The individual funds and investments that make up these totals are listed in detail below these fund “totals”.
All of this is sourced from the state’s 2010 CAFR, which can be downloaded at the state governments website, here:
It may also be viewed online here:
Page numbers are listed, so you can follow along in the CAFR for verification, and my comments are in red.
And now, the answer to the question… Is the State of Wisconsin bankrupt?
First, let’s have a look at what Wisconsin has in its investment funds, which is not being reported to the taxpayers of the state or of America…
(See below for explanation)
-> $4,403,000,000
-> $365,800,000
-> $1,023,000,000
-> $127,400,000
-> $200,000
-> $72,000,000
-> $2,006,000,000
-> $6,603,000,000
-> $94,847,000
-> $664,459,000
TOTAL NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS listed as “All Nonmajor Funds”
-> $1,446,072,000
-> $350,107,000
-> $66,937,157,000
–> $2,606,398,000
–> $2,265,681,000
TOTAL AGENCY FUNDS listed as “Totals”
-> $334,837,000
-> $89,299,958,000
-> $11,693,400,000
-> $22,487,900,000
-> $34,181,300,000
-> $123,481,258,000
Note: This should not be construed to be a representation of all hidden wealth and investments within the state government of Wisconsin, but rather the ones that jump off the page to the semi-trained eye. Revenue bonds and other investment assets and future profits are still beyond my scope of translation.
But to put this state government wealth into perspective… The population of the state of Wisconsin as of 2010 was 5,686,986 people. The above figure of over $123 Billion represents investments and capital net assets, which total $21,712 per person in the state of Wisconsin. Remember… many of those people are kids with no income!
This summary compilation of the wealth of the state of Wisconsin is for one purpose: to show exactly what the Wisconsin state government is holding in cash and liquid investments, and not hiding this wealth by stating what their “future obligations” are. So the above figure is what the state had in actual assets, cash, and investments as of June 30, 2010, after liabilities were already paid, and not what it will spend later (which is just their way to hide this current wealth as reported by attaching its value to future financial obligations). Compare this with your exact personal bank account balance today, not what it will be next week or in 5 years (or once future bills are paid with future checks). This is the balance today, and it includes your savings and investments at their value today, not in the future.
While the State government will tell us that these funds are designated or “restricted” to the funds that house them, there is no law that says this is the case, and they are transferred between each fund (intra-fund) all of the time. Do not let these crooks tell you that these funds and investments are restricted without proof. SHOW US THE LAW!
This is rightly taxpayer money, and it could and should be used for taxpayer purposes. Instead, it is being withheld from the public (taxpayers), invested in these funds, and used for “business activities” within this for-profit corporation known as the “State of Wisconsin”. There is no reason that any government (meaning the people; the public) should be in debt, at all, with this kind of hidden wealth.
The state of Wisconsin is obviously far from bankrupt!
***Note: This is just the state corporation (government), and does not include the counties, municipal corporations (cities), towns, school districts, and other corporate governments within the state of Wisconsin. Each of these “governments” has their own investments, funds, and assets, which are listed separately on each of their CAFR’s. The assets of all of these individual government corporations within the state do not appear on the state CAFR.
There are 72 counties in the State of Wisconsin.
There are 190 cities (municipal corporations) in the State of Wisconsin (as of 2006).
There are 1,260 towns in the State of Wisconsin (some the same as cities).
There are 370 school districts in the State of Wisconsin (approx).
All of these are different government corporations. All of these have separate CAFR’s.
Malls, movie theaters, golf courses, most other commercial real estate entities, electric and gas companies, water and sewage companies, universities and colleges, parks and zoos, parking meters and garages, toll roads and bridges, and many other types of government owned businesses are all part of individual governments listed in their CAFRs.
The total wealth of the state of Wisconsin can only truly be measured by adding up the investments, assets, funds, enterprise operations (businesses), and other government wealth and investments within each of these individual corporate governments, through each county and local government Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
***Note: There is a rabid defense of pension funds by the government employees who benefit from them, and of course by the government who controls and profits from them and their investments. But it is important to understand that the money that is being contributed to these pension funds is also taxpayer money. In 2009, the amount contributed to the Wisconsin Retirement System by state employees was $736,689,000. But the amount contributed by taxpayers who are not employees of any state office (ordinary taxpaying citizens) was $632,706,000. In other words, over $632 million in taxpayer money went to support this pension fund system in the form of government employer contributions, which could have gone to support government activities that would support the taxpayers themselves or to pay off debt. Government Employers are funded with taxpayer money. Thus their contributions are coming from taxpayer money. Simple.
The Wisconsin Retirement System pension fund made a $10.5 Billion dollar profit (return on investment) in fiscal year 2009, and a $5.4 Billion dollar profit in fiscal year 2010.
This was after all benefits and liabilities were paid for the year. This money is in no way benefiting the taxpayers of the state. This was pure profit for the fund – the return on investments!!!
***Note: This is what I could find looking at the Wisconsin State CAFR, and represents the assets and investments as reported by the state at the end of fiscal year 2010, which ended June 30, 2010. Thus, these are the totals as of that date (06/30/10) – which is the latest Comprehensive Annual Financial Report available for viewing to the public. This took two full days of reading and research to acquire. While I made every attempt at accuracy, I have no financial background. Crosschecking my accuracy and verifying if I accidentally reported any items twice is suggested. You have the report at your fingertips…
-Clint Richardson-
March 1, 2011
The information below is pulled straight from the 2010 CAFR for the State of Wisconsin…
(My comments are in red)
(Page 19)
The State of Wisconsin, like the rest of the nation, experienced an economic decline that persisted from Fiscal Year 2009 in to Fiscal Year 2010. To assist in stimulating the economy, the federal 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) provided tax relief and additional funding for approximately 132 federal programs administered by at least 16 different state agencies. Both events impacted the financial results reported for the State.
Government-wide (Tables 2 and 3 on Pages 22 and 23)
• Net Assets. The assets of the State of Wisconsin exceeded its liabilities at the close of Fiscal Year 2010 by $11.7 billion (reported as “net assets”). Of this amount, $(9.9) billion was reported as “unrestricted net assets”. A positive balance in unrestricted net assets would represent the amount available to be used to meet a government’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors.
• Changes in Net Assets. The State’s total net assets decreased by $29.3 million in Fiscal Year 2010. Net assets of governmental activities increased by $31.7 million or 0.6 percent, while net assets of the business-type activities showed a decrease of $61.0 million or 1.0 percent.
• Excess of Revenues over (under) Expenses — Governmental Activities. During Fiscal Year 2010, the State’s total revenues for governmental activities of $26.2 billion were $1.3 billion more than total expenses (excluding transfers) for governmental activities of $24.9 billion. Of these expenses, $12.6 billion were covered by program revenues. General revenues, generated primarily from various taxes, totaled $13.6 billion.
Note: The State of Wisconsin, as listed under Table 3: “Changes in Net Assets”, earned $34.84 Billion in tax-based revenues, which represents a $3.89 Billion increase in revenue generation for the state. In other words, the state government through its business activities related to taxpayers earned over 3.8 billion dollars more profit than they did in the 2009 fiscal year at the taxpayers expense (See Table 3 on page 23 of the CAFR).
This Financial Highlights section makes it appear that the Wisconsin government is in trouble, but I assure you this is not the case.
Net assets of the State are listed here as well at $11,693,400,000. But this does not include the funds we will be going over starting now…
(Page 75)
The State maintains a short-term investment “pool”, the State Investment Fund, for the State, its agencies and departments, and certain other public institutions which elect to participate. The investment “pool” is managed by the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (the Board) which is further authorized to carry out investment activities for certain enterprise, trust and agency funds. A small number of State agencies and the University of Wisconsin System also carry out investment activities separate from the Board.
(Page 76)
B. Investments
1. Primary Government
Wisconsin Statutes, program policy provisions, appropriate governing boards, and general resolutions contained in revenue bond indenture documents define the types of securities authorized as appropriate investments and the conditions for making investment transactions.
Investments of the State are managed by various portfolios. For disclosure purposes, the following investment portfolios are discussed separately:
• Primary government, excluding the University of Wisconsin System, the Wisconsin Retirement System and the State Investment Fund. The primary government portfolios include various funds managed by the State of Wisconsin Investment Board consisting of the following:
– Local Government Property Insurance Fund (LGPIF)
— State Life Insurance Fund (SLF)
— Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund (IPFCF)
— Historical Society Fund
— Tuition Trust Fund
• University of Wisconsin System (UWS)
• Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS)
• State Investment Fund (SIF) — functions as the State’s cash management fund by “pooling” the idle cash balances of all State funds and other public institutions. Investments of the SIF are discussed in section B 3 of this note disclosure.
The State of Wisconsin Investment Board (the Board) has exclusive control over the investments of the Local Government Property Insurance Fund (LGPIF), the State Life Insurance Fund (SLF), the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund (IPFCF), the Historical Society Fund, and the Tuition Trust Fund, which are collectively known as the “various funds”.
(Page 77)
Custodial Credit Risk
Custodial credit risk is the risk that, in the event of a failure of the counterparty, the State will not be able to recover the value of the investment or collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside party.
So the states investments (taxpayer money) are at risk of loss with no recovery or insurance while it is being invested without the consent or knowledge and comprehension of the taxpaying public.
Primary Government (excluding the University of Wisconsin System (UWS), the Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS), and the State Investment Fund (SIF))
At June 30, 2010, the reported amount of investments of the primary government, including the various funds, was $4,403.7 million, of which $286.9 million is reported as cash equivalents and $327.0 million is reported as “Other Assets”. The primary government, including the various funds, does not have an investment policy specifically for custodial credit risk, however, at June 30, 2010, the primary government had no custodial credit risk exposure for these investments.
(in millions, The Primary Government Funds called “Various Funds”, which include the LGPIF, the SLF, the IPFCF, the Historical Society Fund, and the Tuition Trust Fund have $4.403 Billion Dollars in investments)
Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS)
All assets of the WRS are invested by the State of Wisconsin Investment Board (the Board). The WRS consists of shares in the core retirement trust fund and the variable retirement trust fund…
The retirement fund assets consist of shares in the Variable Retirement Investment Trust and the Core Retirement Investment Trust. The Variable Retirement Investment Trust consists primarily of equity securities. The Core Retirement Investment Trust is a balanced investment fund made up of fixed income securities and equity securities. Shares in the Core Retirement Investment Trust are purchased as funds are made available from retirement contributions and investment income, and sold when funds for benefit payments and other expenses are needed.
The assets of the Core and Variable Retirement Investment Trusts are carried at fair value with all market value adjustments recognized in current operations. Investments are revalued monthly to current market value. The resulting valuation gains or losses are recognized as income, although revenue has not been realized through a market-place transaction.
The investments of the core retirement trust fund consist of a highly diversified portfolio of securities. Wis. Stat. Sec. 25.182 authorizes the Board to manage the core retirement trust fund in accordance with “prudent investor” standard of responsibility as described in Wis. Stat. Sec. 25.15(2) which requires that the Board manage the funds with the diligence, skill and care that a prudent person acting in a similar capacity and with the same resources would use in managing a large public pension fund.
At June 30, 2010, the WRS investments were $66.6 billion. The WRS does not have a formal policy for custodial credit risk. As of June 30, 2010, the WRS held eighteen tri-party repurchase agreements totaling $787.0 million.
(The Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) has over $66 billion in investments.)
University of Wisconsin System (UWS)
At June 30, 2010, the UWS investments were $365.8 million, of which $26.7 million is reported as cash equivalents. The UWS’s investments are registered in the name of the UWS and the UWS does not participate in any securities lending programs through its custodian bank. Investment securities underlying the UWS’s investment in shares of external investment pools or funds are in custody at those funds. The shares owned in these external investment pools are registered in the name of the UWS.
(The University of Wisconsin System (UW) has $365.8 million in investments.)
(Page 89)
2. Component Units
…except for the Wisconsin Health Care Liability Insurance Plan and the University of Wisconsin Foundation (Other Component Units)
Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (Authority) – The Authority is required by statute to invest at least fifty percent of its General Fund funds in obligations of the State, of the United States, or of agencies or instrumentalities of the United States, or obligations, the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the United States, or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States. Each investment portfolio specifies what constitutes a permitted investment and such investments may include obligations of the U.S. government and agencies securities; corporate bonds and notes; money market mutual funds; commercial paper; and repurchase agreements and investment agreements.
The Authority enters into collateralized investment contracts with various financial institutions. The investment contracts are generally collateralized by obligations of the United States government.
The Authority is also authorized to invest its funds in the State Investment Fund.
The Authority’s aggregate investments at June 30, 2010 were $1,023.7 million of which $843.8 million are reported as cash equivalents.
(In millions, The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority has $1.023 billion in investments)
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Authority – The University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority’s (the Hospital) aggregate investments at June 30, 2010 were $375.6 million of which $248.2 million (invested with the University of Wisconsin Foundation, see investment disclosure discussion for the University Wisconsin Foundation) are reported as “Cash and Investments with Other Component Units.” The board of directors has authorized management to invest in debt and equity securities.
(In millions, The University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Authority has $375.6 million, $127.4 million of which is not invested in the University fund (see above))
State Fair Park Exposition Center, Inc. – The aggregate investments at December 31, 2009 were $.2 million consisting of money market funds reported as cash equivalents.
(In millions, The State Fair Park Exposition Center, Inc has $200 thousand in investments)
(Page 91)
Other Component Units
Wisconsin Health Care Liability Insurance Plan (WHCLIP) – Aggregate investments of the WHCLIP were $72.0 million, of which $13.2 million are money market and other highly liquid debt instruments reported as cash equivalents.
The WHCLIP does not hold investments in any one issuer that exceeds 5 percent of total assets.
As of December 31, 2009, the WHCLIP did not own any issues denominated in a foreign currency.
Excluded investments include: bonds rated below A by a major rating service at the time of purchase, foreign bonds not denominated in U.S. currency, futures transactions, short selling, use of margin, derivatives and hedge funds.
The investments of the WHCLIP at December 31, 2010 were $58.9 million consisting of the following (in millions):
Amortized Estimated Investment Type Cost Fair Value
U.S. Treasury securities and
- obligations of the U.S. government
- corporations and agencies $10.1
Debt securities issued by foreign
- governments and corporations $3.2
Industrial and miscellaneous $25.5
Loan-backed securities $24.2
Total $63.0
(In millions, The WHCLP Fund has $72 million in investments)
(Page 92)
University of Wisconsin Foundation (the Foundation) – Aggregate investments of the Foundation are $2,006.6 million.
The following table summarizes the types of investments of the Foundation at December 31, 2009 (in millions):
Investment Type Fair Value
Bond and debentures $455.5
Stocks $512.2
Bond funds $106.0
Stock funds $25.5
Hedge funds $478.4
Limited partnerships $278.6
Real asset funds $146.2
Other funds $4.2
Total $2,006.6
(in millions, University of Wisconsin Foundation Fund has $2.006 Billion in investments)
(Page 101)
Component Unit
University of Wisconsin Foundation – The University of Wisconsin Foundation’s (the Foundation) endowment consists of 3,067 individual funds established for a variety of purposes. Its endowment includes both donor-restricted endowment funds and funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments. Net assets associated with endowment funds, including funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions.
The Board of Directors has interpreted the Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) as requiring the preservation of fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donorrestricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result of this interpretation, the Foundation classifies as permanently-restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently-restricted net assets is classified as temporarily-restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure by the organization in a manner consistent with the standard of prudence prescribed by UPMIFA. In accordance with UPMIFA, the organization considers the following factors in making a determination to appropriate or accumulate donor-restricted endowment funds:
• The duration and preservation of the fund
• The purpose of the Foundation and the donor-restricted endowment fund
• General economic conditions
• The possible effect of inflation and deflation
• The expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments
• Other resources of the Foundation
• The investment policies of the Foundation
Endowment Net Asset Composition by Type of Fund as of December 31, 2009 (in millions):
Unrestricted - Temp. Restricted - Perm. Restricted - Total
$(38.2) $175.0 $749.5 $886.3
(In other words, the Board Of Directors of the University of Wisconsin Foundation have made the original donations made by a donor(s) (known as endowments) a restricted money base, meaning it cannot be used for anything else. But the money made on the investment gains from these donations, the capital gains, are designated as “unrestricted” and can be used or transferred elsewhere in government or into these types of secretive funds not reported to the taxpayer on the annual taxpayer budget report.)
(So… In millions, The University Of Wisconsin Fund also includes $886.3 million in cash and investments, which are “donor-restricted”.)
(Page 100)
The University of Wisconsin System invests its trust funds, principally gifts and bequests designated as endowments or quasi-endowments, in two of its own investment pools: the Long Term Fund and the Intermediate Term Fund. Benefiting University of Wisconsin System entities receive quarterly distributions from the Long Term Fund, principally endowed assets, based on an annual spending rate applied to a 12-quarter moving average market value of the fund…
University of Wisconsin System investment policies and guidelines for the Long Term Fund and Intermediate Term Fund are governed and authorized by the Board of Regents.
The fair value of Endowments as of June 30, 2010 was $370.7 million including an unrealized gain of $38.4 million when fair values as of June 30, 2010 are compared to asset acquisition costs. This compares to a fair value as of June 30, 2009 of $336.9 million. The net increase in fund balance during 2009-10 was $33.8 million. (That’s profit!)
(Page 102)
Celebrate Children Foundation, Inc
The Celebrate Children Foundation Inc. (CCF) endowment includes both donor-restricted funds and funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments. As required by generally accepted accounting principles, net assets associated with endowment funds, including funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Board of Directors of the CCF has interpreted the State Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (SPMIFA) as requiring the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result of this interpretation, the CCF classifies as permanently restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund…
(Page 103)
…The CCF expects the current spending policy to allow its endowment funds to grow at a nominal average rate of 3 percent annually. This is consistent with the CCF’s objective to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment assets as well as to provide additional real growth through new gifts and investment return. (But what about the children???)
Endowment net asset composition as of June 30, 2010:
- Unrestricted - Perm-Restricted - Total
Donor-restricted $ – $1,083,214 $1,083,214
Board-designated (14,812) — (14,812)
Total $(14,812) $1,083,214 $1,068,402
(In millions, Celebrate Children Foundation, Inc Fund includes $1.068 million in cash and investments which are “donor-restricted”.)
(Page 93)
3. State Investment Fund
The State Investment Fund (SIF) functions as the State’s cash management fund by “pooling” the idle cash balances of all State funds and other public institutions. In the State’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the SIF is not reported as a separate fund; rather, each State fund’s share in the “pool” is reported on the balance sheet as “Cash and Cash Equivalents.” Shares of the SIF belonging to other participating public institutions are presented in the Local Government Pooled Investment Fund, an investment trust fund.
Wis. Stat. Secs. 25.17(3)(b), (ba), (bd) and (dg) enumerate the various types of securities in which the SIF can invest, which include direct obligations of the United States or its agencies, corporations wholly owned by the Untied States or chartered by an act of Congress, securities guaranteed by the United States, unsecured notes of financial and industrial issuers, direct obligations of or guaranteed by the government of Canada, certificates of deposit issued by banks in the United States and solvent financial institutions in Wisconsin, and bankers acceptances. Other prudent investments may be approved by the State of Wisconsin Investment Board’s (the Board) Board of Trustees.
Investments are valued at fair value for financial statement purposes and amortized cost for purposes of calculating income to participants. The custodial bank has compiled fair value information for all securities by utilizing third party pricing services. The fair value of investments is determined at the end of each month. Government and agency securities and commercial paper are priced using matrix pricing. This method estimates a security’s fair value by using quoted market prices for securities with similar interest rates, maturities, and credit ratings. Short-term debt investments with remaining maturities of up to 90 days are valued using amortized costs to estimate fair value, provided that the fair value of those investments is not significantly affected by the impairment of the credit standing of the issuer or by other factors. Repurchase agreements and nonnegotiable certificates of deposit are valued at cost because they are nonparticipating contracts that do not capture interest rate changes in their value. In addition, a bond issued by another State agency having a par value of $21.2 thousand is valued at par, which management believes approximates fair value.
(Page 94)
For purposes of calculating earnings to each participant, all investments are valued at amortized cost. Specifically, income is distributed to pool participants’ monthly based on their average daily share balance. Distributed income includes realized investment gains and losses calculated on an amortized cost basis, interest income based on stated rates (both paid and accrued), amortization of discounts and premiums on a straight-line basis, and investment and administrative expenses. This method differs from the fair value method used to value investments because the amortized cost method is not designed to distribute to participants all unrealized gains and losses in the fair values of the pool’s investments.
Custodial Credit Risk
The custodial credit risk for investments is the risk that, in the event of the failure of the counterparty to a transaction, the Board will not be able to recover the value of investments or collateral securities that are in the possession of an outside party. Investments are exposed to custodial credit risk if the securities are uninsured and unregistered and are either held by the counterparty or by the counterparty’s trust department or agent but not in the name of the Board.
At June 30, 2010, the reported amount of investments was $6,603.9 million. The SIF had no custodial credit risk exposure for these investments.
Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk is defined as the risk that changes in interest rates will adversely affect the fair value of investments. The weighted average maturity method is used to analyze interest rate risk and investment guidelines mandate that the weighted average maturity for the entire portfolio will not exceed one year. At June 30, 2010, the following table shows the investments by investment type, amount and the weighted average maturities (in millions):
Weighted Average Investment Fair Value
Bank NOW account deposits $755.6
Repurchase agreements $1,249.0
Government and agency $4,599.0
Certificates of deposit $0.3
Mortgage backed securities $331.0
Total $6,603.9
(In millions, The State Investment Fund has $6.603 Billion Dollars in investments)
(Page 95)
4. Lottery Investments and Related Future Prize
Investments of the State Lottery Fund totaling $64.0 million are held to finance grand prizes payable over a 20-year or 25-year period. The investments in prize annuities are debt obligations of the U.S. government and backed by its full faith and credit as to both principal and interest. Liabilities related to the future prize obligations are presented at their present value and included as Accounts Payable and Other Accrued Liabilities.
(in thousands, there is $64 Million Dollars in investments in the “Lottery Fund”)
(Page 128)
G. Arbitrage Rebate
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 requires that governmental entities issuing tax-exempt debt subsequent to August 1986, calculate and rebate arbitrage earnings to the federal government. Specifically, the excess of the aggregated amount earned on investments purchased with bond proceeds over the amount that would have been earned if the proceeds were invested at a rate equal to the bond yield, is to be rebated to the federal government. As of June 30, 2010, a liability for arbitrage rebate did not exist.
(Though it didn’t happen in fiscal year 2010, some investment income called “arbitrage” is given to the Federal Government as a penalty (tax) for making what you might call other than legal investment returns.)
(Page 142)
It is the general policy of the State not to purchase commercial insurance for the risks of losses to which it is exposed. Instead, the State believes it is more economical to manage its risks internally and set aside assets for claim settlement in its internal service fund, the Risk Management Fund. The fund services most claims for risk of loss to which the State is exposed, including damage to State owned property, liability for property damages and injuries to third parties, and worker’s compensation. All funds and agencies of the State participate in the Risk Management Fund.
Changes in the balances of claims liability for the Risk Management Fund during the current and prior fiscal years are as follows (in thousands):
- 2010 2009
Beginning of fiscal year liability $103,119 $95,000
Current year claims and changes
in estimates $21,376 $41,508
Claim payments (28,278) (28,089)
- _____________________
- $96,217 $108,419
Excess insurance reimbursable (1,370) (5,300)
- _____________________
Balance at fiscal year-end $94,847 $103,119
(In thousands, the Risk Management Fund used for lawsuits against the state and for worker’s comp (taxpayer money in this fund) is 94.84 million dollars.)
And now, listed here are the individual funds where much of this money is being hidden and invested. This is a list of all reported funds. A description of each fund can be found in the CAFR. Page numbers are listed as reference to those descriptions. Many of these funds grew (made a profit) for fiscal year 2010 over 2009 totals, some by millions of dollars (see balance sheet). Only the totals for each fund are listed here, as presented in the combining balance sheets following the descriptions of the funds within the 2010 CAFR. Some funds are grouped into total balances on the balance sheet, and these are notated as (see below).
(Pages 169-182)
SPECIAL REVENUE: Special revenue funds account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for a specified purpose. The State’s special revenue funds are described below:
The Conservation Fund
–> $92,152,000
The Election Administration Fund
–> $16,244,000
The Utility Public Benefits Fund
–> $20,491,000
The Petroleum Inspection Fund
–> $14,132.000
The Wisconsin Public Broadcasting Foundation Fund
-> $12,393,000
The Celebrate Children Foundation Fund
–> $1,523,000
The Heritage State Parks and Forests Fund
–> (See Below)
The Waste Management Fund
–> (See Below)
The Environmental Fund
–> (See Below)
The Dry Cleaner Environmental Response Fund
–> (See Below)
The Recycling and Renewable Energy Fund
–> (See Below)
Total for above (5) funds listed as “Other Environmental Revenue Funds” above
- $87,843,000
OTHER SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS – account for resources that must be used for specific purposes and include the following:
The Wisconsin Election Campaign
-> (See Below)
The Investment and Local Impact
-> (See Below)
The Industrial Building Construction Loan Fund
-> (See Below)
(Page 170)
The Self-insured Employers Liability Fund
-> (See Below)
The Work Injury Supplemental Benefit Fund
–> (See Below)
The Workers Compensation Fund
–> (See Below)
The Uninsured Employers Fund
–> (See Below)
The Mediation Fund
–> (See Below)
The Police and Fire Protection Fund
–> (See Below)
The State Capitol Restoration Fund
–> (See Below)
The Agricultural Chemical Cleanup Fund
–> (See Below)
The Agrichemical Management Fund
-> (See Below)
The Agricultural Producer Security Fund
–> (See Below)
The Historical Legacy Trust Fund
–> (See Below)
The History Preservation Partnership Trust Fund
–> (See Below)
The Wireless 911 Fund
–> (See Below)
The VendorNet Fund
–> (See Below)
The Universal Service Fund
–> (See Below)
The Children’s Trust Fund
–> (See Below)
Total for above (19) funds listed as “Other Special Revenue Funds”
-> $80,155,000
(Total Special Revenue Funds – $324,932,000)
(Page 170)
DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: Debt service funds account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, principal, interest and related costs of general long-term obligations:
The Bond Security and Redemption Fund
-> $20,039,000
The Annual Appropriation Bonds
-> $33,905,000
The 2009 Annual Appropriation Bonds
-> $126,000
The Badger Tobacco Asset Securitization Fund
-> $8,564,000
The Petroleum Inspection Revenue Bonds Fund
–> $4,393,000
The Transportation Revenue Bonds Fund
–> $149,968,000
(Total Debt Service Funds – $216,994,000)
CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS: Capital projects funds account for financial resources used for the acquisition, construction, renovation or repair of major capital facilities (other than those financed by proprietary funds and trust funds). The State’s capital projects funds are described below:
The Building Trust
–> $24,775,000
The Capital Improvement Fund
–> $39,135,000
The Transportation Revenue Bonds Fund
–> $24,243,000
(Total Capital Projects Funds – $88,153,000)
PERMANENT FUNDS: Permanent funds are used to report resources
that are legally restricted to the extent that only earnings,
principal, may be used to support the State’s programs:
The Historical Society Fund –>
The Other Permanent Fund accounts for various resources legal restrictions requiring that principal remain intact and earnings may be spent, including the following:
• The Agricultural College and University statutory funds
–> (See Below)
• The Normal School statutory fund
-> (See Below)
• The Benevolent statutory fund
–> (See Below)
Total for above (3) funds listed as “Other Permanent Funds”
-> $24,980,000
(Total Permanent Funds – $34,380,000)
(Pages 183-191)
ENTERPRISE FUNDS: Enterprise funds account for business-like State
activities that provide goods and/or services to the public and are
financed primarily through user charges. The State’s enterprise
funds are described below:
The Lottery Fund
–> $158,368,000
The Income Continuation Insurance Fund
–> $82,794,000
The Long-term Disability Insurance Fund
–> $218,977,000
The Health Insurance Fund
–> $216,313,000
The Veterans Trust Fund
–> $54,736,000
The Veterans Mortgage Loan Repayment Fund
–> $288,514,000
The Care and Treatment Facilities Funds - account for various
resident facilities including:
• The Mendota Mental Health Institute Fund
–> $31,804,000
• The Winnebago Mental Health Institute Fund
–> $26,047,000
• The Homes For Veterans Fund
–> (See Below)
• The Northern, Central, and Southern Developmental Disabilities Center Funds
–> (See Below)
Total for above (2) funds listed as “Other Care and Treatment Facilities”
-> $120,426,000
OTHER ENTERPRISE FUNDS: account for the following programs:
The State Fair Park Fund
–> (See Below)
The Institutional Farm Operations Fund
–> (See Below)
The Correctional Canteen Operations Fund
–> (See Below)
The Local Government Property Insurance Fund
–> (See Below)
The State Life Insurance Fund
–> (See Below)
The Transportation Infrastructure Loan Fund
–> (See Below)
The Life Insurance Fund
–> (See Below)
Total for above (7) funds listed as “Other Enterprise” funds
-> $248,093,000
(TOTAL NONMAJOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS listed as “All Nonmajor Funds” – $1,446,072,000)
(Pages 192-201)
INTERNAL SERVICE: Internal service funds account for the operations of State agencies which render services to other State agencies, institutions, or other governmental units on a cost-reimbursement basis. The State’s internal service funds are described below:
The Technology Services Fund
–> $40,917,000
The Fleet Services Fund
–> $32,676,000
The Financial Services Fund
–> $3,143,000
The Facilities Operations and Maintenance Fund
–> $253,425,000
The Risk Management Fund
–> $9,223,000
The Badger State Industries Fund
–> $10,724,000
(TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS listed as “totals” – $350,107,000)
(Pages 202-212)
FIDUCIARY FUNDS: Fiduciary funds are maintained to account for assets held by the State acting in the capacity as a trustee or agent. The State’s fiduciary funds, consisting of pension and other employee benefit trust, investment trust, private-purpose trust, and agency funds, are described below:
PENSION AND OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST FUNDS: Pension and other employee benefit trust funds are used to report resources that are required to be held in trust for members and beneficiaries of the public employee retirement system or other employee benefit plans:
The Wisconsin Retirement System Fund
–> $66,415,157,000
The Accumulated Sick Leave Fund
–> $-393,157,000 (Total assets listed at + $1,802,597,000)
The Duty Disability Fund
–> $334,828,000
The Reimbursed Employee Expense Fund
–> $1,108,000
The Local Retiree Life Insurance Fund
–> $225,553,000
The Retiree Life Insurance Fund
–> $353,669,000
INVESTMENT TRUST FUNDS: Investment trust funds account for assets invested on a commingled basis by the State on behalf of other governmental entities. The State’s investment trust funds are described below:
The Local Government Pooled Investment Fund
–> $2,490,278,000
The Milwaukee Retirement System Fund
–> $116,120,000
(TOTAL INVESTMENT TRUST FUNDS listed as “Totals” –> $2,606,398,000)
PRIVATE-PURPOSE TRUST: Private-purpose trust funds are used to report all other trust arrangements under which principal and income benefit individuals, private organizations, or other governments:
The Tuition Trust Fund
–> $8,473,000
The BadgerRx for Individuals Fund
–> $177,000
The College Savings Program Trust Fund
–> $2,247,475,000
The Retiree Health Insurance Fund
–> $9,556,000
(TOTAL PRIVATE-PURPOSE TRUST FUNDS listed as “Totals” – $2,265,681,000)
AGENCY FUNDS: Agency funds report those assets for which the State acts solely in a custodial capacity. The State’s agency funds are described below:
The Insurance Company Liquidation Account Fund
–> $720,000
The Local Retiree Health Insurance Fund
–> $2,156,000
The Inmate and Resident Fund
–> $16,711,000
The Bank and Insurance Company Deposits Fund
–> $303,730,000
The Support Collection Trust Fund
–> $11,521,000
(TOTAL AGENCY FUNDS listed as “Totals” – $334,837,000)
Again, the above information is taken from the State of Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2010.
Going through these reports is the only way to get a grasp on the amount of wealth your local, county, or state government has in its hidden funds and investments.
Please do not let my efforts go to waste! This needs to be seen by all taxpaying citizens, no matter what state they reside in. This is a blueprint for most or all state governments. If you stay silent about this, you are giving your consent to this crime.
Silence is consent.
Confront your legislators.
Ask questions. Demand answers.
Get a rope…
Please go to these other websites for more information on CAFR’s:
–Clint Richardson (
Tuesday, March 1, 2011Cl
March 1, 2011
2012 Jordan Maxwell Get Ready for Nibiru (planet x)
[5] Pre-adamic man
27 And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him, male and female he created them (Genesis 1).
26 And he made out of one [man] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of [men] (Acts 17).
The conflict
The Fundamental Christian says that Adam, who was created around 6,000 years ago according to biblical chronology, was the first man, and so Archaeology is rubbish. The Archaeologist says mankind has for a fact been around for 30,000 years and we have good evidence that he has been around for over 2 million years, so the concept that we began with Adam 6,000 years ago is rubbish and therefore Genesis is rubbish. Incidentally, if the speed of light was faster for the first half, the evening half, of the 6th creative day - see I2, then the radio carbon dating of the 2 million year old human fossils would be incorrect. In fact we understand that the speed of light was 360 times faster at the start of the 6th creative day, than it is today, and so the human fossils are crudely speaking 360 times younger than we think. For people who like this sort of thing please visit U234 - A brief history of light.
So how do we resolve this conflict between Science and Religion? They both cannot be right! Traditionally religious people just throw away their reasoning capability and say, my faith tells me that the bible is right and that is the end of it. This is a very dangerous thing to do. It is a lazy idolatry of an illogical church doctrine, it is selling God and his book, the bible, short. It happens because people in general do not have the courage of their deductions. They do not believe that they have the mental power to climb out of the trap that has been laid for them. The fact that over a billion people in the world believe in the Trinity doctrine, which amounts to the abolition of the number 2, demonstrates clearly how little confidence mankind has in his own reasoning capability. No rational man could ever accept the Catholic Trinity Doctrine, but it took a certain Isaac Newton to make that point in England, some 1650 years after Christ died.
So all those who do accept the trinity are just demonstrating how easy they are to brainwash. And the Muslim suicide bombers of the last days are busy showing us just how dangerous religious brainwashing can be. Most, if not all people with faith, throw away their reason when they join a religion and just accept the doctrine of their church or mosque or synagogue etc. So one could argue that every Christian who believes in the trinity is one step away from being a suicide bomber. But Jesus did not command us to become brainwashed idolaters of the lame spiritual understandings of lazy control freak priests or rabbis or imams. He said:
37 You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind (Matthew 22).
And the first living stone that Jesus laid in the Christian church (Peter), said...
13 Hence brace up your minds for activity, keep your senses completely; set your hope upon the undeserved kindness that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1).
This Revelation requires brain power and of course the world is being dumbed down further and further every day at the very time that the Revelation is occurring because there is a battle that we are the victims of between the holy angels and the deadly demons. But we can avoid being a casualty of this war if we open the eyes of our mind.
The Resolution
Jesus said that we should scrutinize every little detail of every scripture...
17 Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I came, not to destroy, but to fulfill.
18 For truly I say to you that sooner would heaven and earth pass away than for one smallest letter or one particle of a letter to pass away from the Law [of God, the whole bible] by any means and not all things take place (Matthew 5).
Let us therefore apply this kind of scrutiny to the account of the creation of mankind in Genesis 1.
26 And God [Elohim literally 'Gods' meaning the holy spirit under God's direction] went on to say: Let us make man [md)] in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving [animal] that is moving upon the earth.
27 And God [Elohim meaning Jehovah himself - see Genesis 2:4,7] proceeded to create the man [md)h] in his image, in God's image he created him; [this repetition of the man being made in God's image rather than in our image, makes it the key point in the scripture] male and female he created them 28 Further, God blessed them [Adam and Eve] and God said to them: Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living [being] that is moving upon the earth (Genesis 1).
4 This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the day that Jehovah God [YHWH Elohim] made earth and heaven (Genesis 2).
7 And Jehovah God [YHWH Elohim qualifying the ambiguous verses 27 and 28] proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul (Genesis 2).
Now at first sight this looks like a rather repetitive account of the creation of mankind. But let us examine these 3 verses a bit closer since they may just hold the secret to our very existence within them. Here is a comparative table of the two successive accounts of our creation...
Action Verse 26 Verses 27 and 28
Who does the creating? Us: God and the holy spirit, his wife. Father and Mother. God himself. Adam had no heavenly mother. Satan was the head of the Holy Spirit, the head of God's wife. He was cut out of the deal with Adam. This would have been the first time that God created an equal to Satan and created any life without Satan.
In whose image? In our image (the image of the holy spirit) The image of God himself
In whose likeness The angels n/a
Name Man [md)] The Man
Created as Male and Female? Yes Yes, Male and Female he created them
Blessed? No Yes
Be fruitful become many fill the earth? No Yes
What do they have in subjection? Fish, flying creatures, domestic animals, all the earth, every crawling animal moving on the earth Fish, flying creatures, every living [being] creature moving on the earth
So verses 27 and 28 are not merely a repetition of the creative act of verse 26. Verses 27 and 28 are the creation of something different from verse 26. Verse 26 is the creation of 'man', of mankind, of pre-adamic man. Pre-adamic man was created by the holy angels in the image of his angelic creators.
They continued the iterative (dare we say evolutionary) desing process from Homo Habilis, through Homo Erectus to Modern man, Homo Sapiens, the post ice age variety. By Pre-adamic we mean Homo Sapiens the final version that was indeed in the image of the angels and therefore was a fully spiritual being. We do not mean the earlier pre ice age varieties.
Adam was created by God without the involvement of his wife, the holy spirit, and made in the image of God alone, being a direct first generation son of God, like Satan was. God is perfect, the angels are not, these are therefore two different images and therefore two different creations.
Pre-adamic man was not blessed, Adam was. Adam was blessed with procreating power in order that he could fill the earth, and with authority over every living being including the pre-adamics on the earth. Adam did actually fill the earth, the pre-adamics did not.
Pre-adamics were effectively angels. They were created in the image and the likeness of the angels. In other words they were born as angels at the same time that they were born as humans. They were born again when they were born. Therefore like the angels they were sterile unless activated on a per child basis like God (which is the case with all judicially living beings - who follow the pattern of Abraham and Sarah in concpetion). And like the angels they did not marry...
30 for in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven (Matthew 22).
But Adam who was made in God's image but not said to be made in his likeness, was not born again when he was born. Rather he was born again aged 30 as an archetype of Michael's entrance into Jesus and Immanuel's exit into his associated angel - see I17 and U41.
Death came to humans from Satan and through Adam...
21 For since death is through a man, resurrection of the dead is also through a man.
22 For just as in Adam all are dying, so also in the Christ all will be made alive (1 Corinthians 15).
The pre-adamics did not die, since death came through Adam and since angels do not die other than through a capital sin in which case they go to Tartarus, which is the first death for them. Their human bodies died but their spirits were raptured at that time into their associated angelic bodies. Presumably there was no reason for their bodies to grow old, so they grew to maturity and remained in a steady state until they were raptured we imagine. They became the angels that they really were at their 'death'.
According to (the McDougall Newsletter January 2006 vol 5 number 1) ...
No prehistoric remains have been found of people older than 50 years. (This is also discussed in 'Anti-aging is an oxymoron' L. Hayflick, Journal of Gerontology 2004 June 59 (6): B573-6).
Although they did not actually fall asleep in death but were transferred in the twinkling of an eye so as not to see it.
Whereas Adam, having sinned, got his everlasting inheritance as a son of God, because Jesus ransomed him.
6 Who gave himself a corresponding ransom over all, [this is] what is to be witnessed to at its own particular times (1 Timothy 2).
Adam was made in God's image in the sense that he was alone without brothers or sisters or family in his form in the Garden for 19 years, and in fact his life followed the pattern of God's early life - see U41. God likewise was alone before he created any other life forms. Furthermore being a son of God he has an inheritance which is to be a God, even a God to the angels, just as the angels and indeed all sons of God can aspire to be Gods one day just like their father. They merely have to grow up first!
Furthermore Adam once he was born again, became a direct son of God, a first generation son of God, just like Satan. Whereas the angels are in general sons of sons of God. This genealogical descent puts Adam equal to Satan. This will have been the cause of Satan's jealousy. Furthermore, as we shall discover, the angels could not themselves procreate directly without the help of the holy spirit, whereas Adam could and so again in this way he was in God's image not the image of the angels. So in fact, in procreative terms, Adam was ahead of Satan whilst he was in the Garden. One can therefore regard Satan's murder of our parents as an act of genocide intended to remove this advantage that the firstborn human, Adam, had over the firstborn angel, Satan.
God involved the angels in the creation of pre-adamic man in order that they would feel a kinship with them and a responsibility for them. This would make it easier for them to learn from us just as parents learn from their children even today.
Are the angels male and female?
Traditionally mankind believes them to be effectively neuter. In favour of this point of view we have the fact that they are always referred to as 'sons of God' in the bible and never as 'daughters of God'.
7 When the morning stars joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause? (Job 38).
6 For who in the skies can be compared to Jehovah? Who can resemble Jehovah among the sons of God? (Psalm 89)
43 Be glad, O heavens, together with him, and let all the angels of God worship him. Be glad, you nations, with his people, and let all the sons of God strengthen themselves in him, (LXXBagster Deuteronomy 32).
Demons here are evening stars with Satan being the moon, and angels are morning stars with Jesus being the Sun. Furthermore female Christians eventually become sons of God, not daughters of God.
9 Happy are the peacemakers since they will be called 'sons of God' (Matthew 5).
26 You are all, in fact, sons of God through your faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3).
So women are to become male sons of God? Surely only confused mankind goes in for gender re-assignment surgery?
We know from the scriptures that God hates homosexuality...
22 And you must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing (Leviticus 18).
We know from the scriptures and from common sense that Lesbianism is un-natural...
26 That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature
27 and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error. (Romans 1).
God even detests cross dressing...
5 No garb of an able-bodied man should be put upon a woman, neither should an able-bodied man wear the mantle of a woman; for anybody doing these things is something detestable to Jehovah your God (Deuteronomy 22).
So would God put a female human in a male angelic body? Absolutely not. So either the 'sons of God' are asexual, or they are male and female like we are. But would God put a male into a neuter body? Well such an action would not transgress any of his laws on sex, so it is possible. So the question now becomes, are the angels all neuter or are they male and female?
Well we read in Genesis that the demons came down and married women before the flood and had children with them...
2 then the sons of the [true] God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose (Genesis 6).
4 The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the [true] God continued to have
relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame (Genesis 6).
These are not the actions of asexual neuter beings. These angels were not said to come down because they wanted to procreate, they were said to come down because the women looked good. So they must have felt some kind of sex drive. In fact their sex drive was so strong that they sinned, by coming down here and leaving their proper dwelling place of the heavens...
6 And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day (Jude).
Actually their spirits left their proper dwelling place of an angelic body and came down in super hero human bodies to sleep with women and create Nephilim.
Jesus adds to the debate with his answer to the sadducees (who say there is no resurrection) about marriage in the Kingdom of God...
28 Consequently, in the resurrection, which of the 7 will she be [a] woman of (gunh)? For they all had (ecw) her.
29 In reply Jesus said to them: You are mistaken, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God,
30 for in the resurrection neither do they marry (gamew) nor are they given in marriage (gamizw), but are as angels in heaven (Matthew 22).
24 Jesus said to them: Is not this why you are mistaken, your not knowing either the Scriptures or the power of God?
25 For when they rise (anisthmi) out of [the] dead [ones] (nekroV), neither do they marry (gamew) nor are they given in marriage (gamizw), but are as angels in the heavens (Mark 12).
34 Jesus said to them: The sons of this system of things marry (gamew) and are given in marriage (gamizw),
35 but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and of the resurrection, the [one] out of [the] dead [ones] (nekroV) neither marry (gamew) nor are given in marriage (gamizw).
36 In fact, neither can they die (apoqnhskw) anymore, for they are like the angels, and they are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection (Luke 20).
In all three accounts of his answer we read that Jesus made the distinction between men marrying and women being given in marriage and then compared this situation to that of the angels. We see that 'sons of this system' can be given in marriage and are therefore female. We also see from verse 36 that women who are resurrected as sanctified born again human women are called 'sons of the resurrection' and 'sons of God'. So 'sons of God' can in fact be human daughters of God with associated angels. The word 'sons' really is used to mean offspring. This site uses the term 'sons of the 1AC', to mean men and women and children with a faith that makes them beneficiaries of the first Abrahamc covenant - see I29. So nothing Jesus said forces angels to be neuter.
Jesus did not actually answer the question as to who would get the woman in the Kingdom, he just said there would be no marriage for those who have risen from the dead. This does not mean there will be no marriage in the kingdom of God. It means there will be no marriage amongst those who are not judicially dead and are therefore as angels in heaven. There will be no marriage for those who are spirit baptised, those who are born again, those who have associated angelic bodies - see I12.
Marriage is an institution for the dead, the judicially dead. It is for the judicially first dead and the judicially second dead. It is not for those with associated angels.
It is fine to be married for a long as you live, if you are not going to live for long. For death ends the marriage 'till death us do part'. But it is no good getting married if you are going to live indefinitely or forever. So angels do not get married, as such a thing would be a monstrous commitment. Likewise the saints do not get married in the Kingdom of God, but those who are not saints do.
Now Jesus is saying two things. He says that being given in marriage does not occur in heaven and he says that marrying does not occur in heaven. So he is telling us that there are both male and female angels. For it is females who are given in marriage and males who marry. But the power of Jesus' seeming labouring of this point is that there exist both sexes in the heavens...
12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and [their] marrow, and [is] able to discern thoughts and intentions of [the] heart (Hebrews 4).
Given that all scriptures have power, there is no irrelevant repetition or meaningless labouring of points in the scriptures. If we are told that men do not get married and neither do women but are an angels in this respect, then we must have male and female angels.
The slam dunk proof that there are female angels and indeed angelic families is in Ephesians...
14 On account of this I bend my knees to the Father,
15 to whom every family in heaven and on earth owes its name (Ephesians 3).
Using the bible code to prove for a fact that there are male and female angels
The only part of the bible code that we cover in this introductory book/website is the Binary Question Principle. It says...
Any unanswered question asked in the scriptures with two possible answers (normally yes and no), has the answer in the symbolic meaning, being the opposite of the answer in the literal meaning.
In other words with any unanswered binary question in the scriptures, both possible answers are true. Whichever answer is true in the literal meaning of a literal account, the opposite answer is true in the greater meaning of the account. We visit this principle again in I45. In the literal meaning of Jesus words, no one marries this poor woman in the Kingdom of God. No one has her as his wife. But in the greater meaning which actually refers to covenants, all 7 brothers have her being sub-mediators of the covenant that she represents - see U32. Likewise in the kingdom of God, any one of the 7 or all of them one after the other (not all at once) could actually have this woman sexually. But they could not have her as a wife. Because as we know God wishes to provide two parents for every child, one male and one female. And that is really the main purpose of marriage in this system. Although it is also a great form of emotional security and a great lesson in the longevity of love etc. But for the born again saints of the kingdom of God, we know that they too are male and female and that they will want to have beautiful non ageing perfect fleshed children, who wouldn't? We know too that God will satisfy that desire for them since he has said...
16 You are opening your hand and satisfying the desire of every living thing (Psalm 145).
And this scripture plainly does not refer to this system since the reader will not need to be told by the writer that for the most part Satan is not satisfying but is rather frustrating the desire of every living thing at present. But in the next system, God will satisfy all of us...
4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away (Revelation 21).
He will need a big Kleenex! So in particular those who want babies will have babies. So judicially alive people will have babies out of wedlock in the next system. But they will not have them willy nilly like they do in this system. There will be some child rearing agreement that the two parents make with each other, that amounts to a temporary marriage. This agreement can be terminated after the child is fully reared one imagines. But by virtue of 7 of these agreements, the woman of the Sadducees example could actually have a child with each of the 7 brothers sequentially in the new system if the rules would permit such a thing. After all the whole purpose of brother-in-law marriage was to produce a child. For a physical example in this system of serial child rearing agreements have a look at the excellent movie: The March of the penguins.
There are two other aspects of the code which absolutely nail the existence of male and female angels. We will just state them here for completeness.
1. 'Male and female he created them' Genesis (1:27) applies to humans in the literal meaning, and angels in the greater meaning, the first word thread, see U300.
27 And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them (Genesis 1).
2. Matthew 1 is the angelic ancestry of the angel Michael in the second word symbolic thread - see Matthew. And it has 4 women in it. These 4 are therefore 4 angelic women. They cannot all be different parts of the holy spirit, God's wife, since his wife is one unified group. 3 of the women, Tamar, Ruth and Rahab, only appear once in the account. So by the Repetition Principle of the code these nouns mean Tamar, Ruth and Rahab in all threads. So it is our exceeding great pleasure to introduce you to 3 beautiful female angels in the heavens, whose names are Date Palm (Tamar), Satisfying (Ruth) and Large (Rahab). There names will be spoken in the heavenly language of course, but this is what their names mean in English.
Furthermore, the only logical reason why a female angel might be called 'date palm' would be that she invented the date palm we suppose. So yes, heavenly women, at the least, can invent brilliant things. But who invented the Mosquito? - surely it was a demon.
So yes, there are male and female angels. The pre-adamics are in the image of these angels in the respect of Gender. In fact Gender is a tutor leading to love. God himself is neither male nor female because his love is perfect. We are imperfect in our love, so God made us and our brothers and sisters, the angels, and the pre-adamics, male and female, to teach all of us the surpassing value of love. Actually to teach us all the surpassing value of loving just one person.
Sex is a tutor to love. All beings are sexual both human and angelic until they become Gods. Gods have perfect love and therefore need no tutor and therefore are asexual. Even if you hate all of your brothers, there will be some woman somewhere that you love. Regrettably in this system she may not love you. But nonetheless the lesson in the second commandment, to love your brother, is there. In a similar vein one needs both a king and a priest until one has fully grasped the first commandment we think. Although born again sons of God would appear to be able to be both?
Zechariah 5 actually describes female angels
5 Then the angel who was speaking with me went forth and said to me: Raise your eyes, please, and see what this is that is going forth.
6 So I said: What is it? In turn he said: This is the ephah measure that is going forth. And he went on to say: This is their aspect in all the earth.
7 And, look! the circular lid of lead was lifted up; and this is a certain woman sitting in the midst of the ephah.
8 So he said: This is Wickedness. And he [the angel speaking with Zechariah] proceeded to throw her [back] into the midst of the ephah, after which he threw the lead weight upon its mouth.
9 Then I raised my eyes and saw, and here there were 2 women coming forth, and wind was in their wings. And they had wings like the wings of the stork [Storks have large white wings. These women are female angels. All of the actions against this woman are angelic, whether by the male angel who put his back in the box or the femal angels who raised her up between the earth and the heavens] And they gradually raised the ephah up between the earth and the heavens.
10 So I said to the angel who was speaking with me: Where are they taking the ephah?
11 In turn he said to me: In order to build for her a house in the land of Shinar; and it must be firmly established, and she must be deposited there upon her proper place (Zechariah 5).
How Adam was made in God's Image and the pre-adamics were made in 'our image'
At last we can nail the understanding of these statements. Heterosexual reproduction produces a child with genetic material from both parents. This will be true of the angels as well. An angelic child will have a body with certain predisposed character traits of the mother and of the father as default. So the pre-adamics had children which had the character traits of both of their parents in their default makeup. But Adam had the character traits of God, his father, whose spirit was in Humaniah at the time he fathered Adam with Matriarch - see U264a. So Adam, like Satan before him, had God as a father.
Pre-adamic Man was sexually active but could not procreate and fill the earth
The second human creation of 'the man' is further specified by the phrase 'male and female he created them' and the first creation of 'man' is not so specified. Adam and Eve were told to fill the earth, and pre-adamic man were not told to fill the earth. Man, pre-adamic man, did not have a wife...
20 But for Man [md)] there was found no helper as a complement for him (Genesis 2)
The scripture does not say: But for the man, there was found no helper as a complement for him. So Adamic man had a wife, but again pre-adamic man had no wife. So pre-adamic man could not directly procreate and did not get married, just like the angels. We initially thought that this meant he was asexual. But archaeology is against that hypothesis. There are cave paintings of men and women having sex which predate Adam. So then we theorized that pre-adamic man was male and female and sexual but sterile. This would certainly fit the scriptural constraints that we have discovered for him. Pre-adamic man would be male and female in form and in character but not reproductively male and female. The big change with Adam and Eve would then have been the capability for independent human-human reproduction. Prior to that humans were made some other way and could not reproduce without assistance from the angels. Although Eve only became fertile after she sinned, since sexual reproduction is the preserve of the dead.
When God brought Eve to Adam, he said:
23 And he said, the man: This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh
This one will be called woman, because from Man [#y)] this one was taken (Genesis 2).
17 I can count all my bones [Jesus' apostles]. They themselves look, they gaze upon me [they watched him die on the stake] (Psalm 22).
So Eve came from pre-adamic 'Man' as opposed to 'the man'. But she was gene enhanced using the genetic material of Adam, symbolised by his rib, his bone. We are using skeletal building blocks to symbolise genetic building blocks and apostolic building blocks, pillars of the church of Jesus' body. Peter was the first bone of Jesus' body, and start of his wife - see I35. Although the numbers we have of these blocks are different. For most people have 23 Chromosomes and 24 ribs. But with one rib removed you would have 23 ribs. So the bones are the chromosomes and the flesh is the entire body, which is built from the genetic material in the chromosomes. Chromosomes and bones can be counted, flesh cannot be counted.
So this symbolism tells us that Eve was genetically similar to Adam. But we know that sexual fertility is controlled and programmed by a single chromosome pair. We know that this is true today. It is the sex chromosome which is XY in a man and XX in a woman. So one can genetically create a woman from a man, but not the other way round. The result of the application of this chromosome to Eve was not that she eventually became fertile however. Fertility is only permitted to the dead. The living who exist in non adamic bodies cannot procreate either in the garden or in the kingdom. She was a pre-adamic female who was baptised in Adam's rib. This did not make her into a clone or a sister of Adam. No incest occurred.
Eve was sterile as all pre-adamics were whilst in her indefinitely lasting non ageing body. When she lost that body and had dead flesh with an associated angel, then she could reproduce sexually.
Then the commentary continues with...
24 That is why man [#y)] will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.
25 And both of them continued to be naked, the man and his wife, and yet they did not become ashamed (Genesis 2).
In early Genesis, 'the man' is Adam, man [md)] is pre-adamic man, and man [#y)] is all mankind - see above and see U1. But pre-adamic men did not have genetic mothers and fathers like we have today, since they were not created by heterosexual reproduction. They were therefore like the angels and like Melchizedek, of whom Paul says...
3 In being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually (Hebrews 7).
The pre-adamic children were carried in surrogate pre-adamic mothers just as Jesus and the non adamics were carried in surrogate adamic mothers.
Now Adam left God and the Holy spirit and broke God's law and stuck to his wife. He fulfilled the prophecy in Genesis 2:24-25. So he had a mother. So Adam was a direct child of Jehovah in Humaniah and Matriach. In other words he was a brother of Satan, a first generation human angel. Whereas the pre-adamics were merely children of an angelic pair, a male and a female angel.
This prophetic drama of Adam's leaving his parents and sticking to his wife is telling us that pre-adamic man did not stick to his wife in that way, he did not get married, he did not have a wife to stick to (but pre-adamics did pair up to raise children). This may also explain why Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed. There was no shame associated with pre-adamic sex. But since his sexual desire lead to his choosing Eve over God, Adam associated sex with sinful desires. Hence he felt shame about sex and so covered himself. In fact Satan seduced Eve, with her insatiable desire for status and showed Eve how to seduce Adam with his insatiable desire for her.
It is very important to put this in context today. Desiring sex and having a lot of sex and desiring money and having a lot of money are neither of them sins. But if the desire for sex or money or both is greater than the desire for righteousness and God then these desires can lead you into sin which when accomplished brings death. So sex is not a sin, but the desire for it is the most dangerous desire a man has. And likewise having financial and other status is not a sin but the desire for it is the most dangerous desire that a woman has. This is the mature view we get from a deep understanding of Adam's fall. Things are no different today - see I25a.
The reason why Eve said, on giving birth to Cain: I have produced a man with the aid of Jehovah (Genesis 4:1). Is that Cain was produced pre-adamically/angelically which method of procreation needed God's help. Satan impregnated Eve before she sinned
How did the Pre-adamics come about?
Jesus was born by in vivo fertilisation of a surrogate mother Mary by the Holy Spirit. He was conceived asexually. He was non adamic, not a son of Adam. Now Jesus is called the Last Adam, so putting this the other way around, Adam was the first Jesus. So Adam was created in the same way that Jesus was created - asexually - see I6. He was also born by in vivo fertilisation by Holy Spirit of a surrogate pre-adamic woman. But then all the pre-adamics were also created asexually as were Jesus and Adam. But then we realise that Adam was pre-adamic as regards his method of creation, since sexual reproduction came later. So the pre-adamics were created in the same way as Jesus and the non adamics were created, which means that it is us, the adamics, who are the odd ones out! And now we see it all.
In the Kingdom of God, those who are born again are 'as angels in heaven'. They do not get married...
30 For in the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven (Matthew 22).
So they too are like Jesus and Adam and the pre-adamics. So now we can see that the born again post adamics of the Kingdom of God are in the same reproductive situation as the pre-adamics and the non adamics and the angels. It is only the judicially 'dead' post adamics who procreate sexually and who get married.
The angels effectively took the first human in the archeological records, homo habilis, to the modern human, homo sapiens, by an iterative design process during the first half of the 6th creative day. We do not want to use the word 'evolution', but the fossil record appears to show that the pre-adamics were regularly upgraded from the homo habilis to modern man through various stages reached by the intelligent design expertise of the angels. Once the pre-adamic design was perfected, God made Adam. Then he gave us the ability to procreate, which effectively made Adam a God and put mankind into mass production.
Male and Female pre-adamics were sterile, since they were 'not male and not female' in the reproductive sense. For the scripture says, referring to the man and the woman...
27 And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them.
The pre-adamics died out and did not go through the flood, because we read...
7 So Jehovah said: I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface of the ground, from man to domestic animal, to moving animal and to flying creature of the heavens, because I do regret that I have made them (Genesis 6).
The flood destroyed the sons of Adam and their offspring, not the pre-adamics who were raptured before it came, as we show later in this article. Presumably they were the servants of the adamics as the angels are of God. Eve was to become the mother of everyone living, so Adam knew that pre-adamic reproduction would end.
20 After this Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she had to become the mother of everyone living (Genesis 3).
'Eve' actually means 'living [one]'. Eve could not become mother of everyone living until after Adam and the pre-adamics had died of course. So the pre-adamics might have died out during Adam's 930 year life, or possibly they lasted until the flood.
Pre-adamics lived in extended family groups. Each kid had a mother and a father whose genes were used by the angels in the creation of the kid as in the case of Jesus. Though the surrogate mother and father were not bound in marriage to each other, they must have been party of a child rearing agreement, as the angels are. So now we see another reason why the angels came down and took the daughters of Adam as their wives. They wanted to have kids on their own terms, without having to ask the holy spirit for them. One wonders whether the holy spirit would permit demons to have children in fact.
Adam’s father would have been the male genetic template for Adam and his mother would have been the female genetic template. But Adam was truly a son of God by holy spirit. So his genes were more than just the result of a merging of the genes of his father and his mother.
Jesus was conceived from the very DNA of Joseph and Mary, any less would have been adultery by the holy spirit (in sin my mother conceived me - Psalm 51:5). Then God enhanced his genes to make him non adamic - see I18. Likewise the pre-adamics were created by combining the DNA of their two surrogate parents, and then the angels would enhance that DNA to make the children more and more spiritual. This is how man journeyed from Homo Habilis to Homo Sapiens. The journey involved hundreds of iterations and ended with the pre-adamic humans who lived at the time Adam was created.
In modern industrial parlance, pre-adamics were hand crafted prototypes made in the labs, whereas adamics were mass produced finished models with the full design spec implemented, made from the re-production line. The same could well have been true for the animals as well. In fact the design process for animals and humans used by the angels is really no different from the design process for motor cars or computers used by men today. We design the device virtually on a design computer or on paper, and then make a series of prototypes, and then finally once the design specification is achieved, we go into mass production. Mass production for humans is sexual reproduction which is the blessing of Genesis 1:28. This blessing is in fact the ISO9001 approval stamp from God.
From Dust you are and to Dust you will Return
7 And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul (Gensis 2).
This dust is not what you get in a dust bowl of a Kansas prairie or in the Australian outback. It is the pre-adamics who had become like the dust particles of the earth by the time God made Adam by an in vivo fertilization of a pre-adamic woman followed by some genetic reforming.
16 And I will constitute your seed like the dust particles of the earth, so that, if a man could be able to count the dust particles of the earth, then your seed could be numbered (Gensis 13).
10 Who has numbered the dust particles of Jacob? (Numbers 23).
Dust is used metaphorically by God to mean a group which is large in number as well as being used literally to mean dust. So Adam was born to a pre-adamic woman of which there were very very many at that time.
19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground [God's administration], for out of it you were taken [out of the pre-adamic system into Eden]. For dust [one of many] you are and to dust [all the pre-adamics outside of Eden] you will [now] return [Adam's human body did not decay into literal dust. It is used to father the sons of the 1BC] (Genesis 3).
9 Remember, please, that you have made me as though like clay. And into dust you will return me (Job 10).
Clay which can be moulded by experience. Sure our bodies decay into dust. But then Adam and the rest of us will be resurrected, returned into dust mark II, edenic humans.
Be Fruitful
We can see that the animals and Adam, the man, and Noah and his sons, were to be fruitful in the sense that they could reproduce sexually but the pre-adamics were not given that capability...
22 With that God blessed them, saying: Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters in the sea basins, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth (Genesis 1).
27 And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them.
28 Further, God blessed them and God said to them: Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in
subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth (Genesis 1).
17 Every living creature that is with you of every sort of flesh, among the flying creatures and among the beasts and among all the moving animals that move upon the earth, bring out with you, as they must swarm in the earth and be fruitful and become many upon the earth (Genesis 8).
1 And God went on to bless Noah and his sons and to say to them: Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth (Genesis 9).
A careful analysis of the above shows this...
Pre-adamics were never commanded to be fruitful, they could not reproduce sexually
Fish were commanded to be fruitful from their creation, they always reproduced sexually
The flying creatues were permited to become many but were not permitted to be fruitful at first.
Adam and Eve and their sons and daughters were commanded to be fruitful, then reproduced sexually
Birds and Land Animals were not commanded to be fruitful until they came out of the ark, so they began by reproducing with the help of the angels and then after the flood they went into mass production with sexual reproduction.
This means that the angels were iterating the design of both land animals birds and pre-admaic man until Adam came along. And the pre-adamics had no experience of sexual reproduction either themselves or from the birds or land animals which they could see. Plainly since they did not have underwater photography, they could not see fish reproducing!
Also God brought the land animals and the birds to Adam to be named, showing the familiarity between man and those animals. These ones in the garden were in fact kingdom animals, since the garden of Eden was the Kingdom of God in terms of its creations. This would mean that Kingdom animals do not reproduce sexually. And actually land animals and birds only went into mass reproduction when God gave them to Noah as food. But in the Kingdom we are all vegetarians as Adam was, so we will not need millions of sheep. The account describing the creation of Kingdom animals is as follows...
18 And Jehovah God went on to say: It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I am going to make a helper for him, as a complement of him.
19 Now Jehovah God was forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name.
20 So the man was calling the names of all the domestic animals and of the flying creatures of the heavens and of every wild beast of the field, but for man there was found no helper as a complement of him (Genesis 2).
God must create the animals for the Kingdom of God before Adam sins, since that sin ends the 6th creative day and starts the creative sabbath, where he rests of creative works...
2 And by the 7th day God came to the completion of his work that he had made, and he proceeded to rest on the 7th day from all his work that he had made.
3 And God proceeded to bless the 7th day and make it sacred, because on it he has been resting from all his work that God has created for the purpose of making (Genesis 2).
Pre-adamics lived in extended family groups. Each kid had a mother and a father whose genes were used by the angels in the creation of the kid as in the case of Jesus. Though the surrogate mother and father were not bound in marriage to each other, they must have been party to a child rearing agreement, as the angels are. So now we see another reason why the angels came down and took the daughters of Adam as their wives. They wanted to have kids on their own terms, without having to ask the holy spirit for them. One wonders whether the holy spirit would permit demons to have children in fact.
Adam’s father would have been the male genetic template for Adam and his mother would have been the female genetic template. But Adam was truly a son of God by holy spirit. So his genes were more than just the result of a merging of the genes of his father and his mother.
Jesus was conceived from the very DNA of Joseph and Mary, any less would have been adultery by the holy spirit. For when David says...
In sin my mother conceived me - Psalm 51:5.
he is speaking under inspiration as Jesus and referring to the sinful adamic genes of his conception.
Then God enhanced his genes to make him non adamic - see I18. Likewise the pre-adamics were created by combining the DNA of their two surrogate parents, and then the angels would enhance that DNA to make the children more and more spiritual. This is how man journeyed from Homo Habilis to Homo Sapiens. The journey involved hundreds of iterations and ended with the pre-adamic humans who lived at the time Adam was created. In the case of Jesus, he was a direct descendant of David, but not a direct descendant of sinful Adam after his genes were enhanced. Jesus was enhanced so as to be a direct descendant of pre-fall Adam. In fact the genetic change that Adam went through on eviction, which did not change his appearance, was reversed in the case of Jesus and is reversed in the case of all non adamic humans. In the case of Adam, his genes may have been enhanced so much that he was neither a descendant of his mother or his father. Since Adam had in him much of the genetic material for the whole human race.
In modern industrial parlance, pre-adamics were hand crafted prototypes made in the labs, whereas adamics were mass produced finished models with the full design spec implemented, made from the re-production line. The same could well have been true for the animals as well. In fact the design process for animals and humans used by the angels is really no different from the design process for motor cars or computers used by men today. We design the device virtually on a design computer or on paper, and then make a series of prototypes, and then finally once the design specification is achieved, we go into mass production. Mass production for humans is sexual reproduction which is the blessing of Genesis 1:28. This blessing is in fact the ISO9001 approval stamp from God. Please bear in mind that with human design iterations, mistakes are made. But in the case of angelic design iterations, every living soul would have been free of firmware bugs. Every stage in the process would have been a perfect implementation of a perfect design brief. These early pre-adamics were not substandard, but they were sub functional to modern man. Just as we are sub functional to angels. This iterative process did not occur because God was incapable of moving straight to Adam. It occurred because angels were incapable of such a leap, and mankind exists to teach and correct the angels, not to teach God. So every aspect of our characters is a lesson to them, and there is more than one lesson to be learned, and they cannot learn them all at once.
The Salvation Status of Pre-adamic Man
We know that the pre-adamics, not being under any death sentence, would have been raptured when they died. It is not inconceivable that some of them killed each other however, and possibly lost their salvation status. Now, Adam was made in the image of God and the pre-adamics were made in the image of the angels. So the pre-adamics are the children of the angels and the adamics are the children of God. But God himself was involved in the creation of the pre-adamics for he said: Let us make man in our image. So the pre-adamics had something from God as well. Now since the angels are sons of God, they have the possibility of eternal life. And since the pre-adamics are sons of both the angels and God they too must have this possibility, since like begets like. So God pesumably put the basic 'spiritual' subroutine in the pre-adamic BIOS. The angels then tweaked the whole system for the first half of the 6th creative, day, the evening of that day, to increase abstract thought capability which is part of spirituality. But since Adam was made in God's image, it is apparent that he and his sons will be Gods to not only the pre-adamics, but also their fathers, the angels. For the hierarchy of the fathers will be the hierarchy of the sons. So Satan could see that Adam was competition for him. Adam was a threat to his presidential position.
So the pre-adamics had basic salvation spirituality from the first one that was made, the original homo habilis. But this capability and other physical capabilities and the interaction between the two were presumably iteratively enhanced for a few thousand years until they were perfected and then Adam was made by God - see I2. The Kingdom of God is a second Eden for the sons of Adam and for the pre-adamics who heard the preaching of the sons of Adam. So the pre-adamics who pre-existed Adam will not be a part of that kingdom on earth. But those who lived with him and who listened to him could join a covenant (in fact mediated by Adam himself - I28) and so could enter into the Kingdom of God on earth. All of them of course have been angels in the heavens after they were raptured.
According to archaeological records, pre-adamic man did not worship in temples, the first temples were built after Adam. According to the bible, pre-adamic man was not blessed, meaning that he could not achieve indefinite life or everlasting life in that form as Adam and his sons could. So pre-adamic man took no spiritual test. But he was spiritual, he could think abstractly, we know this from the cave paintings. Yet these were primitive and 2 dimensional. So we can deduce that the pre-adamics had a 2 dimensional spirituality, they were capable of abstract thought to some extent but not to the extent that the sons of Adam are capable of it. They spoke but they did not write. The capability to think abstractly in great depth was the pre-requisite for God to appear through Adam and for true worship in temples to begin and for salvation testing to commence and for writing to be invented.
Once the pre-adamics had progressed to this stage in abstract metaphorical thinking capability, God appeared to them through Adam.
Pre-adamics did not age and were raptured at 50 to join their angelic parents
The pre-adamics were spiritual infants, too young spiritually to be baptised. The archaeological records show that their mean physical lifespan was around 30-40 years, somewhat less than that of a Roman in the days of the Christ. But the pre-adamics were not under a death sentence as we are thanks to Adam, so it would not be reasonable of God to have had them falling apart due to old age. So they presumably were raptured at perhaps 50 years old when one could no longer do heavy work as a priest under law.
However their bodies would have grown up much as our bodies do, but possibly not deteriorating so fast in middle age. If a pre-adamic child died, then presumably he was simply raptured early and he finished his schooling upstairs watching his brothers below. According to (the McDougall Newsletter January 2006 vol 5 number 1) ...
No prehistoric remains have been found of people older than 50 years. (This is also discussed in 'Anti-aging is an oxymoron' L. Hayflick, Journal of Gerontology 2004 June 59 (6): B573-6).
Yet we know that prehistoric man lived in communities and looked after their sick and injured so there is no environmental reason why he should not (in at least a few cases) have lived longer than 50 years were he genetically similar to modern man. So we put his lack of longevity down to his being raptured at 50 or before Furthermore the pre-adamics did not fight wars over territory as far as we know which indicates that they were aware that the earth was not all that there was. So fighting over your plot of land in the nursery school would have been seen as futile, given their future knowledge of the heavenly grammar school. The pre-adamics did not leave their father God or their mother the holy spirit, so they were not technology mad or warfare mad like us. When God made long garments of skin for Adam and for Eve (long lasting but ageing bodies), this was the first time he had done this. So the pre-adamics did not age destructively just as Adam and Eve originally did not age destructively.
So pre-adamic men were the first stage, the infant stage for the baby angels of the 6th creative day. After they were raptured, they then met their angelic parents, and we presume that they could take the spiritual salvation tests that the angels take. Finally consider the fascinating conversation between the Pharisees and Jesus when he admitted to a previous human existence...
56 Abraham your father rejoiced greatly in the prospect of seeing my day, and he saw it and rejoiced.
57 Therefore the Jews said to him: You are not yet 50 years old, and still you have seen Abraham?
58 Jesus said to them: Most truly I say to you, Before Abraham came into existence, I have been [in existence as a human] (John 8).
Verse 57 contains the unanswered binary question: You are not yet 50 years old, and still you have seen Abraham?
In the literal meaning no he did not see Abraham as Jesus who was murdered at 33½ years old by the Roman state having been condemned to death by the Pharisees and by the crowds of Jerusalem. But in the greater meaning, yes he saw him without being 50 years old because he spent less than 50 years in Enoch and he was one of the 3 men who visited him in Genesis 18, before Sodom was destroyed. Gabriel and Melchizedek were the other two. Furthermore as an angel he could see Abraham. But there must be a significance to the 50 years in the greater meaning, since it has no force in the literal meaning. This we think is that pre-adamics were raptured at 50 years old, from which point, since they were angels, they could all see Abraham when he was born. But every pre-adamic was effectively 50 years old as regards their human experience, whereas Jesus, who was not a pre-adamic, did not have 50 years of human experience behind him when he saw Abraham.
The fossil record shows that Pre-adamics did die or at least leave their bodies with broken legs etc. So it looks like there was no angelic hospital for them. In this way they would learn each one from his own and from his brother's frailty.
The 6th Creative Day
On the 5th creative 'day', God made the sea animals and on the 6th he made the land animals, pre-adamic man and Adam. These days were not literal days, but epochs as we discovered in I2. In fact each creative day lasted 14,400 years of 'real time' - see U234 on the research website.
All the animals are the constituent components of man from a behavioural standpoint. We are the sum of all animal behaviour. In the 6th day, when God created all the land animals, he was declaring the way that man would behave in this system. Animals behave the way they do by design. But humans can choose any one of the animalistic behavioural patterns, and we can choose the pattern of Jesus, the pattern of Abraham, the path of faith.
But look! The 6th day was a creative day, It was all a creative day up to the last minute of it when Adam sinned. So God was continuously creating us throughout the entire 14,400 real time years of the 6th creative day. So that is why we could not reproduce sexually. For sexual reproduction is a form of cloning, it is a mixing and a matching of existing genetic material, it is not creating anything new. But we were being continuously tweaked and improved during the 6th day. Every new human was in fact a new creation!! That is where the angelic involvement came in, that is why the pre-adamics were children really of the angels. It was still a creative day.
In the 7th creative day, after 3993Nisan14 (see - I44), we could reproduce sexually, because nothing new was being made, we were just mixing and matching existing genetic material.
So the 6th creative day was the design process, a 14,400 year design process, and the 7th creative day was mass production, which in biological terms is reproduction.
So had the pre-adamics reproduced sexually, then their kids would not be new creations, so the creative day would have ended. So no they could not reproduce sexually.
What the 6th creative day was all about was the transition, the metamorphosis, from an animalistic being to a spiritual being. In that sense the lie of evolution is true. We did evolve from an animal. But not by sexual reproduction and natural selection. We evolved by continuous improvement in our design, making us more and more spiritual. And only when we were fully spiritual did God press the mass production button and allow us to reproduce sexually as the animals do. The 6th day was human prototype after human prototype.
Now we know what the angels were doing for 14,400 years. They were performing an interactive design process, taking man from an animal to a basic spiritual human, to very spiritual human. As regards the animals and the pre-adamic God called them 'good'. But as regards Adam, the super spiritual, super abstract thinking being, the spiritual equivalent of the angels themselves, God called him and his entire environment including the pre-adamics 'very good'.
25 And God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and the domestic animal according to its kind and every moving animal of the ground according to its kind. And God got to see that [it was] good (Genesis 1).
31 After that God saw everything he had made and, look! [it was] very good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a 6th day (Genesis 1).
Humans can imagine, we can simulate in our minds, we can think abstractly. The very thing that separates us from the animals, abstract thought, is the method of communication that the bible uses to teach us. The symbolism of the bible is the essence of spirituality. Language itself is an abstraction. A computer is not an 8 letter word it is a mechanical device. Satan is not a 5 letter word, he is the head of demonic mission control in the heavens.
So we are all happy to make this one abstraction to get language. Animals cannot do this to any great extent. Chimps can do it a bit. But if we are prepared to make one abstraction to get a word, then should we not be prepared to make a second abstraction to get a symbolic meaning for that literal word? We do this anyway in regular speech. If a person is cool, this does not mean that he is poikilothermic, having a lower body temperature than the rest of us. It means that he is laid back, relaxed. This is a symbolic use of a literal word which is normally used for a physical temperature.
The bible just makes a few more symbolic uses of our vocabulary. We read it thinking, oh this is so symbolic how can I understand it? But really all language is a symbolic reference to reality in the first place, and many words have further symbolic meanings in regular speech. The bible just gives them a further Christian meaning.
An article published by the BBC on October 29th 2005 reports that scientists have discovered a gene which makes normal sexually competent humans either sterile or fertile.
Apparently a man with good sperm and a woman with good eggs do not conceive unless the two gametes can do the right genetic dance when they meet. And the Choreographer of conception is the HIRA Gene. This gene determines the dance steps in fertilisation. If there is the slightest mutation or defect in the HIRA gene then the sperm treads on the toe of the egg during the genetic mating dance, and its no baby.
This is why some people are infertile today even though everything appears to be working normally.
So scientists have just discovered a genetic mechanism that God designed to make humans fertile or infertile. Perhaps this gene was inactive in the pre-adamics.
Most mating behaviour in humans and animals involves a dance of some sort. And here God has our genes also doing a dance. We are so fractal, our very bodies declaring the molecular behaviour of our DNA. It would appear that pre-adamic man had two left feet however.
Post Adamic Procreation in the Kingdom of God
In this great Kingdom there will be the dead, those who are not born again, and the living, those who are born again. In Gehenna, missing out on this kingdom there will be the second dead, those who are conscious but have no bodies, no souls, they exist as spirits in prison, watching us but non interacting with us other than when we visit them which we must do in accordance with Matthew 25, the parable sheep and the goats. So even if your loved one ends up in Hell, you will be able to visit them in the Kingdom. For God does nothing to destroy love. It is Satan who is the enemy of love. God is love's champion and Jesus is the first of his sons to perfect his own love to the point where it is unbreakable in the harshest of circumstances. So all discussion about the power of Jesus' love is academic, it is perfected, he can relate to God as one day we will all relate to God and to him and to each other, with perfect love.
But the tutor that leads us to that love is gender in this system and the next and many more after that. So how will the genders relate to each other in the Kingdom of God on earth? Well first we must define the dead people who will live in the kingdom of God.
Definition: The Judicially Second Dead, are those who are living in indefinitely lasting human bodies (Jaredian or Methuselaian) and are not under any first death sentence, such as the adamic first death sentence that we are all suffering from today. But they do not have associated angels, they have no angelic body and so are second dead from an angelic standpoint.
These 'dead', could get married in the Kingdom but it would be a monstrous commitment, since they might not lose their kingdom bodies for at least 1,000 years! As regards the living, those not in judicial second death, they could not possibly get married, or they would spend an eternity with each other which is a ludicrous commitment to make before one has developed perfect love. Think of the arguments! You said 5 million years ago that you would never forget my birthday!
Furthermore since sex between the judicially living in the Kingdom will not produce offspring, we will be able to have sex with each other when desired, so long as neither party is in a child rearing agreement. We are not sure whether the dead will be permitted to have sex with the living or have children with them.
Women will not have huge birth pains as they do in this system, thing will return to the pre-adamic level of pain. And pregnancy will result from a request by a couple to a priest for a baby as it is done in heaven. (Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven). So this whole marriage thing was really created for the judicially first dead. Sex will not be regarded as shameful in any way in the kingdom as it is to some extent today in many cultures and religions. This conjures up the image of the swinging 60s. But we imagine that the Kingdom is everything good that the peace and love revolution of the 1960s promised without all the bad things that it actually delivered.
Would it not be great to live in a world where sex does not sell at all because we are all actually sexually satisfied? The fact that almost every advert today has some kind of sexual suggestion within it, says that our society is completely sexually frustrated. That frustration is from Satan not from God. Desires will be less inflamed and more loving in the kingdom and we will not be subjected to endless pornography in adverts, newspapers, movies, women's attire and the internet as we are today.
Einstein said: Religion without science is blind, science without religion is lame.
Sir Isaac Newton believed that mankind owed it to God as a debt to search for his laws in his physical universe, the cosmos, and to search for his laws in his spiritual universe, the bible. He believed that Nature's Laws of motion which underpin the dynamics of all physical things had a spiritual equivalent in the bible. He believed that the bible was written in a code based upon laws. He was right, but he lived too early to be permitted to see the code.
The LWs agree with both of these fathers of modern science and maths. We have discovered that: True Science and True Religion are the same thing, a sincere search for God, in his various works. And further that True Art and True Religion are the same thing, a successful communication to a human audience of what we have discovered that God has given us. So a full and proper analysis of the Genesis creation account which reveals the two types of man that God and the angels created, fills the gap between archaeology and theology and resolves the conflict between the scientific priesthood and the religious priesthood.
Of course evolution and the missing link go straight out of the Window with a pre-adamic human race that could not procreate without angelic assistance! Every human being up until 6,000 years ago was created directly by the holy spirit, with two angelic parents and a surrogate human mother and a surrogate human father bound by a child rearing agreement.
Likewise the angelic manner of procreation is that a male angel and a female angel enter into a child rearing agreement of some kind and then go to the priest and ask for a child we imagine, by analogy with the pre-adamics. Then the holy spirit gives a child to the pair of them, without any pregnancy or female childbirth. Presumably this child has 'genetic' character traits from both parents. Then when the baby angel is born it has two surrogate parents to look after it, but really it is the child of God and the holy spirit.
This may seem un-natural to us, but we are the enigma, we are the exception, we are the judicially dead people who procreate. It is our method of procreation that is abnormal. For truly we sons of Adam are surrogate parents all, to our children which properly belong to God.
In summary, the pre-adamics, the post adamics, and the angels, all have surrogate children after the manner of the birth of Jesus Christ. None of those groups get married, but they have a temporary child rearing agreement for each God given child. And all adamic couples having non adamic children, have them after the manner of the birth of Jesus Christ. But the two surrogate parents are married in the case of the adamics. For marriage is the child rearing agreement for the dead. But the glory of gender is that it is our tutor in love for the non divine.
Only the dead reproduce sexually, the pre-adamics and the post adamics and the angels are infertile. But look how many barren women produced children in the scriptures...
Sarah was old and barren before the angel announced that she would give birth to Isaac. Rebekah was barren before God listened to the entreaties of Isaac her husband so that she conceived the twins, Esau and Jacob. Rachel was barren for years and for 10 sons to Jacob her husband, before God finally opened her womb and gave her Joseph. Manoah's wife was barren before the angel with the wonderful name announced to her and to her husband that she would give birth to Samson.
18 However, Jehovah's angel said to him: Just why should you ask about my name, when it is a wonderful one [it was Gabriel, the angel who announces births, whose name means: Able bodied man of God]?
Zechariah's wife, Elizabeth, was old and barren before Gabriel told Zechariah that she would have John the baptist. All of these similar accounts are saying something about sons of God coming from barren women. They are telling us that angels and pre-adamics and all those born again with associated angels in the kingdom have children by the grace of God, not by their own reproductive powers. It is only the sons of Adam who have them by sexual reproduction.
So now we can see what Isaiah really meant when he said...
1 Cry out joyfully, you barren woman that did not give birth! Become cheerful with a joyful outcry and cry shrilly, you that had
no childbirth pains, for the sons of the desolated one are more numerous than the sons of the woman with a husbandly owner, Jehovah has said (Isaiah 54).
Or as Paul said...
26 But the Jerusalem above is free and she is our mother.
27 For it is written: Be glad, you barren woman who does not give birth; break out and cry aloud, you woman who does not have childbirth pains; for the children of the desolate woman are more numerous than [those] of her who has the husband (Galatians 4).
The daughters of Adam reproduce by being fertile and getting married and having childbirth pains. But the daughters of God who are barren and do not get married, cry out with joy for they have more children than their dead sisters. Amen.
The pre-adamic women gave birth, and had birth pains which were less than their adamic sisters, who suffer along with Eve. And the female post adamic saints in the new system will likewise give birth with reduced birth pains like their pre-adamic sisters, being free of the punishment of Eve. But the daughters of God, the female angels, do not give birth, they are barren, they are reproductively desolated, they have no birth pains, and yet they have more children than all their human sisters!
First Century Christian Writings
When Salome asked: “How long will death prevail?” the Lord replied, “For as long as you women bear children. […] I have come to destroy the works of the female (Gospel of the Egyptians, fragments 1 and 2).
So when death ends childbirth will end.
Technical Note
The Word Symbolic meaning of Matthew 1 shows the ancestral tree From Jehovah to Jesus. So each angel had a surrogate father and a surrogate mother.
3 In being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually (Hebrews 7).
This statement describes the creation of Melchizedek and of the pre-adamics and of the sons of God, the angels and the non adamic humans as being like that of Jesus, which was with parents and genealogy, although all of these were not strict genetic descendants of their parents, since they were not created by sexual reproduction. But in the case of Melchizedek, who was born as Jared, and then came into a second body as Melchizedek, the king of Salem, this second body must have had no genealogy. It must have been a shelf body of some sort, like a temporary angel.