
Republic for the United States, Tim Turner

Recording of President Tim Turner ***NEW***

In Depth Interview with Tim Turner from 12-15-2010 - 1 hour audio

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Update on The Republic for the united States, Dec 16, 2010 from

Executive Summary – Well the information is flowing steady and heavy now as Pres. Turner said. The train has indeed pulled out from the station and is building up steam moving down the track. Many new things to talk about that were gleaned from talk shows. They will be addressed by topic. The website for the republic is as follows:

State Republics – There are still perhaps a handful of state republics still getting setup. Thirty six states were represented in Utah. President Turner is working hard to get this done. To get the funding and full international recognition we have to have all the pieces of the Republic in place, makes sense.

Banking – We are hearing about a new asset based money system. Yeah! We are hearing about a de jure Senate committee for Banking and Finance. It is going to be honorable. Imagine that! Problem is none of us ever lived under a constitutional government that the founding fathers envisioned and set up for us. We have to dig deep to find the ways to do things right.

Immigration Integration Committee – The Republic (Senate and House) are looking at laws to cover immigrants. We are told that things will be easier and better than what the de facto did. Specifics are lacking at this point. Rest assured free ride immigration with social benefits “we the people” pay for is off the table.

Flag and Seal – This is being worked on. Yeah! We can buy tee shirts, hats, jackets etc with the new flag we can be proud of.

Solidarity Act – This is to bring in State Republics that did not attend the Utah Convention.

Grand Juries – This is a real big point. There are about 3300 counties and they all need to have a de jure grand jury. The hope is within 30 to 60 days, seriously. We need the de jure grand juries to affect remedy. There are also going to be state grand juries. There is also a national grand jury. This one is to hear disputes concerning people who live in different state republics (interstate disputes) or concerning international disputes.

Remedy – What President Turner said is that we have remedy available to us now. The way it works is as follows. If the de facto courts bother you, you respond to them by making what is called a “Special Appearance”. At this appearance you identify yourself as a sovereign only, not one of theirs. You then ask to adjudicate the case to the de jure court. I think in their parlance you are making a verbal motion to adjudicate the case to the correct venue which would be a de jure court of record. Court of record means the court records the decisions which the de facto kangaroo courts generally do not do.

American Rangers – Nathan Peachy our Chief Justice told us the American Rangers are in process of being set up and the ID cards are starting to be distributed. This is a de jure law enforcement position. The Rangers will have had training with militia, military and I assume law enforcement as well. They are also setting up, training for rangers as well. The rangers must understand the constitution, common law and rights of a sovereign. Chief Justice Peachy said that if a judge in the de facto refuses to recognize our attempts at remedy to relocate cases to a de jure court, then the American Rangers can be called in. He went on to say if it takes 15 rangers to go see the judge that is fine. If the judge continues to resist and invoke his criminal reign of injustice on a sovereign, then that judge would be arrested by the rangers and brought into the de jure legal system. The judge would find himself a defendant in a criminal matter.

Use of New ID's – A publicity campaign is going to start in days educating the various governments in the USA regarding sovereigns and the new ID cards. Right now the police have no idea what they are. They take an oath to support the constitution but probably at least 97% have no understanding of the constitution. This is going to rock the USA big time, about time. Christmas season is a great time to educate your friends and neighbors as to what the Republic is. Yuletide Sovereignty. There was a call to not abuse the new ID cards and behave recklessly like going around speeding. The traffic warrant is a two way street. You are stating that you will be held responsible for any damages to persons or property that you cause. Admittedly a speed limit sign is not a damaged party and the jurisdiction that owns the speed limit sign did not suffer any damages if you drove by the sign above the posted speed. The idea is to be respectful to the de facto in this transition stage and not go around wiping you feet on their ways. Their ways are soon to be history but do show respect until then. The traffic warrant also calls for damages to fall on anyone who violates your sovereign rights to free travel including money damages and incarceration. This applies to the badge carrying corporation security guards of the de facto at the incorporated city, county, state and federal corporate level. Sovereigns are reminded to not carry any sort of de facto id at this time. Do not walk on both sides of the street. Throw your heart, mind and body into the righteous form of governance – de jure common law. This is me talking now. I would assume if we are to not carry any de facto ID this includes carry concealed weapons licenses. I further assume we are going to be using the second amendment as our CCW licenses, ie just again rely on the sovereign ID. I can come to no other conclusions although this has not been discussed in any public forum yet to my knowledge. This is a sensitive subject for sure. If we were to carry a state issued CCW license then we would be again under the de facto. I cannot imagine the Republic disarming us so I come to the conclusion of relying on the republic ID in place of any gun license issued by the de facto. I am confident this is a subject that will be discussed shortly.

Government Issued Licenses – The Republic tends to see the issuance of these licenses as taxable events only. Perhaps the plumbers will form some sort of civil organization that offers certification of its members. This sort of thing was suggested. Remember you are liable for any damages you cause so be careful with this new found freedom. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, Mathew 7:12.

Compacts with Twenty Six Nations – Pres. Turner has said that compacts with 26 nations have been negotiated already. The Republic is in negotiations with the de facto now. The stolen funds for the republic will be released at the conclusion of the compact with the de facto and of course there will be no further interference with more funds destined for the republic. The de facto will soon be in full written recognition of the republic. For as long as the de facto corporation exists the de jure will be considered the superior form of government.

Passports – They have not yet been printed. The machinery is coming and the passports will be on the way.

Small Business Government Loans - President Turner is big on this. The key to our past economic greatness was our Mom and Pop businesses. America used to have pride in the goods it made. It was not a race to make it cheaper than the other guy (China). Businesses were honorable. Customer service complaints were taken seriously. This was when people behaved honorably. President Turner wants to make a lot of funds available to “we the people” to start small Mom and Pop businesses. Organic farming is a special interest the President has in seeing developed. Ladies and Gentlemen put on your thinking caps and start getting business plans developed. Expect to have to produce a make sense business plan and resume explaining why you are qualified. A cottage industry is going to be helping others prepare business plans for these loans.

Foreclosures – President Turner feels that the end of the foreclosure crisis will be the people just keep their mortgaged homes outright and the banks shut down. When the USSR failed the people wound up keeping their apartments that previously belonged to the state. Some of these were worth north of $50,000 and that was say 20 years ago. So this concept is not new. The de facto banks have to go. New banks will be in place.

Political Prisoners – There is a remedy to get them out of jail People in for drug offenses, tax offenses, money laundering, gun offenses, driving without a license, driving without insurance or with expired tags, possession of prohibited herbs and crops, etc where there is no flesh and blood damaged party are eligible for this remedy. Violating a statue without harming a person or property of a person is not grounds for incarceration under common law. The prison gets served with a writ of habeus corpus to present the incarcerated person to a de jure court physically. At that time a victim can come forth and testify in the de jure court. The government is not a victim normally. If a person stole from the petty cash drawer at a government office the government could be a victim. No victim, then no trial and the person goes free at that time. If the prison does not comply then the American Rangers pay them a visit and explain things nicely at first and then it could deteriorate into someone from the prison administration getting arrested and brought into a de jure court. Think of this as dual criminality. This is a term used in extradition matters across national borders. If a person is charged with a crime from one country while residing in another country, to effect an extradition the act must be a crime in both countries. A woman charged with a crime because her head was not religiously covered is not going to get her extradited from say Mexico where no such offense exists. The de facto is like another country. For one of our people to remain in a de facto jail the crime must also be a crime under common law. If the person is there for assault and rape, well then in jail he stays although I expect sentencing and inhumane prison conditions could be addressed in the de jure courts. Also the person may have been framed by the de facto and thus is innocent. Many new trials could result. If he is in jail for say failing to file tax returns then he goes free right off. We are all going to have to learn and watch as these proceedings progress. We are in unchartered waters since none of us ever lived in a true common law constitutional government. It would be nice if we could email the founding fathers and ask them questions but God did not set things up like that. However we can ask God for guidance and he is willing to help . God loves truth and justice, equal weights and measures and so forth. I think the de facto did nothing God liked, instead they did the opposite.

Transition Period – Believe it or not we are actually in the transition period. Many will not believe you today but give it a little time, precious little time actually. We must all be personal ambassadors to our friends, relatives, co workers etc to spread the good news that the shackles have been broken off of us. Patience explaining what has happened is necessary. The republic website is going to have some videos explaining things shortly which should help. People will be scared at first. When many of the slaves got set free after the civil war they did not know where to go and stayed around the plantation. This is only natural and normal. Some may miss the de facto.

Click here: Update on The Republic for the united States, Dec 16, 2010

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