include Iraq which is the cheapest of the lot and therefore had [to prevent unreasonable manipulation] to go first. The very latest information indicates that it has revalued, that it will be posted on Forex sites sometime on Sunday, and will be fully convertible in the US by Tuesday.
5. Although CMKX payments were not originally part of the WGS, they were included by attachment earlier this year. However, be assured that CMKX moneys are not currently part of the WGS; I understand from a number of different sources that Global Intelligence of Las Vegas petitioned the US Supreme Court, in camera, just after Christmas to separate CMKX pay-outs from any association or attachment with the WGS. I understand further that the Court issued an Order for the Trustees to pay-out the moneys within 48 hours, which time expired on or before December 31, 2010.
I have received further information that Global Intelligence has not effected said pay-outs, has been fined some $150,000,000 on or about January 4, 2011, and is presently incurring additional fines at the rate of $13,000,000 per week. I have not been successful in any of my attempts to secure explanation from Global Intelligence.
6. Although at first blush this lack of performance may seem potentially criminal in nature, I believe there is a reasonable explanation. I am aware, for example, that many of those I have previously referred to as ‘miscreants’ have in the interim been duly relieved of the money they stole [which has now been recovered by the US], are still feared by the new-financial-order people; the fear is that to the extent they can obtain cash/financing, they would use the IQD revaluation as a means of replenishing their war chests.
There are other reasons related to the big picture, which may also play a part in this delay. I know this will come as a shock to some and seems unfair on the surface, but the fact is that we are but a small part of what’s happening [and must happen] to correct the financial imbalance in the world.
7. Several months ago, due to the on-going delays and increased ‘headwind’ the Joint Chiefs of Staff were appointed by the World Court to supervise the conclusion of the WGS; they were given a deadline of December 31, 2010. Based upon this and the progress that was being made in early December, I opined [which has been widely reported] that if I were a betting man CMKX would be paid out by Christmas. Unfortunately, not even the JCS were up to the task. Accordingly, on January 1, 2011 the World Court appointed one of the lien holders, China, to take charge and supervise the conclusion of the WGS payouts. They are currently in charge and proceeding to bring the matter to conclusion. I am currently advised that all will be completed by January 21, 2011.
8. Prior to the recent change of process by the Chinese lien holder it was a requirement, based upon BASEL, that ER be obtained prior to the time that certain other payments could be made. As I have previously stated on many occasions we were waiting for Michael Cottrell and his companies to receive their payments as they were Number 20, the very last payee, on the BASEL list. Because the Chinese lien holder has changed the process, I now understand that Michael Cottrell will be paid on or about January 21, 2011, after all of the Prosperity Program money has been paid out which is estimated to take between 4 – 5 days.
This is no way suggests that ER continues to be a requirement of the release of CMKX payments. As set forth above, I have tried desperately to contact Global Intelligence to secure their agreement to authorize immediate release of the CMKX packages, as I believe that the reason for delaying their delivery has now evaporated.
9. I have been told by three separate independent people, each of whom attest that they have personally viewed at least one package, that the CMKX packages contain written information as well as a preliminary payment in the form of a U.S. Treasury Check in the amount of $0.80 per share. The information that has been previously placed on the boards to the effect that the packages were prepared and were ready for distribution is accurate to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. I further understand that the packages remain ready for immediate distribution as soon as Global Intelligence determines, and/or is advised, that such distribution is approved.
10. Some have inquired whether registration with the Transfer Agent makes them a bona fide shareholder; in a word – YES. Some have asked whether I have had response to the letters which I have submitted to the Queen of England and others including POTUS; I have had direct response from the Palace and have seen rapid evidence of the efficacy of the other correspondence that has been submitted.
Others have requested information regarding the identity and whereabouts of the CMKX Trustee and/or Trustees. This information can not be made public at the present time for security reasons; I am sure that you will hear more about this in the very near future.
A. Clifton Hodges (CSBN 046803) HODGES AND ASSOCIATES Pasadena
Source here (14.01.11).
Al Clifton Hodges letter to Ben Bernanke - Wednesday 22nd September 2010
TEL (626) 564-9797
FAX (626) 564-9111
September 22, 2010
Ben S. Bernanke
Chairman of the Board of Governors
Federal Reserve System
20th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20551
Re: World Global Settlements
Dear Mr. Bernanke:
I represent Mr. Lindell H. Bonney, Sr. with respect to collection of certain funds currently being held by the Federal Reserve System; Mr. Bonney has both a personal ownership interest and a fiduciary interest in such funds. I also represent certain other payees of the World Global Settlement funds; each of these payees have exhausted their ability to continue waiting for distribution of the funds to which they are entitled.
We have been able to ascertain that these funds have been utilized, apparently with the approval and consent of the FED, for short term lending/hypothecation cycles which have allowed recovery of substantially more than 3% per day of the principal in addition to the FED transaction fee of 10%; we have now received confirmation that the FED has in fact received payment. These actions are obviously in violation of several Treaty agreements, as well as a plethora of Federal Laws and banking regulations, and expose each participant to both criminal and civil RICO actions.
The purpose of this correspondence is to put you and each member of the Board of Governors on notice of these illegal actions in connection with the continued refusal of the FED to disburse monies due to be paid to Mr. Bonney in his personal and fiduciary capacity. Although we have previously been advised that the funds were available for disbursement, “something” has always been amiss when the scheduled time has arrived. On each such occasion, Mr. Bonney was ultimately advised that the money had, for unexplained reasons, become unavailable.
Please be advised that we intend to hold you and each member of the Board of Governors jointly and severally responsible for a minimum of 10% per day recovery on the entire balance of the funds currently held for distribution to Mr. Bonney in his personal and fiduciary capacity. In the event that you and/or any of the Board of Governor members wish to discuss possible resolution of this issue please contact the undersigned directly; in the event that I fail to hear from anyone I will pursue all available remedies, including immediate disclosure of these defalcations to the media.
Very truly yours,
Cc: Mr. Lindell H. Bonney, Sr.
Lynwood Maddox, Esq.
Kevin M. Warsh
Elizabeth A. Duke
Daniel K. Tarullo
Comptroller of the Currency
Federal Reserve Bank, Richmond, VA
Federal Reserve Bank, Cleveland, OH
Source here.
AB comment: The core global issue hinted at above is why the Chinese were in town on Wednesday 19th January 2011. This is why Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, will leave office before the natural end of his presidential term. This is why the US Federal Reserve Board and the US Department of Homeland Security will soon be abolished. This is why America is returning to Constitutional Law.
Massive geopolitical tectonic plate movements are about to break surface. The Western mainstream media will be unable to suppress the news. In January 2011, Tunisia was a model for the Washington DC private corporation to ponder. The Whore of Tunis fled to Saudi Arabia. Very soon there will be no Al-Saud Arabia available for the sheltering of parasites. And the Wahhabi fiction will dissolve.
What is incubating now is massively benevolent for global polity but still covert. It relates to NESARA, the opening of Pandora's Suitcase, the discovery of a Roman Catholic Conspiracy at the heart of the US legal system, and a Silvio Berlusconi-linked $1 trillion lawsuit against Daniele Dal Bosco, the P2 masonic lodge in Italy, the Davos World Economic Forum, and the United Nations.
Are the NESARA announcements imminent?
2010 Agenda for Disclosure
The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton
Labels: Al Clifton Hodges letter to Ben Bernanke, Ben Bernanke, Clifton Hodges, NESARA, US Federal Reserve, World Global Settlement Funds
Anonymous said...
Regarding the blacklisting of Activist Post by Micro'n'Soft: There really was a problem with one of the articles they posted when you clicked on Read Full Article. See the first comment posted by me. Others confirmed the incident. You have to go to the archives.
12:33 AM
Anonymous said...
please investigate http://www.cmkxsting.com
7:44 PM
<< Home ABOUT ME ALCUIN BRAMERTON Alcuin Bramerton is a human being seeking to operate happily in the post-religious world. The New Spirituality interests him. His friend, Flutterby, is not in physical incarnation on the Earth-plane at present, but he advises Alcuin on spiritual matters. And there is a lot happening. Unreported by the mainstream media, a man in a grey suit is standing by the yoghurt shelves in a supermarket in Cornwall. He is looking for morphine suppositories. This man is not the promised messiah. Coincidentally, at another remote location in southern England, a man with false teeth is eating a cheese soufflé for lunch. He bites on something hard. There is a second pair of false teeth in his cheese soufflé. This man is not the promised messiah either. Epiphanies of this kind illustrate how difficult it can be to determine the exact size of God in becquerels per cubic light year. But still the attempt is made. ________________________________ ___________________________________ MORE INTERESTING STUFF FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2008 The Crucifixion of Chief Justice John Glover Roberts Alcuin Bramerton profile ..... Index of blog contents ..... Home Page update: 22.09.09 In March 2008, a covert Roman Catholic conspiracy was identified at the heart of the US legal system. On the evening of Maundy Thursday 20th March 2008, John Glover Roberts, the seventeenth Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, and a prominent American Roman Catholic, called a meeting at the US Treasury. Supported, it is understood, by senior American Roman Catholic archbishops and cardinals, the Vatican in Rome and The Crown Temple in London, John Roberts and his spiritual director, George Bush Jnr, were engaged in arranging a financial crucifixion. They were conspiring together to prevent delivery of the Wanta Plan Funds and the NESARA global prosperity packages. John Roberts spoke plainly to his colleagues: "I run Treasury. I decide what will be done and what I am doing is none of your business. You don't work for the government and you don't work for the American people. You work for me and you will do what I tell you to do and what I am doing is none of your business. I am sick and tired of calls from all over the world and my business being reported on the internet by Casper. Anyone caught opening their mouth will immediately be fired." John Roberts' problem was that several of his Washington DC colleagues in both the Supreme Court and the Treasury did not agree that it was right for the Chief Justice to act in open defiance of the American Constitution, the International Court of Justice and the International Monetary Fund, at a time of international financial danger. Yet, if insider reports were accurate, not only were the Wanta and NESARA deliveries being blocked but, over and above this, Roberts-Bush had stolen $9.1 trillion of USA taxpayers' funds from the Treasury, riding roughshod over due process in several clearly-documented ways. The Mastermind behind this heist was said to be Henry Kissinger. The stolen or miss-applied funds vastly exceeded America's gross annual budget. Questions were asked in Washington. What were Roberts and Bush planning to do with this money? Where had the $9.1 trillion been moved to? And were the funds being used as collateral in covert off-shore trading programmes to generate wealth for undisclosed third parties? Two and a half years earlier, on Thursday 29th September 2005, John Roberts had been sworn in as USA Chief Justice. President George Bush Jnr welcomed his appointment: "The Senate has confirmed a man with an astute mind and a kind heart .... John Roberts will be prudent in exercising judicial power, firm in defending judicial independence and, above all, a faithful guardian of the Constitution." No such outcome transpired. By March 2008, John Roberts was holding the global prosperity packages illegally in the vaults of the USA Supreme Court in Washington DC. As long ago as Friday 18th January 2008, Roberts had been heard by colleagues to say that the NESARA global prosperity packages would "never be delivered". The Passion Play being enacted in Washington DC was watched closely from power centres around the world. Brussels, The Hague, Moscow, Beijing, Lhasa, Dharamsala, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, and Riyadh were said to be following developments in detail. And in Jerusalem, the interest was particularly keen. With regard to Roberts and Bush, who was paying who the thirty pieces of silver? And what was the agreed contract? By midday on Friday 21st March 2008, John Roberts' control of the USA Treasury had been terminated by a majority vote of the other USA Supreme Court Justices. Three of the Assistant Justices were discovered to have been conspiring with Bush and Roberts in administering the $9.1 trillion Treasury theft. They were: Samuel Alito (a Roman Catholic with Italian connections), Antonin Scalia (a Roman Catholic with Sicilian connections) and Clarence Thomas (a Roman Catholic with a developed interest in pornography and a public history of sexual harassment). By midafternoon on Friday 21st March 2008, Roberts' resignation was demanded. He quickly signed his resignation letter. But there was a problem with the document. It was correctly dated the 21st March 2008, but John Glover Roberts had deliberately signed the letter fraudulently - he wrote his name as Robert rather than Roberts. Centuries ago, other duplicitous churchmen had falsified the biblical texts with similar negative glosses at key points. Further moves were put in train by the Supreme Court to accept the resignation letter of President George Bush Jnr, the 43rd President of the United States of America, which he had signed in the middle of February 2008, in response to multilateral international pressures focused through the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Multiple Treason charges were prepared. On Tuesday 25th March 2008, it emerged that Sandra Day O'Connor, a recently retired Supreme Court Assistant Justice, was actively involved in attempting to trade the stolen $9.1 trillion for Bush and Roberts. O'Connor is regarded as a Farm Claims and NESARA turncoat, bribed into conspiratorial obedience by the Bush White House. She is described by Asian acquaintances as a 'three-headed snake'. This is an instructive metaphor. In the Harry Potter canon, a Runespoor is a magical, three-headed snake that grows to six or seven feet in length and is a favourite pet of dark wizards. There is also a memorable Pear Harbour-related World War II propaganda poster featuring a three-headed snake. It shows the heads of Emperor Hirohito (Japan), Adolf Hitler (Germany) and Benito Mussolini (Italy) rising from a single serpent. But more likely, the Asians who know O'Connor are referring to a variant of the poisonous, polycephalous Naga, called Kaliya, featured in Hindu mythology. Here is a bronze based on the Srimad Bhagvat Purana showing Krishna with one of Kaliya's heads, and here is a painting of Krishna dancing on seven of Kaliya's heads. Krishna won; Kaliya lost. The point about being a polycephalous snake is that you look both ways, or face both ways; you are two-faced. O'Connor has always been an equivocal figure in the American criminal overclass. People disagree about her, and not everyone thinks she is unremittingly evil. For example, a more positive reading of the Sandra Day O'Connor myth, is that she is actually a Gryffindor (goody) who has courageously taken a draught of Polyjuice Potion enabling her to appear as a Slytherin (baddie), in order to obtain operational information from the dungeon common room under the lake. International visitors viewing this in translation will note the Harry Potter signifiers. On this reading, O'Connor is playing Roberts, subtly leading him to over-reach his powers and enter an inescapable legal ambush. The Chief Justice is a tickled trout about to meet his almonds. This is theoretically possible. Even by the modest standards of recent Supreme Court Justices, John Glover Roberts is not the sharpest knife in the canteen. Regarded as a dimwit by his office staff, he deploys a dyslexic genius towards grammar, spelling and punctuation. Much overtime has to be spent correcting his embarrassing garbles. On the morning of Tuesday 25th March 2008, 'The Untouchable' returned to the USA Treasury to continue his investigations. Roman Catholic Patrick Fitzgerald, Federal prosecutor of the United States Department of Justice Office of Special Counsel, paid another call. A few hours later he was instructed by John Glover Roberts to stop his work and go. On Wednesday 26th March 2008, Fitzgerald was threatened by unnamed agents. On Thursday 27th February 2008, he did not answer his telephone all day. Patrick Fitzgerald was out of town addressing a crowded auditorium at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. His audience knew that Fitzgerald was familiar with more formidable miscreants than the small fry at SCOTUS. He had successfully prosecuted George Ryan, the Gambinos, Scooter Libby and Conrad Black in his time. He took a question from the audience. "So, in dealing with such sordid characters on cases of such importance, did he ever get scared?" "You'd have to be an idiot not to," Fitzgerald replied. In fact, by the beginning of April 2008, Patrick Fitzgerald was probably the most closely protected individual on the planet. Agents acting for President George Bush Jnr and the Vatican had a contract out for Fitzgerald's assassination and had told him so. But by this time he and his co-workers were safely surrounded by tiers of security provided by Interpol and the Chinese Secret Society of which Benjamin Fulford had spoken in 2007. More details here and here. The Chinese enforcers also had people in place within the inner circles of George Bush Jnr, George Bush Snr, Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, as well as in the hospitals these people would be taken to in the event of an accident. If the Chinese bullet didn't work, the Chinese syringe certainly would. Dick Cheney knew this. He had serious cardiac-related breathing difficulties. He kept going to sleep in important meetings because of his clapped-out heart. It couldn't get enough oxygen up his carotid arteries to his brain. Cheney badly needed a heart transplant, but he knew that if he was under anaesthetic for that long, he would be quietly assassinated in hospital like Ken Lay or Ariel Sharon. More details about Dick Cheney's heart condition can be found here. On Monday 31st March 2008, Fitzgerald had a team of one hundred and seventy seven attorneys working uninterrupted all night at the US Treasury and the US Supreme Court. The data retrieved spelled slow death for the Washington DC ruling class. Whether he was aware of it or not, thanks to The Higher Evolution, Patrick Fitzgerald was protected by additional layers of esoteric security above and beyond Interpol and the Chinese. More details here. But why was Fitzgerald suddenly so unpopular with the politico-legal overclass in Washington DC? The answer to that question was the biggest answer articulated in American history. During his investigations into the US government wire frauds at the Treasury, Fitzgerald stumbled across an altogether larger legal fraud: Washington DC itself had no right in Constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing. The United States was not the United States of America. These were two completely different legal entities. There was an illegal President of the US in post, but no legally constituted President of the USA. The US (Washington DC) was not about the government of the people, by the people, for the people. The US was about the control of the people by the corporations for the Crown Temple in London. More details about the legal status of the US/USA are introduced here. The scam dated back to the American Civil War (1861–1865). Both sides in that manufactured conflict had been financed by the Crown Temple in London and all subsequent legal and financial settlements were controlled by the Crown Temple for the Vatican. That is why it was important to have pliable Roman Catholic placemen at the top of the Washington DC corporation at the Supreme Court (SCOTUS). These people work for Europe. Indeed, all American BAR attorneys work for Europe. BAR stands for British Accredited Regency. Some say British Accredited Registry or British Accreditation Registry, but the effect is the same: legally, American taxes, treasure and resources are chattels of Old Europe. All this might have stayed invisible but for NESARA and the American financial depression of 2007-2008. The combination of these two things engendered irresistible pressures which squeaked out the legal pips. And Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald saw them in the Washington spittoon. America's money had gone. There was nothing to replace it with except the NESARA world prosperity funds. The politicos were desperate. They didn't want NESARA because NESARA would re-establish Constitutional law and they would be forced out of office to face public Treason charges. They were terminally desperate. And in their desperation, they made serial mistakes with attempted illegal wire transfers and off-shore stealth trades (more details here). Their flailing about caused the whole corporate legal fiction to unwind visibly. What was happening behind the scenes was described in meticulous historical detail by a network of alternative news and analysis sites on the web (for example here). The facts came to the attention of Patrick Fitzgerald and he deftly played the end-game card. The Bush-Cheney-Clinton junta was in a fight for its political, legal and financial life. But in April 2008, the US junta still controlled the mainstream corporate media, so the general population was unaware of anything but a politically understated financial crisis, a collapsing dollar, a rising gold price, and a few million foreclosures on domestic properties. In hindsight, it seems that the single document which woke Washington up was this one here, published on the FourWinds10 website in March 2008. It was an official listing of US Government units, offices, agencies, and instrumentalities. Casper called this document the silver bullet. We call it Pandora's Pumpkin Pie. It was the confection which loosened the vowels of Washington and got senior lawbores talking about bad smells in their registries. A subsequent explanatory appendix to the Pandora's PP document was posted on Tuesday 8th April 2008 here. Involved in the Washington awakening of 2008 was a realisation of the legal implication of what had happened three quarters of a century earlier. Since the 5th June 1933 (HJR 192 - suspension of the Gold Standard) Common Law had been suspended in America (USA America). Ever since that date, American courts had been operating under Maritime Law. As a consequence of this change in 1933, every Statutory law passed since was invalid. The so-called Statutory laws of the following seventy five years were simply documentary expressions of public policy by the Washington ruling clique. They had no lawful force or effect on any American citizen domiciled outside the geographical boundaries of the corporation known as Washington DC. Crucially for Fitzgerald, President George Bush Jnr's interference in due process in July 2007 with regard to Lewis Scooter Libby had energised his investigative work in Washington. Libby was Dick Cheney's Dick Cheney; the perfect exemplar of American legal and political corruption. Patrick Fitzgerald had secured Libby's conviction in the Valerie Plame case only to watch as the President, under orders from Dick Cheney, cynically commuted Libby's two and a half year jail sentence. Fitzgerald was furious and he went after Bush with renewed determination. As history will show, Bush lost and the American Constitution won. More details about Lewis Scooter Libby can be found here. What the alternative news and analysis sites were making plain between August 2007 and April 2008 was that the American people had allowed themselves be duped docile for generations by a series of legal fictions and a series of fictions of law. These are two slightly different kinds of elite-led control mechanisms. A legal fiction is an assumption of fact made by a court as the basis for deciding a legal question. It is a situation contrived by the law to permit a court to dispose of a troublesome matter. A fiction of law is an assumption or supposition of law that something which is or may be false is actually true. Or, that a state of facts exists which has never really taken place. A fiction of law is an assumption, for purposes of putative justice, of a fact that does not or may not exist. A fiction of law is an establishment rule of law which assumes as true, and will not allow to be disproved, something which is false, but not impossible. The English are good at recognising legal fictions; much better than the Americans. The story is told of an Oxbridge College which wished to appoint a new Provost. It was a weak field: one outstanding candidate and several grey, lacklustre also-rans. But there was a problem with the lead candidate. He had a dog. And the College's medieval statutes proscribed the keeping of dogs within the College purlieus. After much discussion, a legal fiction was suggested and a vote was taken. In the unanimous and considered opinion of those entitled to vote on the matter, Rover, the dog, was deemed by the College not to be a dog. Rover was a dog-like cat. And cats were permitted within the College purlieus. The new Provost and his cat were appointed. Due process was unsullied. The Senior Common Room broached a new pipe of port in celebration. The legal fictions operating in modern America are more arcane and more coercive. Few Americans, for example, know that income tax is voluntary and self-assessed. The American Constitution explicitly states that no citizen shall pay any direct tax to the federal government. Income tax is an indirect excise tax on privileges licensed by the State. According to the Supreme Court, income tax is not mandatory. "Our system of taxation is based upon voluntary compliance and self assessment, and not upon distraint." (Flora v. U.S. 362 U.S. 145, at 176 [1960]). The American Inland Revenue Service (IRS) is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF (Diversified metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391), and the IMF is an Agency of the United Nations. The US Government is, in effect, a corporate instrument of international bankers, mostly based in Europe. In America, the NESARA reforms will abolish income tax. The US Federal Reserve banking system and its monies are not governed by the people, for the people. The US Federal Reserve banking system is owned by a British foreign corporation. Linked here are excerpts from a court case proving the Federal Reserve system's status. The court ruled that the Federal Reserve Banks are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations. There is insufficient federal government control over detailed physical performance and day-to-day operation of the Federal Reserve Bank for it to be considered a federal agency. The Fed does not belong to, or act in the interest of, the American people. In America, the NESARA reforms will abolish the Federal Reserve banking system. It will be replaced by a system of Treasury Banks which issue a new, reliable, gold-backed American currency. It was inside knowledge of this which was one of the factors operating to raise the gold price in international markets. Look at the charts, and look at the timing, for example here or here or here. America has a particular problem with gold. It does not have the deliverable gold it needs to survive the coming financial changes associated with the obligatory Basel II and Basel III global banking reforms. Much of the gold held at the American Fort Knox Bullion Depository in Kentucky is not gold at all; it consists of facsimile lead bars painted a gold colour for presentation purposes. This is becoming noticeable as the gold paint fades. Where the original gold went, and who took it, is shortly to be made public by a former insider. Much of the USA's gold reserves are listed as being Mint-Held Gold in Deep Storage. Dealers have always assumed that this means finished gold bars stored with their up-to-date assay certificates in deep underground vaults beneath places such as Fort Knox, Denver and West Point. The indications are emerging, however, that the term 'Deep Storage Gold' is a legal fiction. It is, in effect, a euphemism for 'yet to be mined gold'. It doesn't exist in deliverable form; it is merely an expedient paperwork forecast about future gold mining potentialities. America's 'Deep Storage Gold' is valueless in the immediate market and is valueless as legitimate collateral. It has, however, been sold several times over to foreign bankers whose first language is not English and whose skin colour is not Zionist. Another uncritically accepted legal fiction in the US concerns the right of central government in Washington DC to limit the power of American citizens. No such limitation exists in Constitutional law. The corporate government of the US has no jurisdiction or authority over any state of the republic beyond the District of Columbia (DC). 'There can be no limitation on the power of the people of the United States. By their authority the State Constitutions were made, and by their authority the Constitution of the United States was established.' (US Supreme Court, in Hauenstein v. Lynham, 100 US 483.) In America, the NESARA reforms will abolish Washington DC as a corporate legal entity and will return the country to Constitutional law. All legal professionals who do not oppose this change will be re-trained, free, in Constitutional law. All legal professionals who actively assist the change will be given leading positions in the new system. Those lawyers and their agents who oppose the return to Constitutional law in America will, at the very least, never practice law again in any country on the planet. Present-day American court systems do not operate in accord with the Constitution for the United States of America (1787) and the subsequent Bill of Rights. Current American courts operate admiralty-type British Law within the confines of a legal contract. The clerk of the court, the prosecuting attorneys, and the judges proffer the contract, and the defendant, if ignorant of the coercive legal fiction being deployed, blindly accepts the offered contract by acquiescence and obedience to court orders and sentences. A defendant convicted and sentenced, even by a jury, needs only to inform the judge that he refuses the offered contract and/or sentence of the judge. As a contracting party, the defendant does not have to accept a contract by imposition against his free will. As has happened, when such a refusal of the contract is made, the judge proceeds to use legal trickery and bluster in an attempt to get the defendant to accept a second legal fiction, a second contract. The defendant need only to continue with: "I do not accept your sentence." Or, where applicable: "I do not accept your offer of contract." The latter statement may be placed upon served court documents and returned (signed and dated) to the clerk of the court. In this circumstance the American court cannot further detain, harass or limit the defendant. An interesting court case from a few years ago has recently been brought back to attention in America by the alternative news and analysis sites. The case was rigorously hushed-up by the Washington DC-controlled corporate media when it first occurred. Bighorn County Sheriff Dave Mattis (Wyoming) spoke at a press conference following a U.S. District Court decision (Case No. 2:96-cv-099-J (2006)). He announced that all federal officials are forbidden to enter his county without his prior approval. 'If a sheriff doesn’t want the Feds in his county he has the constitutional right and power to keep them out, or ask them to leave, or retain them in custody.' The court decision was the result of a suit against both the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) by Mattis and other members of the Wyoming Sheriffs' Association. The action in the Wyoming federal court district sought restoration of the protections enshrined in the United States Constitution and the Wyoming Constitution. The District Court ruled in favour of the sheriffs. The court confirmed and asserted that Wyoming is a sovereign state and that the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers exceeding that of any other state or federal official. Some of the early court documents in this case can be viewed here. The average American, even if he is an Anglophile, scoffs at the idea of the 'special relationship' between the US and the UK. At most he thinks that it is some sort of dependence hangover from World War II when America prevented Britain starving to death by running transatlantic food convoys into Liverpool. To him, the special relationship is a historical vestige; big powerful America is master, little compliant UK is poodle. In fact the exact reverse is the case. America is the poodle. The Crown Temple in London owns modern America and it owns the modern American legal system. Modern America is a cash cow which sends money to London. That is what America is for; America is a British business with all the major shareholders at the Crown Temple in London and at the Vatican in Rome. Modern America is a European financial convenience. Most Americans are still unaware that Queen Elizabeth II of England and the Crown Temple, unilaterally control and amend U.S. Social Security law. Consider, for example, S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997, made on the 22nd of July 1997 and in force from the 1st September 1997. "At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty in pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is pleased by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows: 'This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997.'" Long live the special relationship? More background here and here. JPMorganChase did not hire Tony Blair. Blair beckoned and Chase came running. And shortly after, so did Bear Stearns. And who do you think is running Citibank? Some innumerate woolly-back from Texas with an eye on the main chance? No. The chap running Citibank has no trace of a Texas accent. He is a quiet retiring type called Sir Win Bischoff. Notice the Sir. He is a Knight of the Crown Temple. A bit like Sir Alan Greenspan. And look at the spelling of the surname. Sir Win's is not a Home Counties name is it? Here is a related homework project for John Glover Roberts and any Southern Baptist who can read. "The Jesuits are not an operating front for the Vatican; the Vatican is an operating front for the Jesuits." Discuss. And for entry to Graduate School: "The Da Vinci Code is a vicarage tea party compared with what has been going on in Washington DC in the years 2000-2008." Explain. On Thursday 3rd April 2008, Casper posted an open message to Patrick J. Fitzgerald on the FourWinds10.com website. It was labelled for Fitzgerald's attention only, not for the regular website audience. The message warned him that Vice President Dick Cheney had infiltrated certain of his own people into Fitzgerald's investigation team, and that these individuals were putting out false information in Fitzgerald's name. The following day, the post was removed from the website. Untouchable Wunderkind Fitzgerald's reputation among alternative news buffs began to deteriorate. On Friday 4th April 2008, he stopped communicating with the web community and it became apparent that he had been telling lies about certain salient details. On Saturday 5th April 2008, the realisation dawned that like Supreme Court Assistant Justice Sandra Day O'Connor and Provost Marshal Brigadier General Rodney Johnson before him, Fitzgerald may have been turned and bought by the cabal running the Bush White House. But it needs to be recorded that O'Connor, Johnson and Fitzgerald had done extremely good and difficult work before caving in to the negative elite. The issue was transparency and justice. George Bush Jnr had been moved to a position where he was willing to leave office as President immediately, but he was adopting a Robert Mugabe-style determination to ameliorate the aftermath. He insisted that he must be pardoned and he must not be personally embarrassed or inconvenienced by the public release of his family's treasonous crime records. And there were the small matters of money and safe passage to be settled. At this point, Bush still had substantial residual powers to cause a major mess and further delay the release of the Farm Claims funds, the Wanta Plan funds and the NESARA global prosperity funds. Patrick Fitzgerald appeared to give way and concede to the final demands of the cabal. In order to move progress, and without higher authority, he was reported to have spent the weekend of 4th-6th April 2008 dispensing official pardons and legal immunities to all the major political and legal conspirators and their agents. Thus had corporate America conducted its affairs of state ever since the Civil War. Do bad, lie, conceal, bribe, embezzle, steal, murder, torture, manipulate, get away with everything you can, and then, when your luck runs out, compel your successors to pardon you while you still have the power to make things difficult for them. Fitzgerald, it seems, bit the bullet. He was heard to say: "There is nothing the American people can do about it, no-one can overturn my decisions, and the American people will never know what I have done anyway." Fitzgerald's statement was mistaken at a number of levels. First of all, by this time Washington DC was leaking like a sieve and people were changing sides from negative to positive by the minute. But they weren't advertising the fact; they were staying in place and becoming positively subversive. Documents were assembled and distributed. Tiny 4GB flash drives carefully loaded with pertinent names and data were deliberately left lying around in rest rooms, coffee shops and outdoor public areas. Bloggers found themselves receiving an unusual volume of well-informed, anonymous emails. From the point of view of elite control, far too many people knew far too much and they were becoming less and less fearful about discussing it in wider circles. In fin de siècle Washington, fear was replaced with anger and astonishment; excited tongues were wagging in the direction of newly hungry ears. The CIA and the US military were divided; strong opposing camps were well-placed, well-established and accurately briefed. The CIA itself was deeply penetrated by Israeli, Russian and Chinese intelligence. Langley was in an audible turmoil of gossip. There was no way, long term, that the American people would not learn exactly what had gone on. And there was a very obvious step the American people could take when they learned the truth; their anger could find the conspirators, burn their houses and lynch them and their families. Blind eyes would see nothing. And the Chinese Secret Society would be there to help if needed. And with regard to the legalities, post-NESARA, any decision could be revisited, retroactively, by the new Constitutional courts. Fitzgerald was flailing. The position of The Higher Evolution on all this was not much considered by the conspirators on the ground in Washington. The benevolent ETs had been monitoring, guiding and moderating human affairs on the planet for millennia and, since Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, had been present in, on and around the Earth in huge and increasingly visible numbers. As recently as November 2007, an enormous fleet of three thousand Martian craft had made themselves visible in broad daylight in the skies over the Bronx, New York (YouTube video here - search key: Massive UFO Brigade High Over New York City). Generally speaking, whether it is the local constabulary from Mars, Venus and Jupiter, or the middle management people from regional offices in The Pleiades, Sirius or Arcturus, the benevolent ETs who guide and assist human evolution on Earth, seem to be both pragmatic and forgiving. There is a job to be done in the most energy-efficient manner possible, and it is recognised that evolving people, immersed in negativity down here on the surface, make mistakes. There is a terrestrial spiritual ascension being prepared, and planetary and cosmic laws are inexorably working out. Nevertheless, certain things are not permitted to, or by, The Higher Evolution. Everything that goes on, absolutely everything that happens, or is said, or is felt, or is thought, is securely recorded in vivid re-experiencible holography and is stored in crystal libraries and other higher dimensional media. No historical datum in Washington DC will ever be unknown, lost or concealed. Speaking on the 29th February 2008, a Venusian, called Ker-On, made some interesting comments about the Bush-Cheney White House: "They still hold power, but can no longer fool you into a false sense of security, by taking draconian measures to prevent the very conditions they have brought about quite intentionally. They have broken your trust so many times that you now question their actions, which have resulted in the creation of a police state. They have taken every opportunity to increase the threat of terror, to the point of creating their own scenario that has been conveniently blamed onto others. The game is up, and those who have deliberately misled you will soon answer for their actions. Absolutely nothing can be hidden from us, and we can support our allegations with undeniable evidence as to what has taken place. If necessary, we can take you into the secret clandestine meetings where the attacks on the WTC were planned. No one involved has anywhere to hide, and you may be sure that they will be revealed for the attacks on their own people. Our way is not to seek revenge, but it is our duty to put the record straight so that your history is correctly recorded ...." The full text of the Venusian Ker-On's 29.02.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. A month later, on the 28th March 2008, a Sirian, called SaLuSa, spoke for The Galactic Federation: "Humankind has constant help to get through this very important period in your lives. We come in many guises not least of all when we walk amongst you, and you can pass us by without you realising we are not of Earth. Our craft can be cloaked so as to be invisible to your eyes, as we ourselves can also become unseen when we walk the halls of power. We know exactly what is planned and that is our advantage over the dark forces. We do of course give out information, but not in such detail that it would prejudice our activities or that of our allies .... As the truth reveals itself of how you have been used and manipulated for the benefit of the few, you will realise that the dark have denied you an earlier opportunity to move into a new and comfortable phase of living. You have been held back and that situation must be remedied, and we of the Galactic Federation are equipped to do it ...." The full text of the Sirian SaLuSa's 28.03.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 15th April 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "The forces of the Light on your world are working out a complex strategy that is leading the dark to its doom. This operation has already secured a new banking system and forged a hard currency backed by gold and other precious commodities. Further, worldwide debt forgiveness is in place. What remains is the legal removal from power of the present US regime. This action is nearly ready to happen and the final series of activities pertaining to this matter is underway. As all this goes forward we carefully monitor all activity, as it is imperative that these affairs be conducted in such a way as to ensure a correct transition back to a true constitutional regime. Many digressive events happened during the last two centuries, which moved your globe away from the progress being made toward recognition of your personal sovereignty and your sacred right to liberty and prosperity. Ending the illegal US governmental corporation and its dark philosophy is central to restoring the path to global liberty and personal sovereignty ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 15.04.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 18th April 2008, an Arcturian, Ela, spoke for The Galactic Federation: "Let me for a moment take a look at the trauma and uncertainty of your lives, and the upheaval that is occurring all over your world. The old ways are no longer working, and there is little satisfaction with your leaders. They cannot see what is necessary to move you onto a new path without relinquishing their power, and this is the core of the problem. You need those waiting souls who are here especially to take the reins, to guide you through the momentous events that are unfolding .... The interim period will see the new approach to life quickly established. Yet there are those who are unwilling to give up their power and wealth. They will not however have been able to hold onto it, and it will have been removed from them. All of the actions that you will see will not involve force, but the Universal Laws will be applied to the letter. Our advantage is that we fully know the truth of what has been taking place, along with the Illuminati agenda for world domination. We can assure you that no smart lawyers will be able to override the law or manipulate it so as to avoid justice. The truth along with honesty will return, and once people accept it they will soon uplift their consciousness to these higher levels. Man has lived according to the status quo established millennia of time ago, and has bowed down to the might of those who have placed themselves in power through the subjugation and control of those around them. Now equality and sovereignty are to be returned to you, as in reality no one person is any better than another ...." The full text of the Arcturian Ela's 18.04.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 22nd April 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Much is happening in the secret underground worlds of finance and power. The two factions involved in this struggle are reaching a release point where it becomes possible for the intransigence of the dark to be positively overcome. As we mentioned recently Heaven is also allowing us to intervene more actively on the side of our Earth allies, and so we are capitalizing on this increased involvement by supplying the councils of our Earth allies with detailed intelligence reports designed to target and overwhelm key cabal members who are in charge of many of the ongoing delays. Transforming these dark and complex diversionary tactics into assets for the Light is one of our primary goals. To this end we instructed our Earth allies and their security forces to put immense pressure on certain major private and public financial institutions. This move, coupled with legal procedures now underway, provides the means to end the present global deadlocks. These developments can then terminate the conditions that are delaying the legal ouster of many major dark regimes .... Simultaneously, we are engaging in special operations to help those working to legally remove various dark regimes from power, the most important of which is the US regime. This wing of the last dark cabal almost totally destroyed the power and respect accorded to the US since the end of World War II. They have also nearly completed the dismantling of the American Constitution first started by their forbearers in the 19th century. These activities need to be rescinded and the Constitution restored to its former status. Many of the men and women involved in this great task know the implications of this valiant goal: The mushrooming worldwide debt can be ended, and peace, freedom, and personal sovereignty instituted. At present, the dark uses this illegal US regime as the anchor for a global effort to maintain power, which means that bringing down this regime dispossesses the cabal of its most vital cog. It also makes its defeat inevitable. Therefore, we have set up a number of surprises designed to ensure this outcome ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 22.04.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 23rd April 2008, the Sirian called Diane spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "As events on Earth are speeding along, you may catch your breath at the changes forming in your full view .... Out of the potential fall of your money markets, will come the opportunity to introduce a new way that will alter the banking system you are familiar with now. It will embrace the abundance program and introduce a fair distribution of wealth .... There has been too much emphasis upon the acquisition of wealth, and it has encouraged greed and avarice .... The true and trustworthy politicians are being kept in the background, whilst the presidential elections are manoeuvred and rigged to ensure that only the minions of the dark are appointed. These tactics will no longer be able to be hidden, and already there is a greater awareness of the manipulation and fraudulent practises that take place. You are bringing pressure to bear upon those who are behind the dark forces, and they are being forced to come out into the open. Now your voices are being heard but there is still along way to go, and the changes will not be sufficient to manifest our plan for you until your last cabal has been removed, and their power base dismantled. We are responding to you, and edge ever nearer to the time that our initial plans can be implemented. We have held the balance for a long time now, and soon shall take charge of the renewing of your Constitution and ensure its benefits are immediately applicable. We desire to release you from the dire and draconian laws that have taken away your rights. That we shall do and it will have far reaching benefits all over your world. We come for everyone, but the focus remains on the U.S. as it will again be restored to its former greatness and become a shining example for the rest of the world ...." The full text of the Sirian Diane's 23.04.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 25th April 2008, the Venusian, called Ker-On, spoke again on behalf of The Galactic Federation: "Events that will both shock and surprise the world are not far away from happening, and they will have the effect of dividing it into two camps. Many will be in denial and unable to cope with the major changes that will result. It will be a time of much soul searching, and to some extent a period when there has to be a final choice as to which way people will go .... These are wonderful times to be on Earth, and the dark side should not cloud your judgement. The cleansing will eventually remove all that is not of the higher vibrations, and you will step into the Light and full consciousness .... The perpetrators of the dark deeds taking place will be removed from their positions of power, and their influence will be immediately diminished. They and their supporters will be pushed into the background and have no say in the cleansing and rebuilding of Earth ...." The full text of the Venusian Ker-On's 25.04.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 29th April 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "As the complexity of our mission increases we draw more upon the expertise of our new allies, the formerly dark Anunnaki. These allies know a lot about how the last dark cabal thinks and operates. Because of this advice we have been able to anticipate many sudden changes in tactics made by this cabal. But our primary focus remains the speeding-up of those strategies that can overcome any roadblocks set up by this cabal .... A great disaster is being orchestrated by the dark. This villainous activity must be derailed, and quickly; and time lapses mean that we must then rework many of the elements of this hugely complex undertaking. The main thrust of this task is to ensure that the entirety of the cabal is captured and firmly dealt with. Important as this is, it is even more pressing that those holding the reins of power be toppled, and that safeguards be put in place to prevent any backsliding on the part of the new groups replacing them .... Transforming your global chaos into divine order is essential to moving to the next step. Accordingly, our governing council, the First Contact Governing Board, has issued new commands to our fleet. This has resulted in numerous 'incidents' in which we have boldly and defiantly occupied your night skies across the length and breadth of this globe .... These acts proclaim to your dark cabalists that a new, more intense stage in our interactions with them has begun .... We have made it clear to your dark cabalists that their continued impudence is no longer to be so easily tolerated. And so we intend to demonstrate to them that their time as the prime movers on your world is coming to an end. The time that lies ahead will see the many dark-created calamities alleviated. New rulers are to be put in place whose main objectives are to spread democracy and abolish political practices that lead to corruption and the growing supremacy of special corporate interests. Governance is to come into being that is legally obligated to its varied electorate and able to listen carefully to your needs and opinions. These governments are to release long-sequestered technology and use it to solve your growing energy and pollution crises. These temporary regimes will demonstrate that laws can be established which are indeed logical and fair in the judging of its citizens. The use of fear mongering on the part of government will cease, as will the misapplication of outright ignorance on the part of a nation's rulers. Opportunities to learn about all aspects of a government's responsibilities will become available to all .... A new thrust, marked by a firmer stance, is now taking aim at your prosperity deliveries and the legal removal of the dark cabal .... The time has come to begin ending the global turmoil and transform the conditions of your lives into something more tolerable for you ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 29.04.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 6th May 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Right now, the final roundup of the cabal's hired hands, soldiers, and assassins is being completed, and our Earth allies' security forces are subduing the last few truly dark conspirators. All of this is being carried out with our blessing and our full support. These operations are among the last prerequisites before deliveries of your prosperity can be formally begun. In addition, the legal precedents that ensure the removal of the illegal US regime are being achieved. Each day a major amount of progress is made to justify our confidence in the Light's success .... The present situation is moving along now at a sustained rate. As it does so, it is able to accelerate its inner momentum, and this is reflected in an ever-increasing external velocity. This growing pressure forces the dark to regroup again and again, but these blocking tactics only slightly thwart the momentum of the Light. Now, the inevitability of the Light's momentum holds sway over the dark, whose latest stratagems are failing to gain any new advantages. The slippery slope of defeat is racing up on them, leading to panic and to ever-more draconian measures. The dark's delaying tactics last for shorter and shorter periods, and we ask them daily to 'lay down arms' and resign their positions. Their lack of trust in us maintains them in their delusion that they can still win. In this they are mistaken. Their defeat is the only outcome .... Those who have long enjoyed the wealth and privileges of the upper echelons of the dark minions do not easily surrender. Further, the task now facing your collective consciousness is to realize that a great transformation is underway. The hard part for many is to accept that you are the chosen victors. The present economic, political, and social systems are collapsing. Their viability is at an end. This fact has just not sunk in yet. With each new crack the truth of this sinks in deeper and the dark has a harder time glossing over the reality of a systemic collapse that it cannot control. Once panic overwhelms the dark, victory is yours ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 06.05.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 13th May 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Much progress is being made since we took on our expanded responsibilities. Everywhere, we see our Earth allies moving forward with added vigor and renewed passion for the tasks at hand, the most pressing being the legal due process removal of the illegal US regime. Those who run this travesty are using every means possible to remain financially afloat. This includes unilaterally seizing any sizeable financial transaction that they can lay their hands on. This scurrilous behavior has heightened the resolve of our allies to be rid of them. The cabal's answer has been to further squeeze the monetary stability of the dollar and this is having a big effect. The dollar and its creator, the US Federal Reserve, are near bankruptcy, and the old monetary system set in place by the Bretton Woods Agreements is rapidly crumbling. This disintegration fuels the global mortgage crisis and indirectly feeds the massive speculator's market in all commodities, but chiefly oil. This mess is leading to stressed economies and food shortages all over the world. The resolution to all this begins with ridding the world of the US regime; its supercilious and unreal positions on many matters are quickly pushing your world toward ruin. To accomplish this removal we have cleared the way for a number of long-delayed, legal preliminaries to be achieved. With this done many groups within the government and their civilian friends can create the means for the necessary forced resignations from high office. In the same vein action is being taken which prepares the way to replace this government with a true de jure one. This caretaker regime will be in power for no more than nine months, during which time the true constitution will be revealed and the judicial system changed from Admiralty to Common Law. Many beneficial programs agreed to among the Earth allies will then be put into effect. These include global debt forgiveness, the resolution of the energy crisis, and the means to cleanse Mother Earth of the massive pollution dumped upon her by humanity. These programs revolve around the delivery of what you know as the prosperity programs. Difficulties in this regard are still extant. Peeling away the onion-layers of dark conspirators continues, and we are determined to finish up this job quickly and assist our Earth allies in dismantling this dark infestation within the current US regime. It has literally spread itself throughout the government like scummy, disease-ridden floodwater. Our job is to mop up and disinfect the mess. Then we can rebuild, and do away with all that is beyond redemption. The resulting infrastructure can then be turned over to a fairly elected, new administration. Our role is to use our abilities to assist, advise and nurture the policies of the temporary caretaker regime and, thereafter, the newly elected administration. We shall do this in a way that empowers our Earth allies while still reserving the right to be more assertive when necessary .... This time crunch requires an agenda of determined action and this we have put into play. Each one of these thrusts is to propel you out of the many dilemmas you now face. We fully understand the nature of the endgame now playing out across the world: Two major groups are striving to see where the new reality puts them .... A lot of what is going on is largely invisible to you. Nevertheless, the transformation of your reality requires that a wholly new foundation be set up to support what will rapidly become the new norm .... Several liaison groups with vast experience in the diplomatic, cultural, and social nuances of your planet are now in place on the surface and embedded in many critical locations. Their function is to move your world in the direction it badly needs to go. Our responsibility is to get results, which solve the disagreements presently slowing up progress. This new policy is intended to give you the edge needed to break through the logjams thrown up by the dark cabal ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 13.05.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 19th May 2008, the Sirian, SaLuSa, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "For many years we have warned successive Governments of the dangers of nuclear fall out and radiation, but little notice has been taken. As a source of energy it is unnecessary with so many other means now at your disposal. Free energy that is clean and in unlimited supply can at a stroke solve your problems, but is withheld to allow the oil companies to continue profiting at your expense .... The problem is that you have not been allowed to move on, and benefit from the many new technologies given to you over quite a number of years. Now it must change so that you can quickly halt the slide into chaos, which the dark use as an opportunity to further their own agenda. The negative energies that abound upon Earth are creating problems all around, and in these conditions Man will be unable to restore law and order, and find the world peace that has been absent for hundreds of years. With our coming and plan for the restoration of Earth, the changes will quickly alleviate the present conditions. The first series of actions will address the needs of the poorest countries, and in general terms we look to ensure that the homeless and hungry and lifted out of their misery. In the long term we shall set up institutions that will handle political and financial concerns in a correct manner. The result will be Governments that truly and honestly represent their people, and banking systems that operate a fair policy. We have informed you for some time that the benefits of NESARA have been incorporated into our plans, and they will ensure that poverty and debt become a thing of the past. You can take full credit for the turnaround in your fortunes, as it was not so long ago that you looked unlikely to pass beyond the Millennium. The mass consciousness upon Earth has grown remarkably fast, by absorbing the Light that streams to you from many sources beyond it. It has been responsible for bringing hope and a new dawn where the dark forces no longer have any influence. Their power is already diminishing and their cherished dream of world control is fading away. They refuse to acknowledgement defeat, and still try to stay in power by any means whatsoever. That you have had two consecutive false presidential elections is in itself proof of their instability. The truth of all their actions and crimes against Humanity will ultimately be revealed, and those responsible will not escape justice .... " The full text of the Sirian SaLuSa's 19.05.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 27th May 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "As we speak, many incredible events are ready to manifest. The most important of these are those specified by a series of legal documents, known to you as NESARA. This legislation involves mainly America; however, its broad implications affect the world at large. These documents delineate the means for changing the current US administration and replacing it with a caretaker regime dedicated to restoring the organic Constitution and those rights specified in the Bill of Rights. In addition, these documents declare peace and change the current direction of US foreign policy. Finally, these documents forgive bank-created debt and establish a new and more secure banking and currency system. This last aspect has been expanded by our Earth allies to include the entire globe. The present banking and currency system is to be scrapped and replaced by one that better serves a world free of debt and the inflationary cycles imposed by the present banking and currency system. All this is in place and awaiting the formality of the announcements, which declare its legality and implementation. In fact, implementation has already been partially begun through a series of banking edicts dispatched by the Federal Reserve governors to their district banks over the past two years. Also, the fledgling Treasury Banks are in the process right now of absorbing these banks and need only the final set of announcements to complete the procedure. The same is occurring throughout the world, as various strategic and overt operations are setting up the depositories for the gold necessary to back the new currency system. Further, secret conferences in the US, Europe, Africa, and the Americas are outlining a system for annulling the vast national debts of nearly 200 countries. In a world swimming in an ocean of debt and endemic corruption, safeguards must be introduced which secure both debt-forgiveness and the expansion of democracy and the republican way of life. A crucial concomitant to this is the promotion of universal harmony and cooperation .... Right now a series of overlapping events is bringing your reality to a crossroads. The old is about to be altered and miracles never before believed possible are to be performed .... The way that your world 'does business' is facing extinction, and your realm is quickly readying to flip into something new and exciting ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 27.05.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 3rd June 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "With each day we are getting closer to our objectives. A great many events are ongoing. These happen largely in secret as the dark cabal remains vigilant and ready to strike out at the slightest hint of an attack upon them. Thus our forces and those of our Earth allies need to keep as low a profile as possible. These conditions slow things down somewhat, but in the end this need for extra caution keeps us focused on those fine details that have been the key to our past successes. While these strange maneuvers go forward, our special negotiators are finishing up a major series of talks with our friends as well as with the darkside. Our intention is to get this done as soon as divinely possible. Many of the preliminary exchanges have been completed, and the success of the next steps depends on maintaining this stealthy mode of operation .... As these procedures progress, our fleet begins to focus more on assisting our Earth allies with their most important task: ridding your world of the current US regime. These dark charlatans have spent the last seven years finishing off what was begun in earnest during your Great Depression. We have watched their shenanigans carefully and have used our abilities to curtail what they initially intended. The extent of their mischief-making seems to know no bounds, and these vile plots have kept us busy indeed. Every part of your world has been affected to some degree by their bizarre and sadistic activities, and as the insanity grew we discovered certain keys to their actions which allow us to reel in the effects of these insane stratagems. Our desire is to see them legally evicted from power as quickly as possible, and we are happy to report that a number of legal and financial strategies are about to come to a head. These actions, if done seamlessly, can allow an American coup d’etat to happen. This is something that your world now desperately needs. In anticipation of this, our personnel are placing themselves in much-needed back-up positions .... It is necessary to sound a note of caution because what we are dealing with is dark, slimy, and very survival-oriented .... Your reality is in desperate need of change. This change for the better is done to free you from your current dark dungeon .... Those who now run this beautiful prison planet can no longer be allowed to limit your life. Your future is to be abundant, free, and sovereign .... The coming events are merely the last acts in a drama that has lasted for nearly 13 millennia. During this time you and your ancestors witnessed ceaseless cruelty, experienced crushing servitude, and lived an endless string of broken dreams. This is ending! Your world is going through the proverbial darkest hour before the dawn .... It is time for the cabal to let go and proclaim this a new day .... The events that are coming are not just about the abundance or the regime changes; they are about your return to full consciousness...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 03.06.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 10th June 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Everywhere, the games are truly afoot on your world. The cabalists continue to defy the edicts of the Light and are even working hard on their latest plot to secure victory for their cause. These aims are pure delusion! The amount of arrogance that these dark ones possess is indescribable. Nevertheless, these challenges bring us more and more into play, and our liaison teams are working closely with our Earth allies to secure the apprehension of a large number of dark co-conspirators. These actions move us to a stage that has the potential to shut down these not-so-heavenly ones. Yet, certain maneuvers still remain. We can only report that we are close and just about ready to bring down the curtain. Until then, it seems we all have to let this game play out according to divine timing. Only then can we firmly state that this long battle is at last over. This operation has been costly to our Earth allies in both casualties and other resources. The amount of dedication and diligence to this noble cause makes us most proud of them. It is not easy to declare that you are willing to do whatever it legally takes to secure your world from the 13-millennia-long malefactions of the dark. Their determination and supreme courage can soon be fully reported .... Our Earth allies are using legal and sanctioned physical force to corner these cabalists and take this world out of harm's way. Many great conscious masters on your world are contributing their abilities to first isolate and then pounce on this many-headed hydra, and one of the tasks in hand is to complete the ferreting out of these dark adversaries from their lairs. This is one of the few remaining jobs to be done before the deliveries and the overdue regime changes can occur. As part of this train of interconnected events, the first few announcements are being prepared. They set the stage for a series of very dramatic happenings, which include us .... Your world's dark leaders have fought hard for over a decade to keep us from your shores. This skullduggery is now at an end. Those who wish us to land and complete our divine tasks are winning a great battle, and yet the number of global skirmishes seems unending. These have been going on for the last few years but over the past weeks have increased exponentially. These proliferating conflicts are proof of the dark's desperation. Like a cornered bear, it is now at its most dangerous. We have warned our Earth allies to be extra vigilant and careful during any operations taken against the cabalists. It is one thing to go up against them in a battle of paper writs and quite another to engage them in actual physical encounter. To assist, we included their security operatives with ours. In this way the things that are to occur can more easily be swayed in the right direction. Our prime focus is to move all this quickly toward resolution .... Your world is in a state of flux. Many of the odd things you hear and read about are the tips of many 'icebergs' launched by the dark to obstruct the intentions of our Earth allies. The crazy financial speculations and unusual commodity transactions are desperate schemes by the dark to replenish the coffers seized by our Earth allies in the last year. The collapse of other senseless intrigues adds to the now-visible mayhem. As this showdown intensifies, a number of large financial institutions, secretly ruled by the cabalists, are to fail. This is the big squeeze that our Earth allies are now able to exert over the many tentacles of the dark cabal. Naturally this escalation in power tactics produces panic, and we expect the cabal to respond with even more intense obfuscation measures to maintain its money supply. We are ready for this. A special team is in place whose purpose is to find and seize these illicit funds. We are starting to bleed them heavily .... This chaos is a sign that the dark's days at the top are numbered, and we wish to reiterate this in order to give it the importance it deserves. You need to know that an immense global drama is nearing its conclusion ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 10.06.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 24th June 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Much progress has been made in identifying and exposing those who duplicitously use their positions of authority to hinder our cause by doing one helpful task while clandestinely pulling off many destructive ones. These moles are now being used to winkle out accomplices who have obstructed what should already be a done deal. This flushing out and removing of the 'bad eggs' has greatly accelerated the path to our goals. The present illegal US regime is among the greatest of these culprits. We are using the accruing evidence gleaned from this activity as material for the legal actions that are to take place once this present madness is over. Our Earth allies are now refocusing on completing the final steps that can, as you say, 'seal the deal.' All of us are anxious to get the prosperity deliveries out of the way. Once this is done, we can proceed to the rapid removal of these rogue North American regimes. Thereafter, a number of other such governments around the world are to follow them swiftly into oblivion .... The present madness is an agenda that is inextricably wrapped up with both the UFO cover-up and the rise to power of a group of American illuminoids at the end of World War II. The 'Roswell incident' is one of a multitude of examples that led this group to believe that they were destined to succeed their then masters, the Anunnaki, as future controllers of the world. What they did not take into account was the fact that Heaven and the divine plan were preparing an alternative scenario. The agitation of this group over this matter in the late 1990s is the root cause of what is transpiring around you now. Their plot to first seize control of the present version of the US government and then use it to achieve their goals is doomed to failure. Too many factors are in play that are disrupting and overturning their grand stratagems. Despite becoming aware of this, their arrogance and defiance of the Light have kept this silly yet tragic game going. This situation became clear to us when, time after time, carefully negotiated agreements were proven to be not worth the paper they were written on. We quickly learned that this unbelievable guile was par for the course. Each of the principals lives in a secret, dark world filled with unmentionable horror. Secrecy is a hallmark of their actions. It seems they believe us to have underestimated them; but this is far from the truth! As your proverb says, we are merely giving them enough rope to hang themselves with, by allowing these rapscallions to perpetrate the precedents required to bring them to justice. The extent of their larceny is prodigious; indeed, no tinge of morality hampers their intrigues. They fall for each 'bait' we set before them and thus continue to more deeply embroil themselves in traitorous actions .... Humans on your world are aware of us and of the massive betrayal of the people that government is perpetrating. Most of you know of the great danger that this poses both to Mother Earth and to your future, and you are being impelled to take positive action for your survival and to learn more about us. This is most encouraging. It is one of the major reasons why the dark's schemes cannot succeed. We are proud of what you are doing to aid the goals of our Earth allies. You are a people who are coming together, each in your own way, to assuage the damage done to your planet and to figure out a means to defeat the strange and hateful goals of the dark. This has led to the creation of huge, planetwide programs for lifting yourselves out of poverty; developing a number of political parties that truly represent you; and creating the infrastructure that can sustain your actions. These create the foundations for the programs of our Earth allies. These grass roots organizations are to be found on every continent and are now starting to interlink with one another on an increasing scale .... As Heaven predicted, her actions in accelerating your growth in consciousness was mirrored by the actions of those within your secret global power structure who wished to overturn the goals of the dark elites. This group became our Earth allies. We commend them as well as the grass-roots organizers who have worked so diligently to set up an infrastructure of consciousness on your world. The process of change has reached a point of no return. Every day, more and more people are making a commitment to change. It is unfortunate that most of this goes unreported in the so-called developed world. The major repository for this news has become the Internet. Here, a large variety of blogs, reports, and uncensored news skips daily across the globe, much of it devoted to these vital issues. We monitor this and are in joy over these developments, even though this is only a beginning. The events getting ready to manifest are needed to get these global actions up to speed. Our Earth allies are fully aware of this and have done things on a sufficient scale to assist these grass-roots organizations .... We feel very deeply that the time is near for finishing off this phase of the operation. Our actions are the catalyst for this phase, and the moment quickly approaches for many amazing events to happen around you ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 24.06.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 1st July 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "A number of final events are starting to break through the barriers set up by the dark cabal. As these things transpire, many other aspects of this end-game strategy are also beginning to be noticed by the dark's minions. What lies ahead is the last difficult bastion: the national, private corporation that runs the US regime. This intractable objective does have a way in to its soft core, and it is this secret entryway our Earth allies are preparing to breach. Prior to this, a great transfer of funds is to take place. The plan is to do the deliveries hard and fast and then, wham - to hit them hard where it counts, at their headquarters in D.C. The dark ones know of this plan. What they don't know is exactly how we are to go about it. Our intelligence reports pinpointed the most effective sequence of moves to be followed. All that remains is to wait patiently for the right moment and then carry out this coup de grace as swiftly as possible. In anticipation, we put a number of our ships in the most strategic positions. With these careful preparations done, we now await the outcome of some equally vital legal strategies that are essential prerequisites for the caretaker government, which must be able to redress the damage done to the nation by these meddlesome wrongdoers. Over the past century and a half, the dark has moved surreptitiously to establish the primacy of statute law and reduce common law to a mere nuisance. Likewise, the heart of the American government, the Constitution, has been eroded slowly but steadily. The new regime is to cast this all aside and restore American government to its traditional roots. This action can ensure that all legal US citizens will once more be proud of their nation and what it represents. The current illegal, aggressive wars and their consequences can be put to an end. This allows the new regime to pursue peace and work to establish the infrastructure by which all the nations of the world can freely cooperate with each other. To this end we worked closely with our Earth allies to frame a detailed plan for global cooperation and genuine harmony. For you to be able to fulfil what is expected of you globally, you cannot have regimes like the US one staring at you defiantly, daring you to attempt positive action. Such insolence needs to be extinguished before any sort of worldwide rapprochement is possible. Consequently, a special committee is studying the UN charter and exploring ways to make it viable and actually capable of fulfilling the role originally envisioned for it. In late 1945, Europe and its former colonial world were in a shambles. Drastic action was required to help this war-torn world back on its feet and restore peace, stability, and independence. But the UN and its various agencies became quickly overwhelmed and actually bogged down by its own bureaucracy. It became an instrument of big-power diplomacy, multinational-corporate special interests, and third-world cronyism. This travesty must be resolved and the necessary corrections incorporated into a vastly revised UN charter. It is to be as thoroughly purged as the US government. These are the first of many overhauls. Another clean sweep is the formal establishment of a new global banking and currency system. The public proclamation is to be concurrent with a meticulous spring-cleaning of the world-banking network. Any remaining rats and moles must be winnowed out and dealt with .... Your former masters, the Anunnaki, inculcated a deep distrust in you of off-world beings and organizations. Overcoming these ingrained perceptions was a remarkable effort on the part of our Earth allies. We also understand how difficult this may be for many of you. Your society is stiff with misinformation about us, and the dark cabal has done a good job of peppering the Internet and media with fears. Some who should know better have intertwined their acknowledgement of our existence and benevolence with reservations. Thus, we know what lies ahead. It is why we chose to have official government announcements about us preceding our own ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 01.07.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 7th July 2008, just after the American Independence Day weekend, the Venusian, called Ker-On, spoke again on behalf of The Galactic Federation: "Over the last few days your thoughts have been drawn to the celebration of Independence Day, yet so many of you know that there is a hollow ring about it. It has become so obvious to you that your freedom has been gradually eroded over a long period of time, and since the turn of this century it has happened before your very eyes. It has as you might say, been done by the sleight of hand and fooled you into accepting it as protecting your freedom. Whilst there is an element of truth in it, you have been deluded into thinking you are under a serious threat by terrorists coming from outside of your country. The truth is that the greatest threat comes from within, and from those most entrusted with your safety. The good news is that you are awakening to what has been happening around you, and are now seeing the subterfuge being enacted against you. Without your trust the Government is doomed, and already they feel the result of your questioning and call for explanations about inexplicable events that lead back to them. The pressure is on them, and their response is to try and impose further restrictions upon you so as to stifle your free speech. Something will have to give very soon, and we can promise you that it will be leaders of the dark forces. They do not like to look defeat in the face, and pretend they still hold total control over you. You are too many for them to handle, and the only real weapon they have is fear and they will do all possible to create a climate of oppression. Knowledge is priceless and if you look beyond such attempts to keep you down, you will see how you are being manipulated every day of your life. You might imagine that as the end-times are already with you, the dark forces would somehow fade away and make way for the Light. Be assured that it will happen when the mass consciousness reaches a certain level, with the resulting Light dissipating the lower energies. They will no longer have the cohesion to bring their activities together, and even within their own ranks doubt will begin to creep in. The Berlin Wall stood for many years as a monumental reminder that your freedom can be taken away from you, yet it finally collapsed overnight. Do not doubt that your illegal Government and its cohorts will also be vanquished as quickly. Their cosy set-up has convinced them that they are invincible, and this arrogance will be their downfall. There is so much potential for change in what is left of this year. Various paths have been energised that will confront the dark with the truth of their deeds, and no clever lawyers will be able to get the guilty ones off the hook .... You have had the benefit of our highly technologically advanced surveillance systems. We not only know what is discussed and planned in secret by the dark forces, but we do all that is within our remit to delay or stop their covert projects from succeeding .... the darkness is destined to leave this solar system for good, as it cannot rise up with it into the higher levels ...." The full text of the Venusian Ker-On's 07.07.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 8th July 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "All indications are that your world is close to a series of announcements that herald the end of your known reality. Our Earth allies are busy putting the final touches to some major events, which are to be preceded by a schedule of astounding public announcements. These can transform your world from its present state of rising global turmoil to one where peace and prosperity can begin to take root. You will witness the dissolution of the looming specter of global economic collapse and watch the advent of a new world reality grounded in a redistribution of wealth, complete with the sudden appearance of a vast amount of gold that is to anchor your new global monetary system. This system is to be presided over by a worldwide banking structure that changes forever the enormous excesses of the present banking and monetary networks. A new, more conscious world is to take full liability for and address the sins long perpetrated by humanity against Mother Earth. This means an end to your present age of oil and an introduction to a whole slew of new technologies .... The changes to government, to the global banking and currency network, and to the world's economic systems are only the start. The unveiling of startling new technologies is to give huge impetus to the paradigm shift now underway. We anticipated this and fully expect these technologies to prepare your populace to accept what we in the Galactic Federation will demonstrate as part of the final first-contact operation. This sudden leap in your technological capabilities fulfills one of the requirements for your being considered candidates for first contact. It is to be accompanied by a series of global discussions about how to upgrade your democracies to more user-friendly models. These will serve as stopgaps until we introduce you to the concept of galactic society and the institutions that govern it. Said proposals will be fully outlined and discussed with you in our first post-contact forums. One of the goals of what our Earth allies are doing is expunging your 13-millennia-long status as mere chattel to the rulers chosen by the Anunnaki. Further, the dark cabalists had not expected this operation to progress so swiftly; it is quickly overturning their power bases and allowing the seizure of the institutions that maintain their wealth. On top of this comes a groundswell determined to put an end to the global cover-up which disparages even the fact of our existence. All around the planet, the directives that form the backbone of this cover-up are giving way. Little by little, nations are not only releasing evidence of 'sightings', proving that something is indeed out there, but are encouraging the notion that these beings are benevolent. We welcome this! It is another sign that the conditions for first contact are manifesting and that all this is not far off. This growing recognition of our existence is an authentic phenomenon that pleases us no end! It proves that even the most unrelenting of cover-ups can succumb to the Light! Many sensible people now study the abundant evidence and come to the logical conclusion that we are indeed real and, moreover, have been visiting your world for a very long time. Once they get beyond the government misinformation files, they see a clear pattern pointing toward a future first contact. In the same vein, open-minded geneticists have begun to see that humans actually have an off-world origin. This throws into stark relief the inventions and inane assumptions of anthropology and reveals the vast, interlinking deception of much of modern science .... The unwillingness of your political and even your economic systems to address the basic needs of its citizens must now be converted ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 08.07.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 11th July 2008, the Sirian, Ag-agria, spoke again on behalf of The Galactic Federation: "Each day it must be becoming apparent that your reality is in a quickening stage of change, as you are witnessing the break up of it. It can no longer hold its place in the rising vibrations, and more importantly in your consciousness. You are awakening to the need for change on a scale previously unprecedented, as the vision you hold for the future is manifesting in the midst of the daily chaos. The institutions that have propped up your governments are in disarray, and the whole structure is proving inadequate to accommodate the incoming changes. There is of course much resistance to them and not just from those trying to maintain a different agenda. There is also some within the public domain where large numbers are still uninformed as to what is happening .... People are ready to open up to new ideas, and subconsciously are aware that Mankind cannot continue to make further progress under the old systems. In fact, there is an rapidly growing awareness that Man has been denied the means to move out of the last century, and benefit from many advanced discoveries that would have totally uplifted the quality of life. From a spiritual point of view, it is also realised that the ways of Man are lacking consideration for the welfare of others, as materialism has created a selfish outlook .... The changes that are coming will remedy the problems that beset you, and fairness and equality will ensure that all have sufficient to live without the feeling of need. It will also allow more free expression in the caring of others, and cultural differences will no longer be an issue. Religious beliefs will be tempered by the knowledge that you are All One, and that your Source is the Creator of All That Is. The religious differences that have previously plagued you and prevented close friendships, will disappear in the face of a new wave of spirituality that reveals the truth about your past .... It will not be much longer before the changes will become apparent, and there are major events about to occur that will be the first signal of the opening of a new pathway for Man. Once you see that you can lift out of the morass created by the dark energies, your vision of a new Earth will become quickly energised and manifested. Everything is speeding up, and there will inevitably be a collision course between the Light and dark by the end of this year. It will not result in catastrophe as many anticipate, but instead denude the dark of their power to cause further disruption and delays .... The Forces of Heaven have been massed and organised for your salvation, and also to enable you to take your place in the higher realms that are your destiny .... From the higher realms every possible means is being taken to enlighten people as to what lies ahead. Messengers both on and off Earth have conveyed spiritual messages to you as part of your awakening. Many are the Masters that are well known to you such as St Germain and Jesus. These great Beings of Light have moved into your vibration to bring truth, and it is not simply for those who call themselves Christians, but all denominations. The truth belongs to all alike and is not the prerogative of any one religion over and above another ...." The full text of the Sirian Ag-agria's 11.07.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 14th July 2008, the Sirian, Diane, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "It is my pleasure to come to you again, at a time when the expectations are high and there is a feeling in the air of dramatic changes. Indeed there are many afoot, and our part is to ensure they take place. At no stage in this solar cycle have you been left at the mercy of the dark forces, and we have always followed your progress. When necessary we enter the affray, and always hold the balance for you. We can clearly see the end-times approaching, and have the advantage of knowing that they will end with your total success .... Day by day it is dawning upon people that the old ways of Man are ending. So much no longer serves your purpose, and the quiet revolution is gathering pace and your voices will be heard. Not only that, their powerful energy will ensure that your wishes are fulfilled. It may appear that time is short, but the planning of the Elders is exact, and completion of this cycle will proceed accordingly. Do not hold fear at all, as you are about to witness the end of the dark influences. Everything has its place and a role to play in bringing it about. Many Lightworkers are awakening to their tasks, having entered this period specifically for that purpose .... Our actions are speeding up and we work closer than ever with our allies. Their efforts are being rewarded and they are on the verge of a momentous victory. Once the dark forces are seen to be on the run, more people will stand up to them and their days will be numbered. Our approach is still one that uses your legal system to oust the last cabal, and they will find they cannot stop our progress. We knew it would be arduous to follow a path that was strictly legal, but we are now so close to victory .... The changes can now be seen to be bringing about the collapse of the old paradigm. What cannot be seen are the overriding energies that are taking their place, and allowing the new to manifest. It is all there waiting the opportune moment to suddenly burst upon the scene. The opposition between the dark and Light will soon be settled, and a halt brought to the destructive forces that have been unleashed. Their power is being taken from them through prevention rather than confrontation, as we approach such matters with peaceful intentions. The Galactic Federation has much experience in dealing with such matters, and our technological superiority will ensure that any threat to you is contained. The Earth is to complete this cycle restored to its pristine condition, and we are fully prepared to carry it out as soon as the danger to you is removed. Your whole history is linked with contact by extraterrestrial visitors, and what has been happening in recent times is nonetheless extraordinary. The difference now is that you have a growing awareness, and acceptance of our presence. Most importantly, there is a greater belief in our peaceful contact and intentions towards you. Abductions are not related to our activities, but the Greys who are involved, were given permission to contact Earth because of the nature of their needs. Those of you who have been selected and taken to their craft, are souls from their own civilisation who have agreed to assist them. It is in a bid to save them from extinction, and find a means to continue their evolution. There are others interested in Man, but contact is very limited. There are Universal Laws that all must obey where another civilisation is concerned, and outright interference is not allowed. It is different if you attract a like 'vibration' to Earth as happened in the Sumerian period, when the Anunnaki arrived in that country. Those events are chronicled as recorded on their tablets, and you can also find reference in your Old Testament. They were the old Gods of War and destruction, who set Man against Man in their desire to control, however they have long departed the Earth ...." The full text of the Sirian Diane's 14.07.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 15th July 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Over the past few weeks a number of things occurred which severely limited the scope of the cabal's dark endeavors. This gave our Earth allies the opportunity to begin fine-tuning the working set-up of the new banking system and developing the more detailed regulations governing the efficiency of your new global banking network. When combined with the coming-on-line of the true-value basket of global currencies, this will successfully end the fiat-based economies that grew up in the post World War 2 era. This change over establishes fair practices regarding the way commercial and savings banks operate, thus securing an environment that is much more stable and less given to the enormous excesses characteristic of the post World War 2 world. An important part of this is the prosperity programs which are ready to roll and which kick-start the sorely needed redistribution of the world's wealth. This can transform your society's economic models, wiping out the unjust biases that have ever kept the majority in poverty and debt, and unable to find any redress to their plight. In this new realm the poor are to be given financial remedies along with the education and guidance needed to end poverty and restore to each human the dignity that lack of wealth and unwieldy cultural traditions have wrested from them. This is not a massive rescue project but rather a means to humanize your society's treatment of its members .... The immense amount of money you are getting has the primary purpose of moving you out of your restricted mindset into an unlimited confidence about who you are and what kind of society you can create. This is the first issue to be focused on. In order to build a lasting foundation, you must first set the intention with as much detail as possible. Then Heaven intends to help you in every way to make it a reality. Another factor in this transformation is the releasing and implementation of a huge range of suppressed inventions .... Money and wealth need to be spread to the point where they become universal. Your society currently reflects the myriad restrictions spoon-fed to you from birth. Yet, you are moving toward full consciousness. A founding principle of such consciousness is the freedom for each to achieve his potential and bring forth his life's purpose. Humanity is deeply locked into the concept of haves and have-nots, which is an illusion dinned into you by your former masters, the Anunnaki. Its purpose was to give them access to your creativity while making you believe in the concept of 'less than' .... Each receiver of wealth has the means to distribute it to others. We are to suggest that a special network of wealth-givers be set up, which can be enlarged as needed. Wealth is, above all, a powerful tool for change. This tool expands upon the goals of debt forgiveness by giving a secondary channel for spreading wealth to all. Bear in mind the prime purpose of this abundance is to move you into a milieu that constantly supports your growth into Beings who can envision and realize their true potential. Supporting this process are a plethora of esoteric devices that are to reorganize your current understanding of your physical and spiritual reality .... This coming world is close to happening. Our efforts are helping our Earth allies to get your society to the point of manifestation .... The actions of our Earth allies, assisted by your powerful energies, are ready to oust the dark cabalists and move you to a new reality ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 15.07.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 22nd July 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Everywhere, the portents point the way to your new reality. This place of abundance and harmony is drawing closer as the dark cabal searches madly for a possible solution to its ever-growing plethora of predicaments. Yet, with all this, a kind of stalemate has shown up, which is giving the dark cabalists a glimmer of hope. These circumstances contain within them certain remedies that our Earth allies are currently applying in different ways throughout your world. This is beginning to wear away the causes of the stalemate, allowing our Earth allies to prepare the final elements for an all-out assault on these dark ones. Before this can happen a number of critically needed personnel are moving into position within the US regime. Their task is to perform the actual physical ouster of this regime, using the legal remedies given to them by various courts and other legal procedures. Whatever happens, the removal from office of this illegal US entity and its cohorts is essential for what is planned next. It is important for you to understand that what the old, corrupt order produced was an onion-like, multilayered conspiracy. It inculcated into your society an ethos of wealth and power, with its concomitant prerequisite of ambition and greed, producing a never-ending stream of willing new candidates to do the cabalists bidding. This process needed to be transformed .... Your world is straddling the divide between an overwhelming catastrophe and an amazing future paradise. And now, Heaven has stacked the cards overwhelmingly in favor of the approaching paradise, or, as we refer to it, your new reality. This new reality has all of its multiple elements now at the point of manifestation. What is holding it up is the need to create your Will to do so: Too many of you are still enamored with the thought of great wealth and power as exercised in the old paradigm. But the principles of the old paradigm are changing, making it less and less possible to wield such power. In its stead a new way of governing is beginning to emerge. This model of cooperation and consensus is being studied more thoroughly in universities and think tanks around the globe. In essence, a form of society similar to galactic society with its fluid group management mode is rearing its head in a variety of slightly different forms .... Presently, the movement to replace the Illuminati overlords is moving forward at the right divine speed. If this slows to a pace that Heaven disapproves of we are prepared to act accordingly. You are precious to Heaven! This statement is a blessing indeed! It is because of your importance that we authorized this first contact mission and that we watch over you carefully. You need to grow in consciousness and to construct a grand coalition that can defeat the dark cabal. To assist you we have provided supplies and other resources to our Earth allies, who in effect are a part of you all ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 22.07.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 25th July 2008, the Sirian, SaLuSa, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "Is there ever a day when you do not give thought to the coming changes? You anticipate a sudden change of direction, that will fulfil your desires to create a new paradigm and leave the old behind. It has been coming for many years, as your spiritual advancement has not been matched by the physical expressions around you. You have outgrown the old ways of Man’s aggressive and competitive nature, and peace and co-operation are preferred. Unity and oneness of purpose are now surfacing, instead of the continual divisions and separation that have been a feature of your earlier history .... Man has ruled by force for so long that it is not easy to dismantle the trappings of war, and trust will need to be re-established. For too long your leaders have given out many platitudes suggesting they seek peace, whilst arming for war. Peace cannot be achieved by threats or aggressive confrontations, and only with full co-operation and truthful intent. The people of Earth have been sadly let down as their leaders ignore their repeated demands for a new path. One that dispenses with the old approaches and double standards, that have been a feature of your past dealings. Your pleas have been ignored, as their agenda is to continue in the opposite direction to world control and the subjugation of Mankind. You can now read between the lines, and are not so easily fooled by their rhetoric or lies. You rightly feel that your destiny is in your hands and not theirs, because you collectively wield the power to make your desires come true. Your thoughts are shaping your immediate future, and gathering together in their energetic form that must manifest the changes in motion. Although the outworking of your future is in your own hands, you are aided and abetted by legions of helpers from the higher dimensions. Their presence is your assurance that you will see the outworking of your desires, and no force on Earth will prevent it. The end-times have already been written in the Hall of Records and your success and victory over the dark is well documented. It remains only to manifest what you have set in motion, and see the changes taking place before your very eyes. The ripples of change are reverberating through all societies and groups, and that which is of the old is being pulled apart. Some of your oldest institutions such as your banks and religions, are feeling the powerful changes and experiencing them right now. Upheaval will be a source of much frustration and inconvenience, but look beyond what you experience in the course of it, knowing it is a necessary cleansing. Consider how else you will you achieve your desires but through discarding that which no longer serves your purpose. For too long your dark forces have maintained their hold on you, and held back your progress to suit their own plan for your internment and total obedience to their draconian laws. They have only allowed progress when it has boosted their goal of global control, when many inventions that would have greatly improved your quality of life have been hidden away. There is a gap in your history that should have seen you fully take your place in the New Age, but it has been denied you. However, in short time the technology that would have overcome your present day problems will be released by us. It will all be part of First Contact that shall be announced at the earliest opportunity .... The new is waiting in the wings for the signal to go ahead .... We are patient and work through our Earth allies, who are steadily setting up the final entrapment of the last cabal. It will be a bloodless coup, although attempts will be made to depict it otherwise .... No more shall you be the pawns in the game of life played by the dark forces, their time is up and we shall ensure their removal. They will shout and bellow and utter their fearsome threats to hold onto power, but we assure you it is already being curtailed ...." The full text of the Sirian SaLuSa's 25.07.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the controversial matter of The Hall of Records, to which SaLuSa refers above, more background information can be found here and here. On the 28th July 2008, the Sirian, Ag-agria, spoke again on behalf of The Galactic Federation: "Decisions being made are determining the manner in which the end-times unfold, and the dark have their own options, but will inevitably walk into a trap from which there is no escape. Their ambitions are bigger than their ability to successfully carry them out, but there is now a measure of panic in their eagerness to hold on. Arrogance is their Achilles heel as they believe they can get away with everything. They have no idea of how much you the people are awakening, but we see a rapidly blossoming civilisation whose Light is touching so many others. The truth is becoming known because it has returned to Earth. The great truth of your purpose for being here is being uncovered, and the changes experienced understood as a means to the end of duality as you have experienced it. Not the end of life or the Earth as some cults are claiming, but the cleansing that must precede your emergence into the New Age. Your long history of war and confrontation is coming to an end, to be replaced by love, peace and happiness. Unity will be the key to a new passion to bring in the energy of co-operation in recognition of the Oneness of all life. With the ecological damage that has already occurred, there has to be a concerted effort to reverse the process. This means also finding ways of overcoming your use of polluting fossil fuels, and other types of energy that are unclean. World co-operation has to be uniform in agreeing the best way forward, and putting profit before common sense will not be acceptable. We are not without understanding of the individual problems that exist from one country to another. However, when their needs are balanced against those of the people, it will be clearly seen that they are the priority. What you are doing now on a small scale we will make into worldwide changes, but obviously they cannot commence until we are able to be with you all. That means changes in the leadership of the world, and policies that address your present problems. The headlong fall into the effects of the collapsing financial world of commerce, must be countered by having a new format in readiness to replace it. This is where what you have called NESARA is going to provide the answers, and our allies are ready to activate its benefits. The changes to your monetary system will restore and re-vitalise a system that is failing, into one that brings back prosperity. The suddenness of events that are taking place all over the world should tell you that matters are speeding up faster than ever before. Remedies for your ills are becoming vital, as the size of the problem is too big for your Governments to overcome. Of course, the dark forces revel in the chaos they are creating and use it as a smoke screen for their real agenda .... As the messengers from Heaven charged with bringing you safely through the changes in readiness for Ascension, we have fully prepared ourselves to quickly convey to the whole world our action plan for you. The last obstacles that stand in our way are about to be removed, and then we can send our initial group of representatives to Earth. Much of what we do is from a distance and we work from our craft placed around your Earth. It is from these vantage points that we can safely continue our observations and monitoring of all that is happening. We also control the area of space around your planet, and have already removed or made inoperative star war weapons. You have little or no idea as to the extent of the black operations that have been attempted. We guard you and Mother Earth, as for the purpose of Ascension her part in it is most vital to your success. In spite of the extensive damage to her, restoration will be totally successful in all respects .... All souls seek knowledge, and it is this drive that forever urges you onwards and upwards. Now that the awakening process has commenced, so much that was previously hidden from you is being revealed. These are times when you must be open to new ideas, and allow for changes to your beliefs so that each day you live your highest version of the Truth .... Be aware that at such an important time upon Earth, you will all find yourselves exactly where you are meant to be ...." The full text of the Sirian Ag-agria's 28.07.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 29th July 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Right now, events are occurring on your world that promise a resolution to the stalemate alluded to in our last message (on the 22nd July 2008 here; also see some text from that date further up this page). While this goes ahead we are preparing to assist our Earth allies in a number of ways. First, we are complementing the forces they assigned to the removal of the current US regime. Second, we are providing the resources needed to allow our Earth allies to put a new hard-backed currency system into effect on your world. Finally, we are expanding our liaison and diplomatic personnel so as to be ready to furnish the necessary services for a more harmonious reality on your world. As you can see, many things are primed to manifest and become known as soon as the deliveries of your many prosperity funds are realized. The importance of this step prompted us to send out a special detail of ships to watch this program unfold. So far no major problems are being encountered, and all that continues to plague this much-maligned operation is the same old boring interference .... Presently your world is in a transition period. Two things are happening: First and foremost is the big squeeze being put on the dark cabal. This has resulted in a countering operation that has greatly impeded the movement of capital throughout your world. This capital war has thrown the great illuminoid families into a panic as large sums of their immense fortunes were seized by our Earth allies and turned over to the many prosperity programs. Further, many additional layers of security procedures are being added to the protocols for transferring these prosperity funds from one central bank to another. This undermines the illegal US Federal Reserve and its many allied banks and is gaining momentum by the day. This operation is preparing your world for a post-US Federal Reserve reality. The pressure is compelling many US nationally chartered banks to rethink their long-standing relationship to the US Federal Reserve Bank and opt for being part of the soon-to-be-announced US Treasury Bank. The second is the push to completely reorder the present global banking system. The attack on the Federal Reserve and her dominant fiat currency is part of a complex process to recast the financial way of your world. The ultimate goal of the capital war is to move away from the excesses of fiat currencies (inflation, currency manipulation, and money-laundering of vast, unaccounted-for sums) toward a new system of universal abundance, currency stabilization underpinned by true value, and an end to secret manipulation and money laundering. Money is the primary power resource of your societies and its movement has been used to fund wars, revolutions, and other means of creating chaos both local and global. Our Earth allies intend to transform this into a transitional realm marked by increasing harmony among nations and an end to the greed and envy that are prerequisites for the degree of chaos now prevalent ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 29.07.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 30th July 2008, the Sirian, Atmos, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "Our connection to you is stronger than ever, as your energies reach up and join with ours. The result is that the strength of the Light upon Earth is permeating all around it, affecting the dark energies and lessening their power to pull you down to their level. It has grown into a most formidable Light that is daily awakening more people to the truth. With your consciousness growing the dark forces find that their hold over you is weakening, and their attempts to cover up their real agenda is failing. There was a time not so long ago when you were very gullible, and partly due to your trust of officialdom you were easily manipulated into having your freedom taken away. Now their actions are coming back to haunt them, as the truth emerges. You represent a powerful energy that can no longer be contained by the dark, and they see it eclipsing their own and becoming the driving force on Earth. You are but a short way from achieving the victory that will not only reverse the onward march to destruction, but also restore your sovereignty and freedom. This was all foreseen a long time ago, but the manner in which you will achieve it is down to you. Even now there are many paths that have been created that will remove the last cabal, and each one moves forward in its own right. They are destined to reach fulfilment, and reveal to the world the manner in which you have been misled and used for ulterior purposes. Few governments can claim to be innocent of deceiving the people, using lies and subterfuge to gain their own way. In the time following First Contact, you will experience a change in the old ways of governance, to one that truly represents the people and their spiritual aspirations. Where religion has previously split the people, there will be a coming together in a common recognition of the truth and understanding that there is only the One God. Some will fight the changes, but common sense will prevail and many will change their beliefs. Freedom of choice will be greater and not less, and patriotic fervour will be replaced by recognition of the Oneness of Humanity .... Enemies have been created since time immemorial, and they are convenient to excuse wars that have often had nothing but material gain in mind. Land and wealth have been the objective of the stronger countries all through your history, and today it is no different. The war in the Middle East has long been understood as one revolving around control and ownership of the oil deposits. It teeters on a knife-edge as it threatens to escalate into a greater conflict, and become of worldwide proportions. Against it stands the Light that is revealing the truth behind the false reasons for starting the campaign, and there is a great power for good that opposes its further expansion. It is time to shut the door on confrontation and put in its place co-operation, to speak peace instead of war and think of sharing and caring for each other .... Progress will be quick and you will take a great leap into the future, and eventually become fully conscious Beings. The advancement that you are about to experience would not be available to you unless you were prepared for upliftment. In the last 50 years you have made incredible progress and overcome all manner of attempts to hold you back .... The great events that are looming large that will change Humanity are getting nearer, and we register your desires and prayers for the peace they will bring ...." The full text of the Sirian Atmos's 30.07.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. Violinio Germain spoke again on the 1st August 2008: "Believe what you hear because you are but a whisper away from the most exciting event that has occurred on Earth in recent times. An event of far reaching repercussions that will reverberate around the world; one that will move you onwards to the promised changes, and release you from the thraldom of centuries of oppression. You have created the manner in which you are proceeding, and experiences that will provide you with memorable and all encompassing changes of breathtaking dimensions. It has been planned and blessed by the highest orders of Beings who oversee and guide your evolution .... The lower vibrations are heavy and have kept you in a state of unknowing of your true reality, but now that is rapidly changing. The glory of being in the Light and realising your true potential far exceeds any dreams you have had of raising your selves up. You are powerful and are manifesting a new vision of Earth, one that fulfils your desire to lift up and leave the old behind. It has served its purpose, and the time has arrived to move onwards. Your achievements are far greater than you can grasp, as much is happening that you cannot comprehend. You are not only holding the Light and grounding it upon Earth, but also spreading it in all directions and linking with all other sources. It continues to grow faster than at any other previous period, and it will do so until it is all encompassing. As you bring the new Earth into being, so your own evolution proceeds to gain pace and the enlightenment of the masses grows in intensity. What is taking place is unstoppable, and in its ultimate expression will surpass your desires and ideas of what it is like to ascend. Your experience shall be a unique and most exciting time .... It is your freewill choices that have determined the course Humanity has taken .... Look upon the changes as being quite natural, and the normal progression of souls that tread the path of duality. Cycles are orderly and not random happenings; they are stages in your evolution that are carrying you back to the higher dimensions. Your home is not within the present one that you are now lifting up from, but in the higher vibrations from whence you came ...." The full text of Violinio Germain's 01.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 4th August 2008, the Sirian, SaLuSa, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "Everywhere you look changes are taking place, and most are related to the breakdown of the structure and fabric of your old society and its outworn beliefs. It is a time of much confusion as you can see the break up occurring, but not so easily the new paradigm that is replacing it. Nevertheless, it is shaping up and is ready to bring the multitude of necessary changes into being very soon. We have in fact been prepared for our part in the proceedings for many years, and speed and efficiency will be our main objective. The task may sound too formidable by Earth standards, but know that we have unlimited resources that we can call upon within the Galactic Federation. We have never been more ready than now, and our allies have set up the new ways of working that shall re-define your handling and use of money. It only awaits the changes in the government, and removal of those in power who maintain the old system. What is so heartening is the extent to which people are now awakening to the truth, of how they have been used and abused for the benefit of the Illuminati and their minions. Knowledge is a powerful tool to galvanise people into action, and we see a great energy for change increasing day by day. Some hesitate and fear the result of changes, but come they will as the old set up must be broken down and re-built in line with your needs and entitlement. For too long your rights have been eroded, and removed by stealth and false events to create such opportunities. They are aware of the process of Ascension, and would deny you that chance to evolve if they could. At one level the battle between the dark and Light is for your souls, and the dark would have held you prisoner and as slaves to their desires for global control. Do not fear however as the Light has won that battle, and now it remains only to remove the last cabal so that your freedom can be fully restored. You are hearing so much from many different sources, and some will conflict with the view of others. Allow for the different interpretations, and accept that there is more than one time line that leads to completion of this cycle. What is not negotiable and has been decreed, is that Ascension will be the final act that shall lift you up into the higher realms. You will also meet us, your Space family, and that is a necessary coming together as we shall accompany you as you rise up and join your Cosmic brethren. Indeed, how could you become Cosmic Beings if you do not meet those who have gone before you? You have been gradually moved towards a change of consciousness for many years now, so as to lessen what would undoubtedly be a great shock to your system if the truth of our existence was forced upon you. The dark forces have consistently covered up our presence through their UFO cover-up, but it no longer fools people who know better .... We sometimes wish that you had a waking knowledge of your interaction with us, as many of you visit our ships and stay with us. This usually takes place during your sleep period, when most of you leave your bodies if only to meet other souls in the region you call Nirvana. On awakening after such experiences you often have a fleeting memory of what has taken place, but it soon passes by and you have difficulty in identifying it. This is a normal memory function that 'hides' such experiences, as you would otherwise be distracted from your daily responsibilities if you fully knew about them. However, because they are pleasant and reassuring, you often feel happy and fulfilled without knowing the reason why. It means that if you have met us, subconsciously you know that is has been a friendly and satisfying experience. Forget the so-called 'abductions' as these are not associated with any member of the Galactic Federation, and are the work of the Greys. Over the last half-century, we have consistently been seen in your skies and in some cases landed upon your Earth. Contacts have been made and it has balanced your beliefs about us, as your writers and filmmakers have previously delighted in depicting us as fearful Beings out to capture you or destroy Earth. All of your experiences of Space Beings formulates your 'feeling' about us, and we have taken great care to show ourselves as your friends. We are aware that there is a large following of people that would be really happy to see us openly land upon Earth, and that event known as First Contact is not too far away ...." The full text of the Sirian SaLuSa's 04.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 5th August 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Currently our Earth allies are drawing closer to the tipping-point where their objectives can at last be realized. We have waited long for this special moment, and recent statements made to us by the cabalists seem to indicate that the time for their surrender is fast approaching. As their fortunes dwindle and their capacity to stop the incoming reality diminishes, these dark ones are forced to conclude that their end is near. Nevertheless, be assured that regardless of the indications coming from that quarter our guard never lets up for an instant. This mission is much too vital to accept anything less than a sure and successful conclusion. We intend to secure a formal surrender along with full proof that this part of your history is over. Only then can our Earth allies manifest the grand program of changes that will be addressed in our global messages. These unprecedented policies in effect take your present global economy of scarcity and place it firmly on a strong foundation of prosperity. Prosperity is to be the hallmark of the interim between your present and your future world. The objective is to move your world away from its present dysfunction to a point where your society respects universal sovereignty and is able to supply you with the help you need to accomplish your basic life purpose. These are the fundamentals you need to feel secure and able to move forward on your journey to full consciousness. The crucial factor is to increase your conscious awareness of the process of change and to allow you to make your creative contributions to the global mix. It is this that permits your society to make the amount of rapid progress required. Our Earth allies are aware of how this whole consciousness-raising operation works. We need to free your minds of old perceptions and allow new ones to take root as the prosperity starts to engulf you. Then you can truly see that a new reality is supplanting the old, providing new opportunities for growth, new friendships, and most of all, success. We then need to progress this concept of success from a monetary one to an experience of joy in all things, which then radiates outward into your new world. Joy is the key that unlocks the door that Heaven is showing you. It is a feeling, akin to rapture, which has been studied by your psychologists and actually found to be the highest state of being. Getting you to this state smoothly and naturally is behind many of the policies jointly agreed upon by our Earth allies, Heaven, and us. These programs move you out of scarcity and limited perceptions into the realization that you are an unlimited Being whose purpose is to fulfill your life contract with the Divine. Once you experience this state, petty jealousies and other dysfunctional modes of being fall away and nothing then prevents full cooperation between you and your fellows. You are all one! Loving each other as you love yourself is another core perception that your rising consciousness manifests. Together, we are transforming this reality and all of you as we speak. Each of the programs we mention contributes to the quickening within you of this feeling of joy, leaving behind your present realm of frustration and sadness. This reality has run its course and prolonging its death rattle benefits no one. Its huge amount of pain and sorrow cries out for healing and transformation. Thus, Heaven is reaching the sacred point where the divine plan decrees such a change. In accordance with this we are putting more pressure on our Earth allies to finish their remaining tasks, and further personnel, who have gleaned experience in banking, securities, and financial sectors while on on-planet assignments, are being added to our joint work teams. Their expertise is greatly helping our liaison teams to expedite the completion of a number of critical tasks. The focus is on removing those elements delaying change and quickly bringing about the first domino: the prosperity deliveries and the US regime removal. Heaven desires the removal of these roadblocks and the path to first contact cleared of any possible further obstacles .... We have deepened our surveillance of the dark's skullduggery and have uncovered a number of clandestine activities by the cabalists to destabilize Mother Earth. This scorched-earth policy has been contained. A series of intense meetings with those cabalists in charge of these attacks has resulted in assurances from them that these transgressions are to cease. Naturally we remain wary. As you know, Mother Earth needs to release pressure from time to time, and by studying solar activity you can discern these periods. There is a set of natural magnetic resonance patterns that exists between the Sun and her children. We discovered this early on in our observations of this solar system just prior to the arrival here of the first contact fleet. Thereafter, we kept up our study of these basic 36 resonance patterns. It is interesting to us that your government's deep dark research projects did not catch on to this until late 2006, and since then they have used solar, astronomic, and geological probes to confirm what we now both know. Then they attempted to create a number of 'natural' disasters, which we restrained. They have received many strong warnings from us to cease immediately from perpetrating the aggressive misuse of these cycles ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 05.08.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 6th August 2008, the Sirian called Diane spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "We continue to register your rapidly increasing levels of consciousness. You are coming together in the one energy that is emphasising the need for change. It is creating the conditions for the manifestation of what is needed to move you on, and it is motivating many brave souls who now come forth with truth as their driving force for good. These souls stand out and speak with full confidence and passion, as they fight for your right to remove those who no longer serve your highest ideals. They need your support and we ask you to rally around them, as there is a greater safety in numbers and less risk of interference. We see so many individuals taking it upon themselves to enlighten others as to what is taking place, and they will not be denied. The dark are suddenly facing the reality of their own demise, and for those who have wielded so much power it is a great shock. Now there is fear amongst the Illuminati, as having seemingly achieved their goal to establish their authority over all others, it is now slipping away. Other countries have recognised the path being trod, and Russia in particular having been broken apart by insidious interference in their affairs, have risen up again with an agenda to create a peaceful world. They are a great power within their own rights, who stand against the criminals who govern the US. There is indeed a bloc of countries that oppose the US, and they are unknowingly helping create the conditions that will allow for the massive changes needed. Humanity is crying out for leadership that will remove the infidels that are intent on destroying the world, and restore sanity and a feeling of oneness and co-operation. The energy for such changes is already there and simply seeks an outlet for its manifestation. The gravity of the world situation with so much starvation, and shortages imposed by policies intended to bring countries to their knees, is awakening others to the need of prompt action. The next few weeks will be politically very active, and the dark forces will find their plans are no longer viable. It will be an opportunity to take away the power of the leading members of the last cabal, and once weakened it will become easier to instigate their complete removal .... We are ready to seize control on your behalf as soon as it is practical to do so, and prevent any madcap actions by the dark as they contemplate defeat. We know exactly how they think, and will curtail any attempts to prevent the Light from manifesting on your world. The truth of past events that have established a false terrorist threat, and self-imposed actions attributed to them, are becoming accepted worldwide. It is seen that opposition has resulted from such actions, and that the Illuminati are the root cause of much worldwide conflict. The truth can no longer be hidden, and overwhelming evidence of their dark agenda to impose their rule upon you is openly acknowledged. The Light of freedom must clear out the dark places that hide the covert operations that blight your Earth, and threaten your life. To this end we shall assist you, as the task is too much for you alone. You shall open Pandora’s box, and reveal to the world the truth of how it has been manipulated and controlled by the dark forces. The separatism that has deliberately set one against the other, will be seen for what it is and at last Humanity will be able to express its true fellowship with those who seek a peaceful co-existence ...." The full text of the Sirian Diane's 06.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 8th August 2008, the Sirian, Ag-agria, spoke again on behalf of The Galactic Federation: "Now more than any previous time, you can see where your political systems fail you, and it is clear that major changes must take place. The old ones have become redundant, and those in power lack both the will and foresight to move into a new age. It is a fact that the Illuminati keep the status quo, to prevent you from moving out of an age that is totally dependant on oil. Free energy that would solve your problems and reliance on oil is all around you, and the means to tap it are already known but shelved. Free energy is the answer not only to replace oil driven industries, but would solve your transport problems and all of your needs where your home life is concerned. Such advances were given to you not to be hidden away to maintain the greed of the Power Companies, but to advance your standards of living and take away your dependence on oil. Change is a natural development for any evolving society, but yours has been deliberately stagnated and held back in the name of profit and control. Once we of the Galactic Federation arrive on Earth, we shall instigate massive projects that shall enable you to leap into the future. You shall see the most remarkable changes over the next few years, because our time of arrival approaches very quickly. In consequence you will soon forget the dark days, and your focus will be on getting prepared for the great and unique occasion of your Ascension. Chaos abounds around you, but that is to be expected as the old is breaking up and the way must be cleared for the new to manifest. Much work will be needed to restore your Earth let alone provide for all of your needs. However, be assured that we are more than a match for the challenge, and have rehearsed our plan many times. Our help is vital if you are to move on, and this is why our arrival has been decreed as an event that will happen very soon. Within the parameters that we have been given even now we control what happens on Earth, and will ensure that no actions taken by your dark forces alter the outcome. It is being held steady, and particular attention is given to the likely manipulation of your weather which can be used as a weapon against you. Also be assured that we control the space around your planet, and it shall not be invaded or controlled by any other force. I am Ag-agria from Sirius and have much experience where you are concerned, and have accompanied you through many periods of your history. You must bear in mind that our life span is much longer than yours, and we do not experience aging such as you do. Consequently, you have never knowingly seen an old Space Being but always we appear in our prime of life. Yet in your measurement of time, we are hundreds of years old but show no signs of aging. In the future this shall also be your experience, as your new crystalline physical bodies will be so refined that they will keep their shape and condition. With it comes perfect health, and all of those ills and disabilities that are commonplace on Earth will no longer assail you ...." The full text of the Sirian Ag-agria's 08.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the subject of Free Energy which Ag-agria mentions above, what is being referred to is charge-cluster technology. This involves space-energy-tapping devices such as those involved in powering the starships of the Pleiadian fleet, currently stationed around Earth in large numbers and working within the remit of The Galactic Federation. The Pleiadians will be helping human labs to develop free-energy systems on the North American continent, and elsewhere, in the near future. Indeed, Pleiadian scientists will be working alongside Earth scientists in the USA as soon as President George Bush Jnr and his illegal regime are removed from power. The Bush/Clinton cabal, and its corporate controllers, have been blocking the release of free energy technologies for many decades. One of the Pleiadian motherships assigned to help the USA is called the Starship Capricorn. Its commander, Helena, frequently addresses the free energy question in her communications with telepathically attuned Earth-based humans. Examples of such communications can be found here (25.07.08) and here (08.08.08). On the 11th August 2008, the Sirian, Atmos, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "I refer to an incident that has just occurred in Georgia, and you may lay the blame on both sides for its creation. Yet I can tell you that the US has covertly helped bring it about to galvanise the West against Russia. It is an attempt to create another Cold War and isolate the Russians before they make more headway in Europe. They are now big players in the oil markets that are at the root of many problems in your world today, that also broker much power and dictate what happens in your financial markets. Fortunately, the source of your energy supplies will completely alter in the very near future, and oil shall be left where it should remain in the body of the Earth. Your dependence on oil has long been a thorn in your sides, and left you at the mercy of those who control its supplies and manipulate the prices. Free energy involves little cost at all, and will replace your fossil fuels and thereby also ensure that after the cleansing of Earth, there will be no pollution as you now experience it. Clearly your Earth could not sustain the present levels of pollution, deforestation, and the resultant damage for much longer. I am Atmos from Sirius, and we of the Galactic Federation see our opportunity to safely land on Earth not too far away. Changes will first take place that shall prepare you for such a wonderful event, and we excitedly look forward to it ...." The full text of the Sirian Atmos's 11.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 12th August 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "As you know, a great struggle between the dark and the Light is reaching its final denouement. Our Earth allies, with our assistance, are completing a number of operations that, when done, are to end the long reign of the dark on your world. This sacred moment has not yet arrived. Everywhere, the end game of the cabalists is evident. They believe that the ever-deepening chaos enshrouding your world will lead to the return of their dominance, but this is not to be. The work of our Earth allies is limiting the success of their dark objectives and threatening to defeat them at their dire game. In the long run our countermeasures will overwhelm the dark, allowing the Earth allies to greatly speed up their efforts to forge the new reality you all deserve. This project of ours is becoming truly immense in scope: We are being compelled, because of the dark's new exertions, to commit more and more expert personnel to this task, and this means we also discover much more about you and how your journey to full consciousness is progressing. Your progress toward your final changes is going well .... Your reality is expanding and is increasingly able to manifest what was once thought to be impossible. For example, the prosperity funds went from being mere possibilities to actual programs ready to manifest huge amounts of money to each investor. Now these funds are being protected by special security groups whose prime responsibility is to ensure that the long-promised deliveries occur when commanded by Heaven and our Earth allies. On this day an amazing event is to happen: a transfer of wealth around the planet that is at once unexpected and immense in scope. These now-wealthy investors are to include many Light Workers who formerly lacked the monetary and organizational resources to 'make a difference' to the make-up of your world. After the deliveries and the transfer of governmental power to our Earth allies a new world does indeed manifest! It is this new world that can end the UFO cover-up and permit a most orderly, global first contact operation to take place. This first contact, as frequently noted, has become a work in progress. Our original concept did not include the amount of assistance we are offering to our Earth allies. We joined forces, urging them on and helping them to overcome the endless maneuvers of the dark cabal, which previously threatened their ranks. Our Earth allies are now a more united group whose purpose is to remove this cabal from power and instigate a more prosperous and freer global environment .... We are confident that the need for a rapid deployment of our forces in response to some dark-induced craziness is unlikely. Until the mass landing date, we will need to intercede only when necessary to prevent nuclear disaster or stop events from getting out of hand. By this we mean an event that swiftly escalate into something serious. To this end, a group working with our Earth allies does so when needed to negotiate or suggest to both sides a way to solve any potentially grave situation .... Our fleet is apprised of each option and can switch, suddenly, from one scenario to another. This has been rehearsed many times since our arrival here in the early 1990s. The primary scenario, now in effect and described to you many times, depends on the success of our Earth allies in getting major governments to resign; permitting caretaker regimes to temporarily take over; and setting up proper and constitutional government in North America. It is these governments which can make our benevolence and us known to the peoples of your world. We feel this to be a proper prelude to the actual event of first contact with you .... We want you to know that a definite series of procedures is in effect which heralds the events of first contact. We are working with our Earth allies to complete the final prerequisites for the various announcements and the prosperity deliveries ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 12.08.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 18th August 2008, the Sirian, SaLuSa, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "There has never been a time when so much information is surfacing, about your true history and your immediate future .... The greatest change has been your understanding of Self, and opening up to your power to determine your own future. Hitherto, you had given it up to those who took over control with their own agenda. Now many are leading the quiet and peaceful revolution, to take back their power and determine their own future .... It requires that you bring Light to whatever you see that is out of balance, as a negative response will only strengthen the very thing that you desire to change. As we so often take care to tell you, it is fear that feeds the dark energies and they play on this knowing it to be their most powerful weapon .... There are more Lightworkers on Earth than at any previous period in your current cycle. It is a purposeful plan that is destined to create sufficient Light to not just contain the dark forces, but also prevent them from advancing their plan for global domination. They cannot achieve their goal without being able to control you, and for this purpose they have virtually taken over all of your media outlets. However, the communications between each other and particularly through your Internet, have ensured there is some balance between the contrived news and the truthful facts. Your politicians with few exceptions have forgotten their oaths to serve you, and your leaders have become the minions of the dark forces known as the Illuminati. They control your lives even if you are unaware of it, and would totally enslave you if it were possible. However, their power is waning, and we of the Galactic Federation working with our allies have prevented them from achieving success. Their power structure is falling apart as they find so much opposition to their plans, and they cannot stop it growing and ultimately bringing about their downfall .... Absolutely nothing shall prevent your release from the dark forces...." The full text of the Sirian SaLuSa's 18.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 19th August 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Over the past few weeks a grand struggle has continued. This conflict involves the final few elements that can effectively transfer power from the dark cabal to our Earth allies. Until then, the dark remains in charge of this fading reality. Our Earth allies comprehend and accept this. Thus, what remains to be done takes on great urgency. Many new possibilities have been negotiated and put into place. Now these final and most daring maneuvers need to be executed by our Earth allies. We stand with them and encourage them to implement these strategies that can bring down the present lofty power of the cabalists. To prepare for these moves we have informed selected governments of what is now required of them. These 'warnings' are yielding the intended results, and many governments are preparing for the worst while nonetheless hoping for a way out. Upon completing these last steps our Earth allies can at last grasp the breakthroughs they have so long pursued. The deliveries and announcements can then follow .... The cabal's Machiavellian tactics are almost at an end; yet, to the casual observer, nothing seems to have changed. However, much, both overt and hidden, has indeed happened. The special order of the Illuminati is starting to break down as critical power shifts move the source of Illuminati control from one group to another. The current global economic, political, and military crises are examples of this. There is also a covert struggle going on over a new monetary and financial system, which, as you know, lies at the heart of the Earth allies' mission. A broad-based, international alliance has formed, which is helping our Earth allies to edge forward against the last cabal. This confrontation between Light and dark is heightened by the more overt one going on between those various groups still in bed with the last cabal, and such open warfare stokes even further the world's already high levels of chaos. It is this escalating confusion that acts as a smokescreen for what the dark plans to do next. The cabalists want to crush our Earth allies and force us to abandon the first contact mission. This objective is a pipe dream! The momentum of the divine plan in this realm forever negates any possibility of these dark dreams coming to fruition! The new reality being birthed radiates Light and abundance, and, above all, heralds full consciousness. A long era of manipulated limited consciousness is being replaced by an environment in which humanity manifests its potential and creates a realm of joy and fulfillment. This is the opposite of what the Illuminoids want. These life-affirming elements are being set up as a result of Heaven's massive shifting of the consciousness of your world. It is a divine operation that is making first contact possible. Our present role is to dispatch the last obstacles to first contact in a manner preapproved by Heaven. Then, at the right moment, we are to come and formally introduce ourselves to you. This is what we are now in the midst of. We intend to complete our agenda, end the 'UFO' cover-up, and proceed swiftly with first contact. It is essential that you as a people move beyond the millennia-long xenophobia that is so openly encouraged in your religious philosophies and 'recorded' history. You have long had close associations with so-called extraterrestrials, or ETs. These interactions include your former overloads, the Anunnaki; various groups from the dark Anchara Alliance; and a Sirian-based coalition from the Galactic Federation. These groups played a significant role in the development of your present civilization. Indeed, the mythologies of ancient Greece, Rome, India, and China, as well as those of the peoples of the Americas and Oceania, are full of stories that confirm this fact. Celestial intervention is the norm, and the present time is not as anomalous as your governments would have you believe. Acknowledgement in some countries of UFO cases long sequestered by your governments is a sign that this decades-long cover-up cannot last much longer. As these things become known, our more frequent appearance in your day and night skies can lead only to the logical fact that you are not alone. Our next step is to offer more dramatic proof that we are here, that we are benevolent, and that we are ready to carry out a first contact. Let us state at this point that we are breaking no so-called 'law of non-interference'. This notion is born of a fear-filled mindset that wishes to invalidate our presence .... Much of what we are doing on this mission is unprecedented. In effect, our role has become that of a restricted, benevolent overlord of your world. Only if necessary can we intervene directly and at a moment's notice. In the main we work with our Earth allies according to the allowances of Heaven. However, your despair and frustration have lingered on for far too long! Covertly, actions are being taken to remedy this. During all this your dark ones continue to keep up a 'space going' technology, one that can easily solve your major energy and environment-destroying difficulties. Keeping you in the dark about these technologies is, to us, totally insane! Another oddity is the manipulation of currencies to accumulate wealth. These crazy games have all gone on well past the time for them to be changed .... The dark knows that 'the jig is up'! Heaven has begun to involve you in a new game: it is called full consciousness and brings an end to all limitation. The dark needs to stand aside and graciously renounce the old game that is in any case being discontinued by the decrees of Heaven. Shortly the dark's envoys will abandon this lost cause ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 19.08.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 20th August 2008, the Venusian, called Ker-On, spoke again on behalf of The Galactic Federation: "There are massive changes to come, and the pressures of making time for everything you wish to do will cease. You will be entering a period of release from the demands upon your time. The daily grind will be replaced by a more relaxed and satisfying experience, one that allows for your own desires without imposing other restraints upon you. As a society you need the wheels to turn freely and do exactly what you feel best suited to do. No square pegs in round holes, but people offering help to the best of their ability. Doing what is satisfying and working with others who share your enthusiasm. Providing the planet what is needed to clear away the dross and pollution of ages past, and creating a new Earth that is one of beauty and balance throughout. You have become so used to working in stressful circumstances, you will take a while to learn to relax and enjoy what you are doing. You all have something to offer, otherwise you would not be here in these end times to both witness and experience the changes. Many of you have hidden talents that you have not been able to express, but this will change very soon. We know what you can do and for us it is like reading a book, your book of life. However, remain patient, as there are matters to be taken care of before the decks are cleared and a new start made. We are looking at months rather than years before the big event of First Contact takes place. Meantime the floodgates are beginning to open, as the truth about us is coming out from many quarters .... The dark forces have such a limited view of life, and their consciousness is compressed into a small space surrounded by dark energy. Their Light is dim although eternal, and they feel nothing of the higher energies that now pervade the Earth. They act out their lives with a sole focus on their desire for power. That will gradually ebb away as its food of life is fear, and people are breaking out of its vicious web of deceit and lies. The Light is shining into the darkest places and there will be nowhere for the dark ones to hide. The truth will remain forever, and as you desire to know more it shall be revealed. Our coming will enable a sifting out of what you have been told, and only the truth shall remain ...." The full text of the Venusian Ker-On's 20.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 22nd August 2008, the Sirian, Atmos, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "Many people feel that changes are around them, and cannot understand what is taking place. They feel the new energy permeating everything on Earth, as literally things are no longer as they used to be. There are subtle changes and also more obvious ones that are at a physical level. The cleansing of Earth is under way, and the more immediate evidence is the movement within its crust. The changes are necessary to accommodate the vision of the new Earth, and clear away the remnants of acts that have despoiled it. Mother Earth is well aware of what is needed, and unlike previous occasions when a cycle has ended this one will not be as destructive. What may seem to be random activity will nevertheless be controlled by us, and as safe as possible. We of the Galactic Federation can control the effect of Earth changes, so as to minimise the damage and direct the energies to where they will gently dissipate. Some incidents will be closer to populated areas, but again we will do all we can to protect them. You will not always be aware of our presence within your atmosphere, as our craft will be cloaked in invisibility or operating outside of it. Our technology can hold the energies produced by earthquakes, and direct them to safer areas to lessen their impact. Once we have open contact with you it will become easier for us, as we can work with you. People in any danger can be temporarily moved to other areas and returned when it is safe to do so, and this can then be carried out quite openly. Our cautious approach to meeting you comes from knowing the tactics of your dark forces. They would use our presence for their own ends, and we must therefore wait until they have been removed and in no position to interfere. That time approaches very rapidly, and everything is primed and ready to move into action. The size of your problems would overwhelm your services, which is why we are needed to immediately start programs that entail our joint cooperation. For us there is no challenge that we cannot handle, and it is through the sheer scale of our forces that we can call upon millions of craft and personnel. We hear you saying that if we are that powerful why don’t we come now, but that is not our way unless we are directed to do so by higher authorities than ourselves. As you may know, we have a deadline by which we must start contact with you, and that will be the only reason we shall arrive without giving you due notice. We know there is much confusion amongst some people as to the role we have played in your lives, and why we are here now. Man is so used to the greedy and materialistic approach to life, that he finds it hard to believe we come in peace and friendship without some ulterior motive. You have a survival instinct that makes you suspicious of us, and this is not helped by the negative image created by your media. Some of this has been deliberate to make you fearful of us, but your history will show that we have never caused an incident to justify such a reaction. Indeed, where our visits to Earth are recorded they often clearly show that we have given you help and guidance. In the background there are ancient stories of other extraterrestrials that have been connected with the dark forces, and of recent time you have the activities of the Greys. These are not members of our Federation, and although the Greys were allowed contact with you, that arose from the invitation received from your (US) Government some 70 years ago. Therefore to the average person who has heard of these stories, it is no wonder that there is some confusion. However, we have responsibility for you to ensure that the changes take place as planned, and that you are fully aware and prepared for Ascension. We do therefore protect you from interference by other Beings, who would otherwise see your planet as a desirable source of material wealth .... You will now understand the full reasons for our coming to Earth. It will be a most glorious and momentous occasion when we can formally meet you and your representatives, but by then they will be those dear souls who have worked for the Light and been elected as your new Government. Clearly we will have no dealings with your present one, that has several times refused our offer to bring an end to all wars and confrontations. They know us from our many past contacts, and have repeatedly rejected our offers to help achieve peace amongst all nations. I am Atmos from Sirius, and yes, we have been in contact with you for eons of time. Now it is time for us to announce ourselves, and you shall know before too long how we have walked your path of darkness with you. That experience is coming to completion for you, and a new wondrous path of great joy and happiness beckons ...." The full text of the Sirian Atmos's 22.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 25th August 2008, the Sirian, Ag-agria, spoke again on behalf of The Galactic Federation: "Matters on Earth give you cause for concern, yet you are in extremely exciting times. This is because you are so near to experiencing the changes that are going to alter the future of Mankind. The dark loses its power and control as the Light grows at an increasingly fast pace, and there must come a point where it suddenly breaks the stranglehold it has had on you. You are now rising up as one in your determination to put an end to the old regime. It has been recognised for what it is, and you are helping create the very energies that shall achieve your desires. This is also one of the reasons we are here and drawing closer to you all of the time. The dark forces refuse to see the dead end that they are facing, and their impregnable fortress is falling apart. Their defences are no longer reliable or secure and they fear the truth of their actions coming out. They know most certainly that the pressure is mounting for investigations into their activities. However, as hard as they try, they can no longer stem the floodwaters of truth reaching your ears. Their plans are not fulfilling their aims and it is even becoming apparent to them that they fight a lost cause. It means that having become weakened; they are more vulnerable to the efforts of our allies to unseat them. Be sure that with our help, the end of the dark forces is coming to the world, but first their authority must be taken away from them. It is in the West that there is such a slow acceptance of the need to change direction. The old ways have become ingrained for so long there is a reluctance to even consider another path. Come it must, and we shall answer your calls for peace if attempts are made to prevent our coming to Earth. We guide you where possible always respecting your freewill choice. However, the movement of the Lightworkers is spreading far and wide and acting as a wake up call, and it is bringing questions into people’s minds about their future. It is becoming clearer to so many more of you that Man cannot continue on his present path, without causing great chaos. It does not matter who you are or whether you support any particular set of beliefs, what is happening around you tells you that the time to halt these proceedings has come. The old ways do not satisfy Man’s hunger for knowledge or truth, and the falsehoods of years gone by are now being seen for what they are. You know of deliberate lies and deception to keep the truth from you, intended to allow the last cabal to secretly go ahead with their covert plans for world domination. Their plan has been bold and was near to success, but your hearts and minds have opened paths to the greater truths given you by us, and other heavenly messengers. We have kept a balance between the Light and the dark for a long time, but now the Light has been increased in its potency. The changes must now commence and the remaining obstacle is the removal of the last cabal. As your leaders we accord them a certain respect, but we have firmly made it clear that they must now hand over their positions to those appointed by the higher forces. They cannot remain in power, and one way or another shall be removed. The Light of America is to be carried by those souls who have come to Earth specifically for this time, and they are all well known to us. Indeed, some are now also becoming well known to you, and their Light is attracting a lot of attention. Their messages carry a new energy that is speaking of a new age, and it resonates with you who are also of the Light. You are sufficiently intuitive to identify those representatives who carry the Light, and by their words all shall know them .... Many options lay at our feet, but we of the Galactic Federation look to bring changes in with the least disruption to your lives. Matters on Earth are rather fragile at this time, as your Government plays its war games with your lives at stake. However, we mention that only to reveal how the dark forces are focussed only on their pursuance of power. The reality is that we are using our influence and knowledge of what is taking place, to ensure that matters are not allowed to get out of control. The game on Earth is quite serious inasmuch that you all play it out with full intensity. It is your created reality resulting from many lifetimes of conflict. Now it is time to draw it to a close, as it has served its purpose to awaken you to your true selves. The depths have been plumbed, but out of it you have discovered the path of Light that has revealed another way of life, the way of Light and Love. Up until now in this cycle, you have never reached out so far and found such a resolute determination to change the course of your lives. It was such a turn of events in the latter part of the last century that brought about your present experiences. These have shown you the way to leave the old behind, and move into the glory of the Light forever .... I am Ag-agria from Sirius, and emphasise that we come as your friends of long standing. We are not alien to your civilisation, but simply another physical humanoid that has developed and evolved beyond your present experience. In reality we are no different at all, and are identical at a soul level ...." The full text of the Sirian Ag-agria's 25.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 26th August 2008, the Pleiadian called Helena, who, under the aegis of The Galactic Federation, has particular responsibility for the North American continent, spoke again: "There is much good that is being accomplished with the return from the huge daily coverage of the Olympics. There is a lot of good information that is being distributed again now that there is more room for news. There will soon be a great deal of new information about the coming dramatic changes in the government of the United States. There will soon be a return to constitutional laws that hasn't been seen since the 1930s. It is most interesting that the constitution of the United States could be thwarted by those in political office for so many years,several decades. However, there will soon be a return to constitutional government. Much of our efforts will be to help the United States again become a real leader of freedom for its citizens as compared with the rest of the world. In addition, there will soon be the long-delayed development of new-energy devices that tap into the great energy of space, as we do here on this starship and its many shuttles. You are aware of this coming new-energy development as you and your group have been working for several years to commercialize the space-energy-tapping technology. We shall soon be there to help you in getting this technology made available for commercialization for your country ...." The full text of the Pleiadian Helena's 26.08.08 comments can be found in Lavar's section of the Starship Capricorn User Forum here. On the 26th August 2008, another Sirian, speaking on behalf of The Galactic Federation, said: "Everywhere, your world is in the middle of a great consciousness shift. This shift is propelling our Earth allies forward and making them confidant that their long-sought victory is near. Further bolstering their feeling of victory is the desperate way in which the dark cabal is tightening its hold on power, which is, of course, a panic reaction on their part. The cabalists can see the irreparable cracks starting to appear in their armor. This worries them and has caused them to seek reassurance from their American, European, and Asian counterparts. Despite being mollified, these dark ones remain leery of what is occurring on a small scale in the local and regional markets of the third world. Here, a movement for peace, freedom, and democracy is growing at grassroots level. Likewise, a similar movement has appeared locally in Europe and America. This alternative to their power is not going away. Despite numerous obstacles it continues to strengthen, with hopes of becoming a rival to the dark in the very near future. These localized movements are global in nature. The Internet brings them together and permits them to communicate in great detail what each of them is doing. These information-sharing missives have attracted the attention of our Earth allies who see these crusades as a source of support when the great changes in the economic and banking systems are formally announced. In the environment of the great changes these small-scale projects can grow, creating networks that can encourage what this new economic system was designed to promote. After all, the point of all this is to allow your global society to move from scarcity and want to prosperity and abundance .... What your science is starting to discover is that most of the anomalies that are punching holes in their respective areas of science are guides to a science of consciousness. This is leading to a paradigm that takes the nature of consciousness into account. In effect, your science is back in the time of Newton, figuratively speaking. Too much in too many fields of science no longer makes sense, and a total rethink is becoming mandatory. As we watch this we are happy to see the openness of many of your young investigators. They are proving that an 'unseen hand' is in effect and needs to be qualified in a whole new way. You need to look beyond the religiously inspired 'Big Bang' theory, the confused world of subatomic physics, and even the mumbo-jumbo realm that is genetics. Out of this confusion are arising the preliminaries for a new science that is much like our own. Our science goes beyond your present knowledge and is predicated on a true concept of consciousness. Consciousness is what you truly are: an interconnected living Soul, forged from the Love of the Creator. In addition, there is a special heavenly node. This living energy is directly formed from the very essence of Heaven. She is a director and is referred to in your literature by many names. Let us use the term your 'I Am Presence.' This special Being is you in the grand network of 'interconnectiveness' that is this divine universe. Both of these living wonders, your Soul and your 'I Am Presence,' come together to create who you are. As you grow in awareness of the Divine you come to see elementary truths that allow you to easily dissipate the illusions of this present reality of yours and glimpse the ways of the Divine. These brief 'aha' moments are merely a preview of what lies ahead. This is why many of you say that the 'spiritual veil' is growing thin. This new science of consciousness is maturing as many begin to produce works stating that this approach is a way to reconstitute the foundations of science so that the anomalies, now so prevalent, can be explained. This also opens up a way to integrate your new alternate philosophies of consciousness, thus creating a new range of beliefs more closely approximating what we have known from childhood. In this way we can more easily merge our knowledge with your own. The truth of what you truly are has been mercilessly kept from you, but now your grand search for the truth is busting open their less-than-divine egg! Once this most unwieldy Humpty Dumpty falls, nothing the dark does can restore it, and then the rest can unfold before you! It is truly time to manifest a new reality! When you, as a collective, outgrow the beliefs that define you, a wellspring of thought of unbelievable power surges up and begins a process of catharsis that eventually produces an imperative. Such a demand ended the 'cold war' on your world and, in ours, produced the divine dispensation that led to our present galactic peace. The intentions of the Divine are all-inclusive and, when touched, can produce what you call miracles. What is needed is to learn to quiet your inner consciousness and intertwine with the divine energy that is making you. In less than a nanosecond you are infused with this energy. Within it is a way to discover the truth of who you are. We call it 'JaTa Khan a' (Sirian for Creator's Soul essence). In it is found all that needs to be known .... Remember that in your grand union with who you are lie the secrets of all things. Using it, you can transform your world and revise the misplaced xenophobia used by the dark to deny our existence ...." The full text of The Galactic Federation's 26.08.08 comments can be found on Sheldan Nidle's site here. On the 27th August 2008, the Sirian, SaLuSa, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "If you ever sensed that matters were heading for a showdown this is the time. Politically speaking the dark does not want Obama to become your next President, and will try all manner of tricks to prevent him succeeding. There have already been three attempts to assassinate him, and even if he were to take power he would still be tightly controlled and not allowed the freedom that he would expect. However, the dark forces do not entirely have their own way, and we too can pull some strings. People sense that the outcome is most important to the future of the world, and apart from the diehard supporters who vote regardless of party policies, there is a move towards major changes. The prospect of opening up a new path that deals with the issues that dominate your political scene, is appealing to more voters than ever before. Around your earthly issues we ourselves are busy moving our allies into position, as we also have a vested interest in moving your energies into the right direction. Your input is needed to bring changes that will open up the opportunities for abundance and other benefits to be delivered to you. It all sits nicely balanced regardless of the attempts of the dark to lead you to believe otherwise. They confuse you and talk of Cold Wars and this is a diversion from their real aims, as they continue to turn away attention from themselves. Dear Ones, nothing has changed in the way they work, and they continue to create situations that afford the opportunity to impose their plans upon you. Accept nothing that you are told without giving it some thought, and remember that you are considered to be easily fooled and led as you might say, up the garden path. Fortunately, there are many of you that can now see through the tactics used, and have the confidence to state your views publicly. With the recession hitting the Western countries, it is a good time to exalt the benefits of NESARA. You need major help to overcome the magnitude of the problems that are about to beset you. We are that help, but matters will have to be drawn out a little longer before we can enter the affray. We have foreseen these events, and they are not unusual bearing in mind that you approach the end of the cycle. It is quite normal to fully experience the result of your creations, and the reality that you have built around you. Your psychics pick up the potential for massive physical changes, but they will not all be played out apart from those essential to restoring Mother Earth. Be assured that we are totally aware of every likely change, and the more severe ones will not be allowed if they are a major threat to life. We have told you many times that we can hold off or diminish the effects of major changes caused for example by earthquakes. This brings us to the one predicted for October, and that will not take place in that time period. Whatever is essential and necessary to the cleansing of Earth, will largely occur after First Contact. In the event of a major occurrence we would direct or move your people to safe areas, and we cannot easily do that whilst your dark forces are in power. We bear in mind that the dark seize on natural changes as a means to create chaos, and will use their weaponry to cause what appear to be nature’s own ways of working. Again we follow such events to ensure that they do not result in a massive catastrophe, but there are times when we are not allowed to interfere. It will be totally different once we can openly appear on Earth, and we have plans to immediately take control of any likely act against Humanity. Our technologies have often been used to show the dark forces our capabilities, and they know we mean what we say from experience. We re-iterate that nuclear weaponry will not be allowed to be used, and we can quite easily prevent it from being activated .... Your whole solar system is being changed and your Earth is part of it. The Sun is changing and is the central player in what is taking place. You cannot avoid the end times, but those who opt out are entitled to move onto another path. In God’s Kingdom for 'many mansions' read 'many dimensions' and know that life abounds everywhere. The dark also know it, but reckon without the power of God and believe they can hold everyone else to ransom. They are in for a shock very soon, and their little world and ambitions will come tumbling down. They were never destined to succeed but have given people a rough ride. It is a paradox however, that through their machinations and oppressive behaviour, they have awakened the Light and Love within so many souls. Little did they realise that they have been used for the greater benefit of Mankind. They have been the major players in the dramas enacted upon Earth, and unknowingly have used every chance to show Man what his creations have led to through the resulting chaos and destruction ...." The full text of the Sirian SaLuSa's 27.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the 29th August 2008, the Sirian, Diane, spoke again for The Galactic Federation: "You are on your way, as you might say, to the Promised Land and it will far exceed your expectations. After all of the turmoil you have experienced with the prospect of Mankind entering a period of collapse, it will be so uplifting to be able to put the past behind you. You have moods of consciousness, and presently there is much despondency at the direction the world is heading. Yet within all of it a bright new dawn is emerging, that speaks of unity and a great coming together of all people. Changes are occurring all of the time, but hope is there that they will lead to new pathway that will put the past behind you. More people than ever are detaching themselves from the constant bombardment of negative news, and look to the emergence of new directions that will lead to emancipation. They desire a coming together with a common purpose, and in the U.S. the election of a new President is seen as a step in the right direction, but the old influences and control still remain. However, all is in a state of flux, and so many things are happening at the same time it is difficult for you to see the outcome. We know the direction it is heading into, and this is why we repeatedly tell you of your success. How often we have said that victory is yours, and this is why you should detach yourselves from the intentional fear-laden messages of your current leaders. We have an army of people who are working hard to bring the dark forces into the Halls of Justice, and it will be the last time they shall stand in the limelight. The dark deeds that they have perpetrated upon you will be revealed, and they are far more extensive than you can possibly imagine. People will find it hard to believe that they have been duped and misled for so many years, and that their future has not been in their own hands. You have been held back from what should have been a natural advancement out of the Dark Ages into the Light. They have orchestrated the continual ups and downs of life, and they have cared little about leaving you impoverished and in desperation. Now a different scenario is presenting itself, and many see that we of the Galactic Federation are the answer to your problems. We have contacted you with a view to helping you forward to a peaceful co-existence, and whilst your leaders have refused our help, you have responded positively. That has allowed us into your lives and we represent your best opportunity to change things on Earth. As your consciousness grows and the desire for our intervention becomes stronger, so we can respond and work with you to bring those changes about. We are the balancing force that offers you peace and happiness, whereas the ETs invited to Earth by your government were used to strengthen the hand of the dark forces. Technological advancements have been used to empower your military forces and not for the general good of Mankind. Now we take up the role of bringing into being far-ranging world changes that shall bring you all that has previously been denied you. The waste and misuse of your money and resources has taken place on a massive scale, when it could have been used for the general good of all people. The ever present problems of starvation and need for just the basic tools for survival could have easily been overcome, and these are all areas that we shall address very quickly. However, that cannot commence until we can openly meet with those who are to be appointed to carry you into the New Age. One most important factor will be the need to keep you informed of what is happening, and we are well equipped to do it. You can then participate with us, and in this way we shall soon gain your full approval and confidence. Michael (Quinsey) has been wondering whether we will endorse the prediction of a special sighting that is intended for the 14th October (2008), and we are more than happy to do so. However, always allow for changes where anything of this nature is concerned. Because it has been given to you some weeks in advance, it allows for a careful assessment of your reaction to the news. It also means that we can judge the impact upon your dark forces, and how they intend to respond. We cannot jeopardise the good work that has been done up to now, so we ask you all to accept at this stage the intent to bring our presence into the open. It will open people’s eyes and minds to our mission, and they shall see that we intend no harm to you. It will result in a call for your governments to interact with us, but of course that is not what they wish to do. They would rather ignore us and prevent any discourse with us that would take away their power over you. The UFO cover-up has gone on for so long, but now fools very few people. The disclosure of mountains of evidence is essential to the acceptance and safety of our craft and personnel, and it needs to be seen that we have interacted with you in a peaceful and non-interfering manner. We would like that to go further, and reveal the many occasions that we have contacted your officials on peaceful missions. There is still a mixed feeling about our intentions, but generally speaking we are accepted as being of no threat to you. The nearer we get to First Contact there will be fear mongering but we visualise that by then we shall have achieved our goal of being accepted. The messages we bring are going to call for a new look at your history, and many false concepts and beliefs will have to be released .... I am Diane from Sirius, and carry the feminine energy that is now predominant upon Earth, and will bring balance to you as the masculine energy has controlled your past often to your detriment. Great times together are coming closer, and we have so much to do that we will be so pleased when the formalities of getting together have taken place. We have studied Mankind for eons of time, and it is your emotional reactions that are so unpredictable. We do however believe that our approach over many years now, has paved the way for a peaceful and happy re-union. Indeed, it will be an occasion when you can interact with us, and you will know beyond doubt our intentions are honourable. The coming of the Masters to Earth will dispel much doubt regarding your religious beliefs, and the last barriers between people will be removed. You have lived with many drawbacks that have created separate societies, because you have not found a common purpose in your lives that has enabled you to come together. Dear Ones, everything is about to permanently change for the better, and the basis for it all has gradually been put into place over many years. Our presence has stimulated your minds, and you have understood the potential that was being placed before you. You correctly see yourselves in us, and we are linked from ages past when we were able to come to you in a more openly manner. Your true history will show that we have always travelled with you, and have influenced your progress in ways that have speeded up your evolution. It is no different now and we are ready to enable you to take the greatest step of all onto the path of Ascension. We accompany you with our love and caring to bring you happiness, and release from the thraldom of centuries of darkness and oppression ...." The full text of the Sirian Diane's 29.08.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. Many explicit messages have been received, in English, from the benevolent ETs in recent months. Eighty or ninety of these are compiled and linked on other pages of this blog here, here and here. They date from the middle of September 2007 to the present. An introductory guide to the kinds of extraterrestrials who have been actively involved in the evolution of Planet Earth and its cultures can be found here. And a well-informed synopsis of extraterrestrial theology is linked here. We deal at greater length with issues to do with ETs and the Higher Evolution on this page here. On Sunday 6th April 2008, what appeared at the time to be the final end-game meeting was convened at the US Supreme Court. It went on, with breaks, for more than twenty four hours. It became plain that four of the SCOTUS Justices had had their hands in the till again, and had attempted to purloin about 20% of the Farm Claims and other funds for their own use. Whether this was the Vatican Catholic Cabal (Roberts, Alito, Scalia and Thomas) or another combination of high-placed embezzlers was not leaked at this stage. More information please. One of the foci of the SCOTUS meeting was a legal assessment of US default on long-standing national financial commitments. A little known 75-year-old contract had expired on Friday 4th April 2008. It dated back to the Franklin Delano Roosevelt national bankruptcy scam in the 1930s (more details here, here and here). This and other documents indicated that the US was now in naked, complex and major default in a number of areas. Seizure of US corporate assets abroad, including residences, mines, oil fields, banks and military treasure, was an imminent possibility. There were papers on the table at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. On Monday 7th April 2008, indications began to emerge that Patrick Fitzgerald may have had a change of mind about caving-in to the Bush-Cheney-Roberts demands. In Washington DC, the screeching of U-turns was plainly heard along the corridors of power. Violinio Germain, or one of his team, had obviously been whispering in a couple of ears and courage has been rescrewed to its sticking place. Fitzgerald's team were reported to be confused and demotivated by his twists and turns, but the messy work went on. The conspirators who had been promised pardons and legal immunities a day or two earlier were advised that their arrangements with Fitzgerald had fallen through due to higher pressures. There was nothing Fitzgerald could do about it, they were told; he had simply been overruled by the big boys. Actually, the decision was his - only the persuasion was theirs. About five thousand more arrests were on the active agenda, this figure being in addition to the eight or nine thousand arrests already made, internationally, in connection with the Citibank/Wanta/Paulson theft (more details here). The quiet, positive, behind-the-scenes work of Violinio Germain became better known to Americans during the 2007-8 political, financial and legal crisis in the USA. Germain was the Terrestrial Ascended Master most frequently associated with planning the world prosperity programmes involved in the global refinancing settlements and the NESARA reforms. And it was he who had, over the centuries, accumulated, structured and secured The Saint Germain World Trust. This fund contains deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion US dollars. The word quattuordecillion is sometimes spelled quatrodecillion. It means ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars. Or $1 with forty noughts after it. On the 3rd October 2007, Violinio Germain said: "I am St. Germain and will confirm that the great changes are well in motion. Nothing can stop their manifestation, but before they can take place there will be revelations that will shock people to the core. Anger will be unavoidable, but we plead with you not to allow it to cloud your judgement. True justice will not take place on Earth, but in the afterlife of those who have held you in bondage for so long." Violinio Germain works closely with the benign ETs cited higher up this page. He was known to Earth history as the Comte de Saint Germain and as the Master Rakoczi. And as the confidante and teacher of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, Violinio Germain was the Father of the American Republic. The full text of Violinio Germain's 03.10.07 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. Violinio Germain spoke again on the 11th April 2008: "You have had many lives on Earth, and each time those of the Light have brought with them a plan to uplift Man. The Lightworkers have made many sacrifices not least of all to give their lives for your betterment, and have been rewarded through their success seeing the Light breaking through everywhere. It is not difficult to look back and identify those to whom I refer, and whilst many have been in positions of leadership and power, some have quietly worked away without any desire for recognition. The Masters, including myself, have often immersed themselves in your vibrations so as to show you the way out. They have had a hand in all major events that have changed your world, and none more important as the signing of the Constitution. It was and still is a model for all those nations that aspire to turn to the Light. No achievements are without their setbacks, but once the Light is grounded it cannot be extinguished ...." The full text of Violinio Germain's 11.04.08 comments can be found on Mike Quinsey's site here. On the afternoon of Monday 7th April 2008, the trigger prosperity fund packages went out from the US Supreme Court for delivery. The primary courier for this work in America was Brink's, but some of the delivery work had been subcontracted to others. Vice President Dick Cheney then ordered Brink's not to deliver the packages and they were held in the carrier's New York vault overnight. This was part of a final attempt by Cheney to pressurise Fitzgerald into further concessions. Some days earlier, President George Bush Jnr had instructed Patrick Fitzgerald not to indict Hillary Clinton, and Fitzgerald had obeyed. Once again, the Special Prosecutor was shown to be susceptible to illegal senior Executive Branch manipulation. By this stage, Cheney was a beaten and exhausted man and on the verge of death from cardiac ill-health. All kinds of reverses had combined to sap his strength. On Monday 26th February 2007, three Special Forces teams had attempted to arrest Cheney while he was on an aircraft parked on the runway at Sydney International airport (Australia). He had only narrowly escaped. There was a firefight and three deaths were reported. Towards the end of November 2007, Cheney had been temporarily successful in corrupting the investigations of Provost Marshal Brigadier General Rodney Johnson into the Citibank/Wanta/Paulson theft. But when Johnson was found to have been taking unlawful instructions from Cheney, the World Court acted and Johnson was dismissed from his assignment by General George Casey, the USA Army Chief of Staff. On Wednesday 19th December 2007, in Washington DC, a major fire broke out in the Eisenhower Executive Office building, located near the West Wing of the White House. A Russian security source stated that there had been a firefight in the building between a USA military unit and a team of Secret Service Agents assigned to protect Dick Cheney. The entire building was evacuated, including those parts well away from the fire. The epicentre of the flames was on the second floor in the vicinity of the Vice President's ceremonial office. Cheney had these offices wired to act as a parallel White House. A duplicate and unlawful Emergency Alert System (EAS) was in place. The EAS is designed to enable the President of the United States to initiate an Emergency Action Notification (EAN). Here the President speaks to the people of the United States via all media links within 10 minutes of anything major happening - such as a real or fake alien invasion, or a tactical decision to impose martial law and close down public information flows and due-process media and legal scrutiny. The EAS has never been used. The fire/firefight in the Eisenhower Executive Office building destroyed Dick Cheney's parallel EAS. He himself was in another office in the White House West Wing at the time and was uninjured. But his ability to fake a Martial Law close-down from the Eisenhower building was permanently disabled. Subsequent Health and Safety inspection reports describing the charred wiring ensured that. At the end of December 2007, or the beginning of January 2008, at the time that Henry Paulson was assassinated, five of Dick Cheney's closest aides were shot dead. On Thursday 3rd January 2008, President George Bush Jnr was confronted verbally with the death of Henry Paulson at a meeting. "That's a lie," Bush responded. "Well, produce him." "I can't, he's sick." "Yes, dead men are usually sick before they die." "Can you produce the five Cheney assistants who have been shot?" "No." Henry Paulson had been assassinated by a Russian special operations unit, whose colleagues had also put the severed horse's head in George Bush's bed at Crawford on Christmas Day 2007. By the weekend of 5th / 6th January 2008, the Bush White House had taken a tactical decision to pretend that Henry Paulson was not dead, and to prosecute this pretence in the media. A combination of library video footage, computer-generated imagery, holographic projection techniques, Paulson clones, and an articulate financial lookalike called Edward Lazear would be used to sustain the fiction of Henry Paulson's continued public presence. Cheney couldn't do this with his aides, so he was forced to manage without them. Incredibly, also, one of the actual Dick Cheney clones had been shot dead at the beginning of January 2008, but another was produced within a week by the Camp David clone labs in Maryland. Two months later, the clone labs were busy again. In the early days of March 2008, just before Admiral William Fallon resigned as Commander of US Central Command, the particular Bush-clone who had been threatening him was removed and terminated with a single gunshot to the head. A different lookalike clone replaced him in the presidential rotation. It is emerging that what the American electorate regards as single individuals called George Bush, or Dick Cheney, or Hillary Clinton are no such things. They are mind-controlled clone-entities, and there are several of each of them functioning at any one time. Usually only one is kept in circulation for public eyes while the others are held in sleeper cells for cosmetic adjustment, rest and re-programming. More information about the use of human clones in American political management can be found here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here. By the time April 2008 came round, Dick Cheney had run out of viable options to retain power. His interruption of the prosperity package deliveries was intended to compel Patrick Fitzgerald to grant him legal immunity from prosecution for Treason and embezzlement. He was playing his last card. Fitzgerald dithered for a few hours early on Tuesday 8th April 2008 but, in the end, due to the robust interventions of others, Cheney was unsuccessful in his machinations. The Basel II Global Banking reforms were finally implemented in the USA one minute after midnight on Sunday 13th April 2008. Acting as an agent for the Crown Temple in London, Alan Greenspan, was said to be attempting to set up a Swiss-controlled Central Bank in the USA. By the second week of April 2008, President George Bush Jnr was looking dangerously isolated. The future was being constructed around him by others. Even those in his immediate entourage could no longer see anything but serious personal, political, corporate and national disadvantage in Bush's continuing delay and blocking tactics with regard to the release of the Farm Claims, Wanta and NESARA global prosperity funds. There was the real possibility that further delays would irreparably crash the American banks, starting with Citibank. The Wanta-related $4.5 trillion held in a suspense account at Citibank, was structured as a facilitating loan from the Crown Temple in London. It could be recalled and relocated to Europe at any time. This was now explicitly threatened. Citibank faced total ruin and the other American banks would follow it down the vortex in a tumble of illiquid dominoes. Executive Branch senior advisors and cabinet members began to distance themselves from Bush's actions, and through various intermediaries let Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald know that they were doing so. On Thursday 10th April 2008, there was a conference call between the Chief Executive Officers of all the large American banks and several key fund trustees. The purpose of the link-up was to coordinate simultaneous release of the funds. On Thursday 10th April and Friday 11th April 2008, the USA Supreme Court was placed on a total security lockdown. A series of credible and well-coordinated death threats against the Justices had been received, and they now needed to expedite the necessary meetings and paperwork to get the fund releases implemented. Liquid fear ran in the pipes. At 11.30am on Friday 11th April 2008, China implemented a crucial $2.0 trillion transaction involving long-negotiated American Treasury paper. This broke the fund-release logjam. The 160 Country Financial Representatives left the USA on the evening of Thursday 10th April and the morning of Friday 11th April 2008. They had been waiting in New York hotels and residencies since the first week of March 2008 to take economic delivery of funds for their own countries which would be released as soon as Lee Wanta received his $4.5 trillion from Citibank and Morgan Stanley. President George Bush Jnr was now looking at a one-way exit out of public life. In March 2008 he had personally arranged payment of a sum of $500 million (five hundred million USA dollars) to the leadership of the Albanian mafia. This was to pay for protection, security and surveillance of his Paraguay bolt hole. In the autumn of 2006, the Bush family had purchased a one hundred thousand acre ranching estate at Paso de Patria, located over the Guarani aquifer in northern Paraguay. They first got to know about this ranch through their drug-running activities in the area in the nineteen eighties and nineties. Located near the border with Brazil and Bolivia, the estate offered a range of covert entry and escape routes. Private meetings and arrangements with Paraguay's president, Nicanor Duarte, indicated that there would be no political difficulties with the Bush residence and its security. Previous generations of hideaway Nazis related to the Busche family had found security and staffing difficult in South America for cultural reasons. The locals were more casual and Latin than obsessive and Germanic. They were often high on chewed coca leaves and other rain forest psychotropins, and they had a habit of taking unannounced holidays in the jungle or the mountains for family reasons. Imported Albanians mobsters were likely to keep things in better order. The Albanians would staff the ranch and its perimeter, launder the Bush family gold hordes held in Paraguay and Uruguay, police the drug distribution channels, provide English-speaking prostitutes of all ages from London and, if necessary, manage secure conduits back to Europe where they had control of the extensive cave and tunnel systems under the Albanian and Macedonian mountains. Bush family agents had worked closely with the Albanians for twenty years in Kosovo and knew them to be ruthlessly reliable if the money was right. But there were three problems with the Bushes' endgame plan for their Paraguay Lebensraum. First, had Russian intelligence got to the Albanian mafia first? Was another severed horse's head waiting for George at Paso de Patria? It was known that the Russians had been assiduously courting schismatic elements within the Albanian underworld in the two years leading up to the 17th February 2008 Declaration of Independence, when the former Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija unilaterally metamorphosed itself into the Republic of Kosovo, against Russian and Serbian wishes. Second, sometime between Sunday 13th April 2008 and Wednesday 16th April 2008, the Bush family's stolen American gold in Paraguay and Uruguay was traced, found and retrieved. The Bushes would never be able to access it again or use it as collateral for stealth trades. Third, by April 2008, the political situation in Paraguay was beginning to volatilise after decades of dictatorial stability. The Patriotic Front for Change coalition was on the move. Fernando Lugo, a bearded, left-leaning, dissentient Roman Catholic ex-bishop won Paraguay’s Presidential election on the 20th April 2008, decisively upsetting the sixty-year human rights horror-rule of the right wing Colorado Party. Lugo had been actively opposed by the Vatican, ostensibly because of his enthusiasm for Liberation Theology and its spiritual objective of subverting the Paraguayan elite status quo. He was also a powerful and popular advocate of land reforms. In Paraguay, less than two per cent of the population owns more than ninety per cent of the land, and forty per cent of the population lives in poverty. "We have 300,000 families without land and they have the constitutional right to own the soil they live on," Lugo insisted. If the Bush family had made arrangements with Nicanor Duarte, it was unlikely that Fernando Lugo would continue them. Back in Washington, things were getting fractious as China piled on new pressures. At 11.30am on Friday 11th April 2008, a sum of $2.0 trillion was paid by America to China in the form of US Treasury instruments. This settled an old argument and further loosened the logjam blocking the Wanta, Farm Claims and global prosperity funds. Frantic efforts were made to suppress the emerging news that the main creditors of the 1933 American bankruptcy were the Vatican in Rome, the Crown Temple in London, and the international Zionist-allianced bankers in Europe, particularly Zurich. It was these creditors who controlled the Corporate United States (Washington DC) and their Admiralty courts, and it was these creditors who had been bleeding the American people white for seventy five years. The creditors' private collection agency was shown to be the US Inland Revenue Service (IRS) and the creditors' piggy bank for three quarters of a century had been the US Federal Reserve. Into this maggot broth shuffled the geriatric figure of Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI). Ratzinger's head had been used as a battering ram by the Jesuits for several decades. He arrived in the USA on the 15th April 2008, to meet the new Bush clone for the first time. Ratzinger had done business before with the previous clone - the drunken, coke-snorting, warmongering Bush - and had shared many of its instincts for manipulation and covert control. But that Bush clone had been terminated just before the Fallon resignation in March 2008, and Ratzinger wanted to make the acquaintance of the new front man. The Pope had just failed in an attempt to lay claim to a large tranche of the prosperity funds. He was reported as saying to close colleagues: "The little people cannot handle this money properly, but the Church can." Ratzinger's audacious money grab had to be sorted out at the World Court in The Hague and was responsible for more serious delays in the global refinancing settlements. In the end, Rome was forced to climb down and The Holy Father reluctantly agreed to a $2.0 trillion settlement. This sum was paid from US citizens' tax receipts. President George Bush Jnr signed the papers. Speaking to one group in Washington on Thursday 17th April 2008, the Pope said: "If the peasants think they are going to get this money, they have another think coming. It will never happen." He was not talking about the $2.0 trillion; he was referring to the global prosperity funds in general. Apart from money and child abuse, the twin policy foci of the Pope's American visit in the middle of April 2008, Ratzinger was also keen to learn if promises about the availability of a bunker hideaway for himself and the Roman Curia in the USA still stood. When the extreme unction hit the fan, he and his cronies would need to get out of Rome fast. The previous Bush clone had given him hospitality assurances on this score. Ratzinger returned to Rome disappointed. Washington DC was furious about the Pope's untimely greed and the new Bush clone and its minders made it clear to the Pontiff that the bunker option was now closed. At around the same time, in the middle of April 2008, there was an attempt by Patrick Fitzgerald and others to wire all or part of the US Marshall Plan money to Zurich. Why this was attempted is not clear. More information please. The theft was reported and the funds were repatriated to the US Treasury. On Friday 16th May 2008, a $14 trillion sum of money belonging to China was moved into Citibank. It was then illegally moved offshore by Madame Wu Yi. Acting in personal Ming family interests, she put out the cover story that John Glover Roberts, Alan Greenspan and Dick Cheney had attempted to steal the funds, had failed and had been taken into custody. Her intention was to split the money between herself and George Bush Jnr, each party taking $7 trillion each. Upon discovery, Madame Wu Yi was sent home to China to face interrogation and execution. The Green and the Red Secret Societies were thought to be waiting for her at the airport. The main creditors of the 2008 American bankruptcy, apart from the Crown Temple in London and the Vatican in Rome, were the Chinese. By May 2008, the total sum which the US owed China was thought to be not less than $100 trillion. In the third week of May 2008, the indication was that the Chinese were about to foreclose. Madame Wu Yi had had the ICJ Writ of Execution in hand. When this was actioned, it was likely that among other disposals in the Energy, Armaments and Pharmaceutical sectors, ten or twenty of the biggest American banks and their international assets would pass into Chinese ownership. On Thursday 12th June 2008, the US Supreme Court delivered an Opinion in the case of Lakhdar Boumediene v. George W. Bush, President of the United States, et al ((Nos. 06-1195 and 06-1196; 476 F. 3d 981, reversed and remanded). The Opinion enunciated gave detainees at Guantánamo Bay access to the US courts for the first time. This reversed an earlier judgment by the US Court of Appeals. In delivering the Opinion of the US Supreme Court, Justice Anthony Kennedy said: "Because our nation's past military conflicts have been of limited duration, it has been possible to leave the outer boundaries of war powers undefined. If, as some fear, terrorism continues to pose dangerous threats to us for years to come, the court might not have this luxury. The laws and Constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times. Liberty and security can be reconciled; and in our system they are reconciled within the framework of the law. In some of these cases six years have elapsed without the judicial oversight that habeas corpus or an adequate substitute demands .... While some delay in fashioning new procedures is unavoidable, the costs of delay can no longer be borne by those who are held in custody. The detainees in these cases are entitled to a prompt habeas corpus hearing." This Opinion dealt a body blow to the hegemony of the Roman Catholic cabal at the US Supreme Court, which had been straining every sinew to keep the illegal Guantánamo Bay arrangements in place for the White House. John Glover Roberts, Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas voted as a bloc against the Opinion, but they were outnumbered 5-4 and the majority view of the other Justices defeated them. Full details of the case can be found here. Habeas corpus is the freedom from being thrown in prison illegally, with no help, no end in sight and no due process. The Latin phrase 'habeas corpus' means 'you have the body'. Prisoners often seek release by filing a petition for a writ of habeas corpus. Such a writ is a judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody. A habeas corpus petition is a petition filed with a court by a person who objects to his own or another's detention or imprisonment. The petition must show that the court ordering the detention or imprisonment made a legal or factual error. Habeas corpus petitions are usually filed by persons serving prison sentences. Until the 12th June 2008, habeas corpus was denied to the inmates at Guantánamo Bay. In effect, what the Bush White House had done was to assume the sole power to call someone an enemy, wave its hand, and lock that person away indefinitely. The SCOTUS Opinion was therefore a stinging rebuke to Bush-Cheney's anti-terror policies and to the fascist influence of the Roman Catholic Justices placed there for the convenience of the US Executive Branch. On Friday 13th June 2008, President George Bush Jnr was in Paris. He believed himself to be at imminent risk of arrest because of his continuing blocking of the Global Refinancing Settlements and the NESARA reforms. The President placed an urgent telephone call through to Dick Cheney in Washington. It was a conference call which included John Glover Roberts at the US Supreme Court. According to Christopher Story's paraphrase (here), part of the exchange ran as follows: Bush: "I have to pay or I’ll be arrested." Cheney: "That’s your problem. You gave me a Power of Attorney two months ago to handle these financial matters and I’ll do as I like." Cheney then asked Roberts to confirm that he (Roberts) held the Power of Attorney. Roberts confirmed this. Bush: "I have to see The Queen and Brown tomorrow and they’ll want to be certain we’ve paid, or either they won’t let me go, or I’ll be arrested on arrival back home." Cheney: "I can prove to you that no-one will touch you." If this report is accurate, the legal signifiers are alarming. While in post, and at a time of war, the 43rd President of the United States has signed over his Power of Attorney to another in the full knowledge of the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court. Why was this done? Was the President of unsound mind? Is he now still the de jure President or is he only the de facto President? Was Congress consulted? And why have the American people not been informed? The President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States. How can George Bush Jnr be Commander-in-Chief when he does not even command his own personal estate? And by which law does the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court legitimate this irregularity? On Monday 11th August 2008, John Glover Roberts, the seventeenth Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, was caught by US security agents trying to gain unlawful access to the global prosperity funds due to be released in connection with the NESARA process. Source here (11.08.08). Roberts attempted to do this using out-of-date wire transfer codes obtained from the sacked Chinese and Japanese ambassadors (Zhou Wenzhong and Ichiro Fujisaki). These ambassadors to the US had been relieved of their duties during the week beginning 21st July 2008. They were arrested in Washington by security personnel specially flown in from their own countries. Sources here (29.07.08), here (30.07.08) and here (06.08.08). Having failed to access the global prosperity funds from his offices in the US Supreme Court, Roberts then went over to the US Treasury and, later on Monday 11th August 2008, moved a sum of $3 trillion into a bank account in Dubai bearing his personal name. On the same day, Roberts supervised the transfers of other large sums of US money from the US Treasury to Dubai. These totalled in excess of $10 trillion and were credited to accounts held in the names of Dick Cheney, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and various senior US Treasury officials. Source here (11.08.08). On Tuesday 12th August, Wednesday 13th August and Thursday 14th August 2008, John Glover Roberts again illegally blocked the delivery of four thousand international prosperity fund trigger packages. Source here (14.08.08). The previous week, Roberts had been instructed by international law enforcement authorities to release the packages from the vaults of the Supreme Court by noon on Friday 8th August 2008 at the latest. Source here (07.08.08). On Thursday 14th August 2008, John Roberts, realising that military and international law enforcement authorities were moving against him irresistibly, attempted to assemble a plea-bargain in order to obtain immunity from prosecution. He provided the investigators with detailed incriminating papers and electronic files which implicated George Bush Jnr, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, several Senators and Congressmen and various senior personnel at the US Justice Department and the US Supreme Court. John Roberts was thanked for his information, but was denied legal immunity. Roberts then threatened to burn all the prosperity packages in every program and thus prevent Brink's from delivering them. On the afternoon of Monday 18th August 2008, the military and international law enforcement authorities, learning of Roberts' incendiary threats, removed the four thousand prosperity fund trigger packages from the vaults of the US Supreme Court. Source here (18.08.08). By the third week of August 2008, it was thought highly unlikely that John Glover Roberts would be able to stay in post at the Supreme Court. His fingerprints were all over a slew of incriminating papers, wire logs and the altar linens of Mammon's Black Mass. Published sources: Text of 1787 American Constitution here; Text of American Bill of Rights here; Criminal Government.com here; USA vs US here; American Patriot Friends Network here, here and here; Save-a-patriot.org here; Maine-Patriot.com here; USA-the-republic.com here; FoundingFathers.info here; Solutions in Commerce here; Republic Broadcasting Network here; Benjamin Fulford here; Rense.com here; Deoxy.org here; Salon.com here; Barefoot's World here; Casper Updates here (18.03.08), here (19.03.08), here (19.03.08), here (20.03.08), here (20.03.08), here (20.03.08), here (21.03.08), here (21.03.08), here (24.03.08), here (25.03.08), here (25.03.08), here (27.03.08), here (29.03.08), here (31.03.08), here (31.03.08), here (01.04.08), here (03.04.08), here (04.04.08), here (05.04.08), here (06.04.08), here (07.04.08), here (08.04.08), here (09.04.08), here (10.04.08), here (11.04.08), here (13.04.08), here (13.04.08), here (14.04.08), here (15.04.08), here (16.04.08), here (16.04.08), here (18.04.08), here (21.04.08), here (22.04.08), here (24.04.08), here (27.04.08), here (29.04.08), here (30.04.08), here (01.05.08), here (02.05.08), here (05.05.08), here (06.05.08), here (06.05.08), here (07.05.08), here (11.05.08), here (17.05.08), here (19.05.08), here (20.05.08), here (22.05.08), here (22.05.08), here (23.05.08), here (26.05.08), here (27.05.08), here (30.05.08), here (31.05.08), here (01.06.08), here (04.06.08), here (05.06.08), here (06.06.08), here (07.06.08), here (09.06.08), here (10.06.08), here (12.06.08), here (13.06.08), here (16.06.08), here (20.06.08), here (24.06.08), here (27.06.08), here (04.07.08) and here (06.07.08), here (10.07.08), here (12.07.08), here (15.07.08), here (17.07.08), here (20.07.08), here (21.07.08), here (22.07.08), here (23.07.08), here (25.07.08), here (27.07.08), here (28.07.09), here (29.07.08), here (30.07.08), here (31.07.08), here (06.08.08), here (07.08.08), here (11.08.08), here (14.08.08), here (17.08.08), here (18.08.08), here (19.08.08), here (20.08.08), here (20.08.08), here (20.08.08), here (23.08.08), here (26.08.08), here (26.08.08) and here (27.08.08); FourWinds10.com key article links here (regularly updated); here (March 2008), here (March 2008), here (24.03.08), here (26.03.08), here (30.03.08), here (31.03.08), here (03.04.08), here (05.04.08), here (06.04.08), here (07.04.08), here (08.04.08), here (12.04.08), here (15.04.08), here (14.05.08), here (16.05.08), here (16.06.08) and here (20.07.08); Wikipedia here, here, here , here and here; The Alcuin and Flutterby Blog and its link hubs here and here; Total Truth Sciences here (21.03.08); Washington Post here (30.09.05), here (29.10.05) and here (26.03.08); The Observer (London) here (12.02.06); The Guardian (London) here (23.10.06); BBC (London) here (16.03.07) and here (21.04.08); Baltimore Sun here (20.03.08); The Southern Illinois Local here (27.03.08); Share International Magazine here (April 2008); News With Views here (06.04.08); Upside Down World (Latin America) here (10.04.08); Global Politician Magazine here (12.04.08); Christopher Story's Global Analysis News Announcements here (12.04.08), here (17.04.08), here (09.05.08), here (15.05.08), here (23.05.08), here (26.05.08), here (06.06.08), here (10.06.08), here (18.06.08), here (20.06.08), here (25.06.08), here (27.06.08), here (15.07.08), here (12.08.08), here (14.08.08), here (16.08.08), here (18.08.08), here (19.08.08) and here (27.08.08); Poof Reports here (19.04.08) and here (27.04.08); Reuters here (20.04.08) and here (12.06.08); Al Jazeera here (21.04.08); The Intelligence Daily here (26.04.08); News from The West Blog here (16.05.08); Associated Press here (12.06.08); Cornell University Law School Library here (12.06.08); The Blog of Legal Times here (12.06.08). Links to other published sources are embedded in the text, or detailed under separate headings below. .......................................................... The American Constitutional Conspiracy: Courts Colluding With White House to Avoid Accountability The Statutes at Large for the United States of America (and a related pdf here) The Bankruptcy of the United States Federal Reserve Notes are not Legal Tender Why FRNs ('dollar bills') are not lawful money dollars (pdf document) Who Owns the Federal Reserve? Tracing the Rothschild connections from London Open letter to agents of The Crown Temple The Treason of American BAR attorneys exposed The United States is still a British colony A documentary review of charters and treaties Treason in Government! Admiralty on Land!! Where's the Water? Washington DC's illegal subversion of the Republic of the United States of America and its Constitution JFK vs The Federal Reserve Anthony Wayne sketches in the financial background of President John Kennedy's assassination in 1963 The Articles of Confederation of the USA (15th November 1777) say that each state shall retain its sovereignty Each state of the USA retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled. China and India invited to join David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission Benjamin Fulford describes a desperate new round of Illuminati infighting (09.06.08) Scalia cites false information in habeas corpus dissent Marjorie Cohn explains that when US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in his dissent in Boumediene v. Bush that at least thirty released Guantanamo prisoners have returned to the battlefield, his claim was false. Kucinich's July 4th message: "Help me restore the rule of law in America" On the 4th July 2008, Dennis Kucinich released an Independence Day message which invoked the words of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address to urge support for impeachment and the restoration of the rule of law in the USA. University blogger sacked for criticising corrupt Alabama judges Roger Shuler describes the Republican political hit he took from Pam Powell at the University of Alabama .......................................................... Roman Churchianity needs to confess Benjamin Fulford on the central lies of Romanism (27.03.08) BishopAccountability.org Documenting the abuse crisis in the Roman Catholic Church Adolfo Nicolás and Jesuit Black Magic The Black Pope and Lucifer .......................................................... Maybe try Romanism? My name is God and these are My instructions The unwisdom of belief The Extraordinary Rendition of President George Bush Jnr The Decapitation of Darkside America Bush White House begins to disintegrate NESARA announcements expected The American-led worldwide banking crisis of 2007-8 Dershowitz silent on absence of Holocaust proof The opening of Pandora's suitcase The bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton Lost nation Index of blog contents Spirituality websites worth watching Labels: Crucifixion of Chief Justice John Glover Roberts, John Roberts, Patrick Fitzgerald, Roman Catholicism, Romanism, St Germain, The opening of Pandora's suitcase, USA Supreme Court POSTED BY ALCUIN BRAMERTON AT 12:44 3 COMMENTS: Anonymous said... "Signed includes any symbol excuted or adopted by a party with present intention to authenticate a writing. UCC 1-201(39) 6:10 AM Anonymous said... Dear A&F, Several years ago I was doing legal research on the Statute at Large for the united States of America. The Congress beginning in 1873 to 1875 devoted their entire sessions on creating a new country called the "UNITED STATES". All U.S.of A laws are published in the Statutes at Large for the united States of America which covers all work done by congress for that session. All volumns are clearly marked on the spine and front of each volumn. From 1873 to 1875 when Congress created the "UNITED STATES", all of the new laws for that country were published in the Statute at Large for the UNITED STATES not the united States of America. Prior to 1873 all laws were published in the Statutes at Large for the u.S.of A and all laws after 1875 were published in the Statutes at Large for the u.S.of A. The 1873 to 1875 statutes was the beginning of the U.S.Code, the code they use as the law even to this day. This is how they circumvent the real Constitution by using the U.S. Code and claiming it conforms to the Constitution, but they do not even come close. All Congress has to do is amend one of the U.S. Codes and call it good, it never gets published in the Statutes at Large for the u.S.of A. Very clever how the minions of satan can get around the laws that are there to protect the people from the very thing they are doing. 2:02 AM Anonymous said... Would you please make new articles instead of updating the same articles over and over. As a result the RSS feed is not really all that useful, because it never shows you anything new. 4:10 AM POST A COMMENT << Home ABOUT ME ALCUIN BRAMERTON Alcuin Bramerton is a human being seeking to operate happily in the post-religious world. The New Spirituality interests him. His friend, Flutterby, is not in physical incarnation on the Earth-plane at present, but he advises Alcuin on spiritual matters. And there is a lot happening. Unreported by the mainstream media, a man in a grey suit is standing by the yoghurt shelves in a supermarket in Cornwall. He is looking for morphine suppositories. This man is not the promised messiah. Coincidentally, at another remote location in southern England, a man with false teeth is eating a cheese soufflé for lunch. He bites on something hard. There is a second pair of false teeth in his cheese soufflé. This man is not the promised messiah either. Epiphanies of this kind illustrate how difficult it can be to determine the exact size of God in becquerels per cubic light year. But still the attempt is made. VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE PREVIOUS POSTS Mr Whistleblower on Wantagate The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton The Decapitation of Darkside America 2011 Agenda for Disclosure Images of the new US Amero coin being minted at De... Criminal collapse of Citibank and Morgan Stanley i... Bush White House begins to disintegrate The Bank Run begins in Europe Major Saudi attack on Israel planned Health issues ++++++++++++++++++ --------------------------------------- 1.15.2011 Great day to you all... This morning I read mean things again on two web sites. From T**L**H** MMM It's the same email just regurgitated, It's going for months..... Too sad the person is a pro blogger, I heard they are out in the middle on some place living in a trailer and about 70-80 years old.... if that is the case Okay I get it.... One item to mention is this person 's blogging is all the time on many blogs even legal pro's and the curious part is when you track the persons blogs they speak of everything we have been doing for the republic. This person constantly say's bad things when it comes to Tim Turner, they never send the attack toward anyone else... I recollect a business partner of mine having DREAMY EYES to the other partner, ruined everything we invested our time and money in including their own.... These individuals who set out to destroy others credibility, make me want to cry, instead I pray for love to them and ask they receive angelic guidance. When we fear the road ahead we have problems and think to much. Use your Heart it is the blood of life that pumps your being. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: Recent Good News Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 16:17:04 -0700 (PDT) From: Illinois Republic
To: Pete and Sherri Moake
Pete, This is very good new and I appreciate you sharing that with me. If you don't mind I will pass it along to or Jury members as I am very sure they would love to hear what you have discovered.
Thank You,
Sharon Anzaldi
Illinois Coordinator
P.S. Please make sure you listen to Thursday's call, we are suppose to hear exciting news.
--- On Wed, 9/8/10, Pete and Sherri Moake wrote:
From: Pete and Sherri Moake
Subject: Recent Good News
To: "Illinois Republic"
Cc: "john allen"
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 5:20 PM
Some pretty good news: all of this came to me first hand, no rumors. Share any or all of it if you think beneficial.
1. I just talked to a high ranking bank official/accountant for our branch bank.
a. She had never seen the securities that were put on birth certificates and court cases. She was amazed and interested.
b. She said anyone wanting to cash in their share would probably have to get a corporate attorney to do so. Most banks would not have the level of professionalism to do the research.
c. She admittted to the existence of the new greenback money. She said any bank could obtain it and also admitted that the one to one or eight to one exchange rate that we heard was within the range of what she was told. My local banker listened in amazement as we talked about things she had never heard of.
2. Greg and I had been getting pretty depressed about all of the backstabbing going on within and between the various Restore(d) plans. We were to the point of just calling it quits. I told Greg "Let's load up and go somewhere where we can get some answers." We went to a federal building and talked to an FBI agent in a closed room. We told him who we were, who we were with, and we love God, country, and apple pie and are not ashamed of it! We heard of splits occurring in our group, threatening emails sent to judges, and accusations of TT wrongdoing and possible arrest. I told him we are not like that, we want a peaceful change in our country, done legally for the better; and if there is anything shady or illegal about anything or anyone I want to know it now. He must have taken me seriously-here is a summary of what he said.
1. He knew all about the De Jure grand juries, Restore/Restored America plans, the split, accusations, etc.
2. They have interviewed the first 27 or so and come to the conclusion we are a peaceful group with no criminal intent.
3. He is impressed with the quality of people in Illinois. He has investigated and not heard of anything going on with our group in general or with TT specifically.
4. He said he has not heard about the threatening email to the judges, but he is sure other people in his group know about it.
5. He basically told us to police our own people and if we see a problem address it immediately so as to keep the radical element out of our ranks.
6. Finally, he told us they are not concerned with political convictions, only criminal intent.
Off the record, many of them are rooting for our cause. Everything within me tells me he was being honest and telling the truth. I feel better about things now than I have in months.
Just wanted to let you know.
Thanks, Pete
Great day to you all...
This morning I read mean things again on two web sites. From T**L**H** MMM It's the same email just regurgitated, It's going for months..... Too sad the person is a pro blogger, I heard they are out in the middle on some place living in a trailer and about 70-80 years old.... if that is the case Okay I get it....
One item to mention is this person 's blogging is all the time on many blogs even legal pro's and the curious part is when you track the persons blogs they speak of everything we have been doing for the republic.
This person constantly say's bad things when it comes to Tim Turner, they never send the attack toward anyone else... I recollect a business partner of mine having DREAMY EYES to the other partner, ruined everything we invested our time and money in including their own....
These individuals who set out to destroy others credibility, make me want to cry, instead I pray for love to them and ask they receive angelic guidance.
When we fear the road ahead we have problems and think to much. Use your Heart it is the blood of life that pumps your being.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Recent Good News
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 16:17:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Illinois Republic
To: Pete and Sherri Moake
Pete, This is very good new and I appreciate you sharing that with me. If you don't mind I will pass it along to or Jury members as I am very sure they would love to hear what you have discovered.
Thank You,
Sharon Anzaldi
Illinois Coordinator
P.S. Please make sure you listen to Thursday's call, we are suppose to hear exciting news.
--- On Wed, 9/8/10, Pete and Sherri Moake wrote:
From: Pete and Sherri Moake
Subject: Recent Good News
To: "Illinois Republic"
Cc: "john allen"
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 5:20 PM
Some pretty good news: all of this came to me first hand, no rumors. Share any or all of it if you think beneficial.
1. I just talked to a high ranking bank official/accountant for our branch bank.
a. She had never seen the securities that were put on birth certificates and court cases. She was amazed and interested.
b. She said anyone wanting to cash in their share would probably have to get a corporate attorney to do so. Most banks would not have the level of professionalism to do the research.
c. She admittted to the existence of the new greenback money. She said any bank could obtain it and also admitted that the one to one or eight to one exchange rate that we heard was within the range of what she was told. My local banker listened in amazement as we talked about things she had never heard of.
2. Greg and I had been getting pretty depressed about all of the backstabbing going on within and between the various Restore(d) plans. We were to the point of just calling it quits. I told Greg "Let's load up and go somewhere where we can get some answers." We went to a federal building and talked to an FBI agent in a closed room. We told him who we were, who we were with, and we love God, country, and apple pie and are not ashamed of it! We heard of splits occurring in our group, threatening emails sent to judges, and accusations of TT wrongdoing and possible arrest. I told him we are not like that, we want a peaceful change in our country, done legally for the better; and if there is anything shady or illegal about anything or anyone I want to know it now. He must have taken me seriously-here is a summary of what he said.
1. He knew all about the De Jure grand juries, Restore/Restored America plans, the split, accusations, etc.
2. They have interviewed the first 27 or so and come to the conclusion we are a peaceful group with no criminal intent.
3. He is impressed with the quality of people in Illinois. He has investigated and not heard of anything going on with our group in general or with TT specifically.
4. He said he has not heard about the threatening email to the judges, but he is sure other people in his group know about it.
5. He basically told us to police our own people and if we see a problem address it immediately so as to keep the radical element out of our ranks.
6. Finally, he told us they are not concerned with political convictions, only criminal intent.
Off the record, many of them are rooting for our cause. Everything within me tells me he was being honest and telling the truth. I feel better about things now than I have in months.
Just wanted to let you know.
Thanks, Pete
Republic - Conference Call Sunday Night
James Fitzgerald: Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Jim Fitzgerald the National Chief Ambassador for the Republic. Monti Wells has graciously invited you to a conference call tomorrow night, see above. Myself, Monti, Justice Foust, Kelby Smith, and if schedules allow the President, VP, Chief Justice and others will be available to explain how the Republic was re-inhabited. How at this place, at this time, at this point in history, a peaceful and most importantly, a lawful thing has been done. All of the concerns above can be addressed. Is there funding - yes. Do the FBI and Justice Dept know what we are up to - yes. Tim Turner meeets with them often. The Alabama Assembly was paid a visit just last week by the FBI and Justice Dept. - no problems and "in fact" they are supportive. I wish you all well, please join us.
[3:10:21 PM] Montie Wells: There will not be phone call tonight - - - the call will be tomorrow night a 4:00 MST - - - this call is for the people that are unfamiliar with the Republic. There will be many names on the call that you will recognize; the dial in number is 712/432-0075- - - - - - -Participant code 851350
Important Message: From Chief Justice of the
one supreme Court ~ Nathan Joel Peachey
About 12.25.2010
Welcome to the Halls of Justice
In the 2010 Utah Convention, the state Republics convened Joint Session Congress and re inhabited the Republic for the united States of America.
A history lesson in the establishment of our original Republic;
"At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results, and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished, asked him directly: "Well Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a monarchy?" "A Republic if you can keep it" responded Franklin." So quotes Ron Paul in a statement written in early 2000.
Franklin's words were quite telling. He could have simply said, "A Republic", but he added the 5 words, "if you can keep it." By uttering those words, Franklin was suggesting that a Republic is not something that can be expected to survive without nurturing and constant attention. Much like an infant, a Republic requires the supervision and disciplinary hand of a watchful guardian. If that guardian takes his responsibility lightly, it can be expected that the Republic will stray from all that is good and pure and will grow into an unrecognizable monster that knows not how to function properly, defiant and thirsty for self-gratification.
Franklin saw the very real possibility that our infant Republic might not stand the test of time; indeed, he recognized the thirst for tyranny among some of those that sat right there in the room with him, crafting our Constitution.
The “free state” Philadelphia held joint session and drafted a Constitution for the United States..... the Republic. If they would have named the United States (the Republic) instead of United States it would have avoided much confusion because it is difficult to discern what you mean and even to this day, because in the course of conversation about the United States you never know if the conversation is about the 50 free states or the National United States Government. Even more confusion was demonstrated when they incorporated the United States and gave it sovereign status.
The Republic was not sovereign by any means. The Republic was not supposed to be sovereign. The sovereignty was held by the people. In 1861 they killed the Republic because it was not sovereign. It was easy to do because the Republic was called the United States; of the 10 miles square area. They simply incorporated the Kings sovereignty via creation of a US Corporation. This US Corporation now was incorporated with the Kings Sovereignty. Now they created a US Citizenship or the 14th amendment. The moment you became a US Citizen you became subject to the Sovereign Corporation. Today the US Corporation will admit they are sovereign. This information is readily available if you look for it.
To make matters even worse after the civil war they incorporated the state names of the free states as political sub-divisions sharing sovereign status with the US CORPORATION. Then to top it all off, they incorporated all the county names as political sub-divisions of the STATE and these COUNTY CORPORATIONS vested their power in a Board of Commissioners. This has been done throughout all the free states of the Republic. The Board of Commissioners of the COUNTY CORPORATION exercises their sovereign CORPORATE governing powers through a maze of complex CORPORATE business agencies and CORPORATE administrative offices for profit. There is NO Republican form of government in any county and no true Constitutional Judicial system in any county. Most of the judges are simply clerks and many are officers sitting on the Board of their own CORPORATIONS that operate judging business for profit as an agency administrative function of the CORPORATE COUNTY with indexes traded on Wall Street.
This is why you cannot access true Constitutional justice in your county. To access Constitutional justice you have to use the Sovereign Immunities ACT because these COUNTY CORPORATIONS operate with all the rights and privileges of natural people with Sovereign Rights; or better yet join the Republic for the united States of America. This is a simple act of changing your political orientation and is lawful and peaceful and is the remedy and the only solution we have to restore our American integrity and law again.
The Republic Constitution (United States) guaranteed a Republican form of government to all the states. Only a Republic could guarantee that, could it not? Now what this meant was the states would be governed in a Republican manner which was…… they would be allowed to send their sovereign free state Citizens as Representatives directly to Congress of the Republic and Represent their free state. The free state would not be under a monarchy rule and the Republic would not act as sovereign to the state. It would govern the state according to the will of the people in that state through the free state Representative. Now how many states are experiencing this type of Government? Well of course none……Why? Because the US Corporation has taken the position of usurping the sovereignty of the people within the free states by contracts…getting us to waive our sovereignty and waiving our rights to have our sovereignty protected by the Republic Constitution.
The original Republic created in the 1787 Convention was not sovereign. The states were “free states” and together in session they created a Republic for the united States and created a Constitution for the Republic. They did not have citizenship of this Republic. Being a citizen of a Republic is a bad thing…because the Republic is not sovereign. Being a citizen of the sovereign US Corporation is also a very bad thing because even though the US Corporation is sovereign…..you do not receive sovereign status by being a citizen but a mere subject.
Back then the people were free state Citizens. A free state was a jural society of people that joined together in political union to protect their God-given Rights. They created a Constitution where they delegated some power to the free state government and then they delegated other powers directly from the sovereign people to the Republic. The free state government had certain functions and the Republic had different functions.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; State; a body politic or society of men, united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. This type of free state sounds like a good thing and certainly not like the STATE that we are familiar with today.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; Citizen; A member of a free city or jural society.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; Republic; A Republic is a commonwealth, having a form of government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the general body of citizens. Citizens of what? Maybe free state Citizens? As much as people love to name their states a Republic, it does not necessarily mean a good or bad thing nor is it necessarily the magic bullet for what ails our states today. First, it means you are a commonwealth. A commonwealth has to do with the public welfare and rights of the entire mass of people rather than the privileges of a certain class of people. It also means that it is a commonwealth which receives all its power from the people.
While the word state means a jural society........the word Citizen means a member of a jural society, or putting it bluntly........ a Citizen is the Jural society who enjoys all the rights and privileges of that which he creates …….. The free state does not give you a right or privilege, neither can it because it is a free state and you with Sovereign Rights are the free state Citizen, but as a free state Citizen you enjoy rights and privileges of having the state law and justice system protect you and your sovereignty, whereas you otherwise would have to do it on your own if you would not be a free state Citizen. As a sovereign you may get arrested through the law of Conquer and Conquest…....such as traveling down the road without a license. If you get arrested you have lost your sovereignty but as a free state Citizen you are sovereign but also have joined together with others as a free state and as a state Citizen you have the privilege of having your rights, freedoms and sovereignty protected by the law. The original word state is a jural society of men and women that band together to protect their Sovereign Rights by law and justice. That is a good thing. It is America.
In the beginning the free united States created a Republic to protect the united States and the sovereignty of the people. How did it get so terribly turned around? I mean today the Federal US Corporation is anything but trying to protect the Sovereign Rights of the people. But that is all about to change as we have now lawfully re inhabited the original de jure free states and resurrected the original Republic for the united States of America. We are back in business again and We the People hold Sovereign Rights held by Indigenous Power and we now come as free state Citizens with established courts of law and justice that are here to serve the people and to protect their sovereignty.
The free states also govern themselves in Republican form… although they are not entirely a Republic by themselves as they are annexed to the Republic for the united States of America. A Republican form of government is simply Representatives governing for the people according to the will of the people. This is quite a luxury because while a few folks can be governing the rest can be farming or fishing or hunting; knowing that their Representatives will carefully guard their sovereignty in government. This is a privilege, is it not?
Many Blessings to all of you and I look forward to working with all of you in a very positive way in the coming days as we are preparing to set the stage to adjudicate court cases from the Black Market CORPORATE COUNTY and STATE COURTS to the Republic and free state courts where Americans can once again experience true Constitutional justice with the support of the military and the other enforcement agencies we are in working relationship with.
Republic - Conference Call Sunday Night
James Fitzgerald: Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Jim Fitzgerald the National Chief Ambassador for the Republic. Monti Wells has graciously invited you to a conference call tomorrow night, see above. Myself, Monti, Justice Foust, Kelby Smith, and if schedules allow the President, VP, Chief Justice and others will be available to explain how the Republic was re-inhabited. How at this place, at this time, at this point in history, a peaceful and most importantly, a lawful thing has been done. All of the concerns above can be addressed. Is there funding - yes. Do the FBI and Justice Dept know what we are up to - yes. Tim Turner meeets with them often. The Alabama Assembly was paid a visit just last week by the FBI and Justice Dept. - no problems and "in fact" they are supportive. I wish you all well, please join us.
[3:10:21 PM] Montie Wells: There will not be phone call tonight - - - the call will be tomorrow night a 4:00 MST - - - this call is for the people that are unfamiliar with the Republic. There will be many names on the call that you will recognize; the dial in number is 712/432-0075- - - - - - -Participant code 851350
Important Message: From Chief Justice of the
one supreme Court ~ Nathan Joel Peachey
About 12.25.2010
Welcome to the Halls of Justice
In the 2010 Utah Convention, the state Republics convened Joint Session Congress and re inhabited the Republic for the united States of America.
A history lesson in the establishment of our original Republic;
"At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results, and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished, asked him directly: "Well Doctor, what have we got, a Republic or a monarchy?" "A Republic if you can keep it" responded Franklin." So quotes Ron Paul in a statement written in early 2000.
Franklin's words were quite telling. He could have simply said, "A Republic", but he added the 5 words, "if you can keep it." By uttering those words, Franklin was suggesting that a Republic is not something that can be expected to survive without nurturing and constant attention. Much like an infant, a Republic requires the supervision and disciplinary hand of a watchful guardian. If that guardian takes his responsibility lightly, it can be expected that the Republic will stray from all that is good and pure and will grow into an unrecognizable monster that knows not how to function properly, defiant and thirsty for self-gratification.
Franklin saw the very real possibility that our infant Republic might not stand the test of time; indeed, he recognized the thirst for tyranny among some of those that sat right there in the room with him, crafting our Constitution.
The “free state” Philadelphia held joint session and drafted a Constitution for the United States..... the Republic. If they would have named the United States (the Republic) instead of United States it would have avoided much confusion because it is difficult to discern what you mean and even to this day, because in the course of conversation about the United States you never know if the conversation is about the 50 free states or the National United States Government. Even more confusion was demonstrated when they incorporated the United States and gave it sovereign status.
The Republic was not sovereign by any means. The Republic was not supposed to be sovereign. The sovereignty was held by the people. In 1861 they killed the Republic because it was not sovereign. It was easy to do because the Republic was called the United States; of the 10 miles square area. They simply incorporated the Kings sovereignty via creation of a US Corporation. This US Corporation now was incorporated with the Kings Sovereignty. Now they created a US Citizenship or the 14th amendment. The moment you became a US Citizen you became subject to the Sovereign Corporation. Today the US Corporation will admit they are sovereign. This information is readily available if you look for it.
To make matters even worse after the civil war they incorporated the state names of the free states as political sub-divisions sharing sovereign status with the US CORPORATION. Then to top it all off, they incorporated all the county names as political sub-divisions of the STATE and these COUNTY CORPORATIONS vested their power in a Board of Commissioners. This has been done throughout all the free states of the Republic. The Board of Commissioners of the COUNTY CORPORATION exercises their sovereign CORPORATE governing powers through a maze of complex CORPORATE business agencies and CORPORATE administrative offices for profit. There is NO Republican form of government in any county and no true Constitutional Judicial system in any county. Most of the judges are simply clerks and many are officers sitting on the Board of their own CORPORATIONS that operate judging business for profit as an agency administrative function of the CORPORATE COUNTY with indexes traded on Wall Street.
This is why you cannot access true Constitutional justice in your county. To access Constitutional justice you have to use the Sovereign Immunities ACT because these COUNTY CORPORATIONS operate with all the rights and privileges of natural people with Sovereign Rights; or better yet join the Republic for the united States of America. This is a simple act of changing your political orientation and is lawful and peaceful and is the remedy and the only solution we have to restore our American integrity and law again.
The Republic Constitution (United States) guaranteed a Republican form of government to all the states. Only a Republic could guarantee that, could it not? Now what this meant was the states would be governed in a Republican manner which was…… they would be allowed to send their sovereign free state Citizens as Representatives directly to Congress of the Republic and Represent their free state. The free state would not be under a monarchy rule and the Republic would not act as sovereign to the state. It would govern the state according to the will of the people in that state through the free state Representative. Now how many states are experiencing this type of Government? Well of course none……Why? Because the US Corporation has taken the position of usurping the sovereignty of the people within the free states by contracts…getting us to waive our sovereignty and waiving our rights to have our sovereignty protected by the Republic Constitution.
The original Republic created in the 1787 Convention was not sovereign. The states were “free states” and together in session they created a Republic for the united States and created a Constitution for the Republic. They did not have citizenship of this Republic. Being a citizen of a Republic is a bad thing…because the Republic is not sovereign. Being a citizen of the sovereign US Corporation is also a very bad thing because even though the US Corporation is sovereign…..you do not receive sovereign status by being a citizen but a mere subject.
Back then the people were free state Citizens. A free state was a jural society of people that joined together in political union to protect their God-given Rights. They created a Constitution where they delegated some power to the free state government and then they delegated other powers directly from the sovereign people to the Republic. The free state government had certain functions and the Republic had different functions.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; State; a body politic or society of men, united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. This type of free state sounds like a good thing and certainly not like the STATE that we are familiar with today.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; Citizen; A member of a free city or jural society.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; Republic; A Republic is a commonwealth, having a form of government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the general body of citizens. Citizens of what? Maybe free state Citizens? As much as people love to name their states a Republic, it does not necessarily mean a good or bad thing nor is it necessarily the magic bullet for what ails our states today. First, it means you are a commonwealth. A commonwealth has to do with the public welfare and rights of the entire mass of people rather than the privileges of a certain class of people. It also means that it is a commonwealth which receives all its power from the people.
While the word state means a jural society........the word Citizen means a member of a jural society, or putting it bluntly........ a Citizen is the Jural society who enjoys all the rights and privileges of that which he creates …….. The free state does not give you a right or privilege, neither can it because it is a free state and you with Sovereign Rights are the free state Citizen, but as a free state Citizen you enjoy rights and privileges of having the state law and justice system protect you and your sovereignty, whereas you otherwise would have to do it on your own if you would not be a free state Citizen. As a sovereign you may get arrested through the law of Conquer and Conquest…....such as traveling down the road without a license. If you get arrested you have lost your sovereignty but as a free state Citizen you are sovereign but also have joined together with others as a free state and as a state Citizen you have the privilege of having your rights, freedoms and sovereignty protected by the law. The original word state is a jural society of men and women that band together to protect their Sovereign Rights by law and justice. That is a good thing. It is America.
In the beginning the free united States created a Republic to protect the united States and the sovereignty of the people. How did it get so terribly turned around? I mean today the Federal US Corporation is anything but trying to protect the Sovereign Rights of the people. But that is all about to change as we have now lawfully re inhabited the original de jure free states and resurrected the original Republic for the united States of America. We are back in business again and We the People hold Sovereign Rights held by Indigenous Power and we now come as free state Citizens with established courts of law and justice that are here to serve the people and to protect their sovereignty.
The free states also govern themselves in Republican form… although they are not entirely a Republic by themselves as they are annexed to the Republic for the united States of America. A Republican form of government is simply Representatives governing for the people according to the will of the people. This is quite a luxury because while a few folks can be governing the rest can be farming or fishing or hunting; knowing that their Representatives will carefully guard their sovereignty in government. This is a privilege, is it not?
Many Blessings to all of you and I look forward to working with all of you in a very positive way in the coming days as we are preparing to set the stage to adjudicate court cases from the Black Market CORPORATE COUNTY and STATE COURTS to the Republic and free state courts where Americans can once again experience true Constitutional justice with the support of the military and the other enforcement agencies we are in working relationship with.
Update on The Republic for the united States, Dec 25, 2010
Executive Summary – We have been hearing of rumors regarding Tim Turner and the Republic. Unfounded. Tim appeared on a talk show two days ago to dispel the rumors that he was in jail. Others from the Republic also appeared as well. The rumors are flying around. There is no other movement in place that is even close to being viable. Some are starting movements but they are far away from being anything viable for the country. Tim has reassured us repeatedly the funding is there waiting. The rumor makers do not have access to the funding. I think the bottom line is to keep your eyes and the republic only. Don't try to waste time and analyze why these people are spreading rumors. Now some do not spread rumors, they were just offended about something that happened in RAP or someplace along the line and are upset about it. This is not a good reason to stay with the de facto for another year while maybe another movement starts up. Then what if the other movement does something offensive? See what I mean.
The idea is to push the Republic through to it's fullness. One has to bear in mind that the office holders in the Republic are there for six months only. A very short period of time. It seems to me that time is short regarding the de facto. They are molesting men, women and children at the airports. These practices are not making us any safer. They are going to turn your medical coverage into death counseling. Wait a few brief months and see what Obamacare really is about. They are watering down the money supply risking hyperinflation. World affairs are in disarray. There is an active war in Iraq (still have 50,000 troops there). There is an active war in Afghanistan. There is fighting Pakistan. We are close to a war with North Korea. The middle east is a mess with Iran threatening to bring on a world war. The banks are failing. The FDIC is overloaded with claims. There are over 42 million people on food stamps. The cities, counties and states are broke. They are laying off police and fire departments. People are being foreclosed. There are tent cities popping up. The government is stopping people have having small gardens and hobbyist farms in an attempt to raise food prices and choke us that way. The government is already starting to control the water supplies. They poisoned the gulf water in the summer. Russia and China are no longer using the USD in commerce between the two nations. Soon in 2011 you will see this with countries like Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Iran and others who do not like the USA. Well we could keep going but the point is that time is short with the de facto. Who would have ever thought they would do the TSA molesting thing at the airport a year or two ago. If they manage to survive another year who knows what atrocities they will come up with. So time is short. There is no other movement around. When you vote against the republic by default you are voting to keep the de facto around longer.
What Next – We are waiting for the Republic to send press releases out to city, county and state law enforcement informing them of the republic and state republics. This will include mention of the de jure ID cards being issued. This will take things to a new level. We thought this would happen before Christmas but guess not. We await this event.
De Jure County Grand Juries – There is a real need to have more of these in more and more counties. Everyone needs to get busy if you want remedy.
Spread the Word – Tell people about the website:
Encourage them to sign up.
Update on The Republic for the united States, Dec 20, 2010
Executive Summary – We are getting more and more information every week and it is all good.
De Facto Negotiations – Pres. Turner has been negotiating with the de facto. They are fully aware of the Republic and its progress. Pres. Turner made them a godly offer of forgiveness of all the past crimes but nothing past the cutoff point will be forgiven. In other words end the tyranny and go away and you can live in peace. The de facto was apparently fearful of answering for their crimes. Pres. Turner said they immediately wanted to know if the intent was to kill them. Shows you how their minds work. The negotiations have not yet been concluded. Pres. Turner did say the de facto had a plan to counter a movement to remove them by force and this could result in the death of millions. This should not surprise anyone. Their greed, selfishness and viciousness surpasses belief. In these areas they excel. They see “we the people” as stupid slaves, like Rome viewed their slaves. To the de facto this is like a slave uprising but Rome did not fare so well when that happened and a lot of them got killed in Rome. The French Revolution is another example. The lower economic class took over and put to death many of the royal family using the guillotine. The French also stormed the Bastille Prison and freed many of the political prisoners. If the de facto are negotiating they are fearful. They have made a mess of North America and Europe. They know the riots we are seeing in the EU with the strikes, fire bombs, destruction of property etc are nothing compared to what will happen in the USA shortly. It is common sense to know that the past ways will never continue for them. They pushed it way too far with the fiat money. Using a heavy hand on the people to intimidate them (think TSA) is not a wise move and is not doing much good, actually getting more and more media and other personalities and people mad at them. They are even dumb enough to use TSA on their own military who they treat so poorly to start with. Of course the mainstream media never presents workable solutions to any problem other than write letters and go vote for a democrat or republican.
Debt – Pres. Turner has been negotiating the payment of fed debts. He says something has to be done. We can't just walk away and leave the foreigners holding the bag. He did say he is cutting a good deal.
Banking & Money – This is being worked on a lot. An asset backed currency is coming. It will probably use assets other than gold and silver. Think Real Estate, and other things. No not birth certificates
Remedy – This is a big theme now. We are now ready to use and apply remedy. It is essential to have every state republic with a seated de jure grand jury to hear cases. Then we need American Rangers for enforcement. We will be seeing federal district courts shortly. Arizona has had 15 grand jury cases, stopped foreclosures etc. It is starting and being successful. A state grand jury can get a lot accomplished. Idea is to get relief from de facto corporate taxes, levies, liens, seizures, confiscations, foreclosures, repossessions of cars, seizures of bank accounts, incarceration for victimless crimes, etc. Let us not forget the political prisoners being held in the de facto corporation houses of detention that need to be set free. The de jure grand juries are the key to this. Remedy has arrived and we the people just need to get busy and start using. It is working.
Sovereign Republic ID – The ID's are now available. To order them you must be in the Republic. Go here:
The law enforcement agencies on the city, county and state levels are going to be receiving notifications about the Republic ID and the seating of the legitimate Republic government in the next few days, before the end of the year 2010. This is of course going to take things to a new level regarding publicity. This should get some mainstream media splash unless they knuckle down and suppress it. Keeping it quiet will be hard. The de facto has been going around “educating” city, county and state law enforcement about sovereigns. We are being portrayed as crazy zealots that are heavily armed and will shoot law enforcement with little reason. Of course the city, county and state law enforcement officers are all working for a corporation and thus are nothing more than corporation security guards like Pinkertons, literally and they do not know this. The sheriffs badge is from an incorporated county and they think they are the sheriff. They are no more so the sheriff than a security guard working for a warehouse wearing a badge that says police, is the police. The federal police are in the same category by the way. In the immediate future these facts will begin to be released to the public. One of the best things you can do for the Republic right now is to start educating your friends, family and co-workers about the Republic. The holidays is a very opportune time to do so since the minds of the people is off of work. Bring people into the Republic. Don't say oh they will think I am crazy, I'll wait. That is the worst thing to do. Bring them in now. The republic really needs to have 3300 country grand juries to bring remedy to the nation and get the political prisoners out of jail. Get busy.
Financing – It appears that the financing is ready to go once all the pieces are in place. I think a grand jury for each state republic is sufficient. Go introduce as many people as you can to the Republic this holiday season.
Executive Summary – Well the information is flowing steady and heavy now as Pres. Turner said. The train has indeed pulled out from the station and is building up steam moving down the track. Many new things to talk about that were gleaned from talk shows. They will be addressed by topic. The website for the republic is as follows: www.republicoftheunitedstates.org
State Republics – There are still perhaps a handful of state republics still getting setup. Thirty six states were represented in Utah. President Turner is working hard to get this done. To get the funding and full international recognition we have to have all the pieces of the Republic in place, makes sense.
Banking – We are hearing about a new asset based money system. Yeah! We are hearing about a de jure Senate committee for Banking and Finance. It is going to be honorable. Imagine that! Problem is none of us ever lived under a constitutional government that the founding fathers envisioned and set up for us. We have to dig deep to find the ways to do things right.
Immigration Integration Committee – The Republic (Senate and House) are looking at laws to cover immigrants. We are told that things will be easier and better than what the de facto did. Specifics are lacking at this point. Rest assured free ride immigration with social benefits “we the people” pay for is off the table.
Flag and Seal – This is being worked on. Yeah! We can buy tee shirts, hats, jackets etc with the new flag we can be proud of.
Solidarity Act – This is to bring in State Republics that did not attend the Utah Convention.
Grand Juries – This is a real big point. There are about 3300 counties and they all need to have a de jure grand jury. The hope is within 30 to 60 days, seriously. We need the de jure grand juries to affect remedy. There are also going to be state grand juries. There is also a national grand jury. This one is to hear disputes concerning people who live in different state republics (interstate disputes) or concerning international disputes.
Remedy – What President Turner said is that we have remedy available to us now. The way it works is as follows. If the de facto courts bother you, you respond to them by making what is called a “Special Appearance”. At this appearance you identify yourself as a sovereign only, not one of theirs. You then ask to adjudicate the case to the de jure court. I think in their parlance you are making a verbal motion to adjudicate the case to the correct venue which would be a de jure court of record. Court of record means the court records the decisions which the de facto kangaroo courts generally do not do.
American Rangers – Nathan Peachy our Chief Justice told us the American Rangers are in process of being set up and the ID cards are starting to be distributed. This is a de jure law enforcement position. The Rangers will have had training with militia, military and I assume law enforcement as well. They are also setting up, training for rangers as well.
The rangers must understand the constitution, common law and rights of a sovereign. Chief Justice Peachy said that if a judge in the de facto refuses to recognize our attempts at remedy to relocate cases to a de jure court, then the American Rangers can be called in. He went on to say if it takes 15 rangers to go see the judge that is fine. If the judge continues to resist and invoke his criminal reign of injustice on a sovereign, then that judge would be arrested by the rangers and brought into the de jure legal system. The judge would find himself a defendant in a criminal matter.
Use of New ID's – A publicity campaign is going to start in days educating the various governments in the USA regarding sovereigns and the new ID cards. Right now the police have no idea what they are. They take an oath to support the constitution but probably at least 97% have no understanding of the constitution. This is going to rock the USA big time, about time. Christmas season is a great time to educate your friends and neighbors as to what the Republic is. Yuletide Sovereignty.
There was a call to not abuse the new ID cards and behave recklessly like going around speeding. The traffic warrant is a two way street. You are stating that you will be held responsible for any damages to persons or property that you cause. Admittedly a speed limit sign is not a damaged party and the jurisdiction that owns the speed limit sign did not suffer any damages if you drove by the sign above the posted speed.
The idea is to be respectful to the de facto in this transition stage and not go around wiping you feet on their ways. Their ways are soon to be history but do show respect until then.
The traffic warrant also calls for damages to fall on anyone who violates your sovereign rights to free travel including money damages and incarceration. This applies to the badge carrying corporation security guards of the de facto at the incorporated city, county, state and federal corporate level.
Sovereigns are reminded to not carry any sort of de facto id at this time. Do not walk on both sides of the street. Throw your heart, mind and body into the righteous form of governance – de jure common law. This is me talking now. I would assume if we are to not carry any de facto ID this includes carry concealed weapons licenses. I further assume we are going to be using the second amendment as our CCW licenses, ie just again rely on the sovereign ID. I can come to no other conclusions although this has not been discussed in any public forum yet to my knowledge. This is a sensitive subject for sure. If we were to carry a state issued CCW license then we would be again under the de facto. I cannot imagine the Republic disarming us so I come to the conclusion of relying on the republic ID in place of any gun license issued by the de facto. I am confident this is a subject that will be discussed shortly.
Government Issued Licenses – The Republic tends to see the issuance of these licenses as taxable events only. Perhaps the plumbers will form some sort of civil organization that offers certification of its members. This sort of thing was suggested.
Remember you are liable for any damages you cause so be careful with this new found freedom. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, Mathew 7:12.
Compacts with Twenty Six Nations – Pres. Turner has said that compacts with 26 nations have been negotiated already. The Republic is in negotiations with the de facto now. The stolen funds for the republic will be released at the conclusion of the compact with the de facto and of course there will be no further interference with more funds destined for the republic. The de facto will soon be in full written recognition of the republic. For as long as the de facto corporation exists the de jure will be considered the superior form of government.
Passports – They have not yet been printed. The machinery is coming and the passports will be on the way.
Small Business Government Loans - President Turner is big on this. The key to our past economic greatness was our Mom and Pop businesses. America used to have pride in the goods it made. It was not a race to make it cheaper than the other guy (China). Businesses were honorable. Customer service complaints were taken seriously. This was when people behaved honorably. President Turner wants to make a lot of funds available to “we the people” to start small Mom and Pop businesses. Organic farming is a special interest the President has in seeing developed. Ladies and Gentlemen put on your thinking caps and start getting business plans developed. Expect to have to produce a make sense business plan and resume explaining why you are qualified. A cottage industry is going to be helping others prepare business plans for these loans.
Foreclosures – President Turner feels that the end of the foreclosure crisis will be the people just keep their mortgaged homes outright and the banks shut down. When the USSR failed the people wound up keeping their apartments that previously belonged to the state. Some of these were worth north of $50,000 and that was say 20 years ago. So this concept is not new. The de facto banks have to go. New banks will be in place.
Political Prisoners – There is a remedy to get them out of jail People in for drug offenses, tax offenses, money laundering, gun offenses, driving without a license, driving without insurance or with expired tags, possession of prohibited herbs and crops, etc where there is no flesh and blood damaged party are eligible for this remedy.
Violating a statue without harming a person or property of a person is not grounds for incarceration under common law. The prison gets served with a writ of habeas corpus to present the incarcerated person to a de jure court physically. At that time a victim can come forth and testify in the de jure court.
The government is not a victim normally. If a person stole from the petty cash drawer at a government office the government could be a victim. No victim, then no trial and the person goes free at that time.
If the prison does not comply then the American Rangers pay them a visit and explain things nicely at first and then it could deteriorate into someone from the prison administration getting arrested and brought into a de jure court. Think of this as dual criminality.
This is a term used in extradition matters across national borders. If a person is charged with a crime from one country while residing in another country, to effect an extradition the act must be a crime in both countries. A woman charged with a crime because her head was not religiously covered is not going to get her extradited from say Mexico where no such offense exists. The de facto is like another country.
For one of our people to remain in a de facto jail the crime must also be a crime under common law. If the person is there for assault and rape, well then in jail he stays although I expect sentencing and inhumane prison conditions could be addressed in the de jure courts. Also the person may have been framed by the de facto and thus is innocent. Many new trials could result. If he is in jail for say failing to file tax returns then he goes free right off.
We are all going to have to learn and watch as these proceedings progress. We are in unchartered waters since none of us ever lived in a true common law constitutional government. It would be nice if we could email the founding fathers and ask them questions but God did not set things up like that. However we can ask God for guidance and he is willing to help . God loves truth and justice, equal weights and measures and so forth. I think the de facto did nothing God liked, instead they did the opposite.
Transition Period – Believe it or not we are actually in the transition period. Many will not believe you today but give it a little time, precious little time actually. We must all be personal ambassadors to our friends, relatives, co workers etc to spread the good news that the shackles have been broken off of us. Patience explaining what has happened is necessary. The republic website is going to have some videos explaining things shortly which should help. People will be scared at first. When many of the slaves got set free after the civil war they did not know where to go and stayed around the plantation. This is only natural and normal. Some may miss the de facto. This article and information is from panamalaw.org
The United States exists in two forms:
1. The original United States that was in operation until 1860; a collection of sovereign Republics in the union. Under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government; the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority.
2. The original United States has been usurped by a separate and different UNITED STATES formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia and it’s territories, and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES CORPORATION) that acts as our current government. The United States Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than Common/Private Law.
The original Constitution was never removed; it has simply been dormant since 1871. It is still intact to this day. This fact was made clear by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by giving the following dissenting opinion: “Two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and Independently of that Instrument.”
The Restore America Plan reclaimed the De Jure institutions of government of the 50 State Republics in order to restore Common Law that represents the voice of the people and ends Corporate Law that ignores the voice of the people while operating under Maritime/Admiralty/International Law. This occurred when warrants were delivered to all 50 Governors on March 30, 2010.
The rewritten Constitution of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION bypasses the original Constitution for the United States of America, which explains why our Congressmen and Senators don’t abide by it, and the President can write Executive Orders to do whatever he/she wants. They are following corporate laws that completely strip sovereigns of their God given unalienable rights. Corporate/Commercial/Public Law is not sovereign (private), as it is an agreement between two or more parties under contract. Common Law (which sovereigns operate under) is not Commercial Law; it is personal and private.
To understand this document, you need to understand some basic terms. Visit www.usavsus.info for complete understanding. The basic terms are:
De Jure – Existing by right or according to law; original, lawful. Common Law operates under De Jure terms.
De Facto - In practice but not necessarily ordained by law; in fact, in reality. Corporate Law operates under De Facto terms.
Sovereign – A real person. Sovereigns can own property while Citizens/Subjects cannot. According to the original Constitution, all government comes from the Sovereign Individual. Without the Sovereign Individual, there is no government.
U.S. Citizen/Subject – A corporate fictitious entity that merely represents the real person. It acts as a “strawman.” [To call oneself a “sovereign citizen” or “sovereign subject” is an oxymoron, since “sovereign” and “citizen/subject” are mutually exclusive of each other.] When asked if you are a “U.S. Citizen” on corporate legal documents, if you check “yes,” you agree to the terms of Corporate Law and unknowingly relinquish your sovereign status and transfer all of your rights to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION since you are now under contract.
Corporation – A non-human, fictitious entity. Corporate fictitious entities are denoted in all caps. This includes the names of Citizens/Subjects. Your fictitious “strawman” entity is addressed in all caps, i.e. JOHN SMITH, rather than John Smith.
Common Law – God’s law. Common Law and the system of De Jure Juries apply to sovereigns in disputes. In Common Law, contracts must be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.
Admiralty/Maritime Law/International Law – The King’s law. Deals with criminal acts that only apply to international contracts. Under this law, the people are no longer sovereign. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) that the United States practices is based on Admiralty Law. Under the UCC, contracts do not have to be entered into knowingly. Simple agreements can be binding, and as long as you exercise the benefits of that "agreement," you must meet the obligations associated with those benefits. If you accept the benefit offered by the government, then you MUST follow, to the letter,
each and every statute involved with that benefit. That “benefit” is the Federal Reserve Notes (U.S. dollars). By paying for things with U.S. dollars you are unknowingly giving up all of your Constitutional rights and are legally obligated to follow all of the UCC statues. But you were NEVER told this.
Lawful – A term used in Common Law.
Legal – A term used in the UCC which applies to Corporate Law.
(note by Panama Legal: These are the basic premises adhered to by the people in the movement and the people in the Sovereign movement. The Government is a Corporation actually functioning as the Federal Government. Thus it does not have to follow the constitution. Also it does not matter if Obama is not a natural born citizen since it is a corporation he is the head of. The corporation gets the permission of the people to reign over them by deceit. This is done by wording in the Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, driving Licenses, IRS forms, Marriage Licenses and other documents. They always refer to the “person” in all capital letters. This means the name represents a corporate entity. This is how the corporation courts get jurisdiction over you. Their courts do not fly the “reaL” American flag. They use the military or admiralty flag. For a discourse on this try this website: http://www.usavsus.info/
What the theory is goes like this. When you enter a US Courtroom there is a military or admiralty flag flying. The US Military does not have the protection of the constitution, neither does this apply to admiralty laws with ships at sea. When you enter a court room and cross through that little wooden gate they have and go to the area where the plaintiff (prosecutor) and defendant sit along with judge, court reporter, you are entering a “ship” or a foreign country as evidenced by the admiralty or military flag flying thus the constitution has no applicability and you are under equity law not common law. The flaw with their scheme is that there is no full disclosure to the people about any of this. This is brief over simplified synopsis of the scam run by the federal corporation. End of our comment.)
In 1788 (January 1), The United States was officially bankrupt.
In 1790 (August 4), Article One of the U.S. Statutes at Large, pages 138-178, abolished the States of the Republic and created Federal Districts. In the same year, the former States of the Republic reorganized as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions, absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each state for a vote...the new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people “Citizens” of the new Corporate States. A Citizen is also defined as a “corporate fiction."
In 1845, Congress passed legislation that would ultimately allow Common Law to be usurped by Admiralty Law. www.barefootsworld.net/admiralty.html explains this change. The yellow fringe placed at the bottom of court flags shows this is still true. Before 1845, Americans were considered sovereign individuals who governed themselves under Common Law.
In 1860 – Congress was adjourned Sine Die – Lincoln could not legally reconvene Congress.
In 1861, President Lincoln declared a National Emergency and Martial Law, which gave the President unprecedented powers and removed it from the other branches. This has NEVER been reversed.
In 1863, the Lieber Code was established taking away your property and your rights.
From 1864-1867, Several Reconstruction Acts were passed forcing the states to ratify the 14th Amendment, which made everyone slaves.
In 1865, the capital was moved to Washington, D.C., a separate country – not a part of the United States of America.
In 1871, The United States became a Corporation with a new constitution and a new corporate government, and the original constitutional government was vacated to become dormant, but it was never terminated. The new constitution had to be ratified by the people according to the original constitution, but it never was. The whole process occurred behind closed doors. The people are the source of financing for this new government.
In 1917, the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) was passed. This insightful video from [link to movielocker.com/4084)] states the following: “This act was implemented to deal with the countries we were at war with during World War I. It gave the President and the Alien Property Custodian the right to seize the assets of the people included in this act and if they wanted to do business in this country they could apply for a license to do so. By 1921, the Federal Reserve Bank (the trustee for the Alien Property Custodian) held over $700,000,000 in trust.” Understand that this trust was based on our assets, not theirs.
In 1933, 48 Stat 1, of the TWEA was amended to include the United States Person because they wanted to take our gold away. Executive Order 6102 was created to make it illegal for a U.S. Citizen to own gold. In order for the Government to take our gold away and violate our Constitutional rights, we were reclassified as ENEMY COMBATANTS.”
In 1933, there was a second United States bankruptcy. In the first bankruptcy the United States collateralized all public lands. In the 1933 bankruptcy, the U.S. government collateralized the private lands of the people (a lien) – they borrowed money against our private lands. They were then mortgaged. That is why we pay property taxes.
From a speech in Congress in The Bankruptcy of the United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993, Vol. 33, page H-1303, Speaker Representative James Trafficant Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House states:
“...It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: “The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States...
Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens of mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “Hypothecated” all property within the Federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. Citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the Federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets, and labor of their “subjects,” the 14th Amendment U.S. Citizen to the Federal Reserve System. In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States Corporation all of the credit “money substitute” it needed.
Like any debtor, the Federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the Federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their “economic slaves,” the U.S. Citizens, as collateral against the federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks, forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.
Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another.”
In 1944, Washington D.C. was deeded to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the Breton Woods Agreement. The IMF is made up of wealthy people that own most of the banking industries of the world. It is an organized group of bankers that have taken control of most governments of the world so the bankers run the world. Congress, the IRS, and the President work for the IMF. The IRS is not a U.S. government agency. It is an agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)
“The Supreme Court has said the De Jure Government offices still exist but the people have failed to occupy them.
Remember Downs v. Bidwell and the dissenting opinion of Justice Marshall Harlan? He said that two national governments exist; one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions. This is one that We the people need to force our elected public officials to occupy – De Jure rule.
We need to change that by organizing Grand Juries and putting our officials back under De jure rule and out of the Corporate (or Military) Rule that they are currently operating under.
Our elected officials will then have to operate under the limits of their Oath of office to uphold the U.S. and State Constitutions, circa 1860. When they violate the Oath it’s a capital crime.
The reason we go back to 1860 is because that is the last time we had lawful laws in this country.
Where do the people get their power to convene a Grand Jury? The Magna Carta, 1215.
Our Founding Fathers looked back to history for precedent when they decided they wanted to change their government. What they found was the Magna Carta Liberatum, the Great Charter of Freedoms. It set a precedent that changed the face of England forever, by establishing that the King was not above the law.
King John of England signed the Magna Carta after immense pressure from the Church and his barons (the people). The King often lived above the law, violating both Feudal and Common Law, and was heavily criticized for his foreign policy and actions in England. The Barons, with the support of the Church, pressured King John to spell out a list of their rights and guarantee that those rights would be enforced. The Barons provided a draft, and after some negotiation, King John put his seal to the Magna Carta in Runnymede, in June of 1215.
Section 61 set rules for establishing the Grand Jury. It states: Since we have granted all these things for God, for the better ordering of our kingdom, and to allay the discord that has arisen between us and our barons (people), and since we desire that they shall be enjoyed in their entirety, with lasting strength, forever, we give and grant to the barons the following security: The barons shall elect twenty-five of their number to keep, and cause to be observed with all their might, the peace and liberties granted and confirmed to them by this charter. If we, our chief justice, our officials, or any of our servants offend in any respect against any man, or transgress any of the articles of the peace or of this security, and the offense is made known to four of the said twenty-five barons, they shall come to us.”
"Republic Seals Created for free states "
An Explanation Presented by Chief Justice Nathan Joel Peachey
December 23, 2010
Creation of the free state Republic Seals
These seals were designed to assist or council in the creation of a lawful seal for those that needed assistance. We are asking all the Governors to approve these seals for use on the Republic free state Identification and Travel Warrant cards. Where approval is not given please feel free to send a seal that qualifies to acceptable standards and approved by the people for use. You are welcome to read this letter and to pass it to all your people to help you in your decision making process for the seal. Always remember your decisions will affect many people to come and will effect in how we can defend what you did in re inhabiting the original de jure free state government to protect the sovereignty of the people .
Here is the “Thought Process” that went into the creation of these seals.
The seal being used at the time of annexation to the Republic for the united States of America.
Remove all symbols that would have a Luciferian connotation such as 5-star symbol which is the symbol of Imperial Power.
Added the 6-star which is the Star of David or the symbol of the Bright and Morning Light.
Added the court which symbolizes Jurisdiction of law and justice to protect the Sovereign Rights of the people.
Added the words “ free state” which denotes a jural society of people that are united to delegate power by constitution; some by state constitution and other power by Republic constitution, for the purpose of protecting their Sovereign Rights and their free state Republic.
Added the date July 4 1776 which designates the birth of the Republic for the united States of America.
Added the (c. date) which denotes the date the particular free state was annexed to the Republic for the united States of America.
r.2010 denotes the year the de jure “free state” was again re inhabited and the original Republic for the united States of America was resurrected.
A seal that reflects and encompasses the simple words and original intent of our founding documents; Declaration of Independence and Constitution rather then creating something new from some so-called patriotic movement; here today and gone tomorrow.
A true Republic is generally an entity “all inclusive by itself”. All free states annexed to the Republic for the united States, delegate power to a state Constitution and also power to the Republic Constitution. A free state is governed by surrogate power; some from the free state government and other surrogate power from the Republic for the united States of America. Because of the way the Republic for the united States of America Constitution is written no one free state annexed to the Republic for the united States of America is necessarily an all inclusive Republic by itself ….. but they are all Republic in form.
As you will find in the research of the state histories you will find that some states were known as Republics till they joined the Union then they were known as states or free states.
History research will show you that some territories that identified their states as a Republic…ceased to do so when they joined the Republic (One Union). California is still known in name as a Republic today but yet its function is that of a free state, and not necessarily a Republic "all inclusive by itself". It just carries that name and the same is true for Texas Republic free state.
The name California Republic is just in name and nothing more then that because it really does not function as a true Republic. A state that is a true Republic "all by itself" is hardly annexed with the Republic for the united States of America and certainly does not delegate power to the Republic (Federal Government) as it is a complete nation all by itself.
Historically this is what happened:
The California Republic, also called the Bear Flag Republic, was a government proclaimed by settlers on June 14, 1846, in Sonoma in the then-Mexican province of California. Declared during the Mexican–American War, the republic lasted a mere 26 days.
Beginning in the 1820s, trappers and settlers from the U.S. and Canada began to arrive in Northern California, harbingers of the great changes that would later sweep the Mexican territory. These new arrivals used the Siskiyou Trail, California Trail, Oregon Trail and Old Spanish Trail to cross the rugged mountains and harsh deserts surrounding California. In this period, Imperial Russia explored the California coast and established a trading post at Fort Ross.
In 1846 settlers rebelled against Mexican rule during the Bear Flag Revolt. Afterwards, rebels raised the Bear Flag (featuring a bear, a star, a red stripe and the words "California Republic") at Sonoma.
“ [We] overthrow a Government which has seized upon the property of the Missions for its individual aggrandizement; which has ruined and shamefully oppressed the laboring people of California. ”
~William Ide, Declaration from the Bear Flag Revolt
The Republic's first and only president was William B. Ide,[13] who played a pivotal role during the Bear Flag Revolt. His term lasted 22 days and concluded when California was occupied by U.S. forces during the Mexican-American War. The California Republic was short lived. The same year marked the outbreak of the Mexican-American War (1846–1848). When Commodore John D. Sloat of the United States Navy sailed into Monterey Bay and began the military occupation of California by the United States. Northern California capitulated in less than a month to the U.S. forces. After a series of defensive battles in Southern California, including The Siege of Los Angeles, the Battle of Dominguez Rancho, the Battle of San Pasqual, the Battle of Rio San Gabriel and the Battle of La Mesa, the Treaty of Cahuenga was signed by the Californians on January 13, 1847, securing American control in California. Following the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the war, the region was divided between Mexico and the U.S.; the western territory of Alta California, was to become the U.S. state of California, and Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Utah became U.S. Territories, while the lower region of California, Baja California, remained in the possession of Mexico.
I have been told by very credible sources that the Restore America Plan was put together for the purpose of creating a situation to where the “powers” would have reason to orchestrate a military takeover. Military takeover did not happen because The Restore America Plan failed in establishing 50 Free Individual Republics even though it was put together to very heavily promote the idea of each state being a “Free Republic”. If we would have been successful at creating 50 Free Republics, "separate entities all by themselves", we would have just created a situation for the “powers” to have reason to order military takeover because that would have been a complete fracture into 50 different pieces the union of the Republic for the united States of America…it would have been treason to the highest degree according to the Constitution. Fifty (50) Free Republics would be the complete opposite of one (Union) Republic for the united States of America because one Republic is “all inclusive” by itself. What happened instead however was the free state Republics convened Jural Assemblies and they ratified their free state Constitutions and exercised their state Constitutions by seating de jure Governors, Justices, Representatives and Senators for the Republic for the united States of America with Tim Turner as President for the Republic.
The original Republic created in the 1787 Convention was not sovereign. The states were “free states” and together in session they created a Republic for the united States and created a Constitution for the Republic. They did not have citizenship of this Republic. Being a citizen of a Republic is a bad thing…because the Republic is not sovereign. Being a citizen of the sovereign US Corporation is also a very bad thing because even though the US Corporation is sovereign…..you do not receive sovereign status by being a citizen but a mere subject.
Back then the people were free state Citizens. A free state was a jural society of people that joined together in political union to protect their God-given Rights. They created a Constitution where they delegated some power to the free state government and then they delegated other powers directly from the sovereign people to the Republic. The free state government had certain functions and the Republic had different functions.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; State; a body politic or society of men, united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. This type of free state sounds like a good thing and certainly not like the STATE that we are familiar with today.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; Citizen; a member of a free city or jural society.
Blacks law dictionary the 1st Edition 1891; Republic; A Republic is a commonwealth, having a form of government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the general body of citizens. Citizens of what? Maybe free state Citizens? As much as people love to name their states a Republic, it does not necessarily mean a good or bad thing nor is it necessarily the magic bullet for what ails our states today. First, it means you are a commonwealth. A commonwealth has to do with the public welfare and rights of the entire mass of people rather than the privileges of a certain class of people. It also means that it is a commonwealth which receives all its power from the people.
While the word state means a jural society........the word Citizen means a member of a jural society, or putting it bluntly........ a Citizen is the Jural society who enjoys all the rights and privileges of that which he creates …….. The free state does not give you a right or privilege, neither can it because it is a free state and you with Sovereign Rights are the free state Citizen, but as a free state Citizen you enjoy rights and privileges of having the state law and justice system protect you and your sovereignty, whereas you otherwise would have to do it on your own if you would not be a free state Citizen. As a sovereign you may get arrested through the law of Conquer and Conquest…....such as traveling down the road without a license. If you get arrested you have lost your sovereignty but as a free state Citizen you are sovereign but also have joined together with others as a free state and as a state Citizen you have the privilege of having your rights, freedoms and sovereignty protected by the law. The original word state is a jural society of men and women that band together to protect their Sovereign Rights by law and justice. That is a good thing. It is America.
In the beginning the free united States created a Republic to protect the united States and the sovereignty of the people. How did it get so terribly turned around? I mean today the Federal US Corporation is anything but trying to protect the Sovereign Rights of the people. But that is all about to change as we have now lawfully re inhabited the original de jure free states and resurrected the original Republic for the united States of America. We are back in business again and We the People hold Sovereign Rights held by Indigenous Power and we now come as free state Citizens with established courts of law and justice that are here to serve the people and to protect their sovereignty.
The free states also govern themselves in Republican form… although they are not entirely a Republic by themselves as they are annexed to the Republic for the united States of America. A Republican form of government is simply Representatives governing for the people according to the will of the people. This is quite a luxury because while a few folks can be governing the rest can be farming or fishing or hunting; knowing that their Representatives will carefully guard their sovereignty in government. This is a privilege, is it not?
Let’s look at the construction of the name “Pennsylvania free state” for example.
Pennsylvania denotes the name of the geographical area. Now the name Pennsylvania all by itself could mean any type of political will within Pennsylvania. It could mean Communist or a Monarchy. The name Pennsylvania is simply the name of the geographical area .
Free denotes, “not subject to the dominion of another”.
State means, “A jural society of people united together in common for the purpose of protecting their rights.
Just keep in mind that for the sake of legal consequences we should be absolutely correct in the fact that we indeed re inhabit that de jure framework which had already been here but just lay dormant. I would highly discourage creating a situation where we create something new unless we got the manpower to handle consequences although we have the right to create what we want to create.
As you will also notice on the web site www.bureauofrepublicrecords.org under the free state documents the Declaration of Sovereign Rights has been modified to be state specific because there were a lot of complaints from people that felt that we were creating a situation where you were becoming a member of the national Republic jurisdiction. This was not the case at all. The word Republic we had meant it to be the state Republic. But we had so many complaints that we changed it to reflect clearly the free state. I am getting compliments from many people that like this new one very much better. They are much more comfortable with it and I am too. Please take a look at it.
Many Blessings to all of you and I look forward to working with all of you in a very positive way in the coming days as we are preparing to set the stage to adjudicate court cases from the Black Market CORPORATE COUNTY and STATE COURTS to the Republic and free state courts where Americans can once again experience true Constitutional justice with the support of the military and the other enforcement agencies we are in working relationship with.
~ Chief Justice for the one supreme Court of the Republic for the united States
Nathan Joel Peachey